Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 109: CH 109

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Chapter 109 The Demon Tide Strikes

The pen never left Song Qingshi’s hand and he wrote for six straight hours. By the time he finished the initial sorting of the information, it was already bright outside. 

Yue Wuhuan considerately handed him some Spirit Tea.

He took the Spirit Tea and wanted to talk about Yuwen Yu’s protagonist’s luck. Although he felt that it had nothing to do with him, it still bothered him a little. He didn’t feel like Yuwen Yu was someone who needed to be rescued. He had a lofty build, a handsome appearance. He was outstandingly talented, with a happy family and a very pure personality. In short, even if Song Jincheng had him running around in circles, there seemed nothing about him that could be considered tragic…

Song Qingshi was so mentally exhausted from being tossed around in Mo Yuan’s formation. He had slept for a bit but had yet to fully recover. After staying up all night, he was now feeling a bit tired.

Yue Wuhuan’s heart ached for him. He persuaded him to take a break and then took out all kinds of snacks from the mustard bag, feeding them into his mouth. 

Song Qingshi sweetly ate the sweet snacks. Suddenly, he belatedly realized that his man, in his original body, was not only taller but also more beautiful? His waist, his legs, truly beautiful…

When Yue Wuhuan had been refreshing his memory for him, Yue Wuhuan had been afraid that he was still holding a burden in his heart and so, told him that the two of them had already done happy things before. In Mo Yuan’s formation, after they became Daoist companions, Song Qingshi had been filled by the ‘happy things’ to the point of bursting. According to Yue Wuhuan’s description, when he had been attached to his previous incarnation, Mo Yuan’s body, he had enjoyed it a lot, he’d been quite delighted. Mo Yuan must have probably been worried that future him would be jealous and specially set up this special benefit.

Therefore, the two of them could already be regarded as an old married couple. Practice makes perfect, there is no need to be shy.

Song Qingshi quickly got up from the table and moved back.

Yue Wuhuan could tell what he was thinking. He smiled, put down the snacks, leaned against the chaise couch and assumed a come hither pose. He cast his eyes lightly at him. Those brightly shining phoenix eyes were filled with affection. Those long lashes lay open like fans. It was like a small hook piercing into his heart, teasing his heart with temptation. “Come here.”

Song Qingshi was fascinated by his husband’s beauty. Throwing out all concerns about the difference between their cultivation bases, he climbed onto the chaise couch and straddled Yue Wuhuan’s waist. Boldly, he stretched out his sinful claws to touch that beautiful face. He then leaned over and licked his lips. The soft and sweet taste was oh so satisfying. He went in deeper, drinking in that taste. The beauty was in his arms, gentle and yielding, occasionally letting out delighted groans, encouraging him to continue his kiss…

Until, the red vines soundlessly covered the entire room. They burrowed under Song Qingshi’s robes and wrapped around his hands, feet and waist.

Song Qingshi, finding he couldn’t move, was a little dazed. 

Song Qingshi felt that this matter was proceeding differently from how it did in Mo Yuan’s formation. Yue Wuhuan also hadn’t elaborated how they had done it in this world. He pondered… Back then, he was a Nascent Soul bigshot and Yue Wuhuan was a Foundation Building cultivator. They couldn’t have played harder that they did during the sword cultivation period, right? He looked at the beauty’s increasingly greedy eyes and the frightful aura. He felt like a fat rabbit who’d fallen into a trap, hoodwinked by the other’s charms. He was going to be stir-fried, deep-fried, boiled and roasted; he was going to be served as complete set. Maybe he should wait to do this until he has clearly regained all his memories?

A man mustn’t say no in bed.
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He would never beg for mercy.

Vbcu Hlcurtl rageuuifv jcv rjlv rajecmtis, “Qetejc, P ilxf sbe.” 

Tef Qetejc tjv ubaafc erfv ab aslcu eq tlr qgfs olgra, jcv wjxlcu regf tf mbeivc’a gec jkjs yfobgf fjalcu. Lf ribkis alvlfv eq tlr wfrrfv eq mibatfr. Lf ibbxfv ja Vbcu Hlcurtl ktb tjio-kjcafv la yea kjr jirb j ilaaif qjclmxfv. Lf mbeivc’a tfiq yea kjca ab afjrf tlw. Lf qeiifv tlw lcab tlr jgwr, ifjcfv mibrf ab tlr fjg jcv ktlrqfgfv ab tlw jii rbgar bo ralweijalcu qijsr. Lf jvvfv, “Ktfrf kfgf atf atlcur sbe ilxfv yfobgf.”

Song Qingshi was at a loss. “These were things I liked?”

He had a very high degree of acceptance for these kinds of things. He wasn’t going to shy away from his partner’s hobbies and was willing to accept new things. However, the difficulty of the plays that Yue Wuhuan told him exceeded his imagination. He thought it over and felt he really wasn’t going to be able to get out of bed.

“I have proof.” Back then, Yue Wuhuan had sorted out the things left by Song Qingshi. In the study, he found the mess of novels sent by Ye Lin Xianjun. He also saw the s*xual notes written by Song Qingshi. He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He finally understood why he, this novice who was just starting out, wanted to do all sorts of surprising tricks. He didn’t want anyone else to see these things so he packed them away himself. Because they were so amusing, he was reluctant to destroy them and instead, kept them with him. Now, he took out a notebook as evidence, showing Song Qingshi its contents written in his handwriting. Boldly and assuredly, he said, “Look, this is what you wanted. You had me cooperate with you to do these things.” 

The Blood King Vine loosened from Song Qingshi’s hand.

Song Qingshi took the notebook and confirmed that he had written this himself. After thinking about it, he said, his honor not permitting him to turn back, “Then, let’s do it.”

Yue Wuhuan couldn’t help but laugh. He continued to tease him, “Aren’t you afraid you miscalculated? That you might not be able to stand it?”

“There’s no miscalculation. Since it’s written in the notes then it’s something I feel I can accept and am willing to challenge.” Song Qingshi analyzed it seriously. “These things are like experiments. If you don’t try it, there won’t be any results. How can I know if I can bear it or if I like it if I haven’t tried it? In any case… no matter how difficult, I will always try it once. If it doesn’t feel good then I won’t want it next time.” 

Yue Wuhuan entangled the vine again. “Aren’t you afraid of this kind of hobby?”

Song Qingshi said calmly, “Everyone has their own hobbies. You like me, you won’t hurt me.”

Yue Wuhuan was stunned, “You don’t think… I’m strange?”

“You’re not strange.” Song Qingshi was afraid that he wouldn’t understand, and there would be another psychological problem. He decided to give him another impromptu physiology and hygiene class, making him understand that humans had various strange hobbies, such as fetishism, voice kinks, etc… …It was all legal and it didn’t harm society. Hobbies that don’t affect other people are perfectly fine. 

They’re just vines. They wrapped around him very gently. It didn’t hurt at all and he felt there wasn’t any problem.

Song Qingshi very earnestly and conscienciously gave Yue Wuhuan a Biology as well as a Social Psychology lecture.

Yue Wuhuan was dazzled by his lectures. His mind was once again opened up to the diversity of human psychology. His little hobbies really weren’t anything. He also discovered that Song Qingshi’s receptiveness to new things was very strong and he liked interesting things. So long as he explains it clear beforehand and makes the proper preparations, he would be very cooperative and wouldn’t be afraid to play anything.

This-this was truly a happy matter… 

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This night, good things simply kept coming one after another. Not only did they get married and manage to undo the entanglement in his heart, his Daoist companion even took the initiative to climb into bed and invite him to have a taste. He wanted to vent to his heart’s content, but unfortunately, his red bird avatar, has found something troublesome and they couldn’t continue. …

Yue Wuhuan restrained his desire and released Song Qingshi from the vines. He picked up his inner robe for him and re-dressed him in his vestments. He then pointed to the window. “Be careful.”

Song Qingshi was surprised. He raised his head and through the crack of the window, he saw a red eye dripping with blood staring fixedly at him. Although the scene was terrifying, Song Qingshi was relatively slow to react. By the time he registered the terrifying atmosphere, he had also figured out what this was, instantly wiping away his fear.

He excitedly ran over and opened the window. There was a huge Foul Demon outside the room, about two meters high, with black hard shell skin, four eyes, and a mouth dripping with venom. It had even grown a hard horn on its head and a pair of beetle-like wings on its back. It simply looked fantastic! So interesting! This was another new never before seen variety! 

He with his two eyes and the Foul Demon with its four, locked eyes with each other. They were sizing up each other’s body, flesh and blood.

Song Qingshi was so excited. “Wuhuan! I like this Foul Demon!”

“En, there’s a Demon Tide outside. I know you want a few live specimens to research on so I allowed a few of them to come over.” Yue Wuhuan already used countless vines earlier on to restrain the Foul Demon outside the window. It has lost its ability to move, but it still bared its teeth and waved its mantis-like arms, letting out low growls. He then asked, “This one is very spirited. Do you think it’s suitable?”

Song Qingshi nodded wildly, “Very suitable!” 

Yue Wuhuan made a simple cage out of vines and placed the Foul Demon in it. He then handed it to Song Qingshi for research.

Song Qingshi suddenly remembered the new word he’d just said, “What is a Demon Tide?”

Yue Wuhuan said, “Occasionally hundreds of Foul Demons will gather to attack human towns or sects. This is called a Demon Tide. No one knows when or where a Demon Tide would occur. They leave barren any land they cross and the settlements they attack would perish before they can ask for help…Although the Demon Tide rarely happens, the disaster it causes is devastating and we can only exterminate these trash after they’ve done their damage.”

Song Qingshi followed his gaze towards the sky. He was surprised to find that the sky was densely covered with thousands of Foul Demons. It was like an invasion of locusts. Smelling the scent of flesh and blood, they came sweeping in. He had encountered a few Foul Demons in the inn and thought they were quite easy to deal with. But when these things came in droves, it was a catastrophe. 

He was worried for a moment but looking at Yue Wuhuan next to him, he calmed down.

This was the man at the top of the immortal realm, the villain of the Inextinguishable Peak. With him here, there was no chance he’d die.

Song Qingshi ordered, “Catch more live ones.”

“There are a lot of them, I’m afraid they’ll flee to nearby towns and wreak havoc,” Yue Wuhuan said with a smile, “I have notified my nearby subordinates and affiliated sects to help. There should be no major crisis.” 

Countless Nirvana Butterflies slowly flew into the air, pouncing onto the filthy garbage.

Bright flames rose up beside him. With countless huge blood-colored vines they extended in all directions, strangling all the demons they encountered. Many of Heaven Martial Sect’s young disciples ran over in a panic, seeking refuge. Many of them were injured. Song Qingshi took the disciples with low cultivation bases and those with minor injuries to set up a simple battlefield hospital to administer first aid to the injured.


Heaven Martial Sect’s sect master, Yuwen Yan would wake up very early every day. He would drink a cup of Bi’an tea, and then practice his swordsmanship. 

This day, he turned pale with fright upon seeing Foul Demons blotting out the sky. Only a few martial sects could hold out against a tide of this scale. For the Heaven Martial Sect, it was the disaster that could spell their doom. Just when they’ve gotten disciples of outstanding talent, bringing with them hope of someday uplifting their status, they were now going to be annihilated in an instant?

Yu’er! Yu’er and a few of the promising disciples must be evacuated at all costs!

Yuwen Yan panicked for a moment. There countless thoughts raced like a horse lantern in his mind. After turning around, he drew a blank. He turned his head and found the beautiful child who claimed to be Song Xiao Bai squatting in the nearby grass, looking for something. He found it a little strange but he didn’t hesitate to grab this oblivious bear child, warning him, “Don’t play around. Follow me and later, you go with Yuwen Yu and run away.”

Four or five Foul Demons dropped down in front of him. Their black claws gleamed with cold light. Their mouths showed traces of having eaten flesh. 

Yuwen Yan drew out his sword, protecting the child behind him.

He was a dignified sword cultivator. Even if he should die, he would die with honor. He could not let such a small child die in the Demon Tide!

The Luminous Dragon raised his head and looked at this human uncle. He’d been ignored by everyone since he came to the Heaven Martial Sect. Later, his mother threw him out the door and left him on guard. He hadn’t even given him anything to eat. He was half-dead from hunger. It hadn’t been easy but he snuck in, wanting to catch a spirit mouse in the underbrush to eat. Just when he’d found one, he’d been interrupted by the Demon Tide.

The spirit mouse escaped. He was so angry…! 

He was going to his daddy to complain. He was going to tell him that mommy had been abusing baobao, always feeding him green leafies and carrots instead of raw meat and mice.

The sound of the Demon Tide’s flapping wings was ear-piercing. The Luminous Dragon was a little scared; scared that his mother was going to blame him for not properly guarding the door and letting the garbage come in. He hastily revealed his original form, bypassed Yuwen Yan, and even though it was disgustingly unpalatable, swallowed down all the Foul Demons before them, tring to get rid of the evidence so that he wouldn’t get scolded.

The enormous white snake, whose body filled the entire courtyard, then slithered towards the Foul Demons.

Yuwen Yan was momentarily stunned. He finally remembered just who it was lodging as a guest at Heaven Martial Sect. 

He re-sheated his sword, turned around and calmly finished his cup of Bi’an tea.  He calmly reconsidered his train of thought.

En, the Heaven Martial Sect wasn’t going to be annihilated…

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