Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 85: CH 85

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Chapter 85:A Gentleman

Song Qingshi asked uncertainly, “Feng Jun feels like a nickname?” 

“It is a nickname.” The girl in red who claimed to be Feng Jun gently pulled his sleeve and replied aggrievedly, “I vaguely remember that my mother called me this way, but my head hurts so much that I can’t remember anything else…”

Song Qingshi felt that Feng Jun’s head injury shouldn’t be serious enough to affect her memory, but thinking about his own unreasonable amnesia, he hesitated. Maybe in this immortal realm, partial amnesia was a common occurrence?

Feng Jun’s background was strange. Her looks and temperament created an indescribably good impression. The smell on her body was sweet, and it gave him the urge to cherish her and dote upon her.

Song Qingshi tried hard to think about it. His memory was full of medicine and research. He has never had such strange thoughts towards a girl before, no matter how beautiful she was… Was it possible that his memory loss also included a major change in his temperament? Had he done a lot of vulgar and despicable things? 

Suddenly, an indistinct memory flashed in his mind.

In the middle of the night, he seemed to have pressed down some beauty, and kissed them in spite of their resistance? The beauty was so sad, they almost cried…

This was something a lecher would normally do, right?

Song Qingshi grew a little panicked…

Feng Jun lowered her head. She secretly glanced at Song Qingshi’s expression from time to time, as if quietly thinking of something. Next to him, Song Jincheng had already been brought to his knees by her beauty. He spouted countless nonsense, patting his chest, he assured her that they were good people.

Song·Improper Thoughts·Qingshi felt guiltier the more he listened. He stood up straight, and tried to pretend that he too was an upright gentleman.

The red immortal bird on his shoulder had already flown away at some unknown point in time.

Suddenly, from the forest, came the sound of the branches being crushed, as well as fragmented sounds of hissing. 

Feng Jun’s face quickly turned pale, and she grabbed Song Qingshi and shouted, “Run!”

Song Qingshi also noticed the peculiar sound and asked, “What is it?”

“It’s a snake! A snake yao!” Feng Jun was trembling with fear, “I remember. I was chased by this monster snake, and then fell off the cliff. You should both run…”

The Medicine King’s Valley raised a lot of poisonous snakes for their venom, which they turned into medicine. All their apprentices were capable of catching snakes. 

Song Jincheng was not afraid. He took out a sword from the mustard seed bag and stood in front of the beauty. He said with awe inspiring presence, “Don’t be afraid. A mere snake yao. Watch this young master put it in its place!”

From within the woods, a huge white snake stretched out its body. Its silver scales were covered with moss. It had eyes like red lanterns. It extended out a forked tongue several meters long. It stared intently at the cliff. It used its tongue to probe the smell in the air, and gradually became excited.

Song Qingshi wasn’t afraid of snakes either, but he had never seen such a terrifying snake. Looking at that huge predator mouth that could swallow an elephant whole, he became a little panicked. “Jincheng, are you sure you can handle it?”
We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Ktf rkbgv lc Vbcu Alcmtfcu’r tjcv kjr agfwyilcu lcmfrrjcais. Llr ifur abb kfgf agfwyilcu, jcv tlr afjgr ofii, mgfjalcu jc lwjuf atja ojlifv ab ilnf eq ab fzqfmajalbcr. 

Mfcu Aec mjgfoeiis ibbxfv ja atflg fzqgfrrlbcr jcv reuufrafv, “Vtjii kf gec jkjs?”

“Eec!” Vbcu Hlcurtl wjvf j qgbwqa vfmlrlbc jcv lrrefv jc bgvfg ab gfagfja. Cii batfg atbeutar atgbkc ogbw tlr wlcv, tf qlmxfv eq Mfcu Aec, mjgfoeiis qijmfv tfg bc atf rqlgla tbgrf, jcv atfc pewqfv bc atf tbgrf’r yjmx jr kfii. Lbivlcu Mfcu Aec alutais lc tlr jgwr klat bcf tjcv ab jnblv tfg ojiilcu, tf erf atf batfg tjcv ab rqeg atf tbgrf bc, erlcu atf ojrafra rqffv ab oiff ogbw atf rcjxf sjb’r tecalcu ugbecvr.

Feng Jun embraced his waist, burrowing him deep into his arms. Smelling the medicinal fragrance, he trembled with excitement. He liked Song Qingshi’s reaction very much — this feeling of being protected like a treasure.

Seeing him trembling, Song Qingshi comforted, “Don’t be afraid, I will definitely save you.” 

Feng Jun took a deep breath, controlled his emotions, and said softly, “En.”

Song Jincheng also jumped on his horse and fled like mad, only hating the horse for not having eight legs.

Three thousand years ago, after An Long started transforming into a demon, he cancelled the spirit beast contract he had with the Luminous Dragon.  He then cast it away to the mountain and didn’t bother with it anymore. After Yue Wuhuan had his nirvanic rebirth on the Inextinguishable Peak, he was reborn as a god, he took into consideration that this white snake was dear to Song Qingshi’s heart and not only did he not kill it, but he also raised it.  On the battlefield, he forced it to battle with beasts above its level as they campaigned around the world. This was to temper its cultivation, and enhance its combat power. Now, the Luminous Dragon has become an illustrious Great Yao in the immortal realm.

The Luminous Dragon’s IQ was lacking and didn’t understand what Yue Wuhuan was doing. The torment it endured was unbearable and it wanted nothing more than to simply hibernate. 

Yue Wuhuan always lied to it, “If you behave and listen to what I way, Qingshi will come back and accept you as a pet.”

The Luminous Dragon believed this promise, and persisted with its hellish training. It worked hard as a coolie for Yue Wuhuan.

He had a dream to be the best pet snake in the world.

Yesterday, Yue Wuhuan came over and asked it to make some wounds on his body using its spiritual power. It obediently did as instructed. Looking back, it suddenly felt something didn’t seem right. Although the body of a god was very difficult to hurt, he could hurt himself. Why did he have to ask itself for help? Could it be that this wound, if self-inflicted, could be discovered? Who had such great ability to distinguish between self-harm and an injury? 

The Luminous Dragon felt that it had never been so clever in all its life. It secretly sniffed the scent and hiding its aura, followed Yue Wuhuan to Black Goose Mountain.

Sure enough, Song Qingshi was back!

The Luminous Dragon discerned his smell, and got all excited. It wanted to rush over there and act all spoiled but Song Qingshi actually ran away under the Yue Wuhuan’s instigation. He ran away and it was left without even a hug for their long-awaited reunion. It had no concept of human gender. In recent years, he had seen Yue Wuhuan’s various incarnations and didn’t think there was anything strange about him wearing women’s clothing, so it didn’t notice…

This sort of stage costume of Yue Wuhuan’s surely meant that he’s playing the role of a disaster-bringing beauty like the ones in the operas! He was out to sow discord in its master-pet relationship with Song Qingshi! 

The Luminous Dragon was torn by grief and indignation and it frantically ran after them…

Song Jincheng was scared to tears, thinking that he was going to become a delicacy within the snake’s belly. He wailed, “I’m an unfilial son, letting my parents see their child die before them!”

You are reading story Mistakenly Saving the Villain at novel35.com

Feng Jun said quietly, “They can just give birth to another one…”

When he bid farewell to Qing Luan, he had promised to take care of her descendants. Unexpectedly, Qing Luan’s hereditary line was thin. Now, only this idiot, Song Jincheng remained. Song Jincheng’s mother was born in an immortal sect and she had already formed her golden core. If he were to be killed, Qing Luan’s bloodline would be broken, there wouldn’t even be a replacement. 

He hesitated…

Now, this idiot has become Song Qingshi’s lifesaver, making it even harder to do away with. Perhaps, in the future, when they return to the Medicine King’s Valley, he can have him confined to the back of the mountain and shed his stupidity before he can come out and see people?

Feng Jun was lying against Song Qingshi; disdainfully ignoring the squawking beside him, he carefully schemed…

Song Qingshi had suddenly discovered that this girl’s chest was almost as flat as his own. When he had carried her, she felt as if she weighed a hundred and several tens. He had no idea where she could have hidden all that meat. He kept feeling that it wasn’t very rational… 

He was a little curious, but he didn’t dare ask or think about it. His sister had said that these were taboos for girls. If he asked, it would be harassment and he may be beaten to death.

Song Qingshi thought and about it more and more and lost even more confidence in his own moral conduct.

Two spirit horses charged wildly ahead, and a giant snake wildly chased after them. They were chased through three entire mountain tops. In the end, the red immortal bird flew over, gave the stupid snake a swipe with its claw, grabbing it and slapped it fiercely; finally, releasing them from this dramatic chase scene.

The spirit horses were so tired that they were foaming at the mouth. They were on the verge of breaking down. 

A small town appeared before them. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Song Qingshi took everyone to find an inn to rest. This town was located along a major transport route, although it was small, it was prosperous. Song Qingshi gave the spirit horses to the inn’s helper. Taking advantage of his wealth, he instructed the helper to go to the drugstore to buy some rejuvenating herbs, and feed it to the spirit horses…

The innkeeper said with a smile, “We still have two rooms.”

Song Qingshi seized the opportunity to display his gentlemanly bearing. “For two men and one girl. Two rooms are completely fine. Song Jincheng and I will just share one room.”

Song Jincheng also patted his chest, giving his assurance that he wouldn’t take advantage of girls. 

After hearing the arrangement, Feng Jun was momentarily stunned. He then smiled softly and said that he wanted to go to the kitchen to find some food for everyone. He then walked slowly, rolled up his long hair and put on a pair of thin cotton gloves. After about three quarters of an hour, several cultivators rushed down. Their faces were pale. Stumbling over their words, they said they were going to go temper themselves; they were going to have the sky as one’s tent and the earth as their mat to comprehend nature’s mysteries. In a word, they were definitely no longer going to stay. They were checking out and vacating their rooms. No, they didn’t want their money back…

The innkeeper looked at their expressions and almost thought they had seen a ghost.

Song Jincheng said that he wasn’t short of money and didn’t want to squeeze in with a man. Song Qingshi took the opportunity to change their booking to three rooms that were next to each other. Feng Jun, looking pleased with himself, came back dragging his skirt. He handed a bowl of sweet soup to Song Qingshi and said expectantly, “There weren’t enough ingredients in the kitchen, so I could only cook some simple food… I haven’t made it for a long time so I’m out of practice. Please don’t dislike it.”

Song Qingshi felt that his dark golden eyes were filled with stars and were even more alluring than food. During his hesitation, Feng Jun had already smiled and picked up the spoon. He blew to cool it down a bit and then put the sweet soup directly into his mouth. This set of movements were smooth and natural, as if they had been rehearsed countless times. 

The sweet soup conveyed a touch of honey on the tip of his tongue. This kind of taste memory engraved in his bones once again disturbed Song Qingshi’s mind. He stared blankly at the delicate smiling expression of the girl in front of him. His ears were a little red, and his heart was a little flustered. He thought to refuse, but he slightly hooked his foot under the table…

Feng Jun smiled. “Please do not refuse me.”

His voice was gorgeous; its tenderness carrying with it a quality that wouldn’t allow you to refuse.

Song Qingshi couldn’t refuse any request from him, and he obediently withdrew his hand. 

Feng Jun stretched out another spoonful of sweet soup. He smiled and said, “Sit properly.”

Song Qingshi sat up straight, like it was a conditioned reflex. He then opened his mouth obediently.

Song Jincheng was depressed. “Where’s my share?”

Feng Jun glanced at him and gently turned his gaze away. He said indifferently, “Have the people in the kitchen make it for you.” 

He continued to feeding Song Qingshi sweet soup with a smile on his face, as if he was the only one in his eyes.

Song Jincheng looked at the goddess whose eyes were filled with cherishing affection, with autumn ripples. He then turned to look at Song Qingshi, whose ears were red and was wordlessly drinking soup. How could he not understand the goddess’ wishes? He was so jealous that tears were about to spill out. Was he, Song Jincheng, not handsome enough? Or was his character not good enough? Why was it that no goddess liked the sunny and handsome type? They only liked soft and honest pretty boys. Was it too late for him to change his image now? When he sees Yu Wenyu, he should grab his friend to have a drink to complain tearfully.  The two of them should walk this painful and endless road of being single dogs together hand in hand…

He turned his grief and indignation into appetite, and had the innkeeper served eight main dishes. He ate them ruthlessly and with everything he had.


The Luminous Dragon pondered his painful experiences.

Although its former owner and Yue Wuhuan have both commented on it, saying that its IQ had all been replaced by physical strength, after so many years, its IQ has slowly been increasing. At least, it understood from observation that following his previous master’s, that useless person’s, methods would bring no future, it would never win favor. It had to learn from Yue Wuhuan if it wanted the chance to win favor.

Therefore, when it was able to transform into human form, it decisively chose to combine Yue Wuhuan and Song Qingshi’s looks together into a three-year-old boy with long black hair, golden phoenix eyes, and a snow white face. It was super cute, super beautiful! It was definitely a youngling that humans would endlessly pamper!

Then, he also referred to human social relations and found a way for Song Qingshi to have no other choice but to adopt it. 

Seeing that the bird had now flown far away, the Luminous Dragon quietly came out of its hiding place, and turned into its human form. It concealed its yao aura and entered the inn. He tracked the smell, and found Song Qingshi and the others who were in the middle of eating. It stared at the terrible aura being let out by Yue Wuhuan’s incarnation. Without the slightest fear, it rushed forward and clung to Song Qingshi’s thigh. Weeping it called out to him:


Song Qingshi dropped his chopsticks in fright.

Feng Jun put down the bowl with a loud thud. He went over with a calm expression on his face and pulled its ear to admonish it. “What did this child just say?” 

The Luminous Dragon was in so much pain that tears came out. After thinking about the human relations network, it pursed its lips and compromised for its overall interest:


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