Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 82: CH 82

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Chapter 82: Esteem for the Elder

It is only right to pay back money owed. 

Song Qingshi didn’t like owing money very much, and he liked owing life-saving money even less. He tried very hard to explain to the man he suspected to be Song Jincheng’s elders, to get him to understand that he was very trustworthy and that he definitely wasn’t a shameless person who would run off on his medical expenses. Whether it was refining pills or going to secret realms, whether it was taking on part-time jobs or setting up a vendor’s stall on the streets, he was going to earn the money and pay back his debt!

He wasn’t good with words. Stumbling, he tried to convey his meaning for a long time…

Yue Xiansheng’s aura became even more dejected. His unhappiness could be felt even through the mask.

Song Qingshi grew even more panicked. High-grade spirit stone was a very expensive currency. If ordinary Foundation Building cultivators didn’t have special skills or was the recipient of unexpected luck, a few dozen a year was the absolute best they could hope for. Song Jincheng was the son of a wealthy family who didn’t understand worldly affairs, that’s why he could just take out a precious pill worth eight hundred spirit stones. Now his elder has come knocking on his door, what should he do if he takes him for some swindler? 

He remembered that there were no legal restrictions in the immortal realm. There was no way to argue if he decided to beat a swindler to death.

“Don’t panic.” Although Song Jincheng was afraid of the Martial Great-uncle to the point that his knees went weak, but when he saw Song Qingshi so nervous and panicked, he still, attesting to his loyal character, spoke up for his patient, “The Medicine King’s Valley won’t kill anyone just because they can’t afford the treatment. And that pill was mine, so no one would care about your medical fees. Martial Great-uncle didn’t come here for you. He came here to catch me…”

Yue Xiansheng finally turned his head and threw a look at the slacker. “Explain.”

“I met this little brother at Mt. Min. It was raining and he was seriously injured.” Song Jincheng knew that he couldn’t escape punishment. He tried to avoid the important and dwell on the trivial, displaying his benevolent heart and skillful execution, to get his punishment to be lightened and allow him to keep his hair. “I diagnosed his injury accurately, took out the treasured Eight Treasure Heart Pill, and saved his life. Because his injury was too serious, it wasn’t convenient for me to return to the Medicine King’s Valley… I stayed here to take care of him. Martial Great-uncle, I was just depressed because I failed the exam. So, I went out for a walk and then I encountered an injured patient for whom long-distance movement was inconvenient. I wasn’t playing truant!”

After failing the exam, you go out for a “walk” with all your luggage and savings? You’ve been gone for so many days but you still haven’t sent a back a message? Are you taking your elders for fools?

Leniency is for the honest, and severe punishment is for those who refuse to acknowledge their crimes. Lying will aggravate your punishment.

Since hearing the words “little brother”, Yue Xiansheng’s aura had become even more overcast, with a fury that was on the verge of exploding.

Song Jincheng was at a loss and continued to struggle. “Martial Great-uncle, I was wrong.” 

Song Qingshi looked at him struggling to survive, and felt that he was in for a miserable future. Taking pity on him, he tried to divert the subject, “Jincheng, this is…”

Song Jincheng finally realized that he hadn’t introduced the Martial Great-uncle. He quickly introduced Yue Xiansheng. Leaving aside his strange hobby of raising mice, he praised him as much as possible. He praised his venerable age, his virtues and merits, his kind and loving nature; introduced him as the elder revered by everyone in the Medicine King’s Valley. He hoped that Martial Great-uncle would look upon his praises and give this junior a break…

Whether they were modern medical professors or pharmacist big-shots in the immortal realm, they were all beings as high as mountains.

The more Song Qingshi listened, the more respect he had for him and he assumed the bearing of a junior looking up to his elder. 

Yue Xiansheng couldn’t bear it, and reprimanded Song Jincheng, “Shut up!”
We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Lf kjr kbgglfv atja lo tf ilrafcfv ab jcs wbgf, tf kbeiv yf ecjyif ab gfragjlc tlr jcufg, jcv rijeutafg jcv qijmf bc atf Pcfzalcuelrtjyif Ufjx atlr vfrmfcvjca bo Hlcu Oejc’r atja tf tjv jugffv ab ajxf mjgf bo.

Vbcu Alcmtfcu vlvc’a xcbk ktja tf tjv rjlv kgbcu. Lf juuglfnfvis mibrfv tlr wbeat.

Yue Xiansheng found out that Song Qingshi wanted to get out of bed to salute him. He couldn’t pay any more attention to the idiot and hurriedly strode forward. He firmly supported his body, putting a stop to the messy movements. He took a deep breath, and said softly, “There is no need for formalities. Let me take a look at your injuries for you.” 

Song Qingshi found that his voice was gorgeous. When it was gentle, it had an attractive quality that was indescribable. It tickled people’s hearts. He felt like he had heard it before somewhere, but after thinking about it for a long time, he simply couldn’t remember.

Seeing him dazed, Yue Xiansheng smiled. Acting on his own initiative, he use his mental probe to do a physical examination.

Although he had been mentally prepared, seeing Song Qingshi’s dantian empty, his Nascent Soul missing, his bones broken in many parts of his body, and the large and small wounds too many to be counted… the heartache was still so overwhelming that he couldn’t control himself. He wanted to find Heavenly Law and the system, these pieces of garbage, so that he could tear them to pieces.

The only fortunate things was that Song Qingshi’s body was still the same, whether it was his aptitude or the two fires in the body. In the future, he can use various methods to pile up his cultivation base for him. 

Song Qingshi’s medical skills were perfect, but he lacked the medicinal materials. He will recover relatively slowly, and he would have to suffer for many days…

Yue Xiansheng took out a small porcelain bottle from his mustard seed bag. He poured out a pill and put it into Song Qingshi’s mouth. Song Qingshi was caught off guard, the tip of his tongue slid across the other’s fingertips. By the time he noticed something was wrong, it was too late to refuse. The medicine melted between his lips and tongue, and went down his throat. This was a Ten Revolution Golden Marrow Pill, the best treatment for trauma. It speeds up the rate at which wounds heal. As long as there is breath, it can bring a man back from the brink.

Although he could refine this kind of spirit pill, it needed the core of a Golden Crow Beast as an ingredient. This kind of spirit beast was rare. It had a ferocious temperament, and was extremely difficult to hunt down. Moreover, the refining technique was very cumbersome and took many days.

At an auction, the core of a Golden Crow Beast could fetch more than ten thousand spiritual stones, right? The price of the auxiliary materials were about a few thousand spirit stones? Add to that, the labor costs… So, he swallowed 20,000 spirit stones in one bite to treat wounds that could slowly heal after staying in bed for a few days? 

His physical injuries began to heal, proving that this Ten Revolution Golden Marrow Pill was the genuine article.

Song Qingshi realized that his debt had increased to more than 20,000, and he became even more muddled from fright. He pulled the corner of Yue Xiansheng’s clothes and didn’t know what to say. Suddenly, he had so much debt. He probably couldn’t pay it off even if he sold himself. Stumblingly, he said, “I’m really poor now. It’ll take me time to earn the spirt stones slowly…”

The Nine Revolution Blood Lotus Pill, the Quintessence of All Souls, and many many other medicines, which of them weren’t more valuable than this little pill?

Back then, when he paid all those for him, did he ever hesitate? 

“There’s no need to be scared. These are all yours.” Yue Xiansheng looked at Song Qingshi’s panicky appearance and wanted to laugh but couldn’t. His heart was full of bitterness. This person once had everything, but he gave everything to him. He didn’t leave a single cent… He concealed the sadness in his eyes, and said softly, “Whatever you want, I will give it all to you.”

Give it to you a hundred times over, a thousand times over, ten thousand times over.

“You’re so kind to me, do we know each other?” Song Qingshi felt a familiar aura once again. He thought that this person must be the one who gave him pocket money. Then he thought about his discussions with Song Jincheng these past few days. He felt that this person wasn’t his father, nor did he seem like a relative. Consequently, he boldly speculated, “Are you my godfather?”

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Yue Xiansheng: “???” 

Song Jincheng turned pale from fright. “Martial Great-uncle, is he your godson?”

He had just taken a peek from the side and felt that something was fishy. The Martial Great-uncle was the taciturn sort, he has never been gentle with others. Now, he was being considerate to this boy in every possible way. It was obvious that the relationship between the two was strange. Add to that the random giving of money and medicine…Could it be that the Martial Great-uncle came here not to catch him, but to find his godson who was in trouble?

He saved the Martial Great-uncle’s godson. He would surely deal with this offender leniently, right? He’ll be able to keep his hair, right?

Song Jincheng felt like he could get through this! 

Yue Xiansheng once again turned his head and directed a cold look at him. He quickly located the source of the problem. It made him want to kill this fool even more. However, right now, Song Qingshi’s cultivation base was only at Foundation Building. There was no way he would be able to control the Medicine King’s Valley, which has become a behemoth. If they rashly declared that the Medicine King’s closed door cultivation had concluded, it would bring unnecessary danger and trouble. It was best to wait for him to return to Nascent Soul before returning the Medicine King’s Valley to him.

He also didn’t want Song Qingshi to think about things related to Yue Wuhuan anymore, so he needed to find a different reason to give him things and gifts, including spirit stones, medicinal materials, magic weapons…including the Inextinguishable Peak and himself.

Godfather, this somewhat stimulating address, was something he only wanted to be called when they were playing while doing happy things. He had absolutely no wish to become some sort of messy elder…

Fortunately, this was just one of his incarnations, which could be discarded at any time. 

After it’s served its purpose, he’ll find an opportunity to dispose of it…

Mr. Yue thought and thought, but still felt very uncomfortable. It wasn’t good to lecture this waste in front of Song Qingshi. So he put on his black gloves and walked over. He grabbed Song Jincheng by his collar, opened the window and threw him out, ordering, “Go to the East Market Pharmacy and buy two catties each of tiger bones, Pellet Grass, and Green Spider Pills! Go to the West Market Rune Shop and buy three Fire Talismans! Go to Min Shan and get five catties of Monarch’s Heart Spring water! Then Go to the Nameless Lake to pick four Double Lotus stamens! Now, get lost!”

Song Jincheng was thrown out without rhyme or reason. His head and face were covered with dust, and his whole body was in pain. He heard the Martial Great-uncle’s instructions and seeing that it was no longer early, he hurried crawled up and rushed to find the items as fast as he could, lest he act too slow and get his punishment added to.

With the noisy guy gone, the surroundings finally became quiet. 

Yue Xiansheng looked at Song Qingshi’s eyes filled with admiration, and once again felt a tightness in his chest he hadn’t had in thousands of years. He quickly thought and explained, “There is no need to stand on ceremony. You and I are old friends, not elders.”

Song Qingshi was perplexed, “A cross-generational friendship?”

“A deeper friendship,” Yue Xiansheng sighed. He felt that this relationship was better than that messy one before and so, he didn’t deny it anymore. He then asked, “Qingshi, do you have problems with your memory?”

Song Qingshi hurriedly climbed the stepladder. “I seem to have forgotten a lot of things, including the fact that we know each other. Can you tell me?” 

“I’m sorry, I’ve been in closed door cultivation in the Medicine King’s Valley for many years. I’m not sure what happened to you. You have just taken the Ten Revolution Golden Marrow Pill. When the medicine takes effect, you might feel in poor spirits. It is best to sleep for now.” Yue Xiansheng smiled regretfully and lighted some Sweet Dream Incense. He asked casually, “By the way, can you tell me what you have forgotten?”

Sweet Dream Incense was harmless to the body and good for calming the nerves. Song Qingshi felt that some other formulation must have been added to the Sweet Dream Incense that Yue Xiansheng took out, it made his mind a little unclear and drowsy. Dazed, he told him the conclusion of his analysis these past few days, hiding the matter about his transmigration and the system.

He said a lot and talked for a long time. In the end, he didn’t know what even it was that he said.

In a daze, he heard Yue Xiansheng talking in his ear. His voice was very soft, as if coming from a dream, “Do you have a new mission?” 

Song Qingshi told the truth like he was being hypnotized, “Yes.”

It seemed like he asked afterwards what mission it was. But he himself didn’t understand what the mission was, so he carefully thought about the answer for a long time…

In the end, he had no time to answer before he completely lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing him asleep, Yue Xiansheng took off the silver mask, revealing his beautiful face. He then approached slowly, and gently stroked that face he had yearned for day and night. He wanted to embrace him against his bosom but was afraid of hurting him. He wasn’t willing to use any medicine or method that would be harmful to his health, so he could only try to worm out some truths using a drowsy-type hypnosis. 

Although Song Qingshi was unwilling to disclose the details, it was enough…

This was the answer he expected.

Yue Xiansheng opened his clothes gently to check his injuries. However, he found a familiar love bite on his chest that had yet to completely disappear… It was easy to leave traces on Song Qingshi’s body in the middle of matters. He couldn’t help but deliberately use force to brand him with marks that would disappear only after a few days.

Now, the position of this faint, yet to fade love bite was exactly the same as the one he had placed the night before he left. 

He hadn’t gone to do missions to save anyone else. He hadn’t fallen in love with anyone else.

He wasn’t tormented with three thousand years of thinking. After disappearing, he soon returned to this world…

A drop of water fell on the faint love bite.

He couldn’t tell if it was from happiness or pain. 

He had been waiting for too long, so long that he didn’t know how to express this complicated and profound feeling.

“I hate you.” He lowered his head, kissed these long longed-for lips, licked the sweet taste, and repeated over and over, “I hate you, I hate you…”

He raised his head, his face was already covered with tears.

“But, you’ve come back. I forgive you everything.” 

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