Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 71: CH 71

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Chapter 71: Perfect Answer

Song Qingshi got his hands on the information sent by Ye Lin Xianjun. He grew silent. 

He had taken classes on physiological hygiene and he felt that doing this kind of thing between a man and a woman was very simple. He didn’t expect that doing it between two men would be several times more complex. It took so many strange fancy tricks to satisfy the ‘invading’ party.

A scholar-tyrant must achieve full marks in everything that he does. He must learn no matter how difficult it is.

While waiting for the results of the new petri dish samples of the Black Death Butterfly, he found a new notebook, and began to look through the reference books. He extracted the key points, and took down notes.

First of all, he determined that his type of spiritual root was very suitable for transferring his cultivation base with the cultivation furnace method. If that mishap he had considered didn’t happen, or if his Nascent Soul wasn’t completely broken, he could try to persuade Yue Wuhuan to accept part of his cultivation base and increase his ability to protect himself. 

Yue Wuhuan’s restraint on his desire has reached the point of serious self-harm.

This was a dangerous signal, and one that must not be allowed to develop.

Blocking psychological problems weren’t as good as clearing them away. Rather than letting him continue to anxiously run away, allowing the harm to grow more and more serious, it was better to try desensitization therapy and directly make him face the root of his anxiety.

Yue Wuhuan needed to understand that having desires for the person he likes wasn’t something terrible. What he wanted to do wasn’t something that was going to hurt the other person. Although it may be painful, he was perfectly willing and even happy.

But… is it really so difficult to be the ‘receiving’ party? The pictures depicted so many difficult positions and ways of playing that looked quite painful.

The more Song Qingshi looked at the information, the more entangled he became. He wasn’t sure what Yue Wuhuan liked, but as a novice, it was better to start from something simple, and choose first what he could do to give it a try.

He also carefully studied novels, jotting down specialized words suitable for use during bedroom matters and lines that could make the invading party happy. In the novels, many of the invaders liked to ask questions while they were doing it, and the receiver could get extra credit by answering them correctly.

Better to be prepared just in case. 

After all, what would he do, if Yue Wuhuan also asks a question and he overturns the car because he gave the wrong answer?

He needed to prepare for all possible questions and answers and memorized them well.

He also had to prepare all kinds of medical plasters and wound medicines. No matter how desperate the situation becomes, he must never cry out in pain. He also mustn’t wind up injured and unable to move, like they do in the novels, otherwise he would lose face as a Nascent Soul cultivator. It could also worsen the psychological shadow Yue Wuhuan had towards these things.

Song Qingshi took a few days to prepare. He made sure that everything was in order before he directly released his mental probe to determine Yue Wuhuan’s location. He waited until late at night, when he returned to his own room, before running over to find him. 

For the time being, Yue Wuhuan couldn’t find a substitute for Heaven’s Will Bamboo. Fearing that the Master would climb into his bed and kiss him, making him lose control, he casually found an excuse to avoid him.

Song Qingshi felt anxious and he put up a flame barrier, directly blocking his retreat. He braced himself and said, “Let’s talk.”

Yue Wuhuan was left with no way to withdraw. “About what?”

Song Qingshi quickly replied, “The Heaven’s Will Bamboo.” 

“As Master has seen, my body can no longer hold back. It’s all too easy for its desires to be aroused.” Yue Wuhuan knew that his secret had been exposed, and he could not escape. He could only give up all hope and confess everything. “I fear that I won’t be able to keep a hold of my rationality and that I will lose all sense of shame. I might do those dirty and obscene things to you. And that’s why I need the Heaven’s Will Bamboo.”

Song Qing asked, “Dirty and obscene?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Lf jikjsr atbeuta bo tlwrfio jr j cbnlmf jcv atja Tef Qetejc, klat tlr kfjiat bo fzqfglfcmf, xcfk fnfgsatlcu. “Glgas” tjv j rswybilm wfjclcu. Pa gfqgfrfcafv atf agjewj bo ybat tlr ybvs jcv rqlgla ogbw yflcu obgmfv. Pa gfqgfrfcafv atf euilcfrr bo qfbqif’r tfjgar. Rbk, tf olcjiis gfjilhfv atja Tef Qetejc tjr cfnfg gfmflnfv j ifulalwjaf fvemjalbc bc tfjiat jcv qtsrlbibus. Jbeqifv klat atf mbcrajca nfgyji tewliljalbc, jcv yflcu obgmfv ab jvwla ab yflcu lwwbgji, tf cbk gfujgvfv tlr ybvs’r cbgwji gfjmalbc jr rbwfatlcu fzagfwfis vjcufgber jcv atgfjafclcu. Lf gfrlrafv tlr lcralcmar, ifra tf yf tewliljafv bcmf jujlc yfmjerf bo tlr vfrlgfr.

Desire was the manifestation of a normal human need. But both parties needed to be willing and relevant activities must be carried out in a disciplined and methodical manner. 

Song Qingshi decided to conduct a class for him to explain the physiological structure of the human body and educate him on proper physiological hygiene knowledge. He started explaining starting from human evolution and supplemented it with drawings of the human body structure. In passing, he sprinkled in some sociology and ethics content. He talked for over two hours and almost forgot what he had come here for in the first place.

Yue Wuhuan got all confused from listening to him. Putting up a last ditch struggle, he said, “We’re not the same. My body… My body’s desire for you is very intense. But you have no desire for me.

Your body is too clean and you don’t understand anything…”

This contrast was too tragic… 

He couldn’t face it, and hated himself even more.

Song Qingshi realized his attempt to escape and decisively branded a deep kiss on his lips.

Yue Wuhuan was made dizzy by the kiss.

Song Qingshi was very good at studying. These days, they kissed in the morning and evening. Under Yue Wuhuan’s guidance, he gradually mastered the techniques to make the both of them happy. Now, he turned in a test paper with full marks. 

Yue Wuhuan felt his body gradually heat up. He was afraid he was going to do something embarrassing and wanted to push away the person sticking so close to him. Just then, he suddenly found that the other person’s body was also having a distinctive reaction.

“Wuhuan, do you feel it?” Song Qingshi let go of him and whispered, “I have desires for you, but I’m too slow. I don’t know how to show it. I was also afraid that you didn’t like it.”

Yue Wuhuan gasped and said, “I like it.”

Song Qingshi kissed him again. Taking a deep breath, he resolutely said, “Don’t use the Heaven’s Will Bamboo anymore. You can do anything to me. I’m not afraid of pain.” 

“Do you know what you’re saying?” Yue Wuhuan now understood his intentions. He desperately held on to what little reason he had left, trying to make him give up. “You’re a man. Won’t you feel ashamed to bear this kind of thing?”

“No,” Song Qingshi thought for a while and replied, “I only do these things with the person I like. I’m not ashamed.”

Yue Wuhuan didn’t dare believe it. “Like?”

Song Qingshi looked at him seriously. “Wuhuan, I like you.” 

This sentence he’d heard so often in his wildest dreams, brought him back to that most beautiful illusion.

Yue Wuhuan stared at the only reflection in the young man’s clear eyes. He felt like he could hear the sound of his heartbeat.

The real world overlapped with the world of illusion…

The shackles in his heart were loosening one by one. The beast of desire was roaring, and the Emotion Locking Gu seemed to have lost its effectiveness. He actually forgot to restrain his feelings… 

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Song Qingshi realized that his body was stretched to the limit. He took out a few bottles of herbal plasters and wound medicine, and placed them on his palm. “Don’t be afraid, I won’t get hurt.”

Yue Wuhuan used the last remaining trace of his reason, and murmured, “Qingshi, you can’t…”

Song Qingshi untied his vestments. He was like a gift. Taking off the layer upon layer of wrapping, revealing the purest heart inside, and giving all of himself to the person he liked, preparing to leave the deepest mark on his heart.

Yue Wuhuan couldn’t look away. 

“Wuhuan, what kind of position would you like me to be in when you do those things to me?” Song Qingshi remembered the information and key points he had compiled. He peeked at his cheat sheet. He felt that was too difficult and he was a little lacking in confidence. He decided to leave the choice to the experienced one. “Should I lie down? On my stomach? Kneeling? Or tied up?”

The strings in Yue Wuhuan’s mind all broke.

The Blood King Vine came from all directions. It wrapped around Song Qingshi’s hands and feet. He caught the other completely and controlled him within the palm of his hand. He gently breathed in from against his neck that medicinal scent he’d long been thirsting for. Voice hoarse and trembling, “It’s too late for you to regret things now. Do you really know what you’re doing?”

“I know,” Song Qingshi thought of the standard answer he found in the novels. “I need you to f*ck me.” 

Horrible madness appeared in Yue Wuhuan’s eyes. Under the stimulus of desire, the beautiful teardrop mole became so brightly red, it was almost dripping blood. The starved beast, hidden for so many years, was finally released from its cage. He was really hungry, so unbearably hungry. This prey he’d been yearning for day and night, he needed to use his tongue and lick him slowly, needed to use his claws to desecrate him, and then he would swallow him down in one bite, leaving no room to turn this situation.

The flawlessly white sheet of paper was finally stained…

All with his scent and flavor.


The next day, in the early morning, Song Qingshi woke up in the entanglement of the Blood King Vine. He tried to move and found that he was tightly bound to Yue Wuhuan’s chest.

Yue Wuhuan had released all the desires he’d been suppressing for a long time. He’d done everything he had to. He no longer dreamt of those fearful scenes. His spirit relaxed slightly. All the years of exhaustion came gushing forth, and he fell deep asleep.

Song Qingshi didn’t want to disturb his rare deep sleep, so he stopped moving about. He pressed his ear against his chest, counting to the sound of his heartbeat. He reflected on whether his performance last night was passable.

He had pretended to be calm, but he’d actually been quite nervous. 

This kind of thing was far less painful than he imagined. It even seemed to feel quite good. He didn’t know how to describe this wonderful feeling. Yue Wuhuan’s strong ability to control allowed his body to completely lose control. He’d been too sensitive, too stimulated; and so, he couldn’t help crying. He felt that he’d somewhat lost face.

In the second half, he’d gone completely dizzy, driven to the edge. It seemed that Yue Wuhuan had asked him if he could still hold on, if he should stop. Fortunately, he still remembered the standard answers from the novel. He struggled to answer, “I want more”, “Play with me more.” “Feels so good.”

After, Yue Wuhuan seemed to go even crazier…

His mind had gone blank. He didn’t know anything anymore. 

Song Qingshi pondered for a long time, and felt that he hadn’t made any serious mistakes. He had wanted to do the follow-up cleaning and medicine application by himself, but Yue Wuhuan snatched them away with a dark expression on his face, resolutely forbidding him from touching them.

Now that they’ve done this kind of thing, he could be considered as having found himself a partner, right?

Song Qingshi happily thought so.


Yue Wuhuan slept until late. Before opening his eyes, he still felt that last night was just a comparatively good dream. Although he finally lost control, in this dream this time, Song Qingshi was soft and gentle. Even though he had revealed his terrifying true face, he didn’t run away, didn’t beg for mercy. He even encouraged him to do whatever he wanted, and eventually made him go completely out of control.

This dream didn’t have such a strong feeling of having to bear the blame. It had been very satisfying.

He hoped he could have that dream again.

Yue Wuhuan then opened his eyes to see Song Qingshi lying on top of him, covered in hickeys and bites. There were even marks on his hands and feet from when he finally completely lost control and used the Blood King Vines to tie them up. 

Song Qingshi saw him wake up and kissed him. “Good morning.”

Yue Wuhuan’s entire body stiffened. His rational mind was thrown into chaos…

The madness last night hadn’t been a dream. What terrible thing had he done? He vaguely remembered that the things he’d done had been too excessive. He toyed with him to the point of tears and didn’t stop; instead, he’d been stimulated into going even crazier. He’d also said a lot of shameless things.

If he were to be burned to death by the Underworld Ghost Fire right now, his death wouldn’t be unjust. 

Yue Wuhuan quickly took back the Blood King Vines and waited nervously for Song Qingshi to pass judgment.

Song Qingshi got up and moved his body. In the novels, it was said that if done too wildly, his body would feel sore all over. He felt that it was exaggerated. Given how good a cultivator’s recovery ability was, how could things get to this point? Yue Wuhuan also handled it very gently in the early stages. He just had some shallow lacerations that would heal very quickly.

Ye Lin Xianjun had made it clear. He asked him to be gentle with Yue Wuhuan and to not hurt him.

When they were in the middle of it, he realized that when he got excited, he would get the urge to grab and bite his partner. He tried his best to restrain it, and when he finally couldn’t bear it, he placed one on Yue Wuhuan’s shoulder. 

Song Qingshi leaned over to take a look at the wound. He felt it was still okay. It wasn’t deep. It was a two point deduction, at most.

Yue Wuhuan saw that he wasn’t angry, and he felt even more uneasy. He hadn’t been able to control himself well. There were a lot of these fragmented wounds marked on his snow-like skin, and it painted quite an startling sight.

Song Qingshi noticed his gaze. He looked at the marks on his body, and smiling, said, “It’s alright. My capillaries are rich with blood. Even simple touches can leave marks. Actually, it doesn’t hurt at all. With a little medicine, it will disappear very quickly.”

Yue Wuhuan asked carefully, “Are you angry that I went too far?” 

Song Qingshi put on his clothes and said, relaxed, “It’s very good. I thought it would be scarier, but I didn’t expect Wuhuan to be so gentle. It didn’t hurt.”

Yue Wuhuan looked at his satisfied manner and he was completely stunned. He suddenly saw a cheat sheet on Song Qingshi’s sleeves. It seemed that he had been preparing for this matter. There were detailed notes on several kinds of tricks he wanted to try. Each kind was… He was unexpectedly hardcore. There were two there he had never seen before.

He finally understood…

Sure enough, there were false elements in the Fantasy Gu’s illusion. 

The young man he liked didn’t like the gentle and considerate play in the dreamland. Instead, he preferred crazy and novel tricks?

So, there was no problem, even if he wanted to go even wilder in bed?

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