Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 89: CH 89

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Chapter 89: Foul Demon

Feng Jun went back to his room and changed into a light, young man’s attire. 

Song Qingshi felt that it wasn’t suitable to stay here for too long. So, he packed his luggage and discussed it with Song Jincheng. He planned to change their route to Heaven Martial Sect to one without any giant snakes. Song Jincheng very carefully glanced at the Luminous Dragon who was sitting to one side. Trying to curry favor, he peeled eggs for it and putting on a woebegone look, said, “Let’s just use the same way as before. I’ve received news that the snake…is already gone.”

Because, it has now become your son.

Song Jincheng had received a serious warning from the Luminous Dragon. He didn’t dare run or say anything. He didn’t want to take this horror to the Heaven Martial Sect, but…All these places were  within the sphere of influence of the Inextinguishable Peak. It seemed it would make no difference wherever he took it to?

Suddenly, several small tongues of flames gushed out of Song Qingshi’s body, floating around him, forming a defensive formation, reminding him of killing intent nearby. 

Song Qingshi pushed aside Song Jincheng, who had seen the Underworld Fire and wanted to ask questions. Immediately after, a corrosive liquid dripped onto the table, burning a small hole.

He raised his head and saw a black wriggling mass of flesh crawling on the roof, like a huge sea cucumber. It raised its head in the dark, revealing a strange and hideous face. It had white eyes, and a dense rings of canine teeth around what would be its mouth. Its long lizard-like tongue stretched out. Its surface was covered with the stench of blood…

Everyone in the inn screamed and fled in all directions. The cultivators took out their magical weapons, looking as though they were faced with a formidable enemy.

Song Qingshi searched repeatedly through his memory, and found that he had never seen such a strange monster. Without any better option, he asked Song Jincheng, who was next to him, frantically looking for a sword in his mustard seed bag. “What is this?”

Song Jincheng looked in awe at him. He replied, “This is a Foul Demon. You’ve never seen one?”

Song Qingshi shook his head, at a loss.

The immortal realm in his memory was full of danger. But the danger mainly came from fighting and human hearts. The secret realms had yao’s or ferocious beasts but…demons were very rarely seen.

These past few days, he had gotten the feeling that Song Jincheng was too innocent. He was a small Foundation Building cultivator with good looks and no fighting ability. But he didn’t hesitate to save someone he didn’t even know by the roadside. He ran all around the town, exposing his wealth. His speech was casual and open. He didn’t shy away from strangers and didn’t understand the perils of people’s hearts. Everything that he did courted death. 

All lessons are learned after suffering a loss.

With the weight of his worldly experiences, he had gone walking around with Song Jincheng. He wanted to wait for him to witness the sinister and perilous world of cultivation with his own eyes, before he would then swoop in and educate him on the ways of survival. However, he waited for a long time but the crisis of murdering for treasure didn’t happen, not even once. There were very few petty thefts. All the cultivators he encountered, even demon cultivators knew to follow the rules. It was a bit embarrassing…

Just what was a Foul Demon?

Song Qingshi felt that the world was different from what he remembered. 

“You don’t even know what a Foul Demon is?” Song Jincheng looked at him staring stupidly at it. This person was no good. He had no idea how this guy managed to live for so long. Could amnesia cause you to lose all the basic knowledge? “This is a demon transformed by foul aura. It has no rationality and they come in all sorts of grotesque shapes… Be careful, a Foul Demon won’t appear alone.”

The Underworld Fire’s warning became even more frenzied. Strange demons of all shapes and sizes appeared from all directions, devouring human flesh and blood.
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The cultivators skillfully joined hands, laying down arrays or brandishing their weapons, they surrounded and suppressed them.

“Hlcurtl, vbc’a yf jogjlv,” Vbcu Alcmtfcu rajgfv ja atf Mbei Gfwbc bc atf gbbo.  Ugfafcvlcu ab yf mjiw, tf mbwobgafv tlw, “Ktlr lrc’a j qbkfgoei Mbei Gfwbc, nfgs fjrs ab vb jkjs klat.  P jcv ws rfclbg ygbatfgr jcv rlrafgr tjnf xliifv rfnfgji bcfr rlwlijg ab atlr. P tjnf j iba bo fzqfglfcmf klat atlr.” Ciatbeut atf meialnjabgr bo atf Zfvlmlcf Blcu’r Njiifs kfgfc’a ubbv ja olutalcu, wbrais lc mtjguf bo ibulralmr jcv agfjalcu atf kbecvfv veglcu atf mjwqjlucr ab filwlcjaf atf vfwbcr, jcv atf bmmjrlbcji Mbei Gfwbcr abb kfgf vfjia klat ys atf rfclbg ygbatfgr jcv rlrafgr, yea tf mbeiv…… 

The Foul Demon on the roof opened its mouth, turning his entire body into a huge curtain, charging towards the three of them to wrap them up.

The Luminous Dragon’s eyes turned red. He looked at this Foul Demon, feeling vexed. It didn’t think it would taste too good. It didn’t want to eat it.

Song Jincheng used all he had to keep up his imposing manner. He looked around and found that the other cultivators were busy killing off other Foul Demons. They wouldn’t be able to spare anything to turn their way. He expected Song Qingshi to hurriedly escape. Then, he too could abandon his sword and follow after him to escape. But Song Qingshi stupidly stood still, looking for something in his mustard seed bag. He didn’t have the slightest intention of running away. The two watched helplessly as the Foul Demon pounced over. Song Jincheng looked at the densely packed fangs and frantically wielded his sword. He shouted in despair, “Why did I study medicine?!”

The Medicine King’s Valley, this lousy sect! Studying medicine can only save others, not one’s own life. 

“Move.” Song Qingshi pushed him away, and then with a flick of his fingers, threw two pills into the Foul Demon’s mouth.

The Foul Demon instantly closed its mouth. It paused for a while, and then rolled up painfully on the ground, making a hissing whine.

“Qu Hui Pill and Wang Chen Pill are both medicines to eliminate demon aura and heart devils. I sensed that this demon was simply formed from foul things. So, I did an experiment. I didn’t expect it to actually work.” Song Qingshi looked at the strange demon rolling on the ground. With desire for research written all across his face, he rolled up his sleeves, but couldn’t find any gloves. So he had to ask help from other people, “Who can help me hold it down? I’ve never seen this kind of thing. I want to take some samples for study.”

Song Jincheng felt like an utter fool… 

The Luminous Dragon wasn’t afraid of getting dirty. It uses the strength of a giant snake to hold down the Foul Demon, and ingratiating himself to Song Qingshi, dragged it to him, “Daddy, for you.”

“Good boy,” Song Qingshi smiled at the Luminous Dragon, then took out from the mustard seed bag a few of the small porcelain bottles for collecting samples. He collected the acid from the mouth of the Foul Demon, and took some skin tissue and flesh. He stored them separately, and then chided Song Jincheng, “The most important thing for a doctor is to stay calm. How can you panic when you encounter a small matter? You should first examine an enemy’s weakness and then use medicine or poison to dispose of them.”

He was obviously no sword cultivator and he hasn’t learned any swordsmanship. Did holding onto a lousy sword boost his courage or something?

Song Jincheng replied, embarrassed, “It hasn’t been long since I reached Foundation Building. I panicked…” 

Song Qingshi hated iron for not becoming steel. “I’m also at Foundation Building right now. You fight with your brain, not your cultivation base.”

He burned all the remaining pieces of flesh with the Underworld Fire. He then curiously observed the other Foul Demons. Each one was slightly different. Some were corrosive-types, some were speed-types, some were power-type… they all massacred humans. The innkeeper’s wife had already lost a leg to the Foul Demons’ attack. She fell in a pool of blood, shouting to her husband and children to escape. The innkeeper was an ordinary mortal. He arranged for his eldest daughter to take her younger siblings to escape into the cellar and hide.  He then grabbed a kitchen knife to rescue his wife.

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Song Qingshi quickly connected a lightning spell and a fire spell to a golden needle to form a Lightning Chain. He then pierced the mouth of the Foul Demon with the golden needle. It exploded at the place it was set. Song Qingshi snatched the leg it had been eating and threw it to Song Jincheng, instructing him, “You go to stop the bleeding for the lady boss. Then warm the severed limb with the Five Immortal Spirit Liquid to keep it active. I will try to connect it later.”

He wanted to kill this man-eating monster. 

Suddenly, a raging fire ignited on the injured Foul Demon, and it instantly turned to black ash.

The beautiful red-clothed boy slowly walked down the stairs. Wherever his spiritual thoughts went, all filthy things were burned away. He then walked in front of Song Qingshi. He looked him over, “You didn’t get dirty?”

The cultivators were inexplicably rescued. Suspecting that it was the hand of the almighty, they quickly cupped their hands towards the sky in thanks. They then cleaned the battlefield and rescued the wounded. Song Qingshi joined the treatment team. He connected the leg for the inn’s lady boss, but the injury was too serious and there were problems with many of her meridians. If there were no better potions for treatment, she would have to walk with a limp.

For the innkeeper and his wife, this result was already an unexpected joy. They were eternally grateful and took out spirit stones to pay for the treatment. 

Song Qingshi thought for a while, collected the money for the Five immortal Spirit Liquid and gave it to Song Jincheng. He then asked, “These monsters appear often?”

“Our town is considered quite peaceful. They make trouble about once every 20 to 30 years,” The innkeeper told them everything he knew, “Mostly a few scattered Foul Demons that, thanks to the immortals elders, are easily resolved. An instance like this when the demons infiltrated the town on a large scale and ate so many people… the last time it happened was two hundred years ago. The fields were littered with corpses, the devastation is still vivid. It was the cultivators of the Tai Yi School who arrived in time and saved the people in town.”

Song Qingshi asked again, “How were these demons born?”

The innkeeper’s voice went quiet. He was reluctant to speak. 

“Where else except from that bastard at the Inextinguishable Peak?” A ruffian who drank a couple pots of hard liquor after the battle, let the alcohol get to his head and now, he found the resentment hard to shoulder. He spoke carelessly, “The original cultivation world was a great place. Since the birth of the god of the Inextinguishable Peak three thousand years ago, there have been more and more of these Foul Demons…Everybody says that he’s killed too much and has incurred the resentment of heaven and earth. This is their revenge upon him.”

“You shouldn’t talk so much. A loose tongue causes trouble.” The cultivator next to him hurriedly advised him, “Who knows if there are any eyes on you…”

The ruffian said angrily, “If he wants to kill me, then let him kill me! I’m not afraid! The one at the Inextinguishable Peak isn’t a god, it’s a devil! He’s going to destroy the world!”

Song Qingshi remembered the mission of the system, and asked curiously, “This god…what exactly does he look like?” 

“He hides his head and conceals his tail. He must be unbearable ugly.” The ruffian borrowed liquid courage and wanted to curse even more. Suddenly his throat and tongue stiffened, and he couldn’t speak. He looked around in horror, but he couldn’t find any suspicious characters. But he cast his suspicions everywhere… It was told that the god’s incarnations were ever-changing and everywhere. Fear made the alcohol dissipate from his body. Remembering that what he had said were words of treason and heresy, he quickly bolted out of the inn.

Feng Jun didn’t even look at him. He walked to Song Qingshi’s side and asked with a smile, “Do you need to collect more of the different samples?”

Song Qingshi nodded.

“I don’t know where the Foul Demons came from either. It has nothing to do with the Inextinguishable Peak.” Feng Jun put on his gloves again and ordered the Luminous Dragon to drag the charred remains and fragments over. He then skillfully began taking samples. He explained in a low voice, “I’ve been working hard to eradicate these dirty things. I’ve tried various methods, but no matter what I did, I couldn’t eradicate them…” 

After he turned the world into a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, these Foul Demons were born. As time went on, there were more and more of them. He thought that they might have been formed from those evil souls, so he turned many of the gravely sinful into soul lamps and placed them on the Inextinguishable Peak to be tortured. But the number of Foul Demons did not decrease… The half-demon blood in An Long’s body began to mutate with the appearance of the Foul Demons, and he would often lose control. They studied it for a long time but found no solution. Finally, while he was still conscious, An Long asked Feng Jun to seal his body in the endless abyss, with layer upon layer of shackles and seals, so that he would not to cause disaster to the world.

The Foul Demons continued to exist, making the world unbearable with their stench.

Feng Jun burned batch after batch. Every time he killed one, a new Foul Demon would be born elsewhere.

Like….evil desires that would not die or be put out. 

Because he destroyed all the filthy things, the dirty human hearts, and tried to change the rules of the world, even more foul monsters appeared.

Was this his fault?


Deng Tian Peak, Water Wave Moon; the barrier around the sealed demon land has been broken. Several hundreds of the Foul Demons sealed within, escaped and wreaked havoc everywhere. 

Amidst the freezing winds, countless icicles pierced upwards from the ground, stabbing through the bodies of the demons, nailing them to the rock wall. They then froze and shattered into fragments. Bai Zihao stood atop an icy blue sword in the sky. He had a temperament like a cool breeze and bright moon, with a smile at the corners of his lips, and his clothes fluttering in the wind. Everywhere he went, swirled wind and snow, ruthlessly destroying all demons.

The Bing Shuang Longsword landed, opening the cave hidden by the seal formation.

In the cave, there was a Nascent Soul cultivator who was covered in wounds. He cried out in joy, “Thank you, Xianzun, for this life-saving grace.”

Are you Sect Master Huang of the Water Wave Sect? Someone asked me to come find you.” Bai Zihao quietly glanced at the document in his sleeve, and asked with a smile, “Where is your harem?” 

“Don’t bring them up. My newly-accepted seventh concubine was a slut,” Sect Master Huang mentioned this matter and grew furious. He ‘bah’-ed and said, “On our wedding night, she opened the barrier around the sealed demon land. She used flesh and blood as a sacrifice and attracted the demons to invade the Water Wave Sect. I fought with all I had but I couldn’t defeat them. We suffered countless deaths… The other wives and concubines were in a mess, and I don’t know where they went. The whole lot of them were fickle, wanton things. They just wait until I find them and…”

Before he finished his words, a short knife made of ice pierced his mouth and went through the back of his neck.

“I didn’t ask you that many things,” Bai Zihao said indifferently, “You killed Gui Ling Island’s rogue cultivator, Luo Daoren and kidnapped his daughter to make into your concubine. Shenjun ordered me to bring you back to the Inextinguishable Peak to be tortured.”

He skillfully extracted the soul out and put it in the soul lamp. He then had the sound transmission bird bring it back to the Inextinguishable Peak. 

Bai Zihao took out a long list of names from his sleeve and then crossed out a name on it. After that, he counted it and sighed.

“The tasks shenjun gave me, there’s still so many left. I just won’t be able to finish them all…”

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