Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 67: CH 67

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Chapter 67: Dripping Water Wears through Rocks

What Yue Wuhuan used was the Dream Weaving Incense; three sticks comprised a set, each to be used in succession. When the scent of the incense was smelled, the sea of ​​consciousness would fall into chaos, revealing an unguarded door, allowing the practitioner to modify and control it at will. There were many restrictions to its use. For example, it could not be used on a cultivator who had a higher cultivation level, otherwise it could backlash. Occasionally, it would fail when used against a person with a very strong will. 

Rong Ye didn’t have a strong will, and his cultivation level was only at the Qi Refining stage.

He was the best prey for toying with.

Yue Wuhuan was very good at slowly cutting to death one’s spirit. He could make people commit suicide or become brainless fools.

There was once a traitor who sold out the Medicine King’s Valley. After the third Dream Weaving Incense was ignited, he went completely crazy. He rigidly peeled off his own skin, and rammed himself into a wall to his death. 

Qing Luan buried the body in the medicine garden. She vomited many times, and had nightmares day after day.

Fortunately, Rong Ye had his realization in time…

Yue Wuhuan left room for him, giving him a chance to repent.

With the use of the Spirit Calming Pill and Nerve Soothing Decoction, Rong Ye recovered, gradually being able to distinguish between illusion and reality. He saw Qing Luan sitting by the bed, tenderly taking care of him. He remembered his own foolish thoughts and he was so ashamed, guilty and scared. He was so embarrassed to face anyone. He buried himself under the quilt and kept crying.

Seeing that his downcast state, Qing Luan applied sick leave for him and let him rest.

Rong Ye asked softly under the quilt, “Qing Luan Jie, when will I go to Heaven Craft Pavilion?”

Since coming to the Immortal Realm, he has never left the Yan Shan Sect and Medicine King’s Valley. And so, he was afraid of going to Heaven Craft Pavilion, of becoming an apprentice craftsman. However, he knew that he had committed a big mistake. This was the only way out that Qing Luan Jie had fought so hard for, for him.  He had to go.

“You’ll leave once you’re a bit better. I’ll explain to the Master for you,” Qing Luan thought for a while, and said, comforting, “Heaven Craft Pavilion is a good place. Elder Liao is the one accepting apprentices this time. She’s an exceptionally outstanding female cultivator. Becoming her apprentice is a very good thing. You’re not interested in refining medicine, and with her, you can give full play to your strengths.” 

Rong Ye, sobbing, agreed.


The next day, Qing Luan told Song Qingshi about Rong Ye going to Heaven Craft Pavilion.

This cheerful student left a deep impression on Song Qingshi. He remembered that just yesterday he had taken the initiative to learn Yue Wuhuan’s path of study and had taken a huge pile of homework. But today he was expressing his intention to leave the Medicine King’s Valley. Could it be that the homework was too difficult and his self-confidence had taken a hit? 

Qing Luan smiled and dispelled his doubts. “Rong Ye has always liked making mechanical devices. He heard that Elder Liao of Heaven Craft Pavilion was recruiting mortal apprentices, so he rushed to sign up. It was like fate.”

Ming Hong was familiar with Rong Ye’s character, and didn’t think he would make such a choice. He quickly guessed the truth.

He Qingyun couldn’t understand, and was anxious. “How can A’Ye be a craftsman…”

Before he finished his words, Ming Hong stepped firmly on his foot and sent him shrieking in pain. 

“Qing Luan Jiejie wouldn’t harm any of us,” Ming Hong hung on his shoulders, and pinched the fool’s arm. He reminded in a low voice, “Rong Ye likes being a craftsman. He chose this path himself. ”

He Qingyun finally caught on. Having a woebegone look, he said, “Yes, he likes working with his hands.”

Song Qingshi looked at their faces and smiled, “Everyone has their own aspirations. That’s good then.”

He hastily checked their homework and after confirming that everyone was studying hard, he left the school, saying that he was heading to the laboratory to do research. 

Seeing that the Master didn’t care about Rong Ye’s whereabouts, Qing Luan finally felt relieved. She looked back and saw the expressions on He Qingyun and Ming Hong’s faces. They were determined to know the truth. She knew they were friends and it wouldn’t be easy to hide this from them. However, looking after Rong Ye’s dignity, she tactfully only informed them that Rong Ye had made a mistake and needed to leave the Medicine King’s Valley. They could say their good-bye’s these next two days. If Rong Ye learns his skills and becomes a master in Heaven Craft Pavilion, everyone would still have a chance to see each other.

She was the eldest sister of this group of children and was deeply trusted…

Every choice and every decision that Qing Luan made was to give everyone the best future.

Everyone felt sad about Rong Ye’s departure. 

Qing Luan herself found it hard to take. She gave a few words of comfort and decided to adjust her mood by studying. Ever since the Master saw her research, Yue Wuhuan gently gave her massive amounts of study materials to encourage her to study hard. She immediately understood what the other’s intentions were, and did her best. She wished there were 48 hours in a day for her to work hard. With much effort, she barely managed to reach their standards.

Today was for performing alchemy experiments. The apprentices were all staying in the school, and there was no one in the quiet library.
We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Hlcu Oejc delmxis obecv atf wfvlmji ybbx rtf cffvfv. Vtf rja ja atf vfrx. Pwlajalcu atf Zjrafg’r tjyla, rtf rbgafv bea atf xfs lcobgwjalbc jcv cbafv atfw vbkc.

Vtf kjr lwwfgrfv lc tfg raevs, lucbglcu atf qjrrjuf bo alwf jcv atf mtjculcu bo iluta jcv rtjvbk. 

Vevvfcis, atf mglfr bo ylgvr jcv lcrfmar ogbw bearlvf atf klcvbk vlrjqqfjgfv. Ktf klcv rabqqfv. Ktf fcalgf ilygjgs yfmjwf vfjv rlifca, jr atbeut la tjv yfmbwf lrbijafv ogbw atf kbgiv. Xgjvejiis, la kjr vsfv klat j yegclcu jegj. Ktlr xlcv bo tbgglyif offilcu…la kjr ilxf rtf tjv fzqfglfcmfv atlr rbwfktfgf yfobgf?

Yan Shan Sect? Xie Que’s death?

The shadow of terror struck.

Qing Luan realized that the situation was not good. She dropped the study materials in a panic, trying to rush out of the library. 

However, it was too late.

The entire library was already enveloped in the flame barrier, blocking off all possible paths of retreat.

Behind Qing Luan came the sound of gently turning pages.

She slowly turned her head back… seeing the Red Lotus Fire and Underworld Ghost Fire blooming in the air, the red and black lotus flower brought in the aura of death. The tragedy of Xie Que’s death once again appeared in her mind. She finally realized the true master of the Medicine King’s Valley. It was this man who was standing at the desk and earnestly looking through the notes she had just made. 

An immature appearance, a gentle temperament, never saying any harsh words…

She knew that this was a terrible tiger, but she would be repeatedly misled, forgetting the immensity of heaven and earth.

In this world, how could there be a Nascent Soul cultivator who was so easy to fool?

Qing Luan paled but kept calm. She saluted, “Master, what are your instructions?” 

“It’s nothing,” Song Qingshi closed her notes and said with a smile, “There are just some things I’ve been meaning to ask, only that I could never find the right opportunity. The people from the Night Rain Pavilion have come to check the accounts today. Wuhuan is busy entertaining them, so I made time to come and have a chat with you.”

Qing Luan gulped. When she saw the lotus flower in Song Qingshi’s hand, she knew that he had come prepared. He was here to ask about Yue Wuhuan’s secrets. If she told him, her future would not be good. If she didn’t tell him, her present would not be good. She was thinking frantically about how she was going to smoothly get through this crisis.

“I don’t like investigating like this,” Song Qingshi said, “but this matter is too important to me, and I must understand it. Tell me, what happened between Yue Wuhuan and Rong Ye? Why is Rong Ye going to Heaven Craft Pavilion?”

Qing Luan smiled and said, “Last night… Wuhuan Ge told Rong Ye that Heaven Craft Pavilion was accepting apprentices and encouraged him to hone his skills.” 

Song Qingshi thought for a while. “So, did Rong Ye fall ill from happiness?”

Qing Luan forced herself to keep smiling and continued, “He is sad at having to bid goodbye…”

Song Qingshi looked at her for a long while, and the lotus in his hand slowly turned, serving as a reminder, “Do you remember? I can search souls.”

Qing Luan was stunned. She had witnessed Song Qingshi seeing a memory of her in Xie Que’s sea of consciousness. This was how he found out the secret word for the Acacia Seal. 

“Don’t hide things from me. Searching through a soul doesn’t feel good and there is a chance of causing trauma to the sea of ​​consciousness. Committing suicide is also useless. I can still read the most recent memories after death.” Song Qingshi finally released the overpowering pressure of a Nascent Soul cultivator. He coldly commanded, “Don’t make a stupid choice. Tell me everything.”

The tiger opened his eyes, stretched out his claws. He tore through the lies, and would not be deceived.

Qing Luan slumped to the ground. She knew that she couldn’t keep things secret, so she could only tell the matter honestly; including Rong Ye’s little scheme towards the Master, the mistake he made, and the lesson Yue Wuhuan gave him. As much as possible, she avoided the important and dwelled on the trivial. She focused on how Rong Ye had made a mistake because of his young age, and how after being punished and educated by the Yue Wuhuan, he had realized the error of his ways, to everyone’s delight and satisfaction.

Song Qingshi latched on to an even more doubtful point. “Dungeon? In the corner of the western garden? Where I used to grow poisonous mushrooms?” 

When he was in charge of the Medicine King’s Valley, the dungeon was merely there for decoration. Recently, he didn’t use poisonous mushrooms for research, so he had forgotten about that place.

Qing Luan wanted to slap her mouth. Setting up an illegal torture chamber, disrespecting one’s superiors, scheming for and seizing power, eliminating dissidents… Everything that Yue Wuhuan did wouldn’t stand recounting in any other sect. Although he had rendered great service by saving the Master, if his horrible desire for control and excessive feelings for the Master were to be exposed… Qing Luan’s mind was already filling with stories from history about casting aside the bow once the birds were all killed, or killing the hounds for food once the hares were bagged. Tears spun in her eyes. She was beside herself with fear.

At a loss, Song Qingshi asked, “Where did you put my poisonous mushrooms?”

Qing Luan sobbed, “Wuhuan Ge built a new mushroom breeding house.” 

Song Qingshi finally felt relieved. “That’s good.”

Qing Luan’s weeping stopped. “???”

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She felt like she had mistaken the point?

“Don’t cry,” Song Qingshi knew that he had scared her terribly, and quickly put away dual-flame lotus flower. He said, feeling embarrassed, “I’m sorry, I was just scaring you. I won’t really search your soul.” 

Searching through souls was extremely risky, and he would only be able to find memory fragments. There was no way to be able to extract that many years’ worth of memories.

He had no intention of hurting Qing Luan. He just scared her because she wasn’t telling him the truth. He put up a battle formation to frighten her.

If he really couldn’t scare her into telling him the answers…he could only let it pass.

Fortunately, the easiest people to deceive in this world are those who never lie. 

Qing Luan looked back at what had just happened, and found that Song Qingshi hadn’t even told a lie. She had fallen into a trap. She didn’t know if she should rejoice at a narrow escape, or regret telling the truth. Her mood was extremely complicated. She didn’t know how to express it and once again began to cry from feeling so wronged.

This was the first time Song Qingshi had bullied a girl. He felt somewhat guilty and quickly handed over a handkerchief, drily persuading, “I won’t scare you anymore.”

Qing Luan took the handkerchief. She looked at his tender thoughtfulness and thought about her stupidity. She cried even more miserably.

Song Qingshi said, stumbling over his words, “I went to secretly take a look at Rong Ye and I already guessed what was going on. I’m so happy. I looked for you to confirm the answer.” 

Qing Luan was perplexed, “Happy?”

Song Qingshi smiled and said, “Before the outcome of the matter, did you think Wuhuan would let Rong Ye go?”

Qing Luan thought for a long time, and shook her head. “Those foolish things Rong Ye said were unbearable even for me. What he tore open were Wuhuan Ge’s most painful wounds. His disrespectful thoughts towards the Master, were even more a provocation towards Wuhuan Ge. I thought that Wuhuan Ge wanted to ignite all three Dream Weaving Incense sticks and torture Rong Ye to death. I don’t know why he changed his mind. Maybe it was because he was young and ignorant…”

“Ignorant? You have all been in the Medicine King’s Valley for too long,” Song Qingshi smiled. “The immortal realm is full of dangers. Killing people for treasure, fighting for your life in secret realms. Was Xie Que going to spare you all because you were young and ignorant? When I walked the world outside, I’ve also killed a lot of people who I found displeasing. Did I reason things out with them?” He thought for a while and added aggrievedly, “Of course, even if I had tried to reason things out, I wouldn’t have been able to reason things out with them…” 

A rogue cultivator, as he had been then, if he had had shown even half a weakness, he would have been torn apart by those beasts.

There were no laws in the immortal realm. Even if you were killed, there would be no one to mete out justice.

Song Qingshi didn’t ask Yue Wuhuan what he had done over the years because he didn’t need to. For Yue Wuhuan to have been able to obtain that many precious medicinal ingredients when he was but a Foundation Building cultivator, for him to have been able to make a name for himself as a lunatic that everyone was afraid of, he couldn’t have accomplished those things by being bright and clever and reasoning things out. He had to have spoken with the blood on his hands and the brutal strength in his bones.

Amidst his repeated slaughter, his heart became more and more distorted, more and more crazy, and more and more contemptuous towards life. 

How could he spare Rong Ye because of his ignorance?

Qing Luan thought of the corpse buried in the medicine garden, and her face turned ugly.

“What Rong Ye did stimulated Wuhuan’s condition. It stands to reason that it could not have been tolerated,” Song Qingshi looked at Qing Luan seriously and explained, “I have now been able to confirm that he had let Rong Ye go because you had pled for leniency.”

Qing Luan murmured, “Wuhuan Ge has never let anyone off because of pleading.” 

She was apt to be soft-hearted and could not adapt to the cruelty of the immortal realm. She did a lot of stupid things. After being punished and educated many times by Yue Wuhuan, she slowly learned to turn a blind eye, learned to clean up the mess and do terrible things.

Song Qingshi said, “If Rong Ye dies, you would be extremely pained, wouldn’t you?”

Qing Luan nodded cautiously. For her, Rong Ye was a companion with whom she was mutually reliant upon for survival. He was like her own brother. Over the years, there had been too many bits and pieces of memories, so beautiful. She couldn’t just watch Rong Ye die. Even if hope was slim, and she might be severely punished, she still wanted to try and save him. Failure would bring a lifetime of self-blame and pain.

Song Qingshi smiled and said, “He felt your pain and retreated. This is a good thing.” 

Qing Luan still didn’t understand.

“This proves that Wuhuan’s heart is still there, and he can still feel the emotions of others,” Song Qingshi’s smile gradually deepened. “His tenderness has not been completely destroyed. It has only been wrapped in layer upon layer of shadows, hidden in a place even he himself can’t find. So he stepped back in the face of your pain and made a different choice than what he usually would have.”

Qing Luan had a kind, selfless and sincere heart. She spent ten years, holding fast by his side, without thought of any return, wholeheartedly helping, investing bit by bit…

In the end, dripping water wore through the rock. 

She planted a small seed of kindness in Yue Wuhuan’s dark heart.

He wondered if this seed could grow into a big tree.

“His madness is not as serious as imagined,” Song Qingshi said, rejoicing. “Otherwise, for safety’s sake, I would have been forced to send you all to the village before his condition completely deteriorates and his actions become uncontrollable. I would have had to seal the Medicine King’s Valley and then accompany him to wait for the ending of this failure.”

Qing Luan looked blankly at Song Qingshi. She suddenly felt that something was wrong with him as well. 

Those weren’t normal feelings.

She thought that Song Qingshi didn’t know how crazy Yue Wuhuan was, but now it seemed that he knew it better than she did?

Was there anyone in the world who could accept such madness? Could anyone go this far for a lunatic? Could it be… he was a lunatic as well?

Qing Luan shook her head quietly, driving out this terrible thought from her mind. She then asked, “What can I do for Wuhuan Ge?” 

“Wuhuan’s disease…now is not the opportune moment for it to be cured, and it may be more troublesome in the future. But don’t take it to heart or be afraid.” Song Qingshi placed the materials on the table into Qing Luan’s arms and explained seriously, “You just have to persist with your own philosophy. Research all the drugs you want to make, implement the philosophy of the Grand Master, and be a good doctor.”

The Medicine King Xianzun was the best doctor in the immortal realm. His treatment for Yue Wuhuan was surely the best plan.

Qing Luan found that she was showing her skills with an axe before Lu Ban. She was embarrassed and said, “I will study hard.”

“Today it was my fault for scaring you,” Song Qingshi thought for a while, and decided to make some compensation. “I have newly refined a batch of Qi Guiding Pills, coupled with Vein Enlargement Powder, it can improve your constitution and help you successfully complete Foundation Building. I will hand them over to you later. You can distribute it to the apprentices according to their different spiritual roots. Many of them have poor aptitude and need the aid of pills. After reaching Foundation Building, your life expectancy will be prolonged and you will no longer be troubled by ordinary illnesses. You will have more time to study and research.” 

During the past few days, he has been observing the constitution of the apprentices. For an overwhelming majority, Foundation Building would be their limit.

Only Ming Hong had better aptitude and was suitable for cultivation. Perhaps he could go further through his swordsmanship.

Qing Luan was so moved that tears came out.

She knew that the pills made by the Medicine King Xianzun had the best efficacy. But they were precious. Even immortal sects would not easily give it to ordinary newly-accepted disciples. Now, based on Song Qingshi’s words, each apprentice was refined a custom-made Qi Guiding Pill. This kind of medicine was more effective. Coupled with the Vein Enlargement Powder to adjust their constitution…Even if their aptitude was poor, as long as they had spiritual roots, and worked hard, there was hope for reaching Foundation Building. 

Qing Luan immediately put aside all her worries, and thanked him repeatedly. She swore to the Heavens that she would never waste the three hundred years after Foundation Building. She will spend all of her time on studying, and will hold this group of children to work hard together.  She will live up to the Master’s expectations and research drugs. She will be a good doctor, with a benevolent heart and skillful execution. She will spread the Grand Master’s philosophy and the Medicine King’s Valley’s good name to the world.

Aside from learning and research, what other meaning was there to human life? !

Song Qingshi was very satisfied to hear it.

The flame barrier had already been put away. The door of the library was reopened, and fresh wind poured in from the window. 

Qing Luan didn’t want to leave anymore, she was gearing up to study like mad.

Song Qingshi suddenly said, “Meeting you, was really good.”

Qing Luan was stunned when she heard this.

Song Qingshi leaped nimbly onto the window sill. He smiled at her and said, “Thank you!” 

Then, with doubt written all over Qing Luan’s face, he jumped off the window sill and disappeared.

It was getting dark, and the apprentices all left the classroom. There was constant noise.

Yue Wuhuan was looking anxiously for him. The Blood King Vine that was following the Master, suddenly lost contact. His mental probe couldn’t cover the entire Medicine King’s Valley. However, the cultivators sent by Ye Lin Xianjun were very long-winded, and then there had been a situation regarding the pregnant mouse. After dealing with everything, he found that the Master was not in the laboratory; he was not in the school; he was not in the study, he was not in Fuling Palace… This made him even rasher.

Song Qingshi jumped in front of him and happily took his hand. 

He held it so tightly, leading him by the hand and wouldn’t let go.

Yue Wuhuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. He asked cautiously, “Master, you seem very happy?”

Song Qingshi responded happily, “En.”

Yue Wuhuan asked, “Did something good happen?” 

Song Qingshi stopped his footsteps. He raised his head, looked vigilantly at the darkening sky. He smiled, and said softly in a voice that could hardly be heard,

“Wuhuan, I saw hope.”

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