MHA: Stacked Cards

Chapter 12: Chapter twelve: Groupies

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(Yakuza POV)


The scream woke everyone up quickly; a startling sound like a scream was not what anyone would expect for an alarm clock, but the roosters were out today, and it was far too early for the night to end.

"Good Morning snoozers! Did you enjoy your nap?" They all knew who it was. 

There was 7 people in total; all in a ring of chairs with him in the middle.

Just with a single glance, they all began panicking within their chairs. They glanced at Takomi as he stopped screaming, now hyperventilating.

That kid that somehow took down every member of their group. They needed to get far from it; the chairs didn't agree with their sentiment. Only a rattle was heard from there seats, the Iron thick chairs didn't even inch, they would not escape easily.

"Why the grim faces? I thought you all liked surprises? I mean, who doesn't like someone barging in to their establishment and killing everyone?" He fucking giggled.

Quirks didn't work! Fuck! 

"You motherfucker!" Hori spoke in rage, her red hair covering her angry brows; She was the lady in her 20s or 30s, the knife user.

Reasonably, she was angry. 

They cultivated their family from nothing, from the fucking streets.

And now? This fucker-

He laughed at their peoples deaths!

Like it was a game!

'Fuck that!' was the only thought she had before she began screaming in both pain and rage. Suddenly, a rubber bullet passed through her thigh with enough speed to visibly tear something.

She started cursing, trying to move; the others started a commotion aswell, but their interests did not align with the boy's.

"When I get out of this- I'm going to fucking kill you!" Shinori spoke after; his sentiment was shared, but not a single sound more was heard from the group.

"You won't be doing that." The boy interrupted. His demeanor entered a stoic posture, as his voice lost all interest in our words.

Silence was forced on everyone, as not even Takomi's tortured screaming would be heard now. He wasn't any better, pale and nauseated, with his bladder shaking; the others wondered what happened- but could only listen to the boy as he stopped smiling.

"You see, I wanted to ask you all some questions on your income. That, and a few personal ones." He smiled again.

This time, not in amusement, but in sadistic happiness.

Extending his arms outwards, he grinned like a monster who just had its prey cornered, he was covered in even more eyes after, as mouths started appearing on his body, licking their teeth.

"How far would those you care for go for you? Would they die for you?"

He giggled as they shook, then panic spread; they couldn't move, only able to look to the nearest 2 or three chairs for their comrades tortured faces.

"What would you give to live? What would you do to die?" He giggled like an infant, but his expression was empty; no it was terrifying.

He wasn't human. It wasn't even plausible to believe he was, no, no quirk would be this strong!

No smile, no blinking, like someone who just died, a corpse was laughing at them. Like a doll, a ventriloquist laughed in the background while they could only see his hollow lips, hollow eyes.

The Yakuza members only could scream, or try to scream, only silence and the boy's giggles was known to their ears however; The laughter soon slowed down, dying out as the kid cleared his voice, turning to everyone in a spin.

"Now then. Introduce yourselves." He said as Shinori's voice was revealed to everyone.

"-You motherfuc-" He didn't complete that sentence; not as several sharp needles entered his thigh, coming from the boy's fingers and stomach. They were hair like needles that appeared instantly out of his body.

"GHAAAA-" he cried out, only to be silenced into the background.

No one moved, too terrified to act; they were all at the edge of their seat aswell, their fight or flight response was at its maximum.

"Here are the rules; anyone who complies, lives. Answer my questions, and you'll survive. Don't, and death would be far too light in comparison to what I'll do to you all. Clear?"

They stopped fiddling in their seats, now conforming to the rules. All of them despised it, but they had little scape opportunity, unless they wanted to try fighting that this. Even if they wanted to, how the fuck would they get out of the chairs?

"I'll ask again, okay? What's your name?" The pain visibly died down on Shinori's face, his glasses now foggy, slipping from his nose.

"My- My name is Shinori Haru. Fuck." He wore a suit, a blue-ish black one; his tall figure was now was now bloodied, as his short and sharp curly black hair was filled with sweat. He was one of the compassionate ones in the group, he cared for them closely, the analytic.

"Great! Nice to meet you Shinori." The boy stood infront of his eyes, he couldn't feel his breath, the kid wasn't even breathing.

"Now you!" The kid went to Hori.

'Fuck', the eldest one, Takomi, could only guess what would happen, she was hotheaded.

'Don't do anything stupi-' as Takomi was going to say interrupt for her safety, she looked up at the kids face and held her lips together.


She spit in his face; fuck. That kid- He only smiled at her actions, but the boy's eyes were not smiling, they looked down at her like a rodent interrupting his meal.

She started blabbering, enraged at him, she screamed.

"We won't give you shit! Hear me fucke-"She was interrupted.

In an instant, she was spiked through her intestines with hundreds of flesh tentacles. All of which were covered in steep and solid surfaces, breaking through the concrete behind her.

Her body was carried upwards by the fleshy spikes.

Our screams didn't interrupt him.

Our pleas did nothing to stop his actions after.

Her chair dissipated into nothing, but she wasn't far enough from the several chains that appeared from the floor. They pulled at her arms, neck and legs, trying to pull her body apart with slow traction. Like a torture device.

"You sure? Fine." He said disappointed in her decision, as several more of those spikes like tentacles appeared from his back.

"Yoshitake!" Takomi shouted as the chains stopped pulling. The girl was suspended mid air by them, as they noosed around her throat like rope, almost crucifying her arms and legs as they wrapped around them with force.

"Her name- is Hori Yoshitake!" He stuttered, while the others pleaded for him to stop, he knew the rules of authority from experience.

He was praying it was enough to stop him. In his experience, those in power still killed the ones who insulted them.

"Great! What's your name mister?" The boy suddenly switched again, from relentless and cold to cheery and happy going. How he did so with little care was inexplainable.

All of the others stopped speaking without having to be silenced; The group had little power here, against that thing.

"Takomi Kousuke. I'm in charge of this group, ask me what you want." The kids expression was solid, he didn't stutter in how he appeared, smiling happily.

He just moved on to the others, ignoring the request. The youngest of the group was up.

"You're name?" He spoke to the one at Takomi's left; he stuttered but answered.

"K-Kenchi Itou!" The boy spoke as his demeanor turned from fearful to almost aggressive, as the one to his left spoke after.

"Tamechi Itou!" He whimpered out in fear. Shaking more than his brother.

These two were ones of the newest of the gang, very loyal aswell, but much more caring for their brotherhood than us. We kept them after Ishii found they had some skill.

"Great. What's your name?" He asked  the blond boy to his right, as the man stared in contempt.

"Ishii takechika." He said on the point. The blond boy was ironically the youngest one here, but he acted far more mature than other members of the group. Even their leader wasn't as much of a pragmatistic as him.

The kid moved to the last one, "Last person!"

"..Shouwa Yuki.." He said, wondering how he could escape this mess.

"Ah, wonderful! Everyone introduced themselves! Now let me introduce myself, you may all call me, Shinigami. It's a pleasure to meet you all!" 'Shinigami' spoke with glee.

"That isn't a real name." Ishii said carefully. He was wary not to anger the 'Shinigami'.

"Right now, it's something better than a name. It's an intention." The Shinigami grinned as he replied to the boy, only causing Ishii's glare to sharpen. That worry didn't lessen; only instilling more fear in the others.

"Now for round two; What are all of your quirks?" Shinigami asked curiously. He pointed to Ishii first.

"..My quirk is "Liquify"; I can turn any item I touch into a liquid." He said helplessly.

"Wow! Does it work on people?" Shinigami asked; "..Yes. But they won't survive if I use it. It leaves... a mess." He said with little hesitation.

"Shame you didn't hit me before, that would have been interesting." Shinigami moved onto the others; Shouwa was next.

".My quirk is "Bomb shot", it turns any projectile I use into a remote detonation." He spoke with less hesitation than his first question, Ishii looked over at him with small amounts of sadness. Their abilities were something that their 'families' didn't enjoy seeing; their abilities left them alone, finding some solace with each other on the streets.

Shinori next, the boy skips his way to him.

"..My quirk is "Detect"; it allows me to find people or objects within a near by radius."

"Oh, how far?" the Shinigami asked.

"..50 meters with precision. 150 blurry precision." He spoke afraid.

He was the scout, the one who made sure that they didn't get jumped by other gangs or groupies; if he had not been here, they wouldn't have even fought.


Then the next. Hori. She was pulled back down as the boy made a new chair from almost nothing, he said it was light; she was sat as the chains were switched for newer, glowing ones. They wrapped around her neck and arms, like the others.

"Wake up sleepy head; We've got a game to play!"

Suddenly, his had was rock solid and grooved. And he screamed; "You awake?" he laughed.

He said that as he stabbed her stomach with his arm, and twisted. The grooved edges causing everyone to jump in place; they were silenced instantly

...She didn't reply. W-Was she dead? Fuck!

"Miss Hori. If we are going to keep playing my game, I may need to perform drastic measures to ensure co-operation." He spoke sadly in a twisted tone. It only inspired more fear in the others as they saw how far he'd go for the 'game' of his.

She no longer spoke, as the ones around her looked in terror.

"..M-My quirk is "Dual throw", I can throw an object again from another point, temporarily keeping it stationary-y. Then I can re-throw-w it with the same amount of force in any direction." She said as her wounds began to throb. She groaned quietly in pain; A wound to the intestine was painful. She had to stay awake though.

"Here. Thank you for your input." The Shinigami formed a mouth on his right hand, and touched her forehead with his right palm. Not everyone saw it, but her stomach had closed its wounds like he did.

In an instant, her wounds were closed. She stopped feeling the pain. But she started to huff, like she just made a seven mile run; Out of pure worry, she stayed awake.

As she looked at the kid with greater bafflement and fear, the oldest one and the boss, Takomi, was terrified; What kind of quirk was that?!

He manipulated the floor, healed wounds, shapeshifted and shot a bullet from his finger!

How- How does someone even start with that!

"Your quirk?" The kid just stared at him grinning, seems it was his turn.

"My quirk is "Rage", I can multiply my strength when I'm angry." He replied straightforwardly as his eyes turned briefly to Hori, who was looking at the Shinigami in bafflement, still angry at the situation.

Hori looked at the others, she was pissed; they were obeying him! Like dogs!

She waited for a chance to try to slip out, but no chance would occur for her.


"And you two? Kenchi and Tamechi?" Shinigami used their names. They replied instantly.

"My- quirk is "Bone claws". I can extend my bones into blades across my hands and legs!" Kenchi spoke as his brother spoke.

"My quirk is-is "Bone pellet", I c-can shoot p-pellets of bones!" Tamechi now seemed more nervous, both were sweating as everyone else was weary. They all just wanted to get out of there.

"Hmm." Shinigami hummed, making a stool chair for himself like he did with the chains and Hori's seat. He sat as his eyes shifted back and forth mechanically, the ones across his body glowed red as they too mechanically observed everyone, all as he spun.

A few seconds of spinning on a single foot pass, as he lowers his voice. He looks at everyone simultaneously, his 'eyes' sharpening.

"Do you all know why I'm here? I mean, your personal lives must be very interesting, but I'm not here to ask about that." He giggled; He stopped and took a moment, just to leave everyone on edge.

Looking at the girl, he sighed; "Why does no one answer my rhetorical questions? Seriously."

The cold steam in the room leaving his lips, the only actual indication he was breathing at all.


"'Venom'. A potent drug which when taken causes the victim to become complacent and unable to fight; Both a sedative date rape drug and a pleasure drug." He spoke sooner; Pulling a small bag out of his pocket.

"Now. Where did you all get this? More precisely, which Yakuza group?"

Silence filled the room; no one wanted to snitch, Those 8 would kill everyone here if we did.


"Then, let's start the game." Shinigami spoke before grinning madly.

(Izuku POV)

This isn't really fun.

The safe, from "Anatomy" and "Sonar senses" has a self detonation trigger if I try to push my way through. I know that the several layers of steel must hold something, but I can't risk the sensors turn almost all of my evidence to mush.

Either way, this interrogation can provide some useful information for next time.

I've taken their quirks already, and now know what they do, which means I just need to get into that vault now; There are a few things I wanted to gain from this, quirks, information and a basic understanding of why villains acted.

Contrary to popular beliefs, Villains, Criminals, weren't soul devouring creatures of the night which society had to eradicate; They were people, the neglected or the sufferers of society.

While people ate an assortments of luxuries, some people had to starve on basic supplies; That imbalance, the very fact it hasn't been fixed yet, along with the disregard for the health of 'villain' made society all the worse.

Society and its distaste towards certain quirks or groups of people produced 'villains', 'villains' instigated fear within the masses and participated in various crimes and acts of evil, 'heroes' would save the people by arresting 'villains', the government earns a profit margin and the economy runs with it. This wasn't heroes or villains, I realized that when they tried to lop my head off my neck, it was economics. Hero society, is simply put, another version of capitalism.

I wanted to stop this, both by the victims and the perpetrators. But how would I? What alternative did people like these ones infront of me have?

Some how, the educational facilities have too failed their part. Children are suffering from it within their walls, I suffered from discrimination myself. If you stay outside them, you have no proper chances at a job, if you enter them and suffer discrimination, you're pushed even further towards evil.

It was a twisted cycle of profits, one I despised.


Regardless of that, these people still deserved no mercy; sympathizing with them is one thing, but allowing them to continue is another, how would I fix this?


All solutions I have don't work; If I pull them under my wing, I'm more than likely to become another pawn; If I have them arrested, I'm sure others will take their place as distribution centers.

No. What I needed wasn't just their arrests; I'd either have to kill them to send a message to every villain, stopping the cycle, or I'd have to target the ones responsible.

The Government, the ones likely to have even funded several 'villain' groups for profit. I needed to get rid of it, or replace its members; all great and totally viable options, not considering the hundreds that would suffer from my actions.

For now, let's deal with this specific group of Yakuza's, and we'll move up the chain from here.

"Then, let's start the game." I smile, knowing my objective.

I need to instill so much fear into them, that the idea of touching drugs again horrifies them.

"You all are going to answer a question when asked, or vote off another participant. If anyone doesn't want to answer, I take a pound in flesh instead, If anyone doesn't want to vote, I'll choose randomly. I'll start with question one." I said, activating "Terrify enemy" at its maximum.

I've been using it to increase their adrenaline, making them over think and stutter; very useful but it can have adverse effects. 

Hori's anger, for example was me accidentally nudging her the wrong way. Thankfully, if I induce pain stronger than the fear, they become much more complacent.

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Now I look around, my eyes seeing every face.

They're sweating, some almost shaking in their seats.

Good. They'll move as I need; If they don't...

"Who are you all working for?" I point at their leader, Takomi. The man was 40 or so but his face was as pale as a 90 year old;


"Are you sure you're willing to loose a pound of flesh, Takomi?" I ask, really not wanting to make a larger mess than I have already.

I'm keeping the ones underground asleep by pumping large amounts of Midnight's gas. That, and I have to remove the shifts in concrete, the evidence of me being here, everything after.

And if there's a quirk that can determine what happened hour prior? Shit. I have to get rid of the entire building at this rate. Not like the police would have done much anyway, I'll just get the top brass of the Yakuza organization later.

I have class at 8 in the morning, its around 1 already, I'm getting impatient.


They're all sweating.

Somehow they're still more afraid of their leaders than me. I need to do better then. 

Just as Takomi was about to say something, Shouwa interrupted. "Don't! They'll kill us all if we do!"

Many agreed with the sentiment. Opting not to say a word.

I needed a better punishment then.

"I see. All of you still think that death is the worst thing that can be done to you. Funny."

I picked the packet of venom, one that sized  and moved to one of the brothers, Kenchi. I tore the packet infront of his wide eyes; he glanced at his brother for a moment, before looking back at me.

"Now. If I don't hear a name. A real name. I'm going to feed poor little Kenchi this entire bag of 'Venom', and we'll all see the result of it."

They stuttered, panicked, the brother especially wanted to interrupt me, but couldn't say a word. Mature for their age, seems they still fear them.

"5." No one breathed. Not a single action was made as they froze.

"4." They started squirming. Shaking around, eyes moved back and forth between them.

"3" They moved, looking at each other, Tamechi was terrified, but looked to the others instead.

Brave indeed.

"2." Shouwa stared at their leader, Takomi, with a look that told him not to say a word. He complied begrudgingly. Hori, Shinori and Shouwa glanced at each other before looking back at me; they were more frightened than the others; Ishii seemed unwavering, while the eldest was simply determined.

"1." Particles slowly start to drip into his open mouth. My hand clenches his jaw to keep him still, he tries to move out, visibly panicking, but I silence him.

"Virtuous Suns Society!" Shinori said as I stopped pouring the drug. I knew of the group, a religious fanatical one who despised mutant quirks.

"That's the group we're working for! Leave him be!" He shouted as I lowered the packet.

I stood there for moments without moving.

The others glanced at him in silence and me in fear. Sweating heavily as they looked at us. Something was off. The staring was potent, extremely so.

No one, however, looked in surprise or shock.

There was no anger either, no reaction except anticipation; they were waiting for what I'd do.

"I see." I said calmly. Looking at him as he hyperventilated slowly, his glasses still slipping off his face as his eyes were dilated. He was only slightly calm.

"But lying will only make him suffer, Watch." I started to pour the Venom. He panicked after, jaw dropping as the others started to watch my hands. Particle by particle, the drug entered the boys system.

The brother panicked. He looked at the others then back to me, uncaring for the outcome, he chose to protect his brother. It was only slightly late, meaning the chance of an overdose was still low.

"-Eight Precepts of Death! Shie Hassaikai! That's their name!" The brother, Tamechi, interrupted me. Only a few dozen grains entered the jaws of poor little Kenchi; but the reaction was instant.

The dosage was 8 times per pack, lets see what happens.

"TAMECHI, YOU IDIOT!" Hori screamed at him, but she couldn't help but feel ashamed. She was terrified of that group, of its leaders. Though that didn't stop her from clenching a fist and frowning at the sight of Kenchi's faint; seems the reaction was real, Shie Hassaikai is the culprit.

A look of regret passed through all of the members, even the more stoic ones like Tamechi and Ishii had sad expressions. Ishii in particular no longer showed that hardened look, now far softer and upset, not with anger but with regret.

Kenchi was falling asleep, as his brother screamed at the sight.

"Kenchi?! Kenchi! Are you alright?!"A look of terror passed through his eyes.

I doubt the brothers would recover psychologically afterwards.

One would have to deal with being drugged and tortured.

The other would never trust this group, valuing his brother over them.

I'll push them a bit more. Just incase.

"Question 2. How do you receive your shipments?" I asked, pointing to the only calm one, Ishii. He was at least stable.

He doesn't bat an eye at my form, the survivalist described it well. "Docks. We grab the shipments along with other distributors by the Shizuoka docks. That way, the warehouses were kept privately owned and it looked like another delivery out of the hundreds of shipments." He didn't like trouble. Good, that's an easy answer.

"The delivery itself is made using trucks. Allowing us to carry it into the pleasure district along with food items and lubricants." he spoke solemnly.

"Ishii! You-" Haru was quickly interrupted.

"It doesn't matter. We're done for either way. It's better that we at least have a head start against them, rather than digging ourselves into a bigger hole."

He spoke factually.

They had no chance of escape, not one I'd allow. 

"He's right Haru." The old man spoke to her surprise, it seems he had some relation with her.

"We're done. At this rate, we can at least keep our lives. In this business, that's an expensive commodity." He said reassuringly, it was an expensive thing to escape the Yakuza alive; Would they?

I wasn't sure.

I just needed the Yakuza's head. And quirks. 

They would need to deal with the Yakuza by themselves.

"but.." She was entirely defeated; She switched from scared to teary eyed, everyone else looked as bad.

They all knew, it was the last day they'd work as smugglers.


"Question 3. What is beneath the building?" I noticed it earlier. Just wanted to check what it was.

I already knew.

"There's a parking where we keep the shipment trucks, but besides that, there's nothing else." The old man spoke; I'll check it after.

"Question 4. When do you receive shipments?" I said to the boss.

He sighed.

".. We receive shipments every week on Thursday. Small quantities to ensure little risk to their facilities; and to ensure we don't short them. 7 pm. Warehouse 147. But without the trucks, they won't let you anywhere near there."

I see. Not like I was going to use one, but I should keep these people until Thursday, as not to alert the Yakuza early.

"Final question. This one is private." I say as the chair holding Takomi is atomized, turning into light particles.

"Somnambulism" does its work as the others breath it in. "Walk with me." I tell him, to which he nods moments after..

The others fall asleep before they can activate their abilities.


We stood infront of the safe, a large vault built into the wall.

A biometric scan and passcode was needed; "Open it." I said, to which he complied immediately.

He placed his hand, taking a few moments of breathing to calm himself.

Then, with his left, typed the code in. 2234o2. It didn't explode.


Like that, the safe opened up; and piles of piles of money sat there.

I could make gold, diamonds and any metal in the world. An arms deal with a uranium ball would be more than enough to give me money. Not that I would do that. I could use legal alternatives if I needed to.

"The drugs aren't here." I said, to which he responded. "We distributed almost everything except what you found with us."

I see; They cleared stock.

"You know. I don't really need to keep anyone here alive." I said easily; he suddenly shook.

"But you sa-" I did, but that's not the point.

"If I keep you all alive, and a single person tells someone I don't want them to, like the Yakuza, then it would be much more troublesome after. No?"

He was silent, desperate in staying alive, he could not argue.

"But if I kill you or turn you all in. I'll risk alerting them; making all of this meaningless. right?"

His face suddenly brightened. There was a chance.

"So, I'll ask you. You can either all get arrested by the police, killed by me or worse. Or you wait until Thursday for the shipment, make your calls, and keep them unaware; afterwards, on the same day, you disband the group, send everyone away with enough money not to slip away from this life. Which is merciful for all of you. Question 5, what will you do?"

His face was saddened. He knew this was an amazing offer, but the Yakuza would try to get rid of them all. To do it, they'd be left with little left each, most likely falling back into the cycle.

But he didn't have a choice, they were all screwed either way; and the last thing either them or the Yakuza would want was a blood bath.

He took a second.

"Fine. I'll do it. But everyone leaves; no one else will be here but me by Thursday. I won't negotiate on that." He said, hardening his eyes, balling his hands.

"... I see. Alright; that's fair." I said. It was for risking his ass; meaning if I didn't show, he was dead. Killed by the Yakuza.

"We'll meet at around 4 pm. I'll be here. So don't run." I said, and activated my abilities.


I disappeared from his sight, but still told him something important.

"As for the others downstairs. Say there was a leak, or a training regime surprise. They attacked each other, just call them cowards."

Thus, I am gone.

Like a ghost.

I need to check the security room now.

The concrete reforms itself to it's previous form, no more walls blocking the entrances and exits of the first, second or fourth floors.

The third one, however, I needed to check.


I slip to the third floor, I see the computer monitor and equipment still here; but the person was gone. The monitor and table set sat in the center of the room.


How the hell did they leave? I closed all exits!

This is why some quirks are tricky. You do everything right, and somehow someone bullshits their way through it...

You know what, Nevermind. I need to get to UA.

It's almost 2 am.

"Strong jump"

"Instantaneous acceleration"


"Gravity reversal"




To UA!

(UA Izuku's room - 2 am)


Need to sleep. I switched out my hair and skin on the way.

Thankful for "Wings" as I don't need to use too many calories while I glide.

I only have 5 hours to sleep. Its enough.

Drop into bed.

(UA - Nezu's office - 2:03 am)

Nezu was looking at the security footage, the spike of waves his security system detected made his eyes sharper, his brows tightened and his mood deepen. He was worried, skeptical; Afraid. They couldn't risk another All of One, but Izuku wasn't a villain. He was a kid.

He was right about the boy leaving UA, he confirmed it multiple times before; a few hours ago, he confirmed Izuku left UA by 12 pm.

His room empty. No trace.

They couldn't monitor him.

Not without a city wide grid... Maybe, I could.


He would confront the boy soon enough; perhaps Izuku's responsibility needed to increase. To distract him, away from the possible vigilantism; Last thing he wanted to do was let the boy see the worlds cruelty infront of him, again.

Morning's trial should do it.

To be continued.




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