MHA: Stacked Cards

Chapter 3: Chapter three: Visitors

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"... Eraser head?" Midoriya asked as Aizawa's eyes widened.

".. You know me?" he responded. It was almost dead of night, around 11 pm. Aizawa had needed to grab a few things before he went patrolling; he passed by the entrance on his way out, seeming to have met a fan. It was surprising that an underground hero like him was noticed at all.

" Of course! I'm a fan of your work!" Midoriya spoke with poisonous excitement, "Underground superheroes may not be know by most, but I have a hobby of documenting my analysis on heroes who catch my eye! Your ability in particular is amazing!" He spoke, suddenly brimming with some joy, though his posture and coherency seemed off to Aizawa.

"My name is Izuku, Izuku Midoriya, a pleasure to meet you" Izuku extended his hand to the hero, still the man found something off about the boy. Izuku had no nervousness, no awkwardness, like he was an actor.

".... I see,  Aizawa Shōta" He shook the boys hand, to which Midoriya showed no response; a moment after, Midoriya had another coughing fit, blood spat onto his sleeve, obvious to the hero. Aizawa was wide-eyed.

"Are you alright?!" Aizawa was startled to say the least, why the hell is he coughing blood?

"I'm fine. I was heading to my room in the medical quarters, my stay in UA at the moment is medical after all." Midoriya spoke, wiping his lips, and pointing to he hospital gown in humor, still glistening with joy. Another ability to the roster. Another use he could make due with.

".. Let me take you. I was on my was there." Eraser head spoke a lie with indifference, he might aswell take the poor kid to his bedside, at least to the head Nurse. He had a soft spot of illnesses, and he hadn't met many fans before.

"Sure! Let's talk about your work on the way!" Midoriya was more elated by the second, at least that's how he looked.

Aizawa could only see this kid as a major fanboy, but was wary. He had met many people in the past who acted off, but Izuku resembled Nezu somehow.

No one besides that guy could act so mechanically, like a mannequin, without some form of hyperintelligence or something similar.

"Your quirk is really cool! Does it work with mirrors?" Midoriya began asking.

Either way, Izuku would learn what he needed to later, but he only met one of his heroes before.. and that didn't turn out too well. He might aswell make conversation, right?

".. No. It doesn't. I need direct view of  the target to use it" Aizawa spoke in reply.

"I see. That's troubling. If you could use mirrors, mirrored sunglasses would give you almost full view of everything around you." Izuku said.

".. Too impractical, even if it worked, it would be annoying to wear, covering my senses while I fight would only impede me."

"It would give you room to view sneak attacks before they happen. But since your quirk can't work with mirrors or lenses, I suppose it would only be useful in a casual setting"

Midoriya answered coolly, still smiling.

".It would be useful for casual outings with the class... I'll take your advice to the Support department." He spoke.

"You teach? I didn't know that!" Midoriya began cheerfully. "I'm joining UA after the summer! Will you be teaching any fresh classes?" 

"It hasn't been decided yet, but sure, I probably will. Same as last year most likely."

"That's good! Hopefully I'm in your class then!"

Aizawa chuckled in response, "If you pass the entrance exam, then I wouldn't mind. That is 'IF' you get in." 

Midoriya chuckled aswell, "Don't worry, I'm playing a winning game." 

They kept walking along the long halls, Midoriya humming and smiling, Aizawa quiet but almost smiling at the happy-go personality of the kid; Midoriya kept humming, enjoying and savoring the walk with the hero.

"Your quirk can't work on Mutation Quirks, can it?" Izuku blurted out suddenly.

".. No, it works on most quirks except Mutations."

"I see, then why not fight long range? Why intentionally use close combat?" Midoriya asked, this time less curious on the quirk, but rather the user.

In Izuku's notes and observations, a key factor to fighting style wasn't simply the ability itself.

A water manipulation quirk could be used to submerge enemies from a far, or attack close range, but the user is often the one who can decide that. Even with the same quirk, many heroes and villains used basic properties like water manipulation differently.

"In the footage of your fights, you use that scarf and Hand to Hand fighting to apprehend criminals." Midoriya shadow boxes in the air to emphasize the point. "Couldn't you work with another Hero to Paralyze the target and apprehend them?" 

Aizawa spoke when Midoriya stopped punching, "I prefer to work alone, and besides, short range attacks are more effective than long range, ensuring I don't loose the target" he pauses, "Plus, my hair glows red and stands up when I use my ability, making it easy for me to be found if I try stealthy approaches."

".. Why not shave your head then?" Midoriya says innocently.

They stare in awkward silence, no reaction from either of them. Thereafter, Midoriya laughed like a child.


Midoriya bursted out giggling as Aizawa was thoroughly embarrassed, though even he couldn't escape chuckling for a bit.

"hehe, alright, we're hear" Aizawa speaks calmly.

"It was nice meeting you, Aizawa sensei. Let's meet again later on then!" Midoriya gave a formal bow as they said goodbye.

While the boy had smiled in conversation, the moment he entered his hospital room, there was no sign of joy on his face.

Nothing at all actually.

His 'happy' personality before was a façade, one he often used to mask his depression in school. Though it helped keep the conversation running, so it's usefulness wasn't minimal. Perhaps he was slowly turning into a manipulative monster, the emotional numbness only continued to spread when he wasn't acting..

He couldn't help but have darker thoughts at times like these, as the emptiness ate him from the inside out.

Before he would let any of that ruin his mood, he looked on his new ability; Erasure, which would allow him to disable most quirks.

He located the nearest standing mirror before using it. His hair floated upwards as his eyes beamed in a blood shot red.

"So that's how erasure works, huh. Interesting indeed. A useful ability if I can combine it with my Slime quirk, I would be able" Izuku said, as he picked up a mirror and looked at himself.

His eyes glowed red for a brief moment before nothing happened. 

"It really doesn't work on mirrors" He spoke, but before he could go to bed and rest for the day, he looked around while using his new ability.

A shadow drifted from his window.

If it was a normal person, they wouldn't have caught it, but a face and black bodysuit appeared from the other side before scurrying away. Midoriya saw it clear as day. 



The silent alarm was triggered, UA's Defense system active, and the windows besides Midoriya's hospital bed were sealed shut as automatic ventilation removed any possible poison in the area.

Midoriya was already registered into the defense system by Nezu, the Defense protocol which tracked his every movement with a combination of equipment including pressure sensors and heat cameras, ensuring no-one could harm the boy without someone arriving on scene.

Privacy was an illusion in most parts of society aswell as at UA's Hero school, every bathroom, hallway and classroom was recorded constantly, monitored by an Artificial Intelligence designed by UA's principle. Izuku would be recorded anywhere within the facility and UA's anti-villain protocols made sure to inform every single intruder of that.


Suddenly, footsteps rushed to Izuku's chamber. Izuku turned to the door of his medical room as the windows behind him closed with Metal barring. The door slammed open loudly as Aizawa, moments after, entered with heavy concern.

"Principle Nezu alerted me of a possible intruder, are you alright Midoriya?" Aizawa said activating his quirk on the surrounding areas of the room, making sure no-one could attack silently.

A sigh of relief caught Midoriya's breath as he looked at the hero.

"I'm fin-" before Midoriya would finish that sentence, in his often casual and uppity ton, a blade the size of a machete tore through his neck and arteries, from his left to right.

Blood splattered everywhere along the slash as his once again ripped flesh tore itself from his body. Decapitation. His head flew off his body as the rest of him fell to the floor.

"MIDORIYA!" Aizawa screamed, staring at the intruder as they attempted to sneak away. The figure, invisible and silent moments before now revealed her tall slim and encased body.

The figure was wearing full black with a gas mask helmet. The helmet covered the entirety of their body as the gloves and shoes seemed to nullify any sound. Izuku would have found no smell of the intruder, as their presence was erased entirely moments before.

The Black cladded assassin had rushed back into the room moment while the defense system was active, with just enough time o slip in as Midoriya turned. The plan was most likely to drug the boy and kidnap him. Though, now looking at it, plan B seemed to be eliminating him entirely.

Aizawa attacked the bladed opponent with a flurry of jabs, enraged by the loss of life. He had only met Midoriya minutes ago, but his heroic attitude could not allow a student to die so carelessly.

Left jab to Neck.

Elbow hook to chin.

Kick to shin.

Strike to the assassins solar plexus. Which served only to give Aizawa a minutes glance at the boy. He was dead. Again.

They counted each other back and forth, for every attack there was a redirect, a counter.

When Aizawa kicked the figure, she would respond with a strike to the inner thigh.

When she struck his jaw, he would respond by a punch to the liver.

They spun around like Ballerinas as Izuku's head laid beside the broken medical machines and damaged bedside.

His neck bled a fountain of blood, and he didn't move an inch. His eyes however, glimmered in a rage and fury no man would seek to bear witness to.


Back and forth Aizawa and the lady went, strike for strike, blow for blow.

Countering counters like it was a game, but Aizawa used his combat ability with the full intention of killing her.

She killed a child. A CHILD.

He struck lethal blows after misdirects, she couldn't keep up for long even though she was trained.

Her missions were stealth more often than not and Aizawa wouldn't give her a millisecond of rest.

Aizawa wrapped his scarf around her neck and arm, keeping her in a lock. She tried to shrug the attack and escape his grip, but before she could, another attack came from her side. From the body on the floor. From Izuku's fingers.

A large bladed and blood colored whip ripped through the Assassin's arm, her right arm, piercing it with slow and malicious movements.

It pierced the flesh of the Assassin, to which she screamed in pain, but no one here would give her mercy, especially not Izuku; The limb like entity originating from Izuku's finger, still within her arm, layered itself with spiked and Tore itself out, severing her limb entirely from her body. Taking her weapon aswell.

Another quickly entered her mouth, ripping out several teeth along with a cyanide pill. Ensuring she could not take the easy way out.

Aizawa was shaken, his knife resistant scarf now had several pierces as the blade like limbs ripped through it to get to her; He was horrified as was the Assassin. Her Canines had been forcefully pulled from their sockets and her only means of escape just disappeared.

Midoriya would be a fool to allow any form of movement from the girl, thus he pierced through her left thigh and stomach with another two extensions, holding her like pins to a board. She would not move.

Screams filled the room, but no-one dared move. His head re-attached itself to his body as his cells remolded themselves to their previous structure.

Izuku stood up slowly, blood flowing back into his wounded neck as the flesh merged back together like nothing had happened.

He survived several injuries even after death, decapitation was not much for the boy.

His Severed arteries, like appendages, reattached themselves as the muscle then skin layered over. His spine popped with a bubbled sound as his nerves reconnected. They was not a single cell left outside his body, everything moved back in order, like a machination.

He walked over to the girl, piecing her left shoulder muscle with another extension, all three of which were still attached to his fingers.

He twisted his right hand as she curled in pain.

Like venomous and starved animals, the razor like tentacles ate at her flesh and muscles, catabolizing her slowly, leaving only her nerves alive so she may feel every once of agony, every drop of suffering she dared inflict upon him.

Aizawa stood in shock. He looked at the boy as he slowly bent down to the girl, lifting up her chin, staring into her eyes without a single ounce of emotion.

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The expressionless kid, Izuku Midoriya, looked like more of a monster than the assassins. Aizawa stood in place for several seconds, and didn't intervene.


"AAaah" The assassin screamed as Midoriya tore through her shoulder and thigh, each providing the separate sensation of a razor cut flesh and a slow piercing spear.

His mind was working overdrive to keep himself sane, but he felt rage never the less. In the span of the last few months, he could only feel little emotion around his family, perhaps in school. The depression got to him, but he could still feel physical pain. It was that pain which had set him off, and made his almost numb emotions boil.

Here however, Anger, Wrath, and violent emotions, bloodlust for the person who dared hurt him, took focus.

Since she gave him these sensations, it would only be fair to give her a painless death.

But she still had her use.

"Who sent you?" Midoriya asked stoically. But his eyes, they were ablaze in violence.

With no response to his question, Midoriya did the only reasonable thing.

"AGHaaAAA" She screamed in utter pain, her pitch reaching choir levels; she could only look at the face of the one who hurt her, who she 'killed'. His green hair, cold eyes, and soft young, freckled face showed no enjoyment in her anguish. No emotion at all. 

"Who. Sent. You?" He asked again, calmly, coldly. This time would be the last time he asked.

"..F-Fuck you." She spoke, a brave soldier indeed. Not that it would save her. Her arrogance would only be punished.

*Twist- RIPPP

"AAAGH" The tentacle moved from her stomach, exiting her body like a spear, only to pierce her lower intestines, twisting and turning, pulling everything they could until the moment she would stop screaming.

In the midst of this, Aizawa finally acted. How Midoriya survived didn't matter, he had to stop this.

"STOP MIDORIYA"  -He activated his quirk, to no avail. The Slime quirk was a mutation after all. And his ability couldn't affect mutations.

"HEROES DON'T KILL!" He screamed, trying to get through to the boy. He didn't.

She kept screeching as Midoriya tore through her internal organs, looking only in her eyes as he did so. Not minding Aizawa in the slightest. He couldn't care less if someone tried to stop him.

She hurt him. She would suffer for her actions.

Right as Aizawa moved to stop Midoriya by force, she spoke. Perhaps it was the pain that made her speak. Maybe it was the ruthlessness in which Izuku tore through her internal organs like it was a nuisance.

No, it was the fact that she cut through his neck, yet he stood infront of her without a care, like a monster.

It was his motionless voice and state which petrified her.

"Aahhgh-  The Hero Public Safety Commission!" She blurted out, pausing to breath in-between words, the ripping did not stop neither while she spoke or after.

The commission trained all their assassins to be loyal to the very end of their service, to be ready for hours of torture should they be captured, but Izuku did not torture her.

Not for information at least. It was more like he 'wanted' her to suffer, that regardless of whether she spoke or not, she would die by the end of it. "T-they-" before she could utter another word, she was tossed to the side and knocked unconscious.

Midoriya's fingers returned as they were, as he stood up without a care in the world and walked to Aizawa. 

"We need to speak with Nezu." He said, and in an instant, continued walking to the door.

The hero could only give a glance to the 'Villain', no, Assassin, before following the boy in silence.

He would have given him a talk, some lecture, maybe even berated him, but he saw his head fly moments before. The disregard Midoriya held for his own safety, for his injuries, would only give shivers to those who saw. After staring at the state of the assassin aswell, he opted to keep silence until they reached the Nezu's office.

A long, silent walk later, and the two arrived at the teachers lounge. Plans had changed when Nezu realized that Deku was still alive. He had contacted a few other heroes aswell regarding the infiltration of UA, and would see to it that and event like this never happens again.

Midoriya did not bother to knock, simply opening the door with more force than needed.

With a loud sound, the two enter to find Nezu sat on the couch drinking tea, paws intertwined and his expression dark.

The tea had ran cold, untouched by the principle.

All might sat beside Nezu in contemplation, standing up the moment Izuku entered.

Midnight and Cementoss, another two people who Izuku recognized as top heroes, had also stood up after.


Silence spoke louder than anything they could say to the boy, All Might wanted to speak but Izuku ignored him and sat opposing to Nezu.


The social rulebook says that Midnight and Cementoss should introduce themselves, but hearing that the student infront of them was deceased moments before had kept them quiet.

.Aizawa sat beside Izuku moments later. Understandably concerned on the boys phycological health. Though more concerned on why the hero commission would ever target a child.

Everyone was silent.


"..C-Could I have a glass of water?" Izuku finally speaks. No one moves for a moment.

They had no clue what to expect from the kid, this boy had such a strong ability that he revived himself, and Nezu had seen it happen twice. The sensors and heat camera's only caught Izuku getting decapitated, to the relief of Nezu, Midoriya was still alive.

 After this, All Might himself would investigate the reason behind this assassination.

Cementoss moves with a nod to Midoriya, grabbing a glass of water for the boy from the machine on the side of the room. Midoriya patiently waits, as he is given the cup.

Not wanting to bother coughing blood, Izuku grabs the plastic cup carefully without touching Cementoss's hand, as he chugged it down with several gulps.

A coughing fit from the water leads All Might to ask the boy what he had wanted to ask before. "Are you alright young Midoriya?" The man speaks nervously, fully aware of the distain Izuku may hold against him.

".. I just got decapitated, so not really" No one replies to that one. All of them want to say something meaningful to the kid but you can't tell a person with a burning house 'Go home and rest'. The hero's all regret being too slow for the boy.

Some like Midnight and Aizawa are astonished someone could survive something like a decapitation.

Most quirks aren't anywhere near that strong.


Nezu takes a minute of silence before he stands and faces his new student. With a 90 degree bow, Nezu gives Midoriya a sincere apology,".. Izuku Midoriya, I must apologize for what has happened to you so far. You've come to UA for medical care but have suffered greater injuries than benefits due to our incompetence. For that, I am sorry." The others bow aswell.

In a single day, Izuku Midoriya had gone through more than enough trauma to last a normal child for years. But Izuku was just doing his best not get angry at the staff, his logical side understands that Nezu most likely tried to avoid this before hand, It was just a matter of circumstances.... His other side, not so much. 

While normal children would cry for hours and hours, Izuku had been affected by the brain damage and what ever happened to him due to it has led to a numbness, one filled by rage at the moment.

Quirks have been known to affect their users, making some addicted to things people see as disgusting, even criminal. While the media and this broken society attempted to hide it, it was far too obvious even to Izuku, that quirks like his have affected his psyche to an extreme. Should it have been Izuku prior to his awakening, the trauma may have broken him, but know? Nothing. Just anger. And it terrified Izuku much more than the supposed pain he should be feeling.

Silence again covers the room again. Izuku wanted to go back to his room, as no matter how much he wanted to get upset at the staff members, he wouldn't allow

"..The Assassin is still in my room.." Midoriya spoke softly. Nezu's sensors found nothing there, just as the heroes found Izuku was still alive only minutes after Izuku's decapitation was recorded, and only thanks to Aizawa's call. With a glance from Nezu, Midnight and Cementoss left the room to capture the assassin.

It seems like the assassin's ability is both a mutation and emitter, allowing the girl to hide entirely from the sensors even after Aizawa had used his ability.

When Midoriya had attacked the Assassin using his piercing limbs, he must have taken the ability, making the sensors still believe Midoriya was dead.

Once they left, Izuku dropped the silence. "I understand that UA has it's own concerns and protocols, and I understand that you did your best to assist me regardless. There is no blame on you, Principle" Izuku speaks in a single movement.

Facing Nezu with angry eyes. Barely holding his composure together.

"However, I would like to know why exactly has the Hero Public Safety commission targeted me for assassination and whether my family is currently in danger."

Midoriya said as his eyes turned ferocious, he spoke spitefully to match them.

"..We've already sent for someone to bring your mother to UA, under the guise of your quirk needing medical attention. We will ensure that something like this does not repeat itself. As for why the Hero Public Safety Commission wanted to capture you.."

A flash of rage enters the principle's eyes.

"We would have to ask them on that, which we will."

Midoriya could only clench his teeth at the answer. It was more and more apparent to him that society was made out of sticks and feathers. If even heroes had so little power, who could help him?

"I promise young Midoriya, we will deal with whoever is responsible for this! I swear it!"

All Might spoke to the boy, seeing the child's anger was only increasing, it reminded him of a helpless younger child, a quirkless child he once was, powerless against the world. Now serious, angry even, All Might would find out the truth behind the commission, and would bring them to justice.

He didn't smile once while meeting Izuku, not after seeing the hatred the kid had for him. But he had to help the kid somehow, if he didn't, what kind of hero was he? He couldn't keep a gloomed face, not here!

Izuku could only rage at the thought someone targeted him, but for tonight, he could not do much.

A long conversation afterwards with Nezu and Midoriya was given several favors for the following year.

An apology for the lack of security he faced. It may have seemed like it was very little, which it was, after all no amount of favors would save someone from decapitation. But Izuku had the opportunity to request one on one training with All Might, or specialized hero gear which belonged solely to him.

The new Izuku had a lot to gain from this, even if he would rather feel emotional.

The benefits are not something someone would turn down easily, UA had a 6 day study regime after all, he could easily get 5 or 4 if he wanted with this.

Nevertheless, the damage was done, and while favors are nice, they are not as valuable as one's phycological state, granted Izuku could give a rats ass about that by this point as his mind was already in shambles, so the favors will do.

Aizawa was informed of Izuku's abilities, as he was confirmed to be the new homeroom teacher for Izuku's appointed class. Eraser head's skeptically on their first meeting didn't go unnoticed, but the man didn't say anything.

When Midnight and Cementoss came back, Izuku copied their abilities with an introductory handshake; Aizawa could only realize that Nezu probably gave him his quirk aswell, making Midoriya seem ever more cunning in their first meeting.

Though, that didn't mean he wasn't a child, a child who had almost died today if the commission hadn't had little intel on his abilities. Aizawa would have to confront Hawks later on, he needed to know what happened, if Nezu himself didn't already find out by then.

Midnight and Cementoss quickly learned who was responsible for the assassination, as they were enraged by the though of targeting a child. The corruption, regardless of the sugarcoating done by the commission, was disgusting. They too would later help Izuku if possible, Midnight with her influence, Cementoss with Cement.

Izuku left to see his mother afterwards and with Izuku's convincing, his mother would agree to stay within UA for a short while.

It was only when Nezu had brought out information on Izuku's supposed quirk that she would fully agree to stay, she knew how important a quirk was to her child, and could make arrangements; The extent of her knowledge regarding Izuku's suicide is minimal, all she truly knows is that All Might had saved him from a villain, and he got treatment at UA due to urgency.

 Izuku was informed that he would need to do several tests for his health and quirk the following day, and 10 minutes after, he headed to his new room.

Izuku slept like a baby, this time checking the windows, at around 12:45 am; where he would later train his new ability at breakfast the following day....


As for the girl clad in black...

The police had taken custody of the assassin, keeping her in a highly contained holding cell.. only for her to commit suicide a few hours later.

Death by cyanide; It seems she had a supplier.

To be continued.



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