Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 84: CH 84

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Chapter 84: The Young Lady in Red

How was one supposed to act the role of an adorable girl? 

The shenjun of the Inextinguishable Peak ran across an unprecedented difficult problem. After thinking about it for a long time, he ordered Kong Muhua to have an audience with him.

On the Inextinguishable Peak, Kong Muhua was a strange one… He was obviously a male peacock yao, the general of their vanguard forces on the battlefield. His magical weapon of choice were two giant axes and he felled people like scything flax. However, in his human form, he hated how men’s clothes and jewelry on earth were not resplendent enough. He liked to dress up as a beautiful woman. He was born with good looks, with eyes like limpid autumn waters and a graceful lithe figure. He walked like a weak willow propped up by the wind, swaying with each step. He would look at his reflection in the water and he loved nothing more than to compare his beauty against others. He was an expert at relying on his beauty to curry favor. He acted spoiled and silly. He acted this way to such an extent that few people knew that he was a man.

Year in year out, he topped the list of dream lovers of male cultivators in the immortal realm, as well as the list of fox spirit vixens female cultivators most wanted to kill.

Now, Kong Muhua had suddenly been summoned by shenjun. He was a little perturbed, wondering if he had done something wrong. 

Shenjun dismissed everyone and walked up to him. From his hair accessories to his clothing, from his figure to the movements of his hands and feet, he carefully sized him up. He even studied the hairstyle he was sporting, the brows he had painted. He listened to his voice and ordered him to walk a few steps. He smiled… Finally, he asked him what things a woman likes.

Kong Muhua’s entire peacock being was stunned.

He had a feeling that the Inextinguishable Peak was about to usher in a mistress.

Shenjun’s sense of aesthetics was very good. He had a very critical eye. Just how perfect was the beauty who had managed to catch his eye?

Kong Muhua felt very much like crying. He was aware that he couldn’t match shenjun’s beauty, so he changed to wearing women’s clothes, finding a new path, defeating his opponent with a surprise move. Now, his beauty was about to lose out to the god-queen… He felt that his future as a peacock was gloomy and bleak. There was no point in spreading his tail feathers any longer. He was in urgent need of some comforting against the bosom of a man; of a tumble between the sheets. Along the way, he should also press for marriage. It must be with a gentle and beautiful man, someone like Bai Xianzun…

It was time for everyone to give up on whatever fanciful thoughts they have towards shenjun. They should also drop the idea forever.

Maybe Bai Xianzun will agree to be Daoist companions with him?

Kong Muhua thought of this and packed away his dejectedness. He cheerfully ran off to spread the news. 


Wutong Tower, behind the layer after layer of bead curtains.

Shenjun took off his snow feather cloak and after carefully taking a bath, he walked in front of the mirror. He critically scrutinized his appearance. Cultivators who reach the Fen Shen stage can adjust their body shape and appearance. It was not difficult to put on a disguise. What was difficult was how to disguise himself to match that person’s idea.

He thought for a while and directly changed his appearance to that of when he was fourteen years old. His height at the time was just right. His features were indistinguishable as male or female. His waist was slender, less than a grip. He now only needed to adjust his shoulders to be thinner and to shrink the skeletal framework of his limbs. He suppressed his cultivation base to Foundation Building and he was now exactly like a delicate beauty. 

He thought back to the common characteristics shared by the mission targets in Zhao Ye’s memory.  He then thought about Kong Muhua’s seamless women’s fashion. He adjusted the details, hiding his Adam’s apple, and then removing the edges and corners of the eyebrows. He turned garish and gorgeous fire-like flamboyance into a temperament that was gentle like water. It was only that teardrop mole at the corner of his eye which couldn’t be concealed. It’s earthly seduction could not be covered up.
We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Lf atbeuta obg j ibcu alwf jcv ujnf eq bc agslcu ab wfrr klat atlr afjgvgbq wbif.

Ciatbeut wbra bo atf rsrafw wlrrlbc ajgufar kfgf qegf jcv lccbmfca yfjealfr, tf xcfk atja Vbcu Hlcurtl ilxfv atf rtbks asqf. Ccv rb, tf mbeivc’a ibrf jii bo Tef Qetejc’r dejilalfr… Lf aglfv rwlilcu ja atf wlggbg jcv tf ifa atf ygliiljcmf bo vfrlgf gbjw bcmf jujlc lc atbrf vluclolfv qtbfclz fsfr. Ktfs kbeiv yibbw bcis obg bcf qfgrbc.

The charming luster inadvertently brought out by the pretty and innocent flavor, and the occasional debauch manner amidst the usual purity and holiness; these were things that could drag a man into the abyss. Just like those things Song Qingshi did to him in bed, it was simply the greatest of delicacies. 

Even if he had lost his memories and they had to start over, the agreement must be fulfilled.

Song Qingshi had asked to marry him, and he had agreed. They were Daoist couples simply lacking the official ceremony. There was no room for reneging on this promise.

Although he would not force the other party to do these things, he had not intention of being some man of honor to this person who had lost his memory. He would use all the methods he should use.

He didn’t want to ponder whether those methods were abnormal and pathological. His feelings had long gone out of control. 

Song Qingshi had once said during treatment that desire was not some shameful matter and that there was no need to suppress his body’s instincts. He should let it out as much as he liked. It would be helpful for his recovery.

He hoped that he was as good as his word and would do his utmost best to cure him.


Yue Xiansheng took so meticulous care of Song Qingshi that he slept without even taking his clothes off. Every day, he stood guard by his bedside, always at his elbow, feeding him countless miraculous pills. 

Song Qingshi’s wounds healed quickly, but his sleeping posture wasn’t good. Every morning, he found himself lying on Yue Xiansehng’s lap. His lips would be a little swollen and even cracked. He drank two doses of internal heat reducing decoction but it had no effect. It probably had something to do with the dry climate and his currently weak condition.

Yue Xiansheng disliked how the decoction was too bitter, so he let him drink it with more honey, making it more delicious.

Song Qingshi was very grateful and he racked his brains daily on how to praise him for being a good person.

The way Song Jincheng saw it, the relationship between these two couldn’t be a simple cross-generational friendship. Even his father wouldn’t take care of him so gently and intimately when he’s sick. It was even less likely that he’d give him unlimited spending money! So… Song Qingshi must be Martial Great-uncle’s illegitimate son! Only for some reason, he wasn’t willing to disclose it. 

The last time Martial Great-uncle ordered him to buy things, he wasn’t able to finish even until midnight. And so he came back crying and was made to stand in the corner.

This time, he must seize the chance! He will wait upon him well and win the favor of the Martial Great-uncle, so as not to befall the same fate as his senior brothers. Although those senior brothers had used hair growth medicine to get their hair back, they have been reduced to being the laughing stock of the valley. Up until now, they still haven’t found themselves girlfriends.

With lofty aspirations and high ideals, Song Jincheng ran errands everywhere, buying various travel supplies for Song Qingshi.

Finally, everything had been purchased. 

Yue Xiansheng said that he had something to deal with and needed to leave. Before leaving, he took out a loose snow-colored vestment with large sleeves, saying that it was a farewell gift he had rush ordered from Qiao Yifang a few days ago.

Song Qingshi’s vestment had long gone ragged. Seeing this robe that perfectly suited his taste, he absolutely fell in love with it. He changed into it on the spot, and thanked him profusely.

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Yue Xiansheng smiled and fixed his messy hair for him, before taking his leave.

Once Song Qingshi finished packing his luggage and as they were about to set off, he finally remembered that they had forgotten to arrange for transportation. Song Jincheng snuck out of school. He hadn’t dare to use any of the magical ships in the Medicine King’s Valley. Now, the town where the two of them were staying at was relatively remote. Not only did the Immortal Beast Sect have no presence here, there weren’t any high-level magical ships either. 

He and Song Jincheng stood at the main street, looking at each other. After searching for a long time, they finally bought two spirit horses with relatively quicker legs. After calculating the location on the map, they prepared themselves to ride for three days. After reaching Ruinan City, they will check in with the Immortal Beast Sect to rent a magical ship.

The two rode on horseback and left.

Song Qingshi felt a peeping gaze from the inside the town. He looked around and found that the beautiful red immortal bird he had seen the other day had returned and was following him.

He beckoned with his hand. 

The immortal bird flew down and perched affectionately on his shoulder. It gently pecked his ear, as if acting like a spoiled child.

“This bird is really beautiful,” Song Jincheng was delighted as he watched man and bird interact. He took out some melons seeds to play with the bird, “Come on, let brother touch your tail.”

The red immortal bird slowly turned its neck. For a moment, it directed an ice-cold look at him. Then all of a sudden, it spewed out raging flames. They rushed at Song Jincheng’s face, lighting up his clothes and hair. Song Jincheng was absolutely terrified and desperately swung about, sending sparks everywhere. The spirit horse’s tail also caught on fire. It jumped up in shock, carrying away the screeching Song Jincheng, as it charged ahead.

Song Qingshi was flabbergasted at the sight. He stiffly turned his head and looked at the unknown red immortal bird on his shoulder. This was a bird of prey that wasn’t to be trifled with… 

The immortal bird rubbed against his cheek again. It then lowered its head, neatly tidying up its feathers, pretending not to have done anything bad.

Song Jincheng’s shrieking voice grew even louder. “Qingshi, come quick!”

His tone changed with each syllable until the last two were completely out of tune.

Song Qingshi heard the wrongness in his voice, and hurried over to see the situation. He was unexpectedly met with the sight of an injured and unconscious girl in red lying on the edge of the cliff. She seemed to have encountered an accident on the mountain and came rolling down. There were two gashes on her head. There was a lot of blood, and her hands and feet were covered in abrasions. Her ankle seemed to be twisted as well. 

The girl looked quite delicate, with pale honey-colored skin and picturesque brows. Not a single one of her facial features wasn’t beautiful. Her long eyelashes were like butterfly wings as they trembled slightly. The small red teardrop mole under her left eye had an indescribably alluring quality. She wore a gauzy skirt of red ice silk that was torn in places by branches as she had fled. The neckline was slightly loose, revealing a long neck and a bit of her collarbones. The hairpin was askew and her hair was in a mess. Her long, silk-like black hair, with their slightly curled ends, lay scattered against the jade green grass carpet…

Song Qingshi’s heart grew a little confused. “I feel like I’ve seen this girl somewhere.”

Song Jincheng agreed, “Every time I see a beautiful girl, I feel like I’ve met her before too.”

Song Qingshi was choked. He belatedly realized that what he’d said may have been somewhat inappropriate, like he was some sort of lecher. He quickly threw out those messy feelings from his mind and squatted down to check the girl’s injuries. 

“The injury to her head is relatively serious. She may have a slight concussion. It needs to be dealt with as soon as possible to prevent it from getting worse.” Song Qingshi took out the golden needles, and skillfully pierced a few points. He used his spiritual power to guide the clotted blood to dissipate. He then used a Pure Brightness Pill which he dissolved in water and fed to her.

“Can you handle it?” Song Jincheng was very nervous. He found that Song Qingshi’s way of performing acupuncture was very strange. He had never seen it before. He was afraid that he was pretending to be an expert, but was actually going to make a mess of things, that he was going to pierce this girl into a fool. But Song Qingshi was quick and resolute in sticking in the needles. He had no time to stop him, so without any other better option, he simply tried to persuade him, “Let’s take her to the hospital and let the doctor treat her.”

Song Qingshi finished his acupuncture treatment and was bandaging her wounds. Hearing this, he was at a loss, “Why should we look for a doctor? I’m a doctor.”

Song Jincheng gravely pointed out the problem, “You don’t look very reliable.” 

Song Qingshi’s profession was once again called into question. He was a little depressed. “My medical skills are very good.”

Song Jincheng asked seriously, “Do you know the Oriole Suture technique? Do you know the Eastern Lady Eighteen Needles? Do you know the Huang Clan’s bone setting method? These techniques have been around for nearly a thousand years, and every doctor knows how to perform them.”

Song Qingshi continued to be at a loss…

Song Jincheng sighed and shook his head. 

Song Qingshi realized that his image was about to turn into that of a quack doctor. He hurriedly disputed, “l can do the Guishen Eighty-eight Needles.”

“The Guishen Eighty-Eight Needles? The world’s first acupuncture technique that even the gods and ghosts don’t know?” Song Jincheng almost laughed, “Ge, this is a thing of myths and legends. There aren’t even any related records of it in the Medicine King’s Valley. How did you learn it? ”

“I can’t remember.” Song Qingshi gently cradled his forehead. He felt that this method was imprinted in his mind. He felt like he could do it without much thought and that he was very skilled at it. It seemed that he employed it often. “But I really do know how to do it…”

He had just forgotten how he learned it… 

Song Qingshi thought for a long time and firmly believed that he wasn’t a quack doctor. Seeing that Song Jincheng had no decent treatment plan, he squatted down and continued to comb the patient’s meridians with the golden needles to help her recover.

The blood clots dissipated, and the girl in red gradually woke up. With misty phoenix eyes open, she gently gathered the loose collar and quietly closed the corners of her broken skirt. She then looked at the two of them and settled her eyes on Song Qingshi. She was reluctant to leave for a long time, and asked softly, “Did you save me?”

“We were passing by,” Song Qingshi was afraid of being mistaken as a bad person, and hurriedly introduced himself and Song Jincheng as doctors. Finally, he said, “May I ask for your name? Where is your sect? We will send you back.”

The red-clothed girl thought for a long time. She shook her head, and said sadly, “I don’t know.” 

Song Jincheng asked, surprised, “You have amnesia too?”

He looked back at Song Qingshi, his eyes were full of accusations, suspecting that his golden needles had broken her brain.

“It is common for a concussion to cause short-term memory loss. This girl’s condition is more serious than expected. It is best to have her admitted for observation.” The way he looked at him made Song Qingshi extremely embarrassed. In order to prove that there were no problems with his medical skills, he decided to admit this girl. He took out a notebook to record the patient’s condition. He found that he couldn’t write a medical record without knowing the patient’s name. After thinking about it, he decided give her a temporary name, “I’ll just call you Xiao…”

The girl in red, sensing that things were turning far from encouraging, quickly replied, “I seem to be called Feng Jun.” 

Song Qingshi was surprised and crossed out the name on the medical record. He originally wanted to call her Xiao Hong.

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