
Chapter 12: Chapter 12: The Hard Way

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After leaving Haru's tent I made my way to Zero's in response of a text I received earlier.

[Come ASAP!] it read.

"He usually doesn't call people in on short notice," I thought to myself. "I wonder what this could be about."

I walked through the camp. Passing the chirping of crickets and the singing of birds. I usually don't be here this early but with the circumstances, this is a valid exception. I wonder if anyone notices. It's such a pain putting on this happy facade for everyone else... but what about me? No one ask how I'm doing.

I entered Zero's tent, he sat at the table as expected.

"What do you want?" I asked him in an annoyed tone. "I got shit I could be doing."

"We have a spy." Zero replied with a bit of anger in his voice.


"Sovereign has been preparing their defenses as of last night."

A spy? Who would willingly sell out the camp details to them after all the people they took from us, I grew angry.

"We don't have time for internal conflict right now," Zero added. "Refrain from giving out any personal information I give you. If they know too much, this whole operation could fail."

"Can't you just find out who's the spy and get rid of them." I asked, it's strange how the leader of this whole thing can't find one singular spy.

"They managed to go under my radar, I'm suspecting a minor camp member, but I'm not sure. Just do as I say."

"Alright," I turned to leave. "Is that all?"

"Keep a close eye on Haru, make sure he's progressing. The faster the better."


I was at the field and Renga was there as promised. He stood on his phone swiping at the screen with his finger. He looked up and caught a glimpse of me, slowly putting his phone into his pocket.

"You Haru?" He asked

I nodded.

"So, I'm supposed to help you activate your spirit or something." He shrugged off.

"I don't have a spirit." I assured.

"Don't play dumb, I'm just trying to get this over with."

"I'm serio-"

"You heard a voice? Almost like an intrusive thought?"

I fell silent when I realized what he was talking about.

"Yeah..." He spoke. "Then you have a spirit."

"No, that's not right," I alleged. "I swear I didn't have a spirit before."

Renga sighed and walked towards me without saying anything. In an instant his fist shot towards my head at speeds incomprehensible. I dodged without realizing it.


The sound of his fist thundered from the speed and power of his punch. I heard the cracking and falling of trees behind me, they crashed to the ground.


"If you don't have a spirit then you're sure as hell not a human," He mocked, shaking his fist. "No human can dodge my punches."

"I-" I started but I couldn't bring myself to finish.

"You're a gifted like us. Did you think we would just let you sleep here and give you a tent for no reason?"

I remained silent.

"Now c'mon, we got training to do."

"What type of training...?" I asked skeptically.

"Getting your mind and body ready to draw you spirit." Renga clarified. "Let's start off with your body."

His body illuminated a vibrant red color and a sinister grin snaked across his face.

"They told me not to go easy on you."


I ducked reflexively just in time to dodge a straight punch from Renga as strong as the one before it. He grinned.

"Wait, hold on-" I cried.

He didn't listen, he swung his fist toward me. I was too low to evade effectively, my only option was to block. I guarded my face as his fist crashed into my arms.


"Ugh-" I grunted. His fist felt like a train. No, his fist had the force of two suns. Who the hell is this guy. My arms burnt from the impact but it left as soon as it came.

"You can block them too?" Renga said in awe, he took a step away allowing me to get to my feet. "Who are you?"

"I'm just as shocked as you..." I exclaimed.

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His grin broke into a toothy smile, "This gonna be fun."

He charged at me like a raging bull. I tried to step out of the way, but I tripped over my own foot. He rammed into me, effectively knocking the wind from my lungs. I was knocked to the ground gasping for air. Renga gave a sigh of disappointment as his aura ceased.

"For someone as weak as you, you can withstand a bit of force." Renga complimented. He slid his phone from out of his pocket and started tapping away. "But I'd kill you if this went on any longer. Today how about you attack me, and I just dodge/counter. Let's work on your offense."

Still struggling to breath, I staggered to my feet with my heart racing. My heart beat loud and hard within my chest. Not from fear or tension but from excitement. Something inside me wanted this. I couldn't help but smile.

"Let's go." I charged at Renga.


I was awoken at the crack of dawn. I had no clock so I would assume it was around 3-4 in the morning. I was dragged from my dirty mattress and out to a dark training ground full of dummies and several other people.

"Wake up, sunshine." The guy from last night teased. "I hope you slept well."

"Tone it down, Riji" Another one said.

"He's a bit cute, I see why Angel chose him." A female said.

I was still pretty exhausted from uncomfortable rest, now three strangers are in my face joking around. You can imagine how I feel and I'm pretty sure my face showed it.

"Why so upset," The one called Riji said. "We're here to help you."

"Yeah," The female confirmed. "Why don't we all just get to know each other a bit."

The unnamed boy stepped forward.

"Alex Yuta." He spoke bluntly.

The one from last night stepped up after him. "I'm pretty sure you remember me, right? Name's Riji Kiretsu."

"And I'm Amy Takimoto." The female added. "Now that we're acquainted, let's get down to business. I'm your trainer for today."

Her voice was cheerful and energetic, I don't know how she seemed so sweet in this situation.

"Don't go easy on him." Alex said, leaving the premises.

"Try not to kill him, huh?" Riji suggested as he followed Alex.

Amy's smile still big as she got closer to me.

"Training? Why do I need to be here to train? Can you just let me go?"

She smiled, "No. I can't do that. We are your instructors; you'll be training with those two later."

"Training for what?" I asked. "What are you plotting?"

She did nothing but smile.

"Unfortunately, that information cannot be disclosed with you." She said sunnily. "Just know that we're here to help."

"Whatever you say,"

"Thanks for cooperating. Now for the first order of business... Y'know Haru?"

I froze, I felt simmering rage boil inside.

I gritted my teeth, "What do you know about him?"

"As of now, he could be some use to us. How about we take a 'trip' to see him?"

I swallowed.

"Convince him to come with us-"

"No!" I objected. "Leave him out of this."

Her smile wavered.

"It won't take too long." She spoke. "It's not like-"

"I said no." I stood my ground, if it was anyone else, I might've considered it, but I can't betray my friend like that.

Suddenly Amy stopped smiling and the joyfulness in her eyes fled.

"And I thought we could've been friends."

Her body gave a pinkish aura as I felt my arm and legs bind together.

"Let me go, you psycho." I managed to say as my body squeezed together.

"If we won't meet him, we'll just have to train you the hard way." She inched closer to me.

"What are you doing?"

She reached her hand out to me.

"Stay away from me."

She placed her hand on my face, I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head.


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