Miracle Healer Of the Interstellar World [BL]

Chapter 18: Chapter-17

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Shen Li went to school after two days of tossing himself to the point that he did not even want to leave home for the school. He has half a mind to call in absent today but decided against it. When he was on the hover-bus, Shen Li checked the school forum and saw that the excitement in pharmacists had died down after two days of heated discussion. Shen Li walked fast to the pharmacist department, feeling eyes on him along the way.

He did not like being stared at, actually, it is one of the things he hates the most because of his past. Nonetheless, Shen Li endured it until he reached Class-22. His classmates greeted him and he replied to them politely until he sat in his seat. Astrid was already at her seat since she did not wait for him today. It was a Shen Li request. Astrid liked being low-key, and he did not want to make Astrid feel uncomfortable with people staring at her and mistaking their relationship.

"So, are you ready for the tournament, Mister 100?" Astrid asks him with a teasing smile on her face as soon as Shen Li sits down. It was always Sung He and her being teased by Shen Li and right now it is her revenge time since she knows that Shen Li did not like attention.

"Aam, Come on, not you too." Shen Li groans and looks at her with a deadpan face. He had heard the students whispering the name 'Mister 100' when they passed by him. Shen Li guessed that it was the name given to him on the school forum. That kind of cringing name made him groan loudly inside his head every time he heard it, though if he still kept his face stoic in front of the strangers.

"Nope, can't do it. Now Mister 100 answers my question."Astrid asked again while dragging Mister 100 along with a gleeful face.

"There are still two weeks before the tournaments begin and the list of those who would be participating in the tournament has not come out yet. As for the content of the tournament, II think professors would tell us soon or it would remain hidden, depending on what kind of tournament we would be having." Shen Li retorted calmly, and the award was the pouting face of Astrid.

"Don't pout at me. I would not work, and I don't have an angry and jealous boyfriend of someone on my tail." At this Astrid's ears turn red. Shen Li sighed with relief at this that he would not have to discuss the tournament anymore. It was known very well by Shen Li that Sung He got jealous easily, and that is one of the reasons why Astrid did not have any close friends aside from Shen Li. The other is that Astrid's family was rich and she did not want people to approach her because of her family wealth. So, she keeps her distance from everyone.

They did not know how but Astrid liked the fact that Shen Li did not look at her with a money sign in his eyes like others. So, she wanted to be friends with someone for real and for some reason, Sung He did not mind that her friend is a boy either. Shen Li himself was puzzled by this. If they know the reason why Sung He did not mind, Astrid would probably laugh out loud, and Shen Li would get the teasing of the year.

In fact, the reason Sung He did not stop their friendship was that he himself quite liked the personality of Shen Li and the advice Shen Li gave him on his ability was very useful. The biggest reason is that Sung He did not see Shen Li as a threat to his position on Astrid's side since in his eyes, Shen Li is a norm(normal gender), pharmacist student and is the handsome, cute boy type and not the manly type.

If Shen Li actually heard it he would be fuming with rage that the other thought he was not manly. In fact, it was not Sung He false either. Even if Shen Li told Sung He and Astrid straight to their face that he is an ability user, they would think Shen Li was joking instead. It is because ability users possess strong bodies with muscles and are usually tall in height. And their ability had a great influence on the personality of the ability users

Shen Li's body never grows many muscles even though he trains hard every day and his height is a kinda normal height for a norm. And because he had three abilities and he trained to control his ability from a young age not to show his ability reflected in his personality. Because of that even though Shen Li is an ability user, he was not influenced by his abilities. So, it is not Sung He and Astrid being dumped and not being able to recognize the ability user but it was that Shen Li was hiding too deeply. Hence, they only thought that Shen Li was someone with knowledge about ability users and not one himself since there has never been anyone who hid their ability in their history.

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After lunchtime, like usual, Shen Li goes to the Laboratory. But this time, he was conducting an experiment for a new potion. He had been thinking about creating this medicine for a while, but the herbs needed are rare and hard to get. Shen Li was conducting a potion that could make plants and crops grow faster without using chemical fertilizers. It was because even after many years on earth, the crop's growth rate is low as the effect of mutation and pollution.

The population increase rate on earth was also low since only strong women survive in the apocalypse and the reproduction rate is low. Even then, many starved since there were not many crops and vegetables. The vaccine was created but it could only make people invincible to the zombie virus but it could not change the zombie back into normal humans. So, there were still dangers of zombie attacks and to make sure green zones are safe, hunters would go out of the city to kill the zombies in the vicinity.

Most of the technology of farming was also lost in the apocalypse since many people back then only cared about scientists and ability users. It was one of the reasons why the wood or plant ability users are hunted down by the statements. So, Shen Li thought of creating potions to grow crops faster and solving these problems. But there was an accident before he could do that and he stopped his research.

Only after arriving here and seeing the prices of the meat and vegetables, did the previous research about this potion come into his mind once again. Shen Li had all of the herbs needed to make this potion in his space but it would not be much help since there is a purification process that vegetables and fruits go through to exert pollution in these. So, Shen Li needed to make a potion that could remove the pollution from these fruits and vegetables as much as it could without his wood ability.

For him to create this potion, Shen Li would need other herbs from here and he would have to conduct experiments on how to combine these two potions. Shen Li had ordered many herbs that meet the properties of these potions and he would need many experiments to find the best one. He bought the herbs in bulk and got a discount for them. The herbs which cost 1.34 million coins were bought at the price of 1.28 million coins.

For the whole 6 hours, Shen Li stayed in the laboratory and was successful in finding three right materials. He also finds other four materials that are quite suitable but Shen Li was not quite satisfied with them and he has a feeling that they are not the ones he needs.

"Well, I just need to find 11 other ingredients but I should go home now."

Shen Li looks at the time and packs his things into his space. He always keeps a backpack with him to not raise suspicion. Just as he gets out of the private room of the laboratory, his light brain ding with a message. The school has uploaded the list of the 25 students participating in the tournament and sent a special message to the participants. Both Shen Li's name and Kim Kiyoung's name were on the list.

"It seems that the tournament will start after other departments have also finished giving tests. The Combat department's final testing will be held soon. Maybe I should go watch it." Shen Li thought to himself that it would be beneficial for him to watch them since he could learn a lot from Mecha fighting or get inspiration to improve his cultivation. He would not let go of such a chance.

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