
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Should’ve Kept Walking

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It was the end to yet another normal school day. The intercom rung its usual dinging sound; this one indicated the end of our learning period. I could feel and hear the students ecstatically leaving the classroom in loud steps and giddy chatter. The start of the weekend seemed to excite everyone, we all needed the break, even if it is only for two days.

I felt a cramp brewing up in my hand as I continued to scribble the last of my notes. As they came to a conclusion, I dropped my pencil and shook my hand off, hoping it would redirect the cramp away or something. I sighed deeply as I gently rubbed the bridge of my nose. Although the amount of effort this school demands from you can feel a bit overwhelming, it's a great experience to work on time management and other life lessons.

The overload of work wasn't what had me stressed, though. I actually just woke up from a nap about 10 minutes before the bell rung so I had to quickly copy down the notes from the board. I won't say that I'm lazy but I'm not the most "active" student in class. I get my work done here and at home when it counts. My grades are hovering around straight A's, and I'm quick learner, making all of this a helluva lot easier.

I packed my bags and made my way out the class, not expecting anyone to greet me. Like always, I was the last to leave the room. I have no classmates I would call friends, so no one to talk with as I left. I don't have the energy to start conversations with people which was my reason for being alone. Theirs would probably be because "I'm weird" or "I'm always asleep" which isn't true. I'm up when it matters...

But really, I'm just a normal highschooler trying to get through school one year at a time like everyone else. I'm nothing to awe at nor am I anything to look down upon. Average build, average looks, average personality, and slightly above average brains.

The crisp, cool fall air swept over me immediately after leaving the building. Orange leaves scattered the sidewalk with an occasional new leaf falling from a nearby tree.

I took a deep Inhale of the cool air then exhaled. I took my first step down the school's steps and my foot hit something hard. "Wha-"

I lost balance and tripped down the steps. One of the edges cut the palm of my hand, I felt the sting right away.

"Ouch," The person responsible for my fall rubbed the back of his head, rather gently, as he made eye contact with me. "Watch where you're walking, Haru."

"Tatsumi..." I wasn't surprised, it was just a matter of time before he showed up. Tatsumi is my best friend. We've met during the later years of elementary school, and we've been inseparable ever since. "Why are you just sitting Infront of the door?"

I got to my feet and brushed myself off. Looking at my hand, I noticed that I was bleeding from the wound. I removed the pocket-sized hand sanitizer from my pocket and squirted a bit on the wound. I winced at the stinging sensation then quickly applied pressure using the sleeve of my jacket.

Tatsumi got to his feet and offered a tissue which he conveniently had his is pocket. I hesitated, "Is this used?"

"Do you want it or not?" I carefully took it from his hand and applied it to my palm, "Y'know this is really unsanitary, right?" He laughed it off as he made his way to my side. We walked for a bit before striking a conversation.

"Haru, what are you doing for the weekend?"

"I might just stay home and study or do homework, what about you?"

I lied, I won't study or do homework. I most likely will sleep all weekend and procrastinate until the morning it's due, but that doesn't sound like fun weekend plans, so I told a harmless white lie.

"You're always studying or doing homework,"

Okay, maybe a few white lies...

"I thought we could go to an Arcade or something and have a bit of fun."

I thought about his offer for a bit before responding. It's not that I didn't want to go, I was just surprised that his asked to play video games with me. It's not news to him that I'm at least decently better than him in most games we play. Co-Op usually ends with me having all the points and carrying him. PvP ends with me constantly killing him back-to-back until he eventually gives up. And anything else ends along those lines as well.

"Really? An Arcade, sure I'm always down to beat you in video games." I teased.

He smiled, "Not this time, my friend. I've been practicing since the last time we played. I feel like I can beat you this time."

"You might need a little bit more practice than that."

We played each other earlier this week...

"I'm sure I can beat you; you don't understand the countless nights I've spent training for this moment. I've been-"

Tatsumi's voiced zoned out in my ears. I suddenly felt a strange chill I've never felt before, it was completely random. My heart began to race as I felt this sinking feeling in my gut. Anxiety flooded my brain with questions about what this feeling could be... I was lost before Tatsumi snapped me back to reality

"Haru, are you good?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine..." I said shakily. "We should g-"

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Tatsumi and I practically spun on our heels towards the sound. It came from the alleyway we were currently walking past.

A black, skinny cat emerged from the shadows. It's emerald green eyes were so beautiful, almost hypnotic. It sat down in front of us and gave another meow before it began licking the back of its paws and rubbing behind its ears.

Its tail was relaxed but ears perked up like it was listening for something.

"Aww," Tatsumi's restraint is fragile as glass, he immediately approached the cat ready to pet it. "It's so cute."

The cat didn't protest, it allowed Tatsumi to pet it several times before I arrived at his side.

"We should probably leave it alone, Tsumi. It might have rabis..."

The cat looked at me and stood up like it heard what I said. Offended, he hissed and backed away into the shadows of the alleyway.

"See look, you made him mad." Tatsumi said, dejectedly.

"I didn't mean it like that, and how do you even know if it's a boy?"


Before Tatsumi could finish, a growl sounded from the shadows of the alleyway. This growl was deep and hoarse, nothing a mere cat could produce.

I was paralyzed, I felt like running but my feet wouldn't move. My heart raced within my chest, and I felt sick. Terribly sick.

"What.. was that?" I managed to utter struggling to catch my breath.

"I don't know..." Tatsumi didn't seem as anxious about it as I was. But his lack of movement gave away that he was scared too, which was pretty rare for him to experience.

Soon after Tatsumi said it, what was responsible for the growl finally revealed itself and what it was instantly made my heart stop and stomach drop.

It was pale in color with purple-blueish bruises littered in various places. Its body was frail and scrawny, you could practically see its heart beating through its chest and its lungs contracting with every breath. It stood emotionless and contorted in front of us, not a single thought behind those cold, crimson-colored eyes. Its jaw hung open, revealing dirty, rotten, yet sharp teeth.

I manage to take a step back, my feet felt like they weighted tons. "What the hell is that!?"

"..." Tatsumi gulped.

It's head swiftly tilted sideways with a cracked. Its jaw shivered, clattering its teeth eerily before its body began to shake severely.

"Haru..." Tatsumi said in a cold, monotone voice. "Stay behind me."


Before I could even comprehend what kind of predicament we were in, The thing let out a soul-shaking screech before charging at us faster than I thought it could move.

"W-what the hell...?"

Tatsumi readied himself in a stance he used frequently during his Martial Art lessons.

"What the fuck did we get ourselves into."

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