Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 66: CH 66

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Chapter 66: Making a Mistake

The Medicine King’s Valley set off a learning boom. 

Song Qingshi ordered three banners to be hung in the school. The left side said: Study hard and every day you will improve. The right side said: Success comes from perseverance, Perseverance creates miracles. The middle one said: Charitable in thought and deed, Heal the wounded and rescue the dying.

Qing Luan was about to go crazy from the amount of study materials. Twenty hours out of the twenty-four hours in a day, was spent reading and answering questions. Although she was utterly devoted and wholeheartedly dedicated, even she was finding it hard to hold on. However, every time she caught sight of the scary expression on Yue Wuhuan’s face, with that smile that was yet not a smile, she found that she could still go on. No matter what, it was better to study than work in the torture chamber…

She was so tired that she simply couldn’t manage the others. She could only have the other children study by themselves.

Rong Ye finally found an opportunity to put his scheme into play. Every time the Master came to the school to check their homework, he would try to come forward to strike up conversation, to tease him into being happy. Rong Ye had a naturally pleasing appearance. He was well-dressed, cheerful and cordial.  He was particularly good at telling jokes, with both meat and vegetables. He could make everyone laugh uproariously every time, making the atmosphere bustling with noise and excitement. 

Song Qingshi didn’t understand jokes very much. He would look at everyone else and afraid that he would be out of sync, he would smile as well.

He didn’t dislike such a happy learning atmosphere, nor did he dislike such a sunny and cheerful student. He just didn’t like the perfume sachet on his body. The scent of the Deer Grass inside was quite heavy. Although it was harmless to the body, it could easily agitate one’s emotions. In a school where there were hot-blooded young men and women, smelling this scent could easily induce puppy love. Over a long time, it could be detrimental to their learning.

Speaking of, there also seemed to be a strange medicinal scent on Yue Wuhuan…

The injury caused by the Gu’s have already healed. He shouldn’t have any more injuries. Why would he still be taking medicine?

Song Qingshi was lost in thought.

Seeing him in a daze, Rong Ye, gathered up his courage and pulled at his sleeves. Keeping the others behind his back, he whispered, “Master, I don’t understand some of the topics, can you explain it to me? Like when you’re in the bedroom, the kind of explaining you do for Wuhuan Xianchang…”

“That’s not possible,” Song Qingshi thought about the IQ gap between Yue Wuhuan and Rong Ye, and tactfully persuaded him, “The things he understands, you don’t understand.”

Rong Ye smiled sweetly, “Although I am inexperienced, I can learn everything he understands.” 

When he was a child, he heard a lot of dirty talk and knew a lot of tricks to serving men. The only thing he lacked was actually putting them into practice. His body was very supple. When doing things, he was the type to press his luck. He didn’t believe that he would be unable to learn the tricks Wuhuan Xianchang used to serve the Master. In any case, they were just bedroom matters, what was so hard about those?

Song Qingshi thought for a while. He felt that he should give a chance to this student who proactively wanted to learn. He took a set of advanced math questions and handed it to him. “You do this first, and see which parts you don’t understand. I’ll have Wuhuan explain them to you.”

Rong Ye was completely muddled as he held the problem sheets.

Ming Hong looked over and sighed, “Wuhuan Xianchang does such difficult questions every night?” 

Song Qingshi flaunted, “These are questions he’d done a long time ago. The topics he’s tackling now are much more difficult than this.”

Ming Hong expressed his understanding, “How could one possibly finish so many questions? No wonder he ends up resting in Fuling Palace every night when doing his homework.”

Song Qingshi encouraged, “Wuhuan works very hard, you have to work hard too! You’ll be able to do it too!”

Rong Ye was confused and disoriented by his words. He began to doubt his own reasoning. Could it be that before he gets to climb up the Master’s bed, he’ll need to answer problem exercises first? Once he’s satisfied with his work… only then can he serve the Master? Did he have to work hard on answering problem exercises and work hard on serving him too? Isn’t that just too hard? Some strange images appeared in his mind, all of which were quite difficult to describe. He shook his head quickly and put it aside. 

The Master looked gentle and good-tempered, but it was too difficult to serve him in bed…

Wuhuan Xianchang had it really hard.

Rong Ye thought for a while and held the problem exercises in both hands. He was going to study hard! He was never going to give up! What Wuhuan Xianchang can do, he must do it too!

Song Qingshi looked at this atmosphere of studying hard and was quite satisfied. 


The research on the Black Death Butterfly continued. The failures, too, continued.

Yue Wuhuan raised his head from the pile of documents and frowned. He smelled the scent of Deer Grass on Song Qingshi. The only use of this perfume was to slowly provoke a man’s desires. It was used to liven things up in the bedroom. This entire Golden Phoenix Manor had this smell everywhere. However, the ingredients of the perfume was relatively valuable, and the blending technique was even more sophisticated.
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Who would use this undesirable thing in the pure Medicine King’s Valley? 

Tef Qetejc tfiv tlr ygfjat. Lf ofia atja atf qegf ijcv lc tlr tfjga kjr yflcu lcnjvfv ys oliat jcv tf mbeivc’a yfjg la. Coafg atlcxlcu jybea la, tf lwwfvljafis uefrrfv atf rbegmf bo atf qfgoewf. Lf kjr jiwbra ecjyif ab gfragjlc atf xliilcu lcafca lc tlr wlcv.

Hlcu Oejc tjv bcmf qifjvfv ylaafgis, rjslcu atja Ebcu Tf kjr sbecu jcv rlwqif lc mtjgjmafg. Vtf jrxfv tlw cba ab pevuf tlw abb tjgrtis.

He suppressed it for a few days, but he didn’t expect for that guy to be more brazen and impudent than he thought.


In the Golden Phoenix Manor, a youth of this age would have already learned to cater to a man and to endure the torture of that dark hell.

Simple in character?

Which simple-minded person would know of this kind of perfume? And know how to put it on the body, to induce the barest tantalization?

The more Yue Wuhuan understood, the more he boiled with rage. 

Song Qingshi found that his breathing was a bit abnormal. “Wuhuan, what’s the matter?”

Yue Wuhuan tried his best to recover his normal breathing, and said with a smile, “Master, you have a strange smell on your body. It makes me uncomfortable.”

Song Qingshi sniffed himself and suspected that he had come in contact with a bad-smelling medicinal material. Knowing that Yue Wuhuan was sensitive to smell, he quickly threw a few cleaning spells on himself and ran to take a bath.

Yue Wuhuan stretched out a few Blood King Vines and packed up the experimental equipment. The smile on the corners of his lips became gentler and gentler. 

The people Qing Luan couldn’t take care of, he should just take care of himself.


In his room, Rong Ye finished the problem exercises. He then began to study his manner of dressing. Wuhuan Xianchange’s golden red brocade robe was so beautiful, slim-fitting with narrow sleeves. Wherever he went, he was a crane in a flock of chickens. Meanwhile, he could only wear the cyan robe supplied by the Medicine King’s Valley. It was simple and unadorned, wide and loose-fitting. It was all too easy disappear among the crowd. It was best to find a seamstress to help him raise the waist, widen his belt and tighten it. The neckline needed to be opened slightly, to give a peek of collarbone. Only then can he make obvious that his physique was much better than other’s.

He also needed to increase the amount of Deer Grass in the sachet. The sisters in the brothel have taught him that this scent could make a man worked up. He himself had placed it by his bedside and had a spring dream for two straight days. Unfortunately, he didn’t dream of the Master, but that fool, He Qingyun, instead. It scared him out of his wits. He’ll gift some to Ming Hong later to tease that coward. That way, he won’t always be so panicky in front of Qing Luan Jie. 

Rong Ye fiddled with his robe in front of the mirror. Suddenly, he found that a golden winged mask appeared in the mirror.

He turned around in fright and saw Yue Wuhuan, leaning against the door, looking at him with arms folded.

Rong Ye let out a sigh of relief and respectfully bowed his head to pay his respects.

Yue Wuhuan smiled, “Qing Luan tells me that your hands are very skilled, and that you’re interested in mechanisms?” 

Rong Ye didn’t understand what he was driving at. He nodded, “Yes.”

“Heaven Craft Pavilion is currently accepting apprentices. As long as you are skilled with your hands, they don’t care about your background,” Yue Wuhuan said thoughtfully. “The Medicine King’s Valley and Heaven Craft Pavilion have a business relationship. I sent my greeting to the Pavilion Master and I’m sending you there to study. Let us not waste your good skills.”

Rong Ye’s face turned pale. He liked to make devices, but that didn’t mean that he was willing to be a craftsman. He had seen artisans in the brothel before. They were all poor and uncouth, unkempt. Their hands were rough and ugly. They had swarthy skin, and lots of scars from accidents. His brothers and sisters all shunned them and were unwilling to receive them.

The craftsmen in the immortal realm were still craftsmen, who have to do heavy manual work. 

If he falls there, his beauty would be ruined in less than two years.

Rong Ye looked at the smile at the corner of Yue Wuhuan’s lips, and he instantly understood. He must have seen through his plans to strive for favor and wanted to deal with him early. He has seen many of this kind of shameful secrets, but the other party was favored, while he had yet worm his way into the Master’s good graces. He had no power to fight back, and was at his mercy.

He wanted to try and act spoiled, to sell silliness. But how could a little fledgling fox fool a fox spirit who’d been cultivating for thousands of years?

Rong Ye was so angry that he was almost brought to tears. “Why are you so overbearing? Bullying people like this?” 

Yue Wuhuan turned around and said coldly, “People with dirty thoughts are not allowed to remain in the Medicine King’s Valley.”

“I’m dirty?” Rong Ye knew that the wood had already been made into a boat, and he cursed from utter despair, “How clean are you? You’re just a mortal yourself, and you won the Master’s love with your beauty. That’s why you got the chance to reach the sky in a single bound!”

Yue Wuhuan turned his head and quietly looked at him.

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Qing Luan was scared of his madness and tried to prevent him from getting close to these apprentices. She also didn’t dare to reveal to them what actually goes on behind the scenes. Yue Wuhuan always followed social rules and etiquette, and he never punished anyone in their presence. Did this caused these children to misunderstand him and regard him as a good-tempered lamb? 

Rong Ye no longer watched his words. “How many men have you served? What qualifications do you have to disdain others for being dirty?”

Yue Wuhuan thought for a while, and asked in a hoarse voice, “Do you want to serve a man?”

Rong Ye was a little frightened, but he used all his willpower and struck back, “What’s wrong with serving a cultivator? You serve them and get a cushy life. They can carelessly toss you pills and treasures. They can teach you immortal techniques. It’s a lot better than being a mortal! I want to serve a powerful man!”

Yue Wuhuan smiled. He took out a pair of ice silk gloves, and slowly put them on. 

There was a strange fragrance in the air, Rong Ye suddenly felt a little dizzy, and his whole body lost strength. He struggled to raise his head, but Yue Wuhuan’s face was already becoming blurry. Immediately after, he felt something ruthlessly grab his hair. His entire person was dragged in front of him.

His long black hair was a mess, and the beautiful peach blossom eyes were full of fear.

Yue Wuhuan lifted up his face and looked at it for a moment. His voice was like that of a demon from hell. “I’ll teach you how to serve a man.”

Rong Ye finally realized that he had provoked something he shouldn’t have provoked. He wanted to run, but couldn’t even move. 

His clothes were torn open, and there was a feeling of hotness on his back, as though something was being branded upon it.

He lost control over his limbs and his brain sunk into unconsciousness.

When he woke up again, he found that his limbs were shackled with chains hanging from the ceiling. He had nothing on his body. All around him were countless eyes staring greedily at him. Then, countless disgusting hands stretched out, ravaging him as they wished. He was so scared that he wanted to scream, he wanted to shout at them not to come closer, but what came out his mouth were unbearable, obscene words.

He never knew these things could hurt so much… 

No pity, no tenderness, only dreadful toying.

He struggled with all his might, desperately begged for mercy. But, in exchange, he got laughter and even crueler treatment.

It seemed like the torment in the darkness would never stop.

He almost suffered the most humiliating and disgusting thing in the world. 

Finally, he woke up crying…

There was a faint fragrance floating in the air. There were no scary men, no disgusting things.

Rong Ye found that his body was completely clean. The pain faded away, and the nausea, too, slowly disappeared. Only his clothes were soaked in cold sweat and clung to his body. He raised his head in alarm and found himself in an ice-cold dungeon. Although he hadn’t seen any terrible instruments of torture, there was a bloody smell in the air that would not dissipate. Yue Wuhuan sat at the table with a book in his hand, reading quietly under the light of the candle. There was a copper incense burner beside it, with a burnt up incense stick. There was a strange fragrance emitting from it. Beside it were still two unlit incense sticks.

Yue Wuhuan saw he had awoken. He stretched out his hand, and picked up the second incense stick from the table. 

Although Rong Ye didn’t understand what that incense was, he realized that the horrifying illusions must have come from the incense. He didn’t dare act stubborn anymore. He knelt down on his knees, prostrated himself on the ground, desperately begging for mercy, “Wuhuan Xianchang, I was wrong. I never should have spoken ill of you!”

Yue Wuhuan looked at him for a while, and shook his head without mercy.

Rong Ye cried out in despair, “No! I was really wrong!”

The second incense was ignited, and the strange fragrance attacked once again, deeper and heavier… 

Rong Ye once again fell into a more painful hell, suffering from all sorts of torture and endless suffering.

Every time he thought this was the limit of pain, there was always something more painful waiting for him.

When he woke up again, his spirit had almost collapsed. He sat dull and sluggish on the ground, unable to remember whether he was a human or animal. After a long time, He finally realized that his body was whole and unharmed. His joy at his new lease of life allowed him to gradually regain his human rationality, restoring his ability to speak.

Rong Ye raised his head. In despair, he saw Yue Wuhuan picking up the third incense… 

He would go completely mad in hell, until he died.

“Spare me, spare me…” Rong Ye finally understood the demon’s killing intent. He crawled with his hands, wanting to retreat, but countless Blood King Vines stretched out, forming an inescapable cage, trapping him inside. He finally understood how stupid he had been and how terrible the person he had offended. But it was too late. He watched as the incense that would determine his fate was about to ignited. Suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he cried madly, “I don’t dare have any thoughts about the Master anymore!”

The incense that would send him to hell finally stopped.

Yue Wuhuan looked at him quietly and asked again, “Do you still want to serve a man?” 

“I don’t want to!” Rong Ye screamed from fear when he thought of those terrible dreams. He curled up in the darkness, begging, “I was wrong, I don’t want to serve a man anymore!”

Yue Wuhuan held the incense. He rubbed his forehead gently, glancing at the door. He seemed a little hesitant.

Life and death all hung in one thought.

Rong Ye curled up and cried for a long time in the darkness. 

He finally remembered the flower lady who’d been flogged and scarred by a guest. He remembered the xiao guan who was carried out on a ruined mat. He remembered the bruises on the corners of his mother’s eyes. He had only remembered the bustling liveliness, the good food and delicacies, the jewelry. He only remembered the beauty who managed to buy back her freedom, but he had forgotten the many terrible things and the many tragic endings…

How could he be so foolish?

Rong Ye wailed loudly and kept repeating, “I was wrong, I was really wrong.”

Yue Wuhuan finally made a decision. 

The Blood King Vine was withdrawn, and the door to the torture chamber was opened.

Qing Luan was already standing at the door, crying, absolutely choked with sobs.

Rong Ye saw this weak figure and it was like he had seen a harbor to shelter from the wind. He sobbed, “Qing Luan Jiejie…”

Qing Luan walked down the steps and stood before Yue Wuhuan. She bowed down deeply, “Thank you.” 

After learning of Rong Ye’s foolishness, she knew that he had committed a serious taboo. She tried her best to think of a way and used the excuse that the Master wouldn’t be happy if he knew, and asked for a chance to let Rong Ye go to Heaven Craft Pavilion instead. But once she heard his reckless ravings… She had almost given up all hope, watching the unconscious Rong Ye being dragged into the dungeon by countless Blood King Vines. She was so scared, her heart almost stopped.

There were problems with Yue Wuhuan’s mental condition. He couldn’t feel the pain of others, and he didn’t understand compassion.

The people who’d entered the dungeon before were all either dead or had gone mad, all without exception…

Qing Luan knew what Rong Ye was going to face, and she couldn’t just watch this happen. 

She barred Yue Wuhuan’s way, begging hard, begging desperately, begging on her knees, crying and begging.

Yue Wuhuan asked her, unable to understand, “Why are you begging for him?”

Qing Luan said, eyes hazy with tears, “Rong Ye is not that bad…”

Yue Wuhuan said, “He made a mistake.” 

Qing Luan insisted, “Mistakes can be corrected.”

Yue Wuhuan thought for a long time, but did not answer.

Finally, he stretched out the Blood King Vine, lifted Qing Luan out of the dungeon, and blocked the door.

Qing Luan pounded against the door in despair. Faintly, you could hear her mournful wailing, her entreating voice, her heart-rending weeping. 

Yue Wuhuan forgave Rong Ye. He didn’t destroy his life or spirit and he didn’t use those truly terrifying punishments.

Qing Luan was delirious with joy at having lost and recovered Rong Ye once again. She hugged Rong Ye, continued to comfort him.

“For your loyalty over the years,” Yue Wuhuan stood up, walked past them, and said coldly, “There won’t be a next time.”

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