Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 83: CH 83

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Chapter 83: Mission Difficulty

Song Qingshi slept soundly. When he woke up, it was already the middle of the night. He found himself pillowed on the knee of Yue Xiansheng, who claimed to be acquainted with him. He was a little embarrassed. For some reason, his lips were slightly red and swollen. He quickly wiped the corners of his mouth to check if there was any drool. 

Fortunately, he was spared from such embarrassment…

His injuries were already mostly healed thanks to the powerful effect of the Ten Revolutions Golden Marrow Pill. He tried to get up and move his body about. He found that the wound medicine on his body had also been replaced with a better immortal drug with pain-relieving properties. It made the stabs of pain disappear, leaving only a faint itch.

When Yue Xiansheng saw him waking up, he opened his eyes that had been closed for a nap.

Song Qingshi smiled gratefully at him. He then found Song Jincheng kneeling in a corner of the room, having been made to face the wall and ponder about his misdeeds. Although it wasn’t good to interfere in how other people chose to educate their apprentices, he and this child had a bond and it wasn’t good for him to just leave him alone either. 

When he was pondering this matter in his heart, Yue Xiansheng took his mustard seed bag and poured heaping stacks of spirit stones into it. Song Qingshi was shocked and quickly stopped him. “I’ve already received valuable medicines from you. I can’t possibly accept these too.”

After all, he wasn’t his father, nor his godfather, how could he accept so many spirit stones?

“These were originally yours.” Yue Xiansheng was afraid that he would go off into another messy line of thinking. He handed him a token engraved with a gorgeous phoenix pattern. He explained, “You once left some spirit stones with me and I managed them for you. It’s been a long time and now it’s yielded a great harvest. You can show this token in the Medicine King’s Valley and all shops with this mark, and you can withdraw funds at will. There is no upper limit.”

Song Qingshi took the token and asked in pleasant surprise, “How much money do I have?”

Yue Xiansheng thought about the power of the Inextinguishable Peak. After he eradicated those filthy sects, he confiscated their properties and wealth. If left alone, it would lead to disorder in the world and would cause darkness to grow. He set aside some of his time and energy and slowly lay down new rules, letting industries operate once again.

For example, auction houses were not allow to engage in human trafficking. They were not allowed to sell stolen goods. He improved the social standing of craftsmen and other professionals, especially doctors. He prohibited slave trading, formulated employment contracts and increased penalties for raising furnaces and killing people for their treasure… There were also many harsh rules, such as not allowing any dirty rubbish in public places…

The cultivators couldn’t accept such rules, and they quarreled for hundreds of years. But as the heads of the rebels and violators were hung out one by one, the unyielding turning into lamps in the Inextinguishable Peak, the dissenting voices became fewer and fewer. As newer generations of cultivators were born, the rules became habits.

Although the darkness could not disappear completely, at least they dared not breed out under the light of the sun. No one dared to brazenly touch the inverse scale of the horrifying existence at the top of the Inextinguishable Peak. 

Nowadays, the industry of the Inextinguishable Peak has spread all over the world. Every year, various sects, towns and cities would pay to the god tributes of various treasures and local specialties. It has already become the custom…

It has been a very long time since Yue Xiansheng has checked how much money he had, how many treasures were in the treasure house. But as long as Song Qingshi was willing to accept it, he could give it all.  But he also knew that Song Qingshi had high self-esteem and hated causing trouble for others. He needed to find a proper reason to give it to him bit by bit.

He considered it and said, “You once invested more than two million spirit stones during the Medicine King’s Valley’s most difficult time. Now has now become tens of millions. I have invested in other industries for you as well. Now, it just keeps growing every year. Later on, I will give you the account book.”

He’ll go back and ask his subordinates to create a fake account. He’ll use different tricks to stuff money in, leaving him inexhaustible tens of millions. 

Before his transmigration, Song Qingshi had been the child of a rich family. Although sweet and naive, he knew a little about commerce and had never seen anyone rack their brains to make a fake account to give money to another party. What kind of scheme would that be?
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So, was this true?

Ljv tf wjvf j remmfrroei nfcaegf lcnfrawfca veglcu atf alwf tf mbeivc’a gfwfwyfg?

Qlii tf cb ibcufg tjnf ab kbggs jybea gfrfjgmt oecvlcu lc atlr ilofalwf? 

Vbcu Hlcurtl kjr aegclcu lcab j vbu ogbw eaafg tjqqlcfrr. Lf kjcafv ab gec j ofk ijqr jgbecv atf gbbw. Lf kjcafv ab yjgx ogbw tjqqlcfrr. Lf delmxis wjvf j wfcaji ilra bo atf wfvlmlcji wjafgljir tf kjcafv ab yes yea mbeivc’a joobgv. Lf kjcafv ab teu tlr ubv bo kfjiat jcv ijs j mbeqif bo rwbbmtfr bc tlw.

He pulled Yue Xiansheng and asked, “What else did I do during the time that I’ve forgotten?”

Mr. Yue smiled and said, “You taught me to raise white mice. Now, I’ve bred them quite well. There are many kinds of special mice. If you come back to the Medicine King’s Valley with me, I will give you…gifts.”

There was an ambiguity in this word. 

Song Qingshi couldn’t hear it clearly, but he found a suspicious point. “Mice need to be bred for a long time before they have the opportunity to reform into various strains… How long have we known each other?”

He felt that he had lost more memories than he thought. .

Yue Xiansheng smiled and said, “We have only been together for more than ten years, but we have been apart for thousands of years. I stayed in a narrow world and I do not know what you have experienced…”

Song Qingshi was stunned. The length of time he had forgotten went far beyond what he had imagined. Could it be that his body in this world closed his death door and failed thus leading to a soul from another world to transmigrate into it? 

Thinking of this, he fell into a daze once again, wondering how he could so naturally merge the memories of the two bodies into a brand new self, without any sense of rejection…Was it because they looked too alike?

The system had already exploded, and he couldn’t ask for any answers.

“Martial Great-uncle is joking.” Song Jincheng couldn’t help but speak up. “How could anyone be cultivating for so long and only be at Foundation Building?” Even a waste like him managed to reach Foundation Building at the age of eighteen. Moreover, Foundation Building cultivators could only live for three hundred years. Lady Qing Luan had used rare treasures to prolong her life. She died of old age at five hundred years old and was buried in the Medicine King’s Valley. Sword Master Ming Hong cultivated to Great Perfection of Core Formation. He built a house in front of the grave of his beloved wife, guarding the Medicine King’s Valley for a millennium. Now, male cultivators of the Medicine King’s Valley often invited their girlfriends there to confess. It was a famous scenic spot.

Yue Xiansheng felt that his punishment hadn’t been heavy enough, and smiled gently, “Qingshi was injured, and so, his cultivation base became as such. There are many similar cases in the medical books you have studied… Obviously, you remembered none of them. When you return to the valley tomorrow, you will go to be confined to the back mountains, and you won’t be allowed out until you memorize the 180 volumes of basic medical books left by Qing Luan.” 

Song Jincheng’s face turned ashen. He no longer wanted his family’s great-grandmother and… he really wanted to go to the Heaven Martial Sect to find his friend. And so, he knelt and crawled in front of Yue Xiansheng. Crying, he tried to haggle, “Martial Great-uncle, please let me go to Heaven Martial Sect to take a look. Afterwards, I will go to be confined…”

The smile at the corner of Yue Xiansheng’s lips became even softer.

Song Qingshi looked at Yue Xiansheng and inexplicably felt that this child had gotten himself into an even more dangerous situation. He summoned his courage and tried to rescue him, “Do you have a reason to go to Heaven Martial Sect?”

Song Jincheng sobbed, “I suspect that something has happened to A’Yu, and I want to go see…” 

A’Yu was Yu Wenyu, the elder of Heaven Martial Sect’s son. He was born weak. When he was a child, he was ill and stayed in the Medicine King’s Valley for several years. Song Jincheng dragged him up the mountain to scoop up bird eggs, to catch tortoises in the river. He taught him to climb over the wall in order to skip classes. He became a very good friend.

Yu Wenyu left the Medicine King’s Valley after his condition improved. He would send letters every month. However, for the past three months, he hadn’t heard at all from Yu Wenyu, and he simply couldn’t rest assured. Taking advantage of his flunking the exam, he decided to escape to Heaven Martial Sect to check out the situation. On the way there, he ran across Song Qingshi and was delayed…

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“Maybe he’s doing closed door cultivation.” Song Qingshi rubbed his forehead, trying to say that it was normal for friends to be busy and ignore other people for several years or decades. Then, he had a feeling that he had made big mistakes in friendships and felt a little lacking in confidence. “You can try asking his elders?”

Song Jincheng hemmed and hawed, “His father hates me and has forbidden me from approaching A’Yu. The fact that we’re in contact is a secret.” 

Yue Xiansheng opened his mouth and said, “A while back, the Heaven Martial Sect had their final exam for their disciples. He should have gone to the Yuanming Secret Realm…” He suddenly stopped speaking, remembering that the Heaven Martial Sect has had some unusual changes recently. Demons have also been appearing frequently. Maybe he should send someone to check in on the situation.

“Maybe he was injured and didn’t want to make you worry.” Song Qingshi thought of a plan that would satisfy both sides. “I’ll go to the Heaven Martial Sect to have a look.” He remembered that there were records of a metallic grass with leaf blades as sharp as knives in the Yuanming secret realm. Although it wasn’t very useful, with its peculiar attributes, he has always wanted to take some for research.

Song Jincheng was very moved. “Xiongdi, you’re very loyal. Ge didn’t save you in vain.”

The corner of the table broke off in Yue Xiansheng’s grip. 

“I’m sorry, I forgot your age,” Song Jincheng quickly admitted his mistake, and said in an ingratiating manner, “Qingshi, you’re actually my Ge.”

Yue Xiansheng reminded, “Qingshi’s seniority is much higher than yours.”

Song Jincheng frowned, rethinking how he should address him.

Song Qingshi looked at his expression, feeling a bad premonition, he quickly interrupted, “You’re not allowed to call me ‘Grandfather’!” 

Half of his soul was still a green and tender college student, and he simply couldn’t bear the thought of being called ‘Grandfather’ by someone who looked to be his age.

“I’m not of the Medicine King’s Valley. Even if I re-enter through the exam, we’ll still be schoolmates. I can’t be afforded such a seniority.” Song Qingshi seriously considered the future. “I think we should determine the seniority based on cultivation level, not age.”

Song Jincheng looked pitifully at Yue Xiansheng, “Martial Great-uncle…”

When Yue Xiansheng heard this form of address, he felt distress in his chest once again. 

He decided that when he went back, he was going to put this avatar into closed door cultivation. He’ll then change his age to once again accompany Song Qingshi to grow up. This way, he won’t be regarded as some elder making it difficult for him to set about.

Song Qingshi happily decided on his own journey to the Heaven Martial Sect. He discussed with Song Jincheng how he could meet Yu Wenyu and find out the situation.

The entrance exam for the Medicine King’s Valley was still three years away. It would still take a few months of preparations to create a special recruitment.

Song Qingshi was unwilling to use a back door to get into the school. 

Yue Xiansheng knew Song Qingshi wouldn’t give up on something he had already decided upon. Now was not the time to take him back. However, some time would be needed to prepare a new incarnation. He was afraid that Song Qingshi, not understanding the current situation in the immortal realm, would suffer some loss or grievance. After hesitating over and over, he decided to concede to his wishes and allowed Song Jincheng to accompany him to Heaven Martial Sect. He was to wait upon his senior on the road and not permit him to be wronged.

Song Jincheng wasn’t good at studying, but he was actually quite diligent when it came to waiting upon his teachers and guessing their intentions. He suspected that Song Qingshi wasn’t Yue Xiansheng’s godson, but a secret illegitimate child instead. He swore to treat Song Qingshi as if he were his own ancestor.

He happily blessed, “Qingshi Ge, you are so kind. I no longer envy you having a goddess.”

Song Qingshi smiled and said, “I hope I can meet her on our journey.” 

Yue Xiansheng was wary. “Goddess?”

“Qingshi’s looking for a girl, but it’s a pity that he’s lost his memory.  He can’t remember her name or her appearance.” Song Jincheng got permission and his entire person came alive. He saw that the Martial Great-uncle was interested in his future daughter-in-law, so he quickly praised Song Qingshi’s sweetheart, lest she not get the elder’s approval in the future, “A girl who’s gentle and virtuous, beautiful and lovable, lively and cheerful, kind-hearted and innocent, considerate and filial, and also an expert at cooking.”

Song Qingshi was embarrassed and said, “She has a relatively weak body and needs looking after…”

Yue Xiansheng forcefully suppressed the intense jealousy rolling in his heart, and asked, “Your missi-…no, do you like such a girl?” 

He knew many cultivators who didn’t care about gender, but he never thought about it…

Song Qingshi thought about how he felt emotionally moved by that notebook, and said with certainty, “I do and I’ll find her.”

Yue Xiansheng asked gently, “What if she doesn’t like you? Would you still treat her well?”

“It’s okay,” Song Qingshi’s eyes were filled with determination and he vowed, “As long as I can find her, I will give her all the good things. I will do my best to treat her well, and win her over.” 

He will do everything he could to earnestly pursue the person he liked.

Yue Xiansheng understood his intentions. He smiled and wished him well. “You will surely find her.”

Although the target of this mission went seriously beyond his expectations.

But, it wasn’t difficult either… 

He thought about using this kind of appearance to do shameless things, to drive Song Qingshi to tears in bed. That scene felt… quite interesting…

Yue Xiansheng greedily looked at the pure and simple delicacy. His mad desires made his lips and tongue go dry…

Patience, now was not the time to be exposed.

He will carry out his plan well. 

He wanted to get back everything.

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