Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 108: CH 108

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Chapter 108: Mission Cheating

Their whispered conversations continued well into the night. 

Yue Wuhuan helped Song Qingshi retrieve his lost memories bit by bit. Starting from their unbearable encounter at Golden Phoenix Manor, he slowly told him about their past, about all the things he didn’t like and wanted to cover up — including the people he had killed, including An Long’s love, Bai Zihao’s ‘correctness’, and about that trash that proclaimed himself to be a tasker… His memory was very good and he left no detail out.

He held nothing back and told him everything. He tried to face those hateful things without any prejudice.

Song Qingshi, as was his habit, took out pen and paper, sorting out everything. He classified them logically and the fog in his mind that covered his memory, gradually faded away with the large amount of details being supplemented, revealing his true identity. Matching it with what was in his memory, he marked out several key points and had Yue Wuhuan give additional details.

“The year you disappeared, An Long came to save me.” Yue Wuhuan used to hate this owed favor, but now he could face it calmly, “I was reborn in the flames of the Inextinguishable Peak, turning into the incarnation of the Phoenix. Afterwards, I launched a war to clean up the trash and those filthy sects. I killed a lot of people, the world was thrown into chaos. An Long had nowhere to go, so he kept watch over the Medicine King’s Valley… He hated me to the bone and often reprimanded me. He cursed terribly at me. However, he never joined any of the forces to stand against the Inextinguishable Peak and oppose me.” 

Song Qingshi sorted out An Long’s character and behavioral logic. “This doesn’t seem like something he would do.”

An Long would tear up anything he found objectionable.

Yue Wuhuan recalled, “He said that before you disappeared, you told him something strange. Something like, ‘If you kill Wuhuan, you will regret it.’ He believed this and so, even when he was angry, he never did anything to me. I am also very confused about this sentence. Qingshi, do you remember the reason why you said this?”

Song Qingshi bit the shaft of the pen in frustration. He shook his head. It was too difficult. His memory was completely fragmented. It was like he was building a jigsaw puzzle that still had key pieces of it missing. “I can’t remember but my intuition tells me that you two shouldn’t be enemies…”

“Then trust your instincts,” Yue Wuhuan said decisively. “You’ve done so many missions that although your memory is washed away every time, your repeated experiences and matters that have made an impression on you, would have been burned into your bones. You wouldn’t have completely forgotten them.”

Just like how their interests were aroused the first time they met.

This was a memory burned into their bones.

“I don’t hate An Long, and I even… admire him very much. I want to help him, to trust him.” Song Qingshi used to worry about Wuhuan’s mood so there were some things in his heart that he didn’t dare say. Now that he knot in Wuhuan’s heart had been undone and he was willing to trust his feeling, he no longer needed to fear the consequences of talking about this matter. “Since we’ve determined that there have been many reincarnations, maybe we can make a bold assumption that An Long was once your very important friend?” 

Yue Wuhuan scoffed. “Friend? A friend who would rob me of something I cherish…”

He suddenly realized something and stopped.

Song Qingshi hesitatingly asked, “If my existence was taken out of the equation, is there no mutual admiration between the two of you?”

An Long was sealed in the endless abyss. Sometimes, when he was awake, he would call Yue Wuhuan’s name… At first, they would berate and mock each other, but after a long time, it turned into a habit. He would occasionally bring An Long a few bottles of wine, and An Long would talk about his encounters with Song Qingshi… He would have fallen in love with anyone, no matter who it was, that had willingly pulled him out of the desperation of that foul swamp. 
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However, it turned out to be this love that was destined to be impossible which caused a crack in his heart, making him sink into the abyss of hopelessness, unable to free himself.

Ktlr xlcv bo offilcu, kjrc’a la ilxf tbk tf tlwrfio kjr absfv klat ys ojaf?

Tef Qetejc atbeuta jybea la mjgfoeiis. Lf ofia atja Cc Obcu kjr raeqlv jcv jccbslcu yea tf tjv ab jmxcbkifvuf tlr ragfcuat jcv qglvf… Rbk, atlcxlcu bo atf wjc lc atf fcvifrr jysrr ktb tjv yffc aklrafv lcab jc euis wbcrafg, la wjvf tlw offi ecmbwobgajyif. Lf ofia atja lo atlr qfgrbc kfgf ab vlf, tf rtbeiv vlf ys tlr tjcvr bg uibglberis lc yjaaif. Lf rtbeivc’a yf wjclqeijafv ys atfrf vfrqlmjyif atlcur jcv obgmfv ab vlf lc atf vjgxcfrr ecvfgugbecv. Ktja’r kts tf’v yffc ibbxlcu obg j kjs ab ogff Cc Obcu jii atfrf sfjgr…

An Long too had once said that he could not accept Yue Wuhuan having an unsightly mental breakdown; nor could he accept him stupidly hiding his head and covering his tail. An Long had no interest in killing him while he was this way. The Yue Wuhuan he wanted to see should be like a proud and beautiful bird. Only then would he be worthy of being defeated. He would then pull out all his beautiful feathers and tack them on the wall as decoration. 

This had been too much like a provocation. He gave this fool, who was locked in the abyss a severe lesson.

Thinking about it now…

Did they both not hate each other a bit like hating iron for not becoming steel?

Yue Wuhuan thought about that fool again and felt a little frustrated. There was a bit of tightness in his chest and he very reluctantly replied, “If he were a friend, it must have been in a previous life when I was incautious in making friends…” 

Song Qingshi more or less understood and made a new note. “If the system can arrange all kinds of coincidences, placing your destiny into the abyss of despair, leading you step by step into madness; it can also put An Long’s fate into the abyss of despair, and then create a coincidence for me to come save him…”

In this way, all matters were now straightened out.

Somewhere, he must have already seen the friendship between An Long and Yue Wuhuan. Thus, he trusted An Long and wanted to be friends with him, showing him a higher degree of care and solicitude than other patients. However, in his despair, An Long regarded him as his last hope, giving birth to feelings of love. So when Yue Wuhuan appeared, the two became mortal enemies, cutting off any possibility of them working together.

The system then achieved several of its goals. 

One: Yue Wuhuan’s paranoia and desire to monopolize were aggravated. He couldn’t have any friends except Song Qingshi.

Two: An Long trapped himself in own his feelings and became a chess piece controlled by fate.

Three: Fate could make use of An Long to get rid of anything it wanted out of the way.

“There should be other reasons for why the system chose An Long. Over the years, I wanted to kill An Long and I repeatedly tried various methods.” Yue Wuhuan took his notebook and added, “An Long seems to be in possession of the world’s hardest bones. His physical body is inconceivably powerful. Only he could have withstood such a terrible transformation.” 

He lifted the pen and marked An Long’s name and information as important.

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After the Foul Demons appeared, An Long’s mutation began to occur.

Perhaps, this was the key to finding the truth about the problem.


With much difficulty, Yue Wuhuan managed to finish telling him about what has happened these many years. Looking at Song Qingshi, who was frenziedly taking down notes, he couldn’t help asking the most important question, “Who is your mission target this time?”

Song Qingshi thought of this serious matter. He quietly looked Yue Wuhuan and was hesitant to speak.

Yue Wuhuan promised, “I will definitely hold back my possessiveness this time. I’ll placed that damned mission target by my side and look after him.”

Song Qingshi unconsciously sat upright. “This time, it’s a bit special…” 

Yue Wuhuan has been Daoist companions with him for so many years. He could immediately tell he was guilty by his action. “You already did it wrong? Don’t worry, we can think of a way to remedy it.”

“No, let me tell you about it first,” Song Qingshi took a deep breath and firmly admitted his mistake, “I seem to have blown up the system…”

Yue Wuhuan looked at the large amount of information that they’d just sorted out. He felt a bit crushed.

Song Qingshi explained, “I forgot how it exploded, but… it felt like I did something bad? Maybe it was because of too many failures that the system exploded? But when the system exploded, I quickly grabbed onto a task and then I came back to find you. I can’t really describe this task clearly so I’ll just show it to you.” 

【Destroy the most evil villain in the immortal realm, the Inextinguishable Peak’s 口口口,口口口口口口口口.. 】

Yue Wuhuan felt even more crushed. “What is 口口口?”

Song Qingshi said bluntly, “I don’t know. It only showed 口口口. The last mission also had a lot of 口口口. It said the target was a peerlessly beautiful shou with exceptional physique and I thought you were the most beautiful one on the Langgan Terrace. I liked you so much that I immediately took you back.”

Yue Wuhuan was greatly moved. He wanted to drag the system back and blow it up again. 

Song Qingshi asked expectantly, “Are there any other evil villains in your Inextinguishable Peak?”

Yue Wuhuan thought about it carefully and resolutely replied, “In the eyes of the world, they’re not as evil as I am.”

Song Qingshi felt a little entangled. “If the target of the mission really is you, I can’t do it.”

The two of them have been tormented for so many years already and what’s more, they were in love. They weren’t about to play out some stupid drama like torturing themselves whether they would kill the other or not, or maybe sacrificing themselves for each other. 

Song Qingshi seriously pondered how to deal with this matter for a long time. He turned around to find that Yue Wuhuan had been smiling all this time. He was smiling very happily, looking not at all solemn.

Yue Wuhuan sighed, “You’ve taken so many mission. Finally, this time, I’m the correct answer.”

Song Qingshi reminded, “The professor proctoring this exam has exploded, it doesn’t matter even if you are the correct answer.”

“The system is just a tool for publishing tasks. Neither the Foul Demons nor An Long’s demonization has disappeared. Rather, it’s getting worse. This proves that the thing controlling fate from behind the scenes is still there and the mission still stands.” Yue Wuhuan has already studied countless times the memory of that tasker named Zhou Ye. He had a rather good understanding of the mission procedures. He reminded Song Qingshi, who was still penetrating into a bull's horn, “The urgency of the situation really had forced it to release such a stupid mission, right? I’m the target of your mission. This means that we are now in control of the pace and the way the mission is accomplished.” 

Song Qingshi instantly understood his meaning.

“Destroy” could have multiple meanings. Yue Wuhuan had never shown his face, If he abandons his status as shenjun, he would no longer be the villain of the Inextinguishable Peak and that could be considered as “destroyed”. Or maybe he could support a more evil god to become a new villain. That too would mean “destroyed”. Or maybe it would be Song Qingshi’s lack of strength. He would work hard to do the mission and kept a proper pace, dragging this mission for thousands of years. This too would be a solution.

“In Mo Yuan’s formation and in Zhao Ye’s soul, I have seen those so-called original works. They’re all similar to novels, very naive.” Yue Wuhuan kept laughing, “What is the definition of a villain? Is it identity? Conduct? Or maybe the perception of the world? If you take me home to be your Daoist companion, have me be all obedient to you, have me wash my hands and make soup, can I no longer be considered a villain? Or I do charitable deeds everywhere, giving away money and grain, setting up study halls, rescuing the old and the weak, publicize it far and wide, wash away the stains; would I then be a philanthropist who has turned over a new leaf? Or maybe you could do your best to challenge the villain, but you are not strong enough. You are then seized by the villain and locked up in a small black room, forced to warm the bed, refine pills, study and do research. You then spend many years unable to escape. This, too, is a possible way.”

Song Qingshi felt that it made sense. He thought about it, and then asked, “Why did Bai Zihao’s mission fail? He’s not dead.” 

Yue Wuhuan smiled and said, “At the time, he and Jin Feiren were bound as Daoist companions. He was tied to that scum for his entire life. His body and mind had been completely controlled and he became a true slave. That scum coaxed him to do a lot of disgusting things. This is all in the past…I won’t sully your ears. In short, you were about to kill An Long. We can establish that in a moment of desperation, the system judged that Bai Zihao could no longer attain happiness and declared your mission failed, forcibly dragging you away.”

In Mo Yuan’s formation, when Song Qingshi tried to make Qu Yurong into Sleeping Beauty or tried to hold him in captivity, the system also judged it as a failure…

Song Qingshi now understood.

Due to the explosion of the system, there was a problem with the mission. 

It didn’t have enough time to make better arrangements and so, it directly issued this oversimplified and crude mission.

Judging from the Mo Yuan’s formation and Bai Zihao’s mission, the system’s missions had no time limit. It could only be judged based on the degree of completion. Since Song Qingshi had accepted the mission, agreeing to take the exam, it needed to score his test according to the rules.

Now, when the tasker and the mission target were cooperating with each other, they could completely control this task in the palm of their hands…

When Professor System asked the question, it never thought that someone would cheat in the mission, right? 

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