Micchi Versus the New World

Chapter 15: 15 – Yui Becomes an Adventurer

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"Let me get this straight. You two are actually from another world, and in that world, you senselessly fight each other until the other one forfeits their kingdom?" Kain is trying to make sense of everything I told him so far. He turns to Loraine who only offers a smile. "Did you know about Lady Micchi coming from another world?"

Loraine nods. "She told me but asked to keep it a secret."

"I'll need to consult the summoners if they had anything to do with this…" he says, falling into thought.

"Why does it matter? We fight for you now, anyway." 

"I still don't understand. You two were at each other's throats earlier, but now appear to be the best of friends." Kain still has his hand on his sword, wary as he should be of Yui.

After Yui regained consciousness and swore to become my underling, it took a lot of convincing to persuade Kain and Loraine that she wouldn't be a threat anymore. That led to telling them how we aren't originally from here. Even now, I still have to prove to them otherwise.

"Yui and I swore an oath— whoever beats the other first would be the one to take on the rest of Japan," I explain.

Yui nods enthusiastically, still clinging to my arm. "Micchi proved herself stronger, so now she's my anego. We'll fight by each other's side like old times. Right, Anego?"

I try to shake her off. "Uh, yeah. Can you just get off me?"

No matter how much I try to fling Yui off, she's clutched tightly to my arm. Loraine's cheeks are puffed out even more, pouting at me for not giving her any attention. She comes to the opposite side and tugs against Yui.

"I don't know what that means, but I'm Micchi's wife." Loraine declares.

Yui gasps and yanks me to her side. "What? I'll have you know, I've known Anego longer than you have!"

Loraine pulls me back. "You should know, I gave Micchi her first kiss and—"

"Hey! Don't go around saying that so casually!" I grab Loraine by her shoulders and realize that my other side is freed from Yui's grasp.

There's a shadow over Yui's eyes. "You… tits for brain whore elf, you took Anego's first time…? If I get rid of you, then it won't matter."

"You may certainly try," Loraine says, igniting her hands with energy.

I come between the both of them. "Calm the fuck down or I'm going to clobber both of you."

Kain sighs, rubbing his forehead. "This is too much to take in. In other words, your friend, Yui no longer fights on the side of the demon lord?"

Yui recomposes herself and latches to my arm again. "That was just a temporary thing anyway. Whoever Anego fights for, count me in!"

"There you have it." I instinctively go to pat his shoulder to reassure him, but I've got two leeches holding my arms down. 

Kain rests a hand on my shoulder instead. "I'll report to my father what happened today. You… appear to have your own problems to deal with. Don't forget to have her register with the Adventurer's Guild!"


Him saying that gives me an idea.


"Ah, welcome back! Good work taking care of the monolith." Frey greets us as we enter the guild hall, then gestures to the tavern. "These louts hid inside when they were supposed to be out there with you."

"Damn. They really are useless, aren't they? Why do you even put up with 'em?" I ask.

"Unless they commit a crime, I can't exactly boot them from the guild. The guild hall is free to use for anyone registered as long as they have coin to spend at the tavern side. Anyway, what can I do ya for?" Frey shrugs, coming out from the counter to tack more requests onto the board.

I push Yui to the front. "I wanna get this one registered with the guild."

"Hi, hi!" Yui salutes.

"Sure thing, just let me— EEHHHH?! Isn't she the one who was leading the demons? Explain this!" She demands, pointing at Yui who's sticking her tongue out. 

"We squared that off. She's with me now," I assure Frey.

"If… if it was anyone other than you who brought her here, I would have declined. Right, so fortunately we received the new stone today. After you broke the last one, it really put me in a bind with HQ. I'm glad they had a spare to give." 

Frey leads us downstairs to the room where a new stone is waiting. Any traces of debris that the old one was here has been cleaned up.

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"Would you say Yui is every bit as strong as you?" Loraine asks.

"Did you not see me kick her ass today? Yui's strong, but it's all in her nunchuck," I say, thinking back to all the times we fought to a draw. The two times I won because I threw Sacchan away to get a hit off. If both of us stuck with using our weapons, I'd probably be a goner.

"You want me to just break it?" Yui asks.

"I'm getting deja vu here… You just need to hit the stone as hard as you can and it'll determine your strength." Frey explains, taking a step back.

Yui flourishes her nunchuck, tossing it behind her, catching it under her shoulder, and flinging it across her chest to be caught again. It's the same move I always see nunchuck users do. In Yui's case, she's picking up speed— accelerating even. It's so fast that the nunchuck and her arms have become a blur. Electricity sparks from her body and weapon, surging up the walls.

"Hup!" Yui swings out the nunchuck and impacts the stone with a sickening crack.

To say that it simply hit would be a disservice to Yui. She blasts the stone, embedding her nunchuck into it. A ripple of energy discharges from where she's standing. I pull Loraine into my arms to keep her from flying, but Frey is sent hurling across the room.

"Fuunnyaa!!" Despite being chucked airborne, Frey lands on her feet like any cat would. As soon as she sees the stone, her jaw drops and the hair on her tail puffs out.

Yui wrenches her nunchuck free from the stone, causing it to shudder and crack. Two characters appear on the surface of the stone— the same two letters that showed for me. 

"Anego! Anego! Did you see that? I broke the stone!" Yui dances circles around us. If she had a tail, it would be wagging like crazy. She lowers her head in front of me.

I sigh, and pat her head. Yui throws Loraine a smug grin.

We head back upstairs with Frey to finalize Yui's registration papers.

"How do I say this," I begin, scratching my cheek. "Sorry about your stone. Again."

Frey's eyes have gone blank for a much different reason. "Ah, it's okay. A new stone will just come out of the guild's coffers anyway. I'm sure HQ will— maybe not."

She slides the finished paperwork back to Yui, and then lays herself on the ground, staring up at the ceiling in silence.

Yui looks over the registration paper, bouncing with joy. "Look! It says I'm SS-rank and my class is a rogue. Then it mentions my class again as a duelist?"

"Rogue? Duelist? The hell is that?" I ask.

"Rogues are agile combatants who focus less on magic and raw strength, relying instead on speed and wit." Loraine explains. "They have the largest variety of subclasses and as such, make up a large percentage of adventurers within the guild."

Speed sounds about right for Yui. Wit, on the other hand, I'm not so sure about that. I will hand it to her that she can be cunning.

"Then what's a duelist?" Yui asks, eyes sparkling.

"Duelists specialize in single combat. It's fitting, seeing as how you were able to stand toe to toe with Micchi. But naturally, she's better." Loraine says, not missing a chance to gush about me.

I lean over the counter to see if Frey is still down there. "Now that that's over with, I got something else I want to do."

"Yes?" She responds with a deadpan look.

"Make Yui the guild leader of this branch."

"EEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!" Frey springs to life, slamming her hands on the counter. "She just joined and you want her to lead that?"

The adventurers are as drunk and disorderly as always. It's as though we weren't almost invaded by a demon army. Looking at them pisses me off, but that's exactly why Yui is perfect.

"You can do it, right. Yui? I know you conquered Saitama Prefecture without getting your hands too dirty. That's because you made them fight for you, didn't ya?" I ask.

"I did! If Anego wants me to bust some skulls to whip them into shape, you can count on me." Yui rubs her hands together like a cartoon villain, staring at the adventurers.

"Well…" Frey scratches her head, clearly conflicted over this turn of events. "Any leader would be better than no leader, but I don't have the authority to transfer guild leadership. That's on Prince Kain. You'll have to get his official approval to transfer his guild leader status to Yui."

"How do you think Kain will feel about this?" Loraine asks.

"Gofer doesn't have a choice."

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