Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 72: CH 72

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Chapter 72: Question of Doom

Song Qingshi put on his clothes one by one, returning to his usual reserved and abstinent appearance. He turned his head and saw Yue Wuhuan sitting on the bed, dazed. He simply decided to pick his clothes off the floor and hand them to him. He asked, expectantly, “Let’s take a bath together?” 

It’s actually quite boring soaking in the bath by himself. He’d wanted to call Yue Wuhuan to join him before, but Yue Wuhuan was very adverse of having his body looked at. So, he found it too embarrassing to ask. Now that they were in a romantic relationship, having done everything that should be done, he shouldn’t get rejected, right? And so, he plucked up his courage and extended the invitation.

Yue Wuhuan stared at him blankly for a long time. Finally, he put on his clothes and followed him out.

Song Qingshi loved taking baths. The private bath he built for himself was huge, like a small swimming pool.

Yue Wuhuan also liked taking baths. He would especially get permission and usually come here to take one. Only that he made sure to bathe at a different time. The frenzy of last night was too stimulating. He still felt somewhat like he was half-dreaming. He was muddle-headed, like a puppet, letting Song Qingshi drag him to the bathhouse. He was undressed and pressed into the bath. Finally, he woke up after getting splashed in the face. 

It was Song Qingshi who jumped into the bath. He dived into the water like a fish. He breathed out bubbles, and then climbed out. Seeing Yue Wuhuan still in a daze, he woke him up by splashing water on him. Lying next to him, he asked with a smile, “What are you thinking?”

Yue Wuhuan hesitantly asked, “You seem to be very happy?”

“Yes,” Song Qingshi said cheerfully, “I’m very happy. Wuhuan is my boyfriend now.”

Yue Wuhuan was a little uneasy. “You think of me… as your boyfriend?”

Does a boyfriend mean a male friend? He suddenly thought of a certain insect who regarded himself as a friend, and he felt unwell.

“Aren’t you?” Song Qingshi saw his ugly expression, and was a little flustered. He wasn’t any good at interpersonal communication, and he often made mistakes in judgments. Could it be that he overturned the car again this time? He thought and thought, trying to retrieve the situation, “Doesn’t us doing this kind of thing imply that we’re in a lover’s relationship? Is there any other relationship that…” He talked and talked, and suddenly, his expression turned apprehensive. He remembered that in the other world, he had heard his senior brothers joking about something. It seemed that there was another kind of strange relationship — the so-called “friends with benefits”.

An Long had also once said that in the immortal realm, there would be times when a pair of cultivators would take a fancy to each other. They would then have a casual romance, engaging in bedroom matters without bringing feelings into it.

It couldn’t be that Yue Wuhuan found him too boring in bed and was now going to dump him, right? 

The more Song Qingshi thought about it, the more his self-confidence weakened. Stumblingly, he said, “I’ll work harder. Let me try again.” Later, he’ll ask Ye Lin Xianjun to send him hundreds of novels. He’ll study them all carefully. He must make sure that he’ll be able to deliver flawlessly, give perfect answers.

Yue Wuhuan finally understood. He felt like he was dreaming. “Qing-…Master wishes for me to be his lover?”

Song Qingshi nodded with all his might. “Yes, lovers — the serious kind! I don’t want to be friends with benefits. I don’t want any one-night stands!”

“Master, do you know what the consequences of having a serious relationship would be?” Yue Wuhuan remembered Song Qingshi’s Dao Heart, and felt faintly uneasy. He slowly got out of the water. His long, dripping wet hair was dragged to the side of the pool. His slender waist was like that of the most beautiful water yao in the sea. He then showed Song Qingshi every inch of his skin, every part of his body. He asked, voice hoarse, “Does it look good? Everyone in the Golden Phoenix Manor has seen it. That picture book has spread this all over the world. Over the years, as I walked the outside world by myself, I have met many disgusting people. They would peel off my clothes with their eyes, wanting to see what lay beneath. They wanted to sample my dissolute bearing. If you become my lover, you will have to endure these vile looks and being talked about behind your back… We would be like a noble’s son and the flower lady. This would be nothing if it were done just for fun but if we were to have a serious relationship, everyone will think you’re crazy. Heh, after all, with my reputation, I might as well be a flower lady.” 
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He had a smile on his face, but his body was trembling slightly. He couldn’t tell whether he was shivering or excited.

Song Qingshi reacted, and hurriedly embraced him. He said resolutely, “I don’t care about other people. You did nothing wrong.”

“Qgbcu bg gluta, la vbfrc’a wjaafg.” Tef Qetejc ifjcfv jujlcra Vbcu Hlcurtl’r rtbeivfg. Lf abbx tlr tjcv jcv qgfrrfv la ab tlr tfjga. Efwbnlcu jii atf qgbafmalnf jegj jgbecv tlr ybvs, tf ktlwqfgfv, “Gbc’a yf ws ibnfg. Tbe werac’a ojii obg wf. P vbc’a kjca remt j gfijalbcrtlq. Po atf Zjrafg ilxfr ws ybvs, ifa wf yf sbeg qijsatlcu. Ofa wf rfgnf sbe, bxjs…?”

For cultivators of the Heartless Way, playing around was fine, but their heart must never be moved. 

If your heart has already been moved, then please, take out this heart after the greatest bliss.

He wanted to be the Master’s proof for his Way.

He wanted it so much, so much; wanted it so desperately…

Song Qingshi felt that he had encountered a problem that could lead to his doom. He was entirely no good. He frantically thought about how his senior brothers, who coaxed their girlfriends, expressed their loyalty? Did they swear by the Heavens? Or did they kneel down and beg for mercy? The more anxious he became, the more he couldn’t think. Seeing that Wuhuan’s frame of mind was getting worse and worse, he simply threw himself at him, hugged his thigh and said, “Let’s get married, no, let’s be Daoist companions!” 

There is nothing in this world that can clearly expresses a man’s feelings more than a marriage certificate!

In the immortal realm, Daoist couples can also bear the exclusive mark of their partner on their body. At that time, he’ll put Wuhuan’s mark on the back of his hand, and if that won’t do, then he’ll put it on his forehead! He’ll be guaranteed to let everyone see his devotion to his partner!

Yue Wuhuan’s expression froze. He realized that something had gone wrong.

Song Qingshi couldn’t think of what else to say to coax him. Feeling extremely aggrieved, he said, “Wuhuan…” 

Yue Wuhuan thought for a while, pretending to smile easily, “Master, was your heart really moved by me?”

Seeing that he understood, Song Qingshi finally breathed a sigh of relief and nodded happily, “Yes! I like you!”

Yue Wuhuan’s face instantly turned cold, he quickly dragged Song Qingshi into his arms. He placed his hand over where his Dantian would be and went in with his mental probe. He said sharply, “Remove the Underworld Fire from your Nascent Soul! Let me see it clearly!”

A cultivator’s Dantian was a forbidden area and could not be touched casually. He had secretly inspected it once, relying on the fact that the Master would not bother about such things. Secretly inspecting it once already went beyond what was proper. He thought that the Song Qingshi’s Nascent Soul and cultivation base didn’t seem any different, which meant that his Dao Heart hadn’t moved, and that he didn’t understand true feelings. Now, judging from Song Qingshi’s words and actions, he found that he had thought wrong. 

Song Qingshi’s Dao Heart had moved, and there was no possible way his Nascent Soul was still unaffected.

If something were to happen to his Nascent Soul, his cultivation base would weaken…

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Yue Wuhuan had once tried the process having his cultivation base slowly drawn out from him. It was as if part of his life was being taken away. It had been very difficult to bear.

The more he thought about it, the more shocked he was. The more he thought about it, the more afraid he felt. The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. His tone became harsher and he kept urging him. 

Song Qingshi knew that he his tongue had slipped and couldn’t keep hiding it. So he could only aggrievedly withdraw the Underworld Fire in his Dantian, revealing his Nascent Soul riddled with countless fine cracks. He tried to explain, “I took painkillers, it’s okay. No need to be anxious…”

“It’s not yet too late,” Yue Wuhuan checked his Nascent Soul, making sure that it hadn’t been completely broken and could still be saved. He breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head and stared intently at the person in front of him. He firmly grasped his shoulder, and commanded, emphasizing each word, “Kill me now!”

Song Qingshi was muddled from fright. There was a problem with this overturning car.

Yue Wuhuan sunk into madness. Eyes red, he ordered once again, “Kill me right now!” 

“Calm down first,” For a moment, Song Qingshi panicked. He then suddenly remembered that in one of the books Ye Lin Xianjun had given him, there was a scene where the professor had his angry boyfriend calm down. He crawled out of the water and kissed Yue Wuhuan’s lips again, sitting on his lap. He tried to suggest, “How about…If you’re angry, you can give me a penalty? The kind from last night, you can play whatever you want…”

Yue Wuhuan looked at the way he was completely clueless about the situation. He was angry and anxious. He felt like a pill furnace that was about to explode. He took a few deep breaths and adjusted his emotions. He pushed away this guy, who was restlessly sitting on lap and even wanted to seduce his xiongdi. He asked, “You have cultivated the Way of the Heartless for so many years. Do you know what you should do if your heart is moved?”

“I know,” Song Qingshi answered honestly, “If my Dao Heart is moved, destroy the Way and rebuild.”

Yue Wuhuan asked again, “Do you know what to do if you don’t want your Dao to be destroyed?” 

Song Qingshi thought for a while, “I think you have to kill the one you like to prove the truth of your Way?”

He cultivated the Way of the Heartless, how could he not know these basic things? However, he has never even thought about such a thing. A Dao Heart, this kind of trifling thing, could be rebuilt; but it was hard to meet people he liked. He was obstinate. He has lived in two worlds and after much difficulty, he was able to finally find one. How could he possibly be willing to kill him to prove his Way?

The only boyfriend he’s found in a thousand years, and a Nascent Soul he can rebuild in two hundred.

Did he even need to choose which was more important? Can he not do basic math? 

Yue Wuhuan was beautiful, had a great body, was a super-level learning god, and was the one he yearned for…No matter how he thought, he just couldn’t figure out why he had to be a single dog for this lousy Nascent Soul, ah?

Yue Wuhuan tried to coerce him over and over, “Hurry and kill me! If your Nascent Soul gets broken, it will be too late!”

Song Qingshi frantically shook his head: “I won’t kill you! I want to be Daoist companions with you!”

Yue Wuhuan was furious. If it weren’t that the Heartless Way cultivator had to cut off love with his own hands, meaning that committing suicide would be useless, he would have immediately gone and killed himself! If it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t beat Song Qingshi, he would have stuffed a sword in his hand right now, grabbed that hand and swiped the blade across his neck! 

He tried to reason things out, “If you feel distressed for me, you can use the Drunken Heart Poison. It won’t hurt and my original appearance will be preserved after death.” If this still doesn’t work, he’ll find a way and set a trap. When the Master uses his Fire, he’ll carelessly run into it and then refuse treatment.

Song Qingshi collapsed, “Why do I have to kill you?!”

The two went around in circles for a while. Neither could persuade the other, and they finally stopped.

Song Qingshi could tell Yue Wuhuan was extremely angry, and he carefully used his spiritual power to smooth out his anger for him. He then climbed ashore, took two Heart Calming Pills from the mustard seed bag and fed it to him. The medicine took effect and he waited for him to calm down. He then discussed with him about the matter of his Nascent Soul breaking. He told him everything from beginning to end, including his future plans to rebuild it within two hundred years. 

Yue Wuhuan murmured, “So your heart had already moved early on…”

He didn’t know whether to be happy or sad.

“You’re making this out to be too complicated,” Song Qingshi said, lying on top of him. “I just cultivated the wrong Dao, and I plan to rebuild it. That’s all. There are also relevant records in the “Lingbo Chronicles” in the library. Madam Lingbo was originally cultivating the Way of the Sword. However, when she reached Nascent Soul stage, she found that it wasn’t the most suitable Way for her. So she destroyed her Way of the Sword, rebuilt using the Way of the Blade, and finally ascended to immortality by passing the tribulations.”

Yue Wuhuan looked at him deeply, “There has never been a Heartless Way cultivator who rebuilt.” 

“If you make a mistake, you must correct it,” Song Qingshi said, patting his chest, “I would like to be the first.”

“My name was given by a teacher of the state using planchette writing. He said that my life wasn’t good. I was born under a star of calamity and that I would not obtain happiness.” Yue Wuhuan’s eyes were a little vacant. “My father, the emperor, didn’t believe it, the empress didn’t believe it, my mother didn’t believe it, my brother, the crown prince, didn’t believe it either… They wanted to prove that the teacher of the state’s prediction was wrong and they treated me very well. Later… they all died. I didn’t encounter anything good in the immortal realm; not until I met Master. Master likes me too and treats me very well. And now, Master’s Nascent Soul is broken. I’m really very scared…”

Song Qingshi was silent for a long time and then he smiled, “You’re still lucky.”

Yue Wuhuan looked at him in surprise. 

Song Qingshi earnestly reminded. “The Blood King Vine.”

The sky rolled with dark clouds. It seemed to sense that someone wanted to reveal the mysteries known only to Heaven, and wanted to punish him.

Song Qingshi sensed danger and knew that he couldn’t go on. He immediately changed the subject, “The research on the Black Death Butterfly is about to succeed. Although I’ve failed many times, I didn’t give up. Now I’ve finally confirmed the fusion method for the Pink Bollworm Fungus. In a few days, I will be able to make an improved version of the Black Death Butterfly, and I will give it to you… as a marriage proposal gift.”

Yue Wuhuan’s expression was somewhat hesitant. 

“We’ve already gotten in bed together. Casually playing around is not allowed! My heart can’t move for anyone else!” Song Qingshi was afraid that he would refuse, and desperately pleaded, “I want to be responsible for you! Please give me a chance to take responsibility!”

How do you increase of a marriage proposal’s chances for success? Should he buy a ring and get down on one knee?

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