Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 88: CH 88

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Chapter 88: Exposing the Flaw

Song Jincheng wanted to call out for help, but Feng Jun made a hand seal, and no sound would come out of his throat. 

He realized that Feng Jun hadn’t dealt with Song Qingshi yet and tried to gesture with his hands. Before he died, he wanted to tell Song Qingshi the truth about the monster coming to eat him.

Song Qingshi pondered for a long time and finally understood. “Are you hungry? Want me to accompany you to eat?”

Song Jincheng was so angry that tears started to leak out. He wanted to kill this fool.

“Qingshi, you didn’t rest well last night. Why don’t you go back to sleep?” Feng Jun put on her thin cotton gloves and walked in slowly. He smiled, “It just so happens that Xiao Bai is hungry too. I’ll take them outside to find something to eat.” 

When the Luminous Dragon next to him heard these words, it rushed over and grabbed Song Jincheng’s arm. It stuck its tongue out, and said, like a spoiled child, “I’m hungry.”

What kind of food does a giant snake eat when it’s hungry?

Song Jincheng looked in horror at the bifurcated tongue paired with those innocent and guileless pair of golden vertical pupils. He nearly fainted. He couldn’t resist the terrifying power around his arm, and was dragged out the door and thrown into the wood shed amidst Song Qingshi’s blessing of “Eat well and eat lots”. He then watched as Feng Jun lay a barrier around the wood shed, isolating them from the entire world.

He remembered the Medicine King’s Valley’s teachings and decided he was going to die a martyr’s death; he was die like a hero.

Feng Jun lit a strange incense.

Song Jincheng smelled a strange fragrance, his eyes turned dark, and he fainted. When he woke up, he was already locked up in the dungeon. Inside, there was nothing but a mountain of books and exercise sheets… Yue Xiansheng appeared before him, saying that he had made too many mistakes and had been sent back to the Medicine King’s Valley, where he has been locked up for self-reflection. You must memorize all these medical books before you are allowed to go out.

He memorized ten years’ worth of books and answered ten years’ worth of exercise sheets. All his hair fell out, but he still couldn’t memorize them all…

Song Jincheng held his head, broke down and burst into tears. He cried so much that the dream world broke. 

When he woke up, Feng Jun stood in front of him. The giant snake entrenched by his side, its huge body filled the whole wood shed. Lantern-like eyes stared at him, and two sharp fangs appeared in its predator’s mouth. Its long tongue almost swept across Song Jincheng’s face.

Song Jincheng touched his head first and confirmed that his hair was still there.

Feng Jun picked up the second Dream Weaving incense, preparing to light it…

Song Jincheng knelt down without hesitation. “I was wrong! As long as I don’t have to study, I’ll do anything!” 

He won’t go back to the dungeon to memorize his lessons even if he gets eaten by the giant snake.

Feng Jun has used the Dream Weaving Incense for so long, but he has never seen such a useless guy. The three-year nightmare that he originally wove was dragged by him for ten years and there wasn’t any way to end it. Finally, he was forcibly woken up. He looked with great interest at this rare research specimen, considering whether he should try a ten-year nightmare and a hundred-year nightmare.

The giant snake felt that the wood shed was too small, and changed back into its human form, obediently squatting at Feng Jun’s feet.

Song Jincheng suddenly remembered the book he had read behind his parents’ backs. There was a snake yao under the command of the god of Inextinguishable Peak… It has cultivated for thousands of years, was gigantic and had a cruel temperament. It had once swallowed a whole Mountain Walrus alive, strangled a Jade Cloud Tiger, earned heaps and heaps of military achievements. Some cultivators have seen it before and they said it was a giant white snake that could turn into a child and trick the enemy into taking the bait. It was very similar to the one in front of him. 
We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Ktlr afggloslcu uljca rcjxf agfjafv Mfcu Aec gfrqfmaoeiis jcv byfsfv tlr kbgvr.

Vb, ktja kjr Mfcu Aec’r agef lvfcalas?

Glvc’a atfs rjs atja atf ubv bo atf Pcfzalcuelrtjyif Ufjx tjv atberjcvr bo lcmjgcjalbcr lc atf kbgiv?

Vbcu Alcmtfcu mbeivc’a tfiq atlcxlcu bo atfrf afgglyif atlcur jcv tlr xcffr kfca kfjx. Mbg atberjcvr bo sfjgr, jii atf rfmar atja tjnf boofcvfv atf Pcfzalcuelrtjyif Ufjx tjnf yffc vfragbsfv. Ccs obbilrt kbgv bg jmalbc mbeiv glrx atf Zfvlmlcf Blcu’r Njiifs’r mbcalcefv fzlrafcmf. Lf atbeuta jybea tlr qjgfcar, tlr afjmtfgr, tlr mijrrwjafr jcv oglfcvr lc atf njiifs. Lf kjr rb jogjlv atja tf mbeivc’a fnfc rtfv afjgr. Lf gfugfaafv kts tf wlcvfv remt j aglnlji wjaafg jr Vbcu Hlcurtl yflcu fsfv ys j wjif sjb? 

It was just submitting to another’s control, that’s all!

Great Master, just close your eyes and it will all be over. What’s there to be afraid of?

Later on, he’ll persuade Song Qingshi to just go along with it.

Song Jincheng ingratiatingly said, “I’ve found that Qingshi likes Feng Jun. You must be the one he has been longing of.” 

Feng Jun raised his eyebrows slightly.

“When I picked up Qingshi, he had lost part of his memory, but he remembered that there was a person he liked very much. He even wrote it in a notebook. He treasures her very much and wants to find her.” Song Jincheng was determined to sacrifice his friend in exchange for the Medicine King’s Valley’s survival. Like spilling beans by toppling a bamboo basket, he told him in detail of all the things written in the notebook. He strongly hinted that Feng Jun should pretend to be a goddess, so that Song Qingshi could, at least, die happily in bed. “That person likes red and white, likes to practice swordsmanship, likes refining medicine, and reading books. They like collecting beautiful stones and gems and their birthday seems to be sometime in February…”

Feng Jun was stunned. “February 14?”

Song Jincheng: “Yes!” 

Feng Jun remained silent for a while. He then motioned to the Luminous Dragon to educate this idiot; he must learn to be sensible and obedient. Afterwards, he withdrew the barrier, turned and left the wood shed.


Song Qingshi had stayed up for most of the night and he was muddled from sleepiness. He felt that something warm and sweet-smelling get in under the quilt. He, without any extra trouble, took it into his arms, holding it tight against his chest, as though he were afraid of losing it.

It turned out, Song Qingshi hasn’t been looking for the mission target. Rather, he was looking for him… 

Feng Jun stared at the person in his arms.

Every time he looked through Zhao Ye’s memory, he would be tormented. In those so-called missions to save the tragic protagonist, Zhao Ye would always do everything possible to treat the protagonist shou well. He would be dedicated, gentle, strong, caring. He would spout sweet words and do everything for the protagonist shou, even being near-fatally injured for them… Every protagonist shou would fall madly in love with Zhao Ye and they would offer up their body and soul to him, to become his. However, after changing worlds, Zhao Ye would cleanse his feelings, accept a new mission, face a new protagonist shou, and repeat the same rescue; the same love story.

Was he rescuing them? Or just toying with them?

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He couldn’t hold back from being furious and terrified. 

Feng Jun quietly stretched out his hand and placed it on Song Qingshi’s chest, feeling the beating inside. During the times he hated it most, he thought more than once that if Song Qingshi did to his new mission target what he had done to him, he would scoop his heart out, make his body into a puppet, hide away his soul and make him stay with him forever. That way, he wouldn’t ever have to hear him speak sweet words to someone else; he wouldn’t have to see him being gentle to someone else.

This was a serious abnormal state, and it would hurt the person he liked…

He struggled to control it. There were some things that he couldn’t do even if he died.

Fortunately, Song Qingshi never let him down. 

The remaining hatred and tangled grudges, like a breeze blowing away the morning mist, all dispersed, revealing the clear sky.

Feng Jun couldn’t help smiling. Countless Blood King Vines stretched out from all directions, entangled Song Qingshi, wrapping him against his chest. He kissed him. Song Qingshi opened his eyes and saw Feng Jun’s brilliant smile. He was so dazzled he became confused and disoriented. He finally understood how history’s ‘vassal-tricking beacons' came about and what it meant that 'the emperor, from then on, no longer held morning court‘…

Although these red vines were very strange, although his hands and feet were bound a little tight and he was unable to move, although some of the vines even burrowed under his clothes and wrapped around his waist, tickling him…

As long as Feng Jun was happy! 

Feng Jun licked his earlobe and asked, “Can you show me your mustard seed bag?”

Song Qingshi obediently handed over the mustard seed bag. “I will give it to you.”

Finances must be handed over to the person you liked. Receiving pocket money was enough for him.

Feng Jun took his mustard seed bag and rummaged through it for a long time. Finally, he found the notebook under a pile of spirit stones. He flipped through a few pages, and asked with a smile, “Jincheng said there’s something about the person you like written here? Tell me, who is it?” 

Song Qingshi trembled. He was now fully awake. He wanted to get the notebook back, but he was tied up and couldn’t move.

He encountered the question of doom again! If he doesn’t answer well, he’ll be beaten; or worse, dumped!

Song Qingshi answered decisively, “It’s you!”

Feng Jun raised the notebook and asked, “Since you know it’s me, you should know if I’m a man or a woman?” 

Song Qingshi said lovably, “A man.”

Feng Jun raised his face by the chin and pretended to be angry, “How did you know?”

“By the pelvis,” Song Qingshi quickly explained, “I have dissected many general teachers and I’ve studied the skeletal structure of all sorts of people. The male pelvis is long, narrow and located higher. While the female pelvis is wide, short and lower. The physiological structure affects the gait. When men walk, the pelvis rarely moves.  When women walk, the pelvis moves.”

At first he had been confused by his beauty and then they encountered that giant snake, so he didn’t think much about it. When they arrived at the inn, he felt that Feng Jun’s body was not the right shape. After a little more thought, he understood. After all, there are many bigshots in women's clothing in the modern world. He wasn’t going to wonder at strange sights; this wasn’t rare. 

Feng Jun was momentarily dumbfounded. The angle at which medical students observed things was too strange. These were all points he couldn’t have thought of. After a while, he asked, “Why didn’t you expose me?”

Song Qingshi felt wronged. “This is your hobby. It wouldn’t be right to expose you.”

Although it was a bit strange, everyone has their own hobbies; just like he liked to study corpses and organs; it was also weird in the eyes of others. Since Feng Jun liked to wear women’s clothing, and moreover, he wore it beautifully, creating a sight pleasing to both the eyes and mind, he wasn’t going to be an old fogey who refused novel things. There was no need to expose him, was there?

Song Qingshi patted his chest and expressed his loyalty, “I can accept women’s clothing! It’s beautiful! I like it! You can wear it as much you want!” 

Feng Jun looked at him and felt crushed.

Song Qingshi continued to boast, “Although I am a little surprised to find that I like a man, Feng Jun is relatively petite. I feel very stress-free and I can easily adapt.”

Feng Jun felt even more crushed. “You don’t like tall ones?”

Although his original body was perfect, it was taller and stronger than Yue Wuhuan’s body back then… 

Song Qingshi has always disliked his thin and frail body. Putting himself in the other’s shoes, he thought that maybe Feng Jun was even more mindful of his figure. And so, he continued to show his loyalty to his partner, “Relax, I don’t like tall and strong men. I only like your gentle and lovely figure.”

Feng Jun thought for a long time, and asked carefully, “Are you afraid that you wouldn’t be able to bear it?”

Song Qingshi confirmed, “Yes, I can’t stand it.”

His face was too tender. Standing next to a tall and mature man, he may be treated as a child and it would hurt his self-esteem. 

Feng Jun’s heart was almost completely stuffed. He temporarily gave up the idea of turning back to his true body. He’ll kept a juvenile body shape, and they’ll talk about it once he adapts. In any case, he had confidence in his good looks. Men’s or women’s clothing, it didn’t matter as long as Song Qingshi liked it. He’ll wear whatever mixed style.

Song Qingshi had agreed to go to Heaven Martial Sect. It wouldn’t do if he didn’t let him finish the matter.

“I’m already in front of you. You don’t need to keep this notebook anymore.” Feng Jun thought for a while, and took away the notebook with Yue Wuhuan’s past. He wanted to tear it up, but when he looked at Song Qingshi’s reluctant expression, he put the notebook into his own mustard seed bag instead. He then handed him a blank new notebook. He smiled and said, “Since we’re different from the past, you can write a new one.”

Although his heart felt very moved. He would only feel relieved once he disposed of all memories related to Yue Wuhuan… 

Song Qingshi thought for a while and agreed.

He wrote down seriously in the notebook: Likes women’s clothing.

Feng Jun: “…”

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