
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Kiyomi

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I ran toward Renga and threw a punch at his face. He caught it without even looking up from his phone.

"Too slow and predictable." He criticized. "Try again."

He threw me by the arm, I was sent spiraling through the air and crashed into the ground.

"Arg," I grunted as I wobbled to my feet. I gritted my teeth and gave it another go.

I closed the distance between us and got low, forcing him to look from his phone and sent an uppercut for his chin. He quickly dodged backwards.

"I like it," he said, striking me hard in the gut. "Keep attacking like that."

I was sent flying away again as blood spurted from my mouth. This guy hits hard. This is really exhilarating. I got back onto my feet and ran toward him as fast as I could. I used the same tactic: getting low and sending an uppercut at him.

"This again?" He said dodging back like before.

"Gotcha." I twisted my body to dodge the attack he threw at my gut like before

His eyes widen in surprise as I found an opening in his defense. I landed a punch on his cheek and quickly hopped back to gain distance.

A moment passed before he spit out blood onto the grass. He rubbed where I punched him.

"Good," he said walking toward me. I readied myself but he just walked past me. "Let's continue this tomorrow."

"Seriously? That wasn't even 15 minutes." I ask, a little disappointed.

"You're learning fast," he called back to me as he continued to walk. "Why work harder than we have to. Just get some rest and let's continue tomorrow."

I stood in the field with adrenaline still coursing through me. How can he put me on edge then just leave? I laid down onto the grass and stared at the blue sky. I think I actually might like this new lifestyle

I scribbled the last of the notes the teacher gave on the board into my journal, I could feel my hand cramping. After the last sentence I dropped my pencil and shook my hand in an attempt to alleviate the cramp.

"That's the last of today's notes," The teacher spoke. "If you have any questions on the homework, let me know."

The teacher slowly walked back to their desk as I pulled out the homework. The class broke out into giddy chatter as soon as the teacher sat down. I picked back up my pencil and began chipping away at the homework.

I didn't get far into my work before I heard students talking about me.

"You see Tsuki over there?"

"Yeah, why is she always alone? She's so pretty, I want to go and talk to her"

"No, don't, then you'll get targeted too."

"What do you mean?"

As if on cue, I heard the class fall silent at the sound of the room door opening. The loud taps of heels, the whispering, and giggling of girls sent a shiver down my body.

Kiyomi and her posse enter the classroom from God-knows-where. They were the typical high school group who would pick on and bully anyone that wasn't them. At this point in time, they had the whole school in their hand. Their names well-known (actually, only the head of their group 'Kiyomi' name was known), and their behavior feared among many. Even teachers refused to speak up against them in fear of losing their job or worse consequences. The power Kiyomi's group possessed was something any ordinary highschooler couldn't have. This was because she wasn't an ordinary highschooler, she was the daughter of the one and only Phil Bates, Multi-millionaire and famous entrepreneur. And unfortunately... I was their target.

The taps of their heels echoed the room as they got closer to me. It's like the world stopped spinning in the presence of them. They stood in front of my desk; I didn't look up at them.

"Hey, Tsuki," Kiyomi said, her group giggled as if she said a joke. They reeked of the overwhelming smell of perfume. "I asked MY DAD if he could give YOUR DAD a promotion at his business."

I didn't respond, I just stopped writing and clenched my pencil tight in my hand.

I heard Kiyomi laugh before saying, "Kidding, he actually just fired him for no reason."

The group broke into laughter. I felt the class' stare pierce through my back. My eyes burnt from the tears I was holding back. I squeezed my pencil so hard I'm sure it was moments away from breaking.

"You and your poor family," Kiyomi said in-between laughs. "Will be poor for the Rest. Of. Your. Life."


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My pencil broke, and the tears practically drenched my desk. I've had it. The countless weeks of torment and threats I've received from her pushed me over the limit. I've been nothing but silent and patient, hoping she would stop and leave me alone. To no one's surprise, it didn't. She kept pushing and pushing, so what I did is on her.


Without realizing, I shot up from my seat and smacked her across the face with all the strength I could conjure at the time. My hand throbbed from the hit, but I know her cheek hurt more. The group even stopped their laughing to gasp at the sight of their "princess."

"T-Tsuki!" The teacher stuttered, surprised by my outburst but I don't think she blamed me.

"MY FACE!" Kiyomi exclaimed. Bringing her hand up to her cheek and caressing it gently. "SHE HIT MY FACE!!"

I quickly grabbed my things and ran out of the classroom, tears pouring from my eyes. No one tried to stop me as I burst through the room's door.

Before leaving earshot range, I heard Kiyomi shout, "YOU"LL REGRET THIS TSUKI!"

I sprint through the hallway, swinging my bag violently as I struggled to wipe the burning tears in my eyes. Unsure of where to go, I settled on the school rooftop. It's strictly off limits, but I didn't care anymore. I hoped they found me up there and expelled me.

I opened the door to the rooftop and was hugged by the warm rays of sunlight and the cool breath of the air. I wiped my eyes and walked out, closing the door behind me.

The roof was surrounded by tall fence assuming to prevent suicides, but that wasn't my plan. I just need to clear my head. I walked to the opposite side of roof and took a seat against the fence.

[I'm conflicted right now, Tsuki]

"I know, Artemis."

Artemis slowly manifested herself next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself," Artemis comforted. "But violence wasn't the best option."

"Well what choice did I have, Art?" I whined, the tears welling up in my eyes again. "I was patient, I was considerate. She kept teasing me, bullying me and now get my dad fired? I have to draw the line somewhere."

Artemis sighed as she held me close. I felt the warmth of her skin against mine and it was... comforting. I wanted to stay like this forever.

"I know, Tsuki. I know..."

Suddenly, the door to the roof abruptly swung up. Artemis disappeared, causing me to lose my balance and almost fall face first into the ground. I quickly regained my balanced and fixed my posture.

The one behind the door was one of the popular boys in school, he was in the class I was just in and undoubtedly seen what happened. Although he was popular, I never seen him hanging around a group like Kiyomi. Actually, he seemed to be the opposite of her from what I've seen. He was kind and caring to the people he talked to, which might be a reason why he's here now.

"Uhm," I called out, wiping my eyes once more. "H-hi."

"Hey..." He replied, slowly walking towards me. The door shut with a loud thud behind him.

He took a seat next to me; out of habit, I scootched a bit of distance away to maintain some personal space.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "You could get suspended for being up here."

"I know," He responded with a smile. "I just came to see how you were doing."

"How'd you know I was up here?"

"You're always up here."

I sat in silence for a bit, a little confused about the news he just broke to me.

"I guess I kind of exposed myself," he said. "Ever since Kiyomi's bullying, I've been watching you."

"Why?" I asked.

He sat in silence for a bit before answering.

"Because I like you."

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