
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Help Him

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The thing sprinted at us, with what I assumed was its max speed. But somehow, it felt... slow. I could see every movement it made and had enough time to react if I could. But I was still stuck in place, feet welded to the cold cement floor.

Tatsumi stood in front, guarding me. I could see his eyes frantically moving back and forth, I assumed the reason was because he couldn't comprehend the speed of the monster effectively. If I was correct, then I wasn't crazy, I could render in the movements quicker than normal.

As the thing sped closer, I could see it begin to raise its boney arm. Its hand was bruised like the rest of its body, but the fingernails on it were dirty yet deadly. They were long and sharp, by the looks of it, they could easily slash skin. It was going to use it to attack.

"Tatsumi! Watch out for its nails!" I managed to call out

"Huh?" He then made a look of realization. "Good call, Haru."

It was close enough to strike now, and like my prediction, it did. It swung its nasty hand right at Tatsumi face with such speed, I don't think an ordinary person could dodge it. Well-warned Tatsumi was ready, however. He dodged under the attack, narrowly missing it. In the same motion, he punched hard at the chest of the monster.


The sound of his fist hitting the bones of the thing almost made me sick. It should've been in severe pain, anything other than that would've been out for the count, but the monster wasn't fazed.

It swung its hand again at Tatsumi's now vulnerable body.


It landed its attack, slashing deep into Tatsumi's guarded arms. He managed to shove the monster back a bit to gain distance. Blood poured from his arm, as he struggled to apply pressure with the other.

"Goddamit..." Tatsumi gritted his teeth, breathing heavily. "This hurts like hell."

He couldn't defend anymore, with his dominant arm wounded and his other arm occupied, there's was no hope for a fair fight.

The thing licked the bloody nails on its hand and gave a sinister chuckle.

I was our only hope, but I couldn't fight as well as Tatsumi. He was the athletic one, I'm just a stay-indoors type of guy. But it was either fight back or leave our lives within the hands of this...THING.

So naturally, I stepped forward. My feet still heavy and gut clearly protesting. "Step back, Tsumi. Try not to lose too much blood." Tatsumi didn't try to object, he was no longer in the shape to fight, he knew that better than I did. He stepped back as suggested.

The monster seemed joyful at its new opponent. But I however was not, I felt like I was about to throw up. But i had to keep my composure for the both of us. If I fail here, then we're as good as dead.

The monster ran towards me, its movements appeared slowed once again. I could easily avoid its attacks if it continued this way.

It raised its hand again; I knew it was going for another slash attack. It did. It aimed for my face like it did Tatsumi. I stepped back.

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Although its body seemed humanoid and appeared to have some sort of consciousness, it was pretty stupid. Its attacks were basic, and its movements were jagged. It didn't try to go for Tatsumi at all, it didn't even look in his direction. It was one-track minded, only wanting the thing it was currently faced with. Although I noticed all of this while dodging and avoiding attacks, I couldn't do significant damage to its body, I was too weak. Even with all of these flaws, the monster would eventually win. I couldn't keep dodging forever, it was only a matter of time before I would make a mistake and screw myself over. If only I was stronger.

I continued to dodge with whatever energy I had left. The thing became visibly more annoyed with me, it attacked faster and moved more precisely. I didn't have long before I was out of energy. A few dodges later, it put some brain into its next move, it went for a leg swipe. I wasn't paying attention to its legs...


I fell hard onto my rear. I didn't have time to get up, the monster was already in motion for a slash right for my face. I did everything I could, I accepted this outcome... I closed my eyes and braced for impact.


Seconds went by, and I didn't feel anything. Am I already dead? I opened my eyes, and the monster was standing over me. Lifeless eyes. A hole in its chest leaked discolored blood, its mouth dripped the same thing.

A gurgle was heard before it eventually fell to the ground next to me with a thud. Dead.

"Good thing I got here when I did, huh?" A voiced said from behind.

I slowly turned around to see a tall, tanned boy, around our ages, standing at the entrance of the alley. He wore thin glasses with his hair covering his forehead. The radiating purple aura he was surrounded with died out. He smiled.

"You held your own out there, little man." He was talking to me, the shortest one present. "My name is Kyu." He smiled.

"How'd you do that." I asked, getting up to my feet.

"I- uh..." He frantically looked around, avoiding the question. "Your friend here seems hurt; does he need help?"

I looked over at Tatsumi. He was sitting on the ground, back braced against the wall. His eyes struggled to stay open and the grip on his wounded arm got weaker.

"Tatsumi..." I ran and kneeled beside him. "Are you alright??"

He slowly looked at me, "yeah... I'm perfectly fine. j-just... I'm just a bit tired..." He closed his eyes.

"Tatsumi?" no response. "Tatsumi, wake up.."

No answer. I turned to Kyu who stood there, his smile no longer present.

I felt my eyes start to burn and throat begin to hurt. My vision pulsed with every heartbeat. Then the tears hit, streaming down my cheeks. "P-please..." I said in a shaky voice. "H-help him..."

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