MHA: Stacked Cards

Chapter 13: Chapter thirteen: Battle Trial

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(General POV)

(UA's outdoor cafeteria.)

One Morning Later. Izuku and Nezu had met up for breakfast.

There was several concerns Izuku had, as did Nezu, regarding each other. None would speak about their qualms, Though they would mention the over abundance of birds surrounding UA's buildings.

"Our tracking software can't map out your movements too well. The birds should be able to suffice for the moment until you learn how to disable your abilities for a longer timeframe."

'If he doesn't learn soon, We'll need more birds.' Nezu thought to himself, frowning unconsciously at the costs he would have to endure; He did so as he stared at the very hungry child, who was eating several meals simultaneously. Midoriya had to regain several hundred calories to maintain his abilities. Rather, he had to take up to 3 meals a day, filled with a buffet of food, just to stay alive.

Though thankfully, Nezu supplemented his current weakness with UA's over abundance of meals. Ensuring that every single student could eat their fill.

Izuku laid down his fork. He had gone through ribs, omelets, cakes, tea, cakes, more tea, rib eye steaks, cakes again. He had eaten over 47,000 Calories in the sitting.

"Is that why I've noticed a breakout of canaries?" Izuku said jokingly. As he had started with his third cup.

Nezu chuckled at the observation.

They were fairly close, as close as their relationship could be. More friends in all honesty then student and principle. They worked at the same speed after all, with Izuku being the only other person whom could match Nezu in skill. From electronics to management, Izuku and Nezu would work at hyper-speed together in these little moments of their day.

"Yes. That is also why I've invested in their abilities to map out your movements. For the trial, the integrated mapping software should project you figure onto the surveillance for review. How they'd keep up with your speed? They wouldn't. So don't speed anywhere past 340 kilometers per hour without informing me first." He chuckled a joke back.

"I should be able to disable my ability if its too much of an issue, I've done it before." Izuku had done it before. Multiple times infact.

All be it temporarily.

He did it at the entrance exam so the observing teachers could see what he was doing. So he could signal to them for help if needed; it was because he wasn't able to disable to for prolonged periods of time, along with a few other abilities, he became weary about which quirk to take.

The quirk itself worked more like an off switch than an on one. He could consciously deactivate it around people, but electronics needed him to gentle it into a low form. Just as difficult as controlling an emitter attack, Izuku had to slowly ease into the perception of others.

But Nezu didn't like to play his hand easily. He wouldn't even mention this infront of others.

As a mutant type ability, Izuku would have an excuse for several situations, an alibi for not being in digital records too. It would help gain prowess in a number of political or otherwise nuanced scenarios. That is as a mutant type.

As a de-activatable emitter type ability, the scenario where he is suspected would imply Izuku was intentionally not revealing himself for nefarious purposes, which could be suspicious to others.

"There's no need to do that. It's best we keep all of our cards hidden for the moment, as the HPSC may be lurking anywhere and everywhere."

Izuku knew what he meant. He remembered that night. He knew there were too many threats in the world, the HPSC may have been the least of their worries.

There could be a spy within their walls, or someone with a quirk watching from afar. It was best to keep all their secrets in the dark, maybe for a rainy day. Just incase they needed some secrets to spare.

After all.

The more you hide, the more you have.


The next exam was starting soon. In around 30 or so minutes.

All Might would be the one gathering the class, giving them their costumes and proctoring the students. He was the type of person to be quite easygoing, but serious when necessary. Which made his and Izuku's relationship all the more difficult to interact with.

Izuku would rather have breakfast. Nezu knew the dislike from Izuku's side, and wouldn't judge so recklessly, he too enjoyed breakfast with the boy; Various topics, from nuclear fusion to a number of other things would be discussed in fun.

UA's security systems where revamped every week because of their discussions. The insight of the worlds fastest thinkers made UA a better protected place compared to almost any government facility. Even greater than Tartarus.

The birds chimed louder than before. Interrupting their thoughts. The conversation took a momentary pause.

"At least they can sing." Izuku said as several tuned their voices with angelic tones outside the cafeteria. The birds flew together like hundreds of light show drones, spoke together like a wave of songs. They acted as one, almost.

Unlike real birds, they were an orchestra of music was synchronized with perfection. In a way no living creature could do. They matched each other with little degree of imprecision.

Mechanically. They sung at a pitch that would make anyone believe they've entered a castle. A 

These pseudo-living buckets of gold with wings on them were no easy feat. Nezu had to design their complex molecular mechanisms with enough precision as to stay unaffected by a variety of scenarios. They costed a fortune each.

You could buy two small houses per bird. And he had started internal production of 35,000 birds.

Money can gain many things, these birds were one hell of a gain; The government would certainly be upset if they knew the real reasoning behind the bird's existence. They may even attempt to arrest Nezu, since he covered the entirety of UA's forest and everything outside it.

But as Nezu said before to anyone who asked, 'We imported them from Spain. I suppose they made UA look grander, no?' He would simply wave away the questions.

"That they can." Nezu nodded. He at least made sure they looked real. And they sounded like a choir of angelic hymns. Like someone combined a cello, harp and Kalimba's music into a single hum.

No, the Harp was the most notable here, their high pitches followed it's beauty as it lowered to the Kalimba then the Cello. Sometimes, the birds would try different tones.

It was a spike in frequency that made the Harp like ringing sound majestic.

It was the drum like breathing that made them exciting. Nezu had wanted to capitalize on their elegance with all he had.

"Your class will be starting soon." Nezu said as he watched the birds land near the trees outside their window. They flew less and less, now cleaning each other's feathers on the branches of trees.

They still made more and more music as time went, as if entertaining the audiences. Little chirps and hums, like taking a bath.

Izuku hadn't even turned from the sight, he picked up his tea and took a sip.

He sat back in his chair, enjoying the view of the birds and flowers mixing together. The hundreds of natural and synthetic colors, mechanisms mixing in his sight.

"Well... They can wait." He said as he took another swing of tea. Nezu laughed, opting to enjoy an additional thirty minutes of time rather than complain.

They watched the birds sing for much longer.

(Observation room. 130 minutes late to class.)

Izuku had walked in to the class watching the current match.

It seemed like the fourth fight was ending soon enough.

Denki and Tokoyami were fighting Tsuyu and Sero.

Denki was fighting Sero as Tokoyami fought Tsuyu, bouncing from wall to wall above the first two.

It was intense and almost action like sequence. A real time film. 'Dark Shadow' especially left no room for Tsuyu to move offensively. Sero was preoccupied by the constant shocks Denki inflicted; But the living Zapper seemed to be getting tired as the fight went on.


"That's one hell of a match." Izuku said as he entered the room. The others turned to face him with different expressions, many positive, some neutral, few with hate. All Might looked at the boy, but couldn't even greet him.

Izuku was dressed in all black, his silk covered his face with a hood making him look like a vagabond, rugged and worn; Izuku's hair was black aswell, it shifted from its green tone heavily, almost blending with the silk.

His eyes were black in color, sparking odd glances from some students.

"Izuku!" Mina shouted. She hopped towards the boy, skipping even, with Kirishima and a few others behind her.

"Dude! Your late! And what happened to your eyes?!" Kirishima spoke with almost fake worry. He quickly learned not to worry when Izuku did things like this, as he infact did it alot; Izuku changed his skin color to metallic mid conversation, his hair color, his skin type, and many upon many different changes after, the others had gotten slightly used to it.

Slightly, as growing new eyes, mouths, or even turning into a mass of living flesh and organs never settled in their stomachs. Though he at least had the curtesy to remove his organs, making him turn more blood like than gore like in tone. 

Bakugo let out a scoff at the excitement Izuku garnered, taking a glance at Izuku's eyes and hair for a few seconds, he huffed away from the sight.

Shoto stared at him from the side, almost twisted by his appearance. He was flabbergasted by his abilities time and time again. It only served to harden the students resolve, but a far goal they aimed for,

"You all look cool. Costumes could use a tad bit of work though; I see too many flaws." Izuku sighed. They really dressed disappointingly; A leotard, a diaper and a few more nonsensical fashion choices.

The sight made him shake his head.

"Flaws?" Momo picked up. She didn't get to say her piece. Not before Mina took his attention.

"Where were you?! You missed the first match!" Mina grabbed his arm softly and pull him into the group.

The others moved to greet him. Ida was especially kind.

"Ah, I was having breakfast. My calories were low, so I needed to fill up." All Might glanced at the boy, wanting to say something but lacking the words to speak.

This didn't go unnoticed by few, like Shoto. The young hero would only speculate in silence.

"Oh. Wait." Izuku pulled out a paper from Nezu.

He handed it to All Might after a few, long, awkward moments of walking.

All Might read it and nodded, still keeping his smile on, though a tad bit more worried; He looked at the boy, who showed no expression to his appearance.

No anger. Nothing at all.

"When's my match?" He asked.

"The next one after this... I had assumed you would be absent, Izuku, but since your here, you'll be facing Katsuki and Momo. You're partner is Young Todoroki." All Might said, keeping himself composed.

Izuku had long gotten over the feeling of distain towards All Might, though some emotions still lingered in his heart, and none of them were kind ones. All Might too had wanted to interact with the boy many times before, but couldn't approach him at all.

This was the first time they interacted in three weeks. Three weeks of almost constantly seeing each other in UA.

Izuku moved back into the crowd without a word.

Leaving All Might quietly saddened by the act.

Though, Izuku cared very little.

"Where were we?" Izuku said as the conversation started moving.

(Ground Beta)

The trial itself was not a complicated one. Izuku and Todoroki were the villains; Katsuki and Momo were the heroes. The heroes had to defend the bomb within the building, while the villains had to make physical contact with it. The bomb was of course, papier-mâché.

Each team was given 5 minutes of preparation. Shoto and Izuku stood outside the multi floor building.

"I don't recommend it." Izuku suddenly spoke to Todoroki.

"What?" He said back disgruntled. 

"If your planning on just freezing the entire area and try trapping them, I don't recommend it." Izuku reiterated again. This time more focused on the birds outside than anything. The environment was more prettier than.

"The way I see it, there are a few ways we can loose. Bakugo simply counters your ice, as Momo take the advantage and captures the bomb. The use the outside of the building to break in to the highest floor. Here. Or Momo pulls out some ridiculous plan from her ass. It's most likely the third or second options." Izuku spoke again; He scanned the building constantly, ensuring that the positions of his enemies were tracked by the second.

He turned to shot, looking him in the eyes.

"Then. What's your plan?" Shoto said, almost skeptical; He didn't like how much of a nuisance this would be, nor how his enemies relented against his win.

Couldn't they just loose?

"Easy. We don't have to do anything." Izuku said with a smile on his face. Not a grin. Just a happy smile; He turned to the entrance, waiting for his enemies to arrive.

"Watch. They'll be here soon." He said as Shoto was confused by his words.

"MATCH START" All Might said through the speakers; Then it happened on the other side of the building. Seconds later.

A massive explosion.

(Ground Beta)

(Izuku Midoriya POV)


Did you really just destroy the entire entrance of the building? Seriously?

I can't 'see' them; they've bypassed "Sonar Senses" and "Sense" using the shockwave. A weakness I'll have to note down for later.

The noxious gas entering the building is interesting; Seems Momo wants to block out my sight and Shoto's breathing, they're most likely aware of Aizawa's quirk, especially since I've explained it directly to her before.

The gas is seeping into the stairs, lifted by what I'll assume is Bakugo's explosions.

They won't attack us directly, Bakugo will most likely distract me while Momo targets the bomb. They don't have to capture us, just the bomb.

This is good.

"Shoto." I said as I hear his heartbeat.  "Could you please ice the walls? Just enough to make the ground and surfaces slippery." 

...He stared at be oddly

He nods. One step forward and the entire room and corridors is covered in a thin layer of ice. No friction would pass easily.

"Todoroki, guard the ceiling and walls. Bakugo is on his way here. Somehow."


I sense him.

He's rocketing towards the highest floor from the outside. That explosion was a decoy.



Katsuki breaks through the wall, Ice covered the floor, but he didn't slip.

Accelerating to the bomb rather than me, he reached with his right hand. Almost infront of me.

"Double Targeting"

"Gravity Reversal"

The bomb starts floating slightly. I throw it with extreme force to the side of the wall. Missing Bakugo completely.


The shockwave of Bakugo's second detonation disorients Shoto slightly. The ground shivered as he took a single step back.

He fires a Ice-wall to Bakugo, but misses by an inch.

The rough edges of the frozen air grazed Bakugo's leg, but Katsuki had kept moving towards the bomb; I notice that Bakugo is missing a glove, most likely the previous explosion's source, a way to distract us from the start. Clever.

I redirect the bomb as Bakugo speeds towards it again, making him miss it completely. It takes a sharp and implausible turn towards the opposite direction.

A useful ability indeed. I'm glad I got it at the entrance exam; unlike my most recent Throwing quirk, this one has no delay in redirection, but doesn't sustain all the kinetic energy.

"Inko's attraction"

The bomb speeds even faster towards my hand. But I see a figure from my side; Momo.

She's intervening, I see a harpoon like gun in her hands. Aimed directly at me; Funny.

"No you don't!" She said as she fired a capture net, an electric one, one made to knock the enemy to the floor.

She wore Ice-skating footwear, prepared against Shoto's ability, seems that decision backfired on me.


"Strong Jump"

I spoke within the second of her shot, "Watch me." As her eyes shook.


It spread through my senses as the air in my lungs disappeared entirely; All sound, sensations physical, like the touch of my skin, disappeared.

It was ethereal, like a deprivation of the hundreds of powers that mapped my surroundings, like a loss of any physical feeling besides the beating of my heart; I only felt my body.

-0.1 seconds

-0.2 seconds

-0.3 seconds

I see again! The world appears once again, as my eyes can see light, and I can breathe.

The net was within my legs as I returned, thus it shot out behind me at an extreme speed as I reappeared, passing Shoto's side as he glanced at the shot. Shoto Himself wasn't on the side lines in the fight, but he was far too slow to do any damage besides widespread attacks.

Within a second, I appear at the bomb, kicking Momo far enough to knock her unconscious, at least, that's how she appeared.

The ice slipped her body far near the wall, I wouldn't worry much.

Bakugo screamed in rage. "DIE!" He said with fury and foam in his voice.

"No thanks." I said as another Ice wall was shot out from behind me, hitting its target this time.

"Freeze them" I said quickly, Shoto didn't bother delay. Another step from him, his right foot again, and the ice started to layer their bodies with extreme pedigree. The ground around them became a prison of scuffed thorns of ice, glaciers made to hold them in place.

This wouldn't be over so quickly. From my senses, Momo was faking her unconsciousness as Bakugo was even angrier.

"Did we win?" Shoto asked as I shook my head. He readied himself.

They moved. Faster than before.


Another explosion and the two speared their way towards me and the bomb. Bakugo held Momo as she held two flashbangs, one in each hand. They both wore industrial welding glasses.

"Hold this, get to the roof" I told Todoroki. He nodded and moved after little deliberation.

Momo was thrown from Bakugo's hands, carrying two flashbangs. She removed the pins as her and Bakugo's glasses dropped onto their faces.

They didn't underestimate me, which felt good. Fine then.

I'll get more serious. 


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My hand becomes a claw in a moments glance, sharpened by the bones of my fingers hardening themselves and my flesh shifting for pure killing efficiency. All my tissue slowly rips to muscle and bone, as my hand becomes gore in seconds.

There laid no skin. None on my hand, in my fingers or up to my upper arm.



The flashbangs detonated, but that wasn't enough to stop me, not at all; I moved my arm to her thigh. I could predict where they were.


"Sonar Senses"

For Bakugo incase he tried to maneuver me. I couldn't let him slip though.

"Alcohol Production"

"Flexible bones"

My spear like finger became soft tentacle like as I grabbed Momo's leg and thigh; In the same moment, I kicked the passing Bakugo to the wall. He barely evaded the hard landing with another detonation.

Momo's leg was wrapped by my finger, cut from the several salted shrapnel; She wouldn't escape so easily. She groaned in pain as she tried to get loose.

I sent her flying into the wall at a fast enough speed, she would faint at least, using "Heal" before releasing her to repair the small cuts I made to her. I wasn't going to rip through her leg, the alcohol was only for effect; It applied a small amount of pain to her wounds, nothing near lethal, just painful.

She threw a inflatable packet meant to ease her landing, but I was steps ahead.

"Double Targeting"

She flew to the adjacent wall with no stop, hitting the ice and falling unconscious on the wall behind me. She was technically a thrown object, so my quirk worked, somehow.

Bakugo was the only enemy left. He wasn't exactly a decent fight nor a fun one.

He glared at my eyes helpless at my power, enraged even.

I stared back uncaring for his pettiness.

He looked at me with hatred. Perhaps his ego was flaring up, as it did many times before.

Perhaps he simply hated me. Oh well.

"..." He didn't speak. I walked casually to the middle of the room, he wouldn't move easily with the cut across his leg.

Though I could just use Aizawa's ability to end this, I want to see what he'll do.

".. Deku. I'm not sure how you got a quirk, I'm not sure how the hell your this strong. But I don't give a damn! Even with everything you have, I will beat you!" He snarled.

Perhaps he was truly just adrenaline high.

"You will try." I replied, not wanting to give him any regard.

"But since your so damn butt hurt, I suppose I won't hold back." I said as his eyes widened. I wouldn't bother try and care for his safety at this point, now, it was his burden.

He shook for a second. Then, he didn't. Rather, he seemed more pumped, his heartrate accelerated.


He flew towards me at the fastest he could. I've dealt with many brave fools.

Bravery means death.

I move aswell; faster than I did before. Nezu said not to pass 300 kilometers per hour; I suppose not that fast.

"Strong Jump"

"Bouncy Body"

"Instantaneous acceleration"

My body had become elastic. I used the terrain to jump, pillar to wall, cracking the ice beneath my feet; He was confused on where I was, and where I would attack.

I revolved around his position, jumping endlessly, before giving him a kick to the shoulder, downwards from my heel. I made sure to stay away from Momo, incase he retaliated.

He countered immediately, pulling the pin on his last grenade, blowing away the entire roof top in a single explosion.

I acted aswell; I phased right through his body. Making sure that the explosion would be less effective on Momo's ears.


"Sound Control"


I phased through his arm and the explosion. Everything went dark for several seconds, then it didn't; I passed his attack as he attempted to give a jab to my chin out of desperation, an explosion propelling his fist.

I knew his move set.

How he liked to hit others, a right jab; I ducked and countered with a single punch to his stomach. He fell to the floor immediately, almost vomiting from the blow.

He rested on his knees, coughing and wheezing out of agony, he was in pain; which case I could amplify it. Though, I didn't need to, he was out of steam.

"Are you done?" I say, as at the corner of my eye, I see Todoroki standing at what remained of the rooftop, he was awestruck, almost disappointed at the same time; Momo, thankfully, was on the other side when I attacked, keeping her safe from the blast. Bakugo only got angrier from my neglect, what a kid.

"You- You bastard." He spoke with a murmur, his voice worn and his breaths drawn back and forth. "You, you're toying with us! Why?!" He said even more into rage; it was aggravating to see how arrogant he was even like this.

"Should I kill you then?" I said, as he stopped speaking. His mouth stopped in place as his eyes widened.

"VILLAIN TEAM WINS" I can hear from the lower floors. The speakers are too damaged; All Might needs to intervene soon.

"What exactly do you want? You can't win. Not against me; Not even if you hit me. You know why? Because you'd need several of those grenades to get past my defense, and even after, I would just regenerate, meaning it would have all been pointless. So Why? Why do you even bother?" I asked as he looked down. But seconds later I felt it; Momo grabbed my waist.

She woke up. Shit.

"Bakugo! Now!" She shouted. He took the moment, looking at me momentarily before shooting off. 

Idiots; The fight's over! But since they wanted to continue.


The bomb is shot into the sky as a rock pillar is formed under it, Todoroki is surprised by the sudden change; Shoto acted quickly, making a Pillar of ice aswell, large enough to intervene with Bakugo's flight path.

He missed it by an inch. Still sparking his way to the bomb.

I tried to capture Bakugo with Cement, but the building was already halfway to hell; If I used any more concrete, I'd have to get rid of the building.

"I won't let you get past me."

Shoto said as he sent several icy shots to Bakugo, and when that failed, he made a massive pillar of Ice.


The building won't hold any longer. Either way, time to dip.

The Second ice pillar shot the bomb into the upper atmosphere, Bakugo was determined still. He was Restless in his endeavor as he, almost unconscious, kept gunning for it; He shot after it, minute explosions blasting from his palms one at a time.

They barely sparked, but he kept going regardless; Shoto seemed to realize that the ice wouldn't hold after falling off the edge of the building. He also realized that the building wouldn't hold either.

"I won't let you!" Momo spoke as she pressed a trigger device, a cylindrical device with a red button at the top; the moment her thumb hit it, sparks passed through the electric net on my waist.

She seemed to have made it while I was watching the show.


Her face quickly fell into disappointment as I had no reaction to the electricity. It didn't really hurt at all, tickled actually.

"Electrical absorption" kicked in, taking all of that power for myself. I couldn't really emit it though, it was still energy I had, somewhere.

"H-How?" She spoke, as she almost fell down, barely standing on her knees as she hugged my back from behind to gain footing. 

"Sorry, I can absorb electricity. Seems like you didn't account for that." She almost fell down. I caught her and carried her with both of my hands, a princess carry. From what I see.

She hopped her way here, an injured leg and exhausted, I could at least do this as tribute.

"W- Wh- I -a" She stuttered her words, she seemed flushed, not good; blood loss may set in if I'm not quick.

I was sure I didn't hit an artery. I double checked; Either way, I can't risk an actual injury. Bakugo, Maybe. Momo, Nope, not letting her get hurt badly.

"Let's get the others." I jumped and flew. The building started shaking.


"Flight" used ionized air from my skin to propel myself, cold ions in particular; There was little risk to burn my clothes or her thankfully, I used it only on my feet for the moment as to make sure of it, making the flight seem more like a slow assent upwards; I didn't want to use my wings as it would cost  even more calories, so I passed the ions through my silk momentarily, lighting my form in a radiant glow. 

The building crumbled beneath my feet; Todoroki was still here on the roof, I had to get him next. 

I flew to him, and spoke; "My back." As the floor of the roof crumbled, he looked between the floor and me.

It took him a moment, but he nodded and grabbed my arm as he jumped, moving to my back. I jumped from the ledge with the two of them in my hands. One I carried in a princess carry, the other I had on my side.

I moved as quick as I could without damaging anyone. My body flew to the street across; I slowly landed as the remains of the building crashed in on itself.

Todoroki went off first, making a slope of ice to land on, he stood to the side before I handed him Momo. I didn't look back as I moved to get the last dumbass here. Did none of them consider the possibility of destroying a building as concerning? I get they may have been excited, but they've cost a fortune for Nezu. Not that he cared much.

Now I have to get the adrenaline junky. Cementoss, please don't get angry.

"Bouncy body"

"Strong Jump"

"Instantaneous acceleration"


I jump at max speed. Quickly overpassing Nezu's requested 300 kilometers per hour, reaching 400 instantly; The ground shattered as the other two stumbled.

I reached a third of Bakugo's path, I needed to speed up.






I quickly grew several more appendages; "Flight" works with more surface area, skin and feathers work especially well. I quickly out sped Bakugo, flying in between him and the bomb; he was only several meters from it, he reached his right arm outwards, trying to make physical contact with the bomb. He was close. Seriously, the guy was moving on spark, but he wouldn't last.

If I don't act, he'd die from exhausted stamina.

Not really in the mood to deal with that.

"Hey bud. Think you can calm down?" I said as Bakugo stumbled for a moment.

"D-DEKU!" He got enraged, oh dear. He looks like he's going to faint.

Guess the hard way. Several of my feathers turned into eyes and stared at him as we reached his terminal velocity, I moved farther and farther as we started entering the kilometer range in height. We were around 800 meters up.

I stopped him in his place. Aizawa's ability was useful here. I no longer need to move away from him.

And.... I win.

Great, Guess I'll celebrate with a lunch, Cake?


(Katsuki Bakugo POV)

What the fuck- What just happened?

He. He stopped moving away. Then... Fuck.

I'm falling. That bastard got me at terminal velocity! heh.. At least I can finally... sleep.

My hands are numb. I feel so sleepy; Before my eyes closed. I felt it.

Someone.. is princess carrying me?


(Izuku Midoriya POV)

Can't let him die. Nezu would get Pissy.

I moved towards him at extreme speeds. Thankfully, I was immune to the exterior pressures of the atmosphere, he on the other hand...


Don't need too many wings then, since now, I'm flying downwards.

Almost pass him before I grabbed him in a princess carry, he seemed upset.


The bomb flew away. Off into space I guess. Probably should get it back later.

I descend slower as we reach the ground. My cape fluttered as Bakugo was laid 'gently' on the floor. As gentle as I had to be.

All Might was here, finally, as I gave him a wave. Both of the others seemed to have gone back, as such the head nurse seemed ready for my arrival.

All Might took Bakugo in his arms, and placed him with the medical nurses; It seemed he over did his part.

"All Might. Bakugo was saved but we have bad news-" I said as All Might turned to me seriously, wondering what the hell I was talking about.

"What's wrong Izuku? Are you hurt?!" He said in a rush; I shook my head.

"No. But.... The bomb got away. The nuclear missile is set to detonate at any instance. We... We've lost." I said as I lowered my head in fake shame.

His posture and smile wavered slightly; He looked at me confused by what the hell I was talking of.

"I know. I'll commit seppuku for my dishonor immediately, sir!"

I let out a fake tear as the salute shook in fear.

I had a wife and daughter! Forgive me my family! We will meet soon!


... Silence passed for several seconds. He didn't even react, unsure on what to do probably. His face was stone cold.

"Izuku?" All Might spoke.


"Yes, sir?" I replied without a bat of the eye; He looked at me before sighing.


It took him a few seconds to reply to me.

"I'm telling Nezu to double your punishment. Go back to the observation room immediately."


Didn't expect that; I'm not even sure what the punishment is! All Might just walked away at this point.


I stare at my hands, is this- is this the consequence of my actions? What am I going to do?


Meh. I'll deal with it after lunch. Cake!

(Observation room)

(General POV)

Everyone stared at the screen baffled by the events. Everyone was strong. Bakugo. Shoto. Momo.



"HOW THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO COMPETE WITH THAT?!?!?!" Shouted Denki as his bafflement had peaked.

Shoto made a glacier the size of a building, sending the bomb into the atmosphere. Bakugo got rid of half the fucking building! Momo's combat skills are too OP! And Izuku!

He had wings!

The other students couldn't reply to Denki. They didn't even bother to try.

They couldn't tell either.

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