Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 110: CH 110

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Chapter 110: The Master of Xian Ling Island

The Heaven Martial Sect was a medium-sized sect. It held an area of several hundred li and occupied seven mountain peaks. Each peak was equipped with defensive formations. Now, most of the formations had been torn apart by the Demon Tide. The sword cultivators were caught off-guard by the frenzied assault of the Foul Demons. 

Fortunately, the guest houses of Heaven Martial Sect were located on Xun Xian Peak, the highest of the seven peaks. The newly initiated disciples of the sect also cultivated here. This was the first time they had encountered an enemy raid. They were thrown into chaos, frantically rushing around like headless flies. Suddenly, they realized that terrifying flames and red butterflies were coming from the guest house, killing off the Foul Demons…

The youths: “???”

Everyone knew that the appearance of flames and red butterflies represented the arrival of death.

There were wolves in front and tigers behind. 

Everyone was scared and they were a bit reluctant to approach. But they really couldn’t beat so many Foul Demons. They watched helplessly as their companions were killed. They thought about being eaten by demons or being killed by the god. It seemed like the latter was preferable?

In desperation, they didn’t know who took the lead but everyone started to flee towards the guest house.

Outside the guest house courtyard, red vines and blazing flames blocked off all paths in. Everyone stood at the threshold, caught in a dilemma. After a while, a voice came from within the courtyard. The vines slowly retreated, giving them passage to enter.

The youths rushed in and saw that there were already many of their fellow disciples in the courtyard. The white-clothed young man was instructing the terrifying existence in the air, “Wuhuan, expand the defensive circle a little bit more. If someone approaches, let them in and if you see a new and interesting Foul Demon, let it in too.”

“Okay.” Yue Wuhuan detested having his face stared at by strangers and so, he brought back the golden mask from back then. He smiled softly at him.

Even with the mask on, he was still exceptionally beautiful.

Humans tend to have a good impression of beautiful things. They then lowered their guard. Although the Heaven Martial Sect disciples had heard of the horrific events during the dark period, they had not experienced them personally and it didn’t create a very strong impression on them. As they say, newborn calves aren’t afraid of tigers. Seeing shenjun’s temperament was so gentle, their fear dissipated even more. They took the initiative to join the battlefield, helping to finish off the Foul Demons that had fallen but had yet to completely die.

Song Qingshi directed those that were originally on duty in the guest house as well as several of the Heaven Martial Sect disciples who had already recognized the situation, to prepare simple hospital beds and to treat the patients. 

Fortunately, there were often fights in a sword cultivation sect and injuries were commonplace. Sword cultivators were rather knowledgeable in treating external injuries. Those who were lightly wounded could easily sew themselves up to stop the bleeding. Those who are corroded by venom or severely injured were treated by Song Qingshi first, ensuring their survival before being handed over to their fellow disciples to be taken care of, waiting for the battle to end before they were given unified treatment.

The newcomers with minor injuries finished getting bandaged up. They turned around to find several Foul Demons brandishing their teeth and claws locked up in a cage. They remembered their hatred at having their fellow disciples killed. Torn by grief and indignation, their blood surged. Several of the youths immediately picked up their swords, intending on stabbing them to death. They were going to avenge their brothers by killing these demons!

“Stop!” Song Qingshi, quick of eye and deft of hand, rushed over, guarding his darlings.

Red-eyed, the youths asked, “What are you doing protecting these demons?” 

Song Qingshi explained, “I’m raising them for research.”
We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Ktf ybsr vlvc’a ecvfgrajcv. Lbivlcu atflg rkbgvr, atfs kjcafv ab ags ab jguef.

Ca atlr alwf, atf uefra tberf mbbx ygbeuta bea j qlif bo cfkis rijeutafgfv vemxr jcv mtlmxfcr, ulcufgis tjcvlcu atfw ab Vbcu Hlcurtl. Vbcu Hlcurtl tegglfvis atgfk atfw ab atf Mbei Gfwbcr ktb kfgf ublcu mgjhs klat tecufg. Lf mjgfoeiis byrfgnfv tbk atfs abgf atfw jqjga ab fja. Lf rjlv kbgglfvis, “P vbc’a atlcx atja kjr fcbeut obg atfw ab fja. Ofa’r ufa atfw rbwf batfg obbv. Pa kbeiv yf yfaafg lo la kfgf rbwfatlcu yluufg, rbwfatlcu jilnf…”

Song Qingshi looked back at the group of hot-blooded teenagers and found that they didn’t seem to be doing anything? 

The boys realized his strange interest and shuddered. Their hot-bloodedness slowly faded as they remembered that this was someone mixed in with the person of the Inextinguishable Peak. Even if he appeared young and simple, he was also someone who would kill without blinking an eye…He wasn’t going to feed them to the demons, was he?

Shizun said that sword cultivators must have the courage to challenge strong enemies. But if the gap was too big, being terrified was only right. Otherwise, all the sword cultivating sects would go extinct…

The teenagers quietly stepped back, trying to pretend like nothing had happened.

When Song Qingshi saw them running away, he was a little angry. He had to take care of so many injured patients and he also had to look after his newly-acquired darlings. He was so busy, he was about to go crazy. And now, not only were these guys adding to the trouble, but they were also planning on goofing off? ! He quickly released the Red Lotus Fire and blocked their retreat. With a cold expression on his face, he scolded them, “You all stay!” 

The boys’ faces turned pale.

Song Qingshi gave this group of dim, unmotivated, lazy, slacker brats a ruthless dressing down. He dragged them off for emergency training, tossing them to toil at the nurse’s station.

He was of a mind to suggest to Yuwen Yan that the restoration of Heaven Martial Sect should not only rely on Yuwen Yu alone, nor should he focus solely on swordsmanship.  He should also adopt a long-term perspective, stressing the schooling and education of these children. Diligence cures clumsiness. They must be made to do more papers, more practice. Properly functioning brains was the road to reviving the sect’s glory.

Take a look at their Medicine King’s Valley’s Qing Luan. Born a mortal, she accomplished so many good things and secured her name in history! 

Now that he has his memory back, he could be proud. Originally, the Medicine King’s Valley had been a small lousy sect with only one mountain peak. After transmigrating once again, it has become a gigantic medical school, with plenty of lab assistants, thousands of students, and mountains, rivers and land across thousands of li, all of which were medicinal herb fields that Yue Wuhuan gave to him! He was so excited just thinking about it! He couldn’t wait to go home and hug and kiss his Doaist companion…

Yue Wuhuan has also set up the best magical ship between the Inextinguishable Peak and the Medicine King’s Valley. It was outfitted with a mobile study and research room, and it was pulled by nine monster birds. It was as fast as lightning and could fully meet the shuttling needs of both sides…However, at present, with the hidden hand behind the scenes being yet to be found, they had no idea of the possible dangers. He wanted to stay close to Song Qingshi, guarding him with the strongest strength. Therefore, he suggested that the best laboratory and lab assistants of the Medicine King’s Valley should be moved to the Inextinguishable Peak. After the problem was solved, he would accompany Song Qingshi to live in the Medicine King’s Valley.

Song Qingshi happily agreed.

Yuwen Yan sent a message, and after confirming that everyone was safe, he laid down his dignity and handed over command of the main peak to Yue Wuhuan. 

The god of Inextinguishable Peak was the strongest existence in the immortal realm. Whether it was the raging phoenix flames or the red Nirvana butterflies, anything that came in contact with them died. The Foul Demons that fell to the ground then become nourishment for the Blood King Vines.

Although the demons have no IQ, they did have biological instincts. After their violent charge left a large swath of corpses, they finally understood the danger and no longer dared to attack the main peak. They scattered to other places. They formed small groups of five or six, searching everywhere for flesh and food.

The pressure on Heaven Martial Sect was greatly reduced. Yuwen Yan and the elders took the disciple of Core Formation and above and divided them into several groups. They went around destroying the demons and searching for lone or perhaps injured people. They then sent them to seek shelter and treatment at Xun Xian Peak.

This Demon Tide lasted from early morning to dusk. There were scattered Foul Demons everywhere. Killing them was endless. 

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The rescue from Xian Ling Island arrived. From a resplendent magical ship, a poised and graceful madam came down. She wore a golden crown hanging with pearls and decorated with red crown cranes and bats. On her ears were bright moon earrings. She wore a Shark Pearl skirt and Rosy Cloud Silk was draped over her shoulders. Her every movement exuded good manners.

With dozens of excellent female cultivators of outstanding renown, she slowly stepped forward. Seeing the familiar golden mask on Yue Wuhuan’s face, she momentarily froze. She then bowed down, saluting him in a respectful manner. She said calmly, “We have heard that shenjun has an order. Xian Ling Island has come to heed the call.”

The swordsmanship of Heaven Martial Sect walked down a male-oriented road. Most of their members were male cultivators. The few female cultivators they have didn’t care about their appearance. Each one had strength enough to pull out a mountain and spirit enough to swallow down seas. They had long regarded them as one of their brothers.  Now, seeing the beautiful mistress and female cultivators from Xian Ling Island, the young men were quite excited; the sound of hushed conversations was endless.

Song Qingshi poked the sword cultivator next to him and asked quietly, “Who is she?” 

“Don’t you know Lady Nian?” The sword cultivator’s eyes which he’d redirected from looking at the beauty, showed surprise. “She’s the top talisman master in the immortal realm. She’s an expert in mechanisms and mathematics. creating and improving numerous talismans. She has also taken in and cared for many orphans, instructing them in talisman production, giving them a livelihood. She’s a great and kind-hearted woman.”

Song Qingshi understood, “Ah, she’s an amazing mathematician.”

“Lady Nian is also that person’s subordinate and is highly regarded,” The sword cultivator glanced in the direction of Yue Wuhuan, and then kindly advised Song Qingshi, “Don’t wander around in front of Lady Nian. She has a bad temper and has strange evil interests. She likes to lock beautiful men in dark rooms, forcing them to answer all kinds of strange exercise questions. They’re not allowed to leave until they finish… I have an elegant and unrestrained xiongdi who wanted to pursue a female cultivator on Xian Ling Island, but he ended up in her hands. It took him three years before he was able to make it out of the dark room. He’d gotten so thin and he forgot all about poems and songs. All he talks about now are square fields and Pythagorean theorems or something like that. It’s horrible…”

Song Qingshi was bewildered at his words. But the other party said it was horrible, so he nodded along. 

The god ordered Lady Nian to set up a large tracking formation within the range of the Demon Tide. They would use the fluctuations of the demonic energy to search for all the Foul Demons on the ground. They would control their movements and together with the Blood King Vines they would destroy them. Lady Nian discussed the specific arrangements with him for a while. She pondered for a moment and then fetched a map of Heaven Martial Sect. She quickly designed the formation, and then dispatched her direct disciples to deploy the formations everywhere.

Lady Nian felt that shenjun’s style of dress wasn’t the same as his usual. Not only was he not wrapped tightly in the snow feather cloak, but his entire temperament was much softer. She darted her eyes. A guess immediately formed in her heart. After completing the formation design, she searched the crowd and sure enough, she saw the Medicine King Xianzun who she hadn’t seen for a long time. He was squatting amongst the crowd, teaching the sword cultivators how to treat poison injuries.

She was instantly drawn to reminisce.

Back then, at the Red Dragon Sect, the Medicine King Xianzun rescued Yan Yuan Xianjun and herself. Her young self had been very grateful and she developed a hazy good impression of this gentle and beautiful Xianzun. She had thought of marrying him when she grew up. However… this good impression only lasted for three days. Not only had her palms been struck by shizun because of those damn novels, but her brothers and sisters had ganged up on her to sort her out. 

She had been fine with receiving a beating but…

These two demented bastards praised her intelligence in front of shizun. They praised her so much that shizun was sent floating on cloud nine, feeling that he had the best disciple in the world. Afterwards, she received endless exercise papers.

From then on, she fell into problem exercise hell. No matter what she did, she simply couldn’t finish them all. She tried to play truant and as a result, shizun had her senior brothers and sisters supervise her while holding a rod in hand. She cried from misery but no one showed her any mercy. In the end, she was even packed up and sent to Xian Ling Island to study even more things with Madam Ling Miao……

The Medicine King Xianzun went into closed door cultivation. After Yue Wuhuan disappeared, the messenger bird stopped sending exercise sheets for a while. 

After she relaxed, she became a little concerned about their safety.

A few years later, the dark period descended upon them. The Inextinguishable Peak began to surround and suppress the various sects. Other sects began to tremble in the face of the god’s bloody slaughter. Meanwhile, she trembled in the face of the piles of mathematics and formation problem exercises personally delivered by the god himself…

Shenjun said gently, “The survival of the Red Dragon Sect and Xian Ling Island depends on your performance. I will make spot checks on your results.”

At that moment, Nian Nian nearly collapsed… 

The world was about to be destroyed, why did she still have to take exams and answer questions?!

The god was always true to his word. Xian Ling Island and the Red Dragon Sect weren’t big sects. If they had lost the protection of the Inextinguishable Peak, they would have been destroyed in the chaos of war. Shenjun required Nian Nian to become an excellent talisman master. She was then forced to give up her happy childhood and study assiduously and tirelessly in her room. Everyday, she answered questions and drew spells. She studied for 800 whole years. She studied so hard that it created a psychological shadow over her.

Later, she embarked on the road to immortality on the strength of her talismans, becoming the leading talisman master in the immortal realm, the high and untouchable Lady Nian.

After Madam Ling Miao’s fall, she inherited Xian Ling Island and looked after the Red Dragon Sect. 

The people who knew the true identity of the god were exceedingly few, and they were all wise enough to shut up.

Once, Lady Nian had had too much to drink. She coincidentally ran across an incarnation of the god and she couldn’t help asking boldly, “How could you have been so sure that I would become an excellent talisman master?”

“I wasn’t,” Shenjun thought for a while and confessed, “But if that person says you’re excellent, then you must be excellent.”

Lady Nian had no idea where she ought to spit tht mouthful of blood in her heart… 

She both loved and hated the Medicine King Xianzun. All sorts of feelings welled up in her heart. 


The Medicine King Xianzun was out. No wonder shenjun was in such a good mood…

Lady Nian gracefully walked forward with a smile. She caught sight of the Doaist companion mark on the back of Song Qingshi’s hand and said softly, “Xianzun, it has been a long time since we’ve last met.” 

Song Qingshi was a little nervous when he saw the unfamiliar great beauty greeting him. He nodded in response.

Lady Nian smiled and said, “Xianzun and shenjun have become Doaist companions. It is a truly happy event. I have a gift that I’ve been preparing for many years. I wish to give it to you.”

Song Qingshi was embarrassed and said, “You’re too kind.”

Lady Nian put on a fake smile and said, “I have prepared more than 10,000 sheets of problem exercises for Xianzun. It covers all the topics related to talismans and mathematics. I hope Xianzun would kindly accept my gift.” 

Song Qingshi originally planned to refuse, but when he heard what it was, he couldn’t push it away .

Who ever said Lady Nian had a bad temper? She was obviously gentle and considerate, with a kind and benevolent heart! This wedding gift was perfectly according to his taste!

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