MHA: Stacked Cards

Chapter 4: Chapter four: Speculations, Injuries; A long night

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Now in his office, Principle Nezu drank tea while deliberating on the events hours prior. His ability allowed him to plan a course of action against the government faster than they could respond, but an immediate act against the HPSC could sight more problems than solutions.

No matter the corruption involved, the HPSC was the glue which held hero society together, keeping corrupt heroes at bay from the rest of the world. Nezu was not an optimist by any means, he knew how unsightly this society really was, Izuku himself is a prime example; Pushed into suicide by his school life, then when discovered to be capable and having a strong ability, is immediately targeted by the people who should have protected him.

It must have shocked Aizawa, he was almost in a daze by the events. The hero had seemed conflicted on Midoriya's impression. Anyone would be, symptoms of depression are still obvious.

Judging by his recollection, after our sensors stopped working on Midoriya, the boy's body reattached itself to his head. The boy proceeded to torture his aggressor for information using several 'fleshy spikes' which originated from Izuku's fingers, the torture being is the only reason we know it is the HPSC who sent the assailant.

The girl, now identified as Shibata Yori, had committed suicide an hour beforehand, via cyanide pill, which investigation onto the scene of attack showed that Izuku had already removed it from her teeth. Along with most of her teeth. Otherwise, she would have committed suicide while the torture began; I suspect someone gave her the pill while in custody.

Her quirk, 'Tracelessness', was registered in the quirk database though she had apparently disappeared at age 8, 18 years ago, one year after her quirk was diagnosed. Her ability allows her to bypass any electronic or non-organic means of tracking unconsciously, leaving UA's security useless; It also had the ability of silencing her actions and giving her invisibility on command. While the first aspect was a mutation, making her unviewable to our security regardless of Aizawa's attacks, The invisibility and silencing had been cut short by "Erasure".

All in all, a horrifying ability, one that any government agency would love to have.

UA would need to make precautions against the risk of infiltration. If I'm correct, I have already devised a solution for most risks, which will be implemented in the week.

But priority is not the commission. It is Izuku Midoriya himself.

His ability is not the average mutation type; no real visual affect or change can be noted externally, but his body seemed to adapt to all quirks he used. But he is entirely immune to Aizawa's ability, meaning any quirk he uses is considered a bodily mutation rather than an emitter type quirk.

The 'Slime Villains' quirk, as an example, should have turned the boy into a mush of slime, unable to hold his body together, but he integrated it easily, maintaining even his body shape and structure.

He unconsciously seemed to control his bodily characteristics, which makes the brain trauma all the more of a problem:

It is very possible that the attempt at suicide and the delay in regeneration post death had caused permanent neurological damage for the boy.

He was dead for over 20 minutes, His body should have very well not recovered, but he did. It recovered after supposed brain death, combined with the skull fracture, should have resulted in a life long disability at best. But it didn't.

I've already prepared a few hundred different scans for the following Morning for the boy, just to see what had happened to his brain; I can't risk someone Aizawa's quirk couldn't stop accidentally harming other students, or worse, themselves.

UA has already failed the boy once, we will not make that mistake, I will not make that mistake, again. If I hadn't added Midoriya's ability onto the quirk database hours before the attack, then the Hero Public Safety Commission wouldn't have been so bold to attack a student of UA.

Now they have to pay for their crimes.


Speaking of students, Izuku's prior school has been investigated thoroughly.

Several teachers are responsible for discrimination against quirkless children, a small number of cases, but by all means aggressive discrimination. Bullying, harassment, from both students and teachers, and further refusal to co-operate gave the police all they needed to issue a warrant of arrest.

Further investigation may show some abuse within a few of the families of the victims.

Action will be taken against all members involved; including family members who responsible for neglect or other forms of discrimination.

The government cannot be trusted with the children, not after what we have witnessed, thus I have organized a few trust worthy orphanages and families to take the children in.


Tomorrow will be hectic. A lot of work ahead..

(All Might - HPSC)

Standing on the roof top of the HPSC building, All Might waited. He had been waiting for only three minutes, but that was all the time that he would spare for the Madam President. If even one more minute was spared, he might not be able to contain his anger.


The rooftop door opened, Madam president and another individual entered.

The president was dressed in a casual summer coat, while the other girl was dressed in a formal secretary suit, featuring a suit like top and a long skirt. The President took a single glance to All Might, and noticed something disturbing.

He wasn't smiling.

"All Might, it's nice to see you. Why the late call?" Madam president spoke in an unbiased tone.

She wouldn't give All Might trouble, she knew that peace between the two is in their best interests, and after the failed attack hours before, she would do her best to avert the situation.

All Might stood tall, hands clenched. He looked down at the president in fury, unhidden in his eyes. His towering figure made the two shake.

"Izuku Midoriya. A student who joined UA today was attacked at 11 pm tonight. He was almost killed by an assailant, who claimed to be sent by the HPSC. The ones responsible for this, could you tell me about them?" He spoke, word for word, barely containing his growing anger.

"We heard about the event. It' shame that UA was broken into, however HPSC had no-" The president spoke, only for All Might to stomp causing a small crater beneath his feat. She quickly stopped speaking. The two ladies took a step back briefly.

"You know exactly who did it, so we don't need to talk about that. What I'm more curious about is why the HPSC would target a child!"

All Might wasn't one for politics, but he understood that there was injustice in society, sometimes against the weak or outcasted.

All Might also understood the governments had personal interest and not necessarily were those interests 'heroic', even if they should be.

This was no different.

All Might looked into the presidents eyes, and spoke. This time far less angry.

"Was it about his quirk?"

Silence between the three made ways.

"Madam-" The Opal haired secretary began to speak, but was dismissed with a wave of the presidents hand. A brief second passed before the secretary went back into her previous pose.

".. Yes, Izuku Midoriya's ability to copy quirks permanently was too much of a risk. While we understand UA's perspective on Midoriya's quirk, and his potential to grow into a 'hero', we also understand that the longer he is left uncontained, untrained, the greater the threat he poses to society."

"So you opted to kill him? To groom him? Like Shibata Yori?" All Might grit his teeth, his tongue barely able to make another vocal tune out of his disgust towards the people infront of him. He felt sick to even be looking at them.

"To train him, momentarily, teach him the appropriate ethical codes needed to be a hero and possibly enter him into a recruitment program under the HPSC." She said, as cold as she often was. Politics, no matter the intention, usually leads to someone getting hurt. 

Silence again. The wind blew, All Might almost speechless at the audacity of the President. But no matter what excuse of justice or the greater good they would speak, there was no excuse for the HPSC's actions.

"I see." He said with a pause. He felt loathing towards the two.

"Then let me make something clear. Izuku Midoriya is under UA's protection, if the HPSC or anyone affiliated attempts to harm another student of UA.


Attempts to harm another child, indoctrinate them in this pathetic excuse for a governmental scheme, I will personally see to it that it will be the last crime done by the HPSC. And the last crime ever committed by you, Miss President."

He stood tall, reigning above the president as the moon casted a shadow on his body. She could keep her composure, usually, but All Might was not smiling or acting in his usual tonalities, he was angry, and she could not risk the situation turning any further against the HPSC.

"Am. I. Clear?" He uttered, slowly.

The president could only gulp at the sight; All Might had never acted in such am aggressive manner before, even when facing villains, he was never so.. disturbed.

".. It seems that HPSC may have over stepped its boundaries. I will see to it that this does not cross UA's path." She said, not much could be done when faced with All Might's rage, he was the number one hero and if he were lost because of their failure, the damage done to society would be catastrophic.

All Might, no longer facing the two, spoke.

"This won't be the last time I come here. Next time we meet, you will be brought to justice for your crimes." and in a blur, he disappeared. Leaving only the sound of a miniature explosion in his wake.

"Was that truly Alright Madam President?" The secretary couldn't hep but speak, All Might was not an enemy they could afford to have, but still, they should have had some leeway.

"Some fights cannot be won, Kuzume. If just Nezu were to fight us, we would barely stand a chance to his political connections without the higher ups intervening. The government would even bow their heads at All Might if he took action. It seems like we stepped on a bee hive" The president spoke in exhaustion; the things she would have to do to ensure this didn't go out in public. She lost today's battle.

"Call Hawks. We need to do all we can. And stop any attempt at gathering new recruits. Nezu is probably watching us, we can't risk him of all people getting any evidence, his position is as UA Principle is a dangerous one."


All Might Soared through the sky, leap after leap. He pulled out a radio like device from his pocket/

"Did you get all of that, Principle Nezu? I don't like over exerting myself, and frankly, don't think I can do that again"

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"I got it. Good job All Might"

Every word, sound and syllable said in that conversation was now in Nezu's paws. It would serve well later on, when facing the HPSC. Evidence gathering has already begun.


(Izuku Midoriya - UA Highschool)

'I can't help but stretch in the morning. A habit which hasn't left me since I was young.' The first thought Izuku has, at least, the first coherent one.

Izuku slowly awakens to the sounds of birds. 3 or four outside were chirping readily, as if welcoming his morning. '

Odd, I hadn't seen any birds chirp since I arrived at UA... Maybe I needed to relax, since yesterday, I've been on edge..' He couldn't help but remember yesterdays events. Not a fun experience, not as bad as his first death, but still.

'Well, its expected when you feel you're head leaves your body. I had Almost fallen unconscious at the sensation, almost.' he recalls the lack of sensation he felt around his neck, somehow still remembering the sensations of both segments, even when disconnected.

His body, lower and upper, had automatically reattached itself when he asked it to, but the feeling was unpleasant.

'Yesterday is yesterday. I'll avoid the topic for now, I'm not in the mood to even bother with my mild PTSD.'

Izuku stands up, it's 10:34 am. He usually wake up at 7 for school, but the more rest, the better.

'Mom should be here at UA, which is good. Wonder if they gave her a good room.' Izuku thinks to himself. First things first, shower.

Second things second. Breakfast with mom, need something to eat. Then the tests Nezu requested.



11:30 am - Medical Lab - UA Highschool

The female doctor looked over Izuku. He was sitting with his mother while Nezu spoke to the professional, Ms. Mori, who was brought from outside UA to assist in diagnosing Izuku.

She was equipped with a scanning quirk, "Anatomy" which allowed her to see the structure of any person or object she viewed.

And by a single glance, Izuku's cells looked inhuman, almost unnatural.

"Principle Nezu, your student seems to be fine for the most part. But... He seems have an odd scar across his frontal lobe, mild residual scaring across his skull.

Further more, his cells are acting irregularly, it's like there's no separation between the types of cells in his body. As if his body is comprised of only a singular type of cell, taking the role of what is needed and switching between forms..."

She looks at the CT scan of Midoriya's brain, the amount of scarring across his brain is far too irregular; by the tests they preformed on the skull showed there's not much difference in density.

His cells, acting as neural or other, are functional, entirely so. The physical damage is almost superficial, yet the scars are there.

"Even though his cells don't follow regular biology, it can be jolted down to his quirk affecting him. His mental capacities seem to function fine, but Izuku's brain structure looks scrambled, the damage running almost parallels to the skull's scar. When testing, we found Izuku had little to no emotional response to disturbing images, while he shows symptoms of chronic depression"

" I see. Is there a possibility for him to heal?"

"Overtime, yes. But we should avoid medication if possible. We have no idea the possible affects it could have on someone with his level of damage"

Izuku glanced at the two, while asking his mother to grab him a snack from the vending machine outside, to which she complied easily.

With the help of Nezu's quirk, reading lips was of no trouble.

He gave Nezu and understanding look, duly aware of the result long before the diagnostic, which the Chimera had reciprocated with a nod.

"Thank you for the visit doctor." Nezu said, "Izuku would like to speak to you, if that would be fine." 

"Of course, should I inform him"

"There's no need. I already know." Izuku steps into the conversation. "Doctor Mori, thank you for your help" He extends his hand, to which the doctor replies.

"Of course, it's my job." Midoriya extends his finger past her glove, making physical contact with her wrist.

*Cough, Cough.

"Are you ok?!" The doctor asks, blood drips from Izuku's lips. But she saw it, every one of his cells evolving instantly, like a passing wave, all of which had rewritten their very structure.

"It happens from time to time. So, would it be anything dangerous?" Izuku says, blank expression, aware of the doctors ability.

".. It shouldn't, it seemed what ever happened now was your body remaking itself entirely, as if breaking apart your cells and re-organizing it. But whatever happened just now, it looked terrifying"

"It usually is. Thank you for your time, doctor" Izuku says, as he leaves the room.

"..There is little to worry about doctor. I assure you, Izuku just needs time. Shall we discuss your payment, doctor?"

A glance at the door Izuku walk out from, and the two begin discussing the fee, to which Nezu complies with immediately.


Hall outside Medical Lab

"Oh Izuku? I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't find any vending machines. What happened with the doctor?"

Izuku smiles, "Principle Nezu said the diagnostic is complete. He knows what my quirk is now!" His bright face made Inko tear up.

"Oh my baby! I'm so happy for you." She cried in joy.

If there were a few things that made Izuku feel something, his mother was one of them.

Nezu walked out aswell, seeing the two hugging. Izuku smiled, which was more of a rarity. It was the first time Izuku smiled, and Nezu couldn't help but feel happy at the sight. "Well then, the results are in! Izuku Midoriya, your quirk are you ready"

Something in Izuku should have screamed "YES!", but nothing did. He got what he wanted, nothing will ever stop him again.

"Of course!" he said happily.


"Izuku Midoriya, your quirk has been diagnosed as "INTEGRATION". Congratulations!" Nezu spoke, giving a brief pause, "Your quirk gives you the ability integrate the quirks of others in your body! Allowing you to use the abilities of others endlessly, depending on the contact you have with them!"

Initially, Nezu wanted to use a fake quirk, one of Midoriya's abilities. Izuku refused. That was a lie made to soothe others, to hide what he has gained in his suffering. Izuku needed only the briefest of touches to copy a quirk entirely. No time limit. No delay. Just a touch.

It didn't matter if people feared him, it was his.

His alone.

Society patronized him for having no quirk, now he should hide what he has? No one. No one would target him and live; If word got out so soon, he would be a target for many organizations. He didn't mind though.

If the world wanted him dead, he would fight then, even if he needed to fight the world He would not lose what he earned, what he died for.

To be continued








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