Miracle Healer Of the Interstellar World [BL]

Chapter 19: Chapter-18

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For the past two weeks, Shen Li had made his brain overdrive almost every day, making potions, studying the [General Mecha Driving Skill], watching the matches of the Combat departments at school, and cultivating and meditating in the V.R world every day and nights that there are two big dark circles under his eyes. Astrid and even Sung He was worried that he was not getting enough rest and thought that it was the pressure of the tournament. This was far from the truth but Shen Li is not going to tell them what he is really doing even if they are his only friends.

Speaking of friends, he and 'Free Soul' had gotten close in these two weeks as well and Shen Li had to say, he quite liked the boy. During one of the conservation with 'Free Soul', Shen Li learned that the Spiritual Training rooms in the V.R world are not even 10% as effective as the real world Spiritual Training rooms. Shen Li researched the information about it and learned that It is not that the engineers and programmers of the V.R world didn't make it perfect but even with high technology, it is impossible to make the perfect spiritual Training rooms in the V.R world.

It is because a special crystal core is needed to be embedded in the ceiling center of the spiritual training room. The special crystal core or 'The Magma Crystal' was named so because the crystal core is as red as Magma and even as hot as the real Magma. The Magma Crystal is so rare and expensive that not even many schools could afford it. Shen Li thought that is probably why there is no Spiritual Training room in his school.

There is also no alternative for The Magma Crystal, and the V.R world uses pure technology to create these V.R Training rooms. And this technology was created for the students on poor and outer planets. So, many students on poor and outer planets rely on the V.R world Training room for improving their spiritual level and control.

If you want to build a real Spiritual Training room, the room itself would cost 150 million coins to 300 million coins, depending on the level of the room you want to build. But the Magma Crystal alone would cost 870 million coins to 1 billion. You can embed a maximum of two Magma Crystal in the Training room. So, the total cost of the Spiritual Training room is about 1 billion to 1.3 billion coins. Shen Li had to say that it is very expensive even for someone like him who gets a lot of money from the ancient earth's research association and from selling potions.

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Shen Li found a little difference in his mental power after training for nine hours every day for the past two weeks. It was very small but Shen Li, whose mental power was always sitting in one place, was able to sense it. So, he was clear that this training could help him but the effect was very small. He had 1.25 billion correctly and another 500 million in an emergency account. Shen Li could build a Spiritual Training room with this money but the Magma Crystal can not be bought easily.

The problem is that they are auctioned on high auction houses and you need a special invitation for it. Shen Li would not receive an invitation but maybe 'Healer' might receive an invitation. Maybe right now is the time he sees his emails from the 'Healer' account. Shen Li sat on his bed and opened the mute button on Healer's account and was assaulted with thousands upon thousands of emails. There are almost three million emails. Shen Li had wide eyes at this.

He never thought that in about half a year, he would receive millions of emails. It would be impossible for him to finish them in one go and searching for the one he wanted might take days. Thankfully, he had the help of the system. The system asks if he would like to divide them according to their categories, which he accepts. He input the type of categories he wanted and saw that there were indeed invitations for auctions.

He read through them and saw that only two Magma Crystals would be held at two auction houses this year. Both of them had invited him but the problem is that they are both on the Main Star, an H3 planet. Shen Li would have to go to the Main Star for this auction, and it would take the time he would need to make sure the school did not notice that he went out of the Planet.

He checked the date of the auction houses again and noticed that one would be held in a week and the other after one month. Shen Li could not go to the first auction since the date clashed with the tournament and the month after the tournament is the vacation month. The school course here lasts for two years instead of one and the first and last month of the second year is the vacation month. It is perfect to visit the auction house. After making his decision, he replies to the email that he accepts the invitation and receives an entry card immediately.

Before that, he would need to contact the company to build a Spiritual Training room. Since it is expensive, they have a special service. You can order any kind of Training room you want. Most people would install it in their house but Shen Li had a space so he wanted to make a special order. He asked for a training room that could be moved and sent it with a delivery company, which puzzled the employees in the company but nonetheless they agreed to it. The building of the Spiritual Training room would take one month and Shen Li had no problem with that since he still did not have the Magma Crystal. The content of the tournament will be revealed at the school tomorrow. He should probably have a rest before the tournament begins. That was his thought as he fell asleep.

The next day, the 25 students that would participate in the tournament receive the content of the tournament. There would be four tests and each would give 100 points. The tests would be taken on the seventh day of the week. The first week is about the written test, the second week is the distinguishing test of materials, the third-week test is the distinguishing test of potions and the last week is the potions-making test.

The second and the third tests might be similar in sound but they are entirely different kinds. The second test is to distinguish 100 materials of similar shape or color. The third test is to distinguish 25 potions and ingredients based on color, taste, and smell. The fourth test is the most tricky one, the range of potion grade was not listed nor announced. The fourth test would be taken in a hall where many interested students can come and see it and also broadcast online.

The test of making potions is not a big problem for him since his potion for the growth of the crops has almost finished. Shen Li did not plan to sell these potions as Healer but as Shen Li himself. After the tournament, people would come to know him and it would not be easy to remain hidden among crowds. Shen Li needs a way to make money in public so people won't suspect him when they see him using money on expensive things.

The broadcast can also be used to advertise it so he can sell the patent to a big company with high profit. He knows very well that it could bring dangers and trouble to himself but he is ready for them. His abilities are already Level-4 stage 9 or stage 8 and he would be able to reach Level-5 soon if he uses the high-level zombie crystals to cultivate. Shen Li was reluctant to use them at first but the situation called for it and it would still leave some for later.

Soon, Shen Li broke through the level-4 and arrived at the level-5 and his mental power is showing the sign of the negligible changes as well. Just like that the third test finished and the day for the fourth test arrived as well. His marks were perfect on the tests that the professors paid special attention to him. During this time, Shen Li and Kiyoung became friends as well. 'This test is the most important. It is the first step toward his goal of becoming a powerful pharmacist.' Shen Li thought to himself.

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