Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 92: CH 92

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Chapter 92: Golden Peacock 

Bai Zihao decided to live in seclusion, avoiding inviting trouble as much as possible.

He observed for a few days, and looked for villagers to order some of the chief daily necessities. These were delivered to him every other week. The rest of his days, he spent with his door closed. During the day, he sat by the window and listened to the students reading aloud from the school next door. He would sit for the entire day, and afterwards, at night, he would go to the well and draw water. He would then go to the kitchen to prepare some simple dishes. He didn’t want to provoke any trouble…

Come to speak of it, it was ridiculous. He used to spend all his time thinking about how to serve Jin Feiren. He was very tired. Now that things were quiet, he was a little unaccustomed to it. He kept feeling empty, not knowing what to do, and also a little lonely. When he was lonely, he couldn’t help thinking about a lot of things, a lot of people. He would think and think until he was reduced to tears.

Bai Zihao was never lonely for long. Kong Muhua from the house next door would always look for him to play. Whenever he showed that he wasn’t interested, Kong Muhua would cry aggrievedly, appearing the weeping beauty, looking extremely pitiful. He couldn’t bear the sight of a little girl crying her eyes out and he ended up doing inexplicably doing a lot of strange things.  

Kong Muhua: “Zihao Gege, there are a lot of weeds in your yard. Let’s clear it out and plant some grapes.”

Bai Zihao refused once, then tried his best to clear the weeds, set up a grape rack, and even installed a swing under the grape rack.

Kong Muhua: “Zihao Gege, your yard is so big. Let’s dig a pond. We can have our images reflect on the water.”

Bai Zihao refused twice, then studied how to dig a pond and he even planted two red lotus plants in it.

Kong Muhua: “Zihao Gege, I want to embroider a handkerchief with crab apple flowers. Please draw me a pattern.”

Bai Zihao refused three times, then finally found pen and paper and stayed at his desk, drawing multiple versions from which he let him choose. He had tried his hardest to learn the four arts but everyone said that he had no talent. His drawings were unimaginative; his calligraphy lacked vigor; his chess was too weak. But his skills on the zither were passable, the fingering was correct but lacked emotion…

“I didn’t paint it very well,” Bai Zihao stopped drawing and looked at the crab apple flower that he had drawn. He apologized, “I’m not very good at doing this. If you don’t like it, you can just throw it away. It’s okay…”

He had never done anything that had gained Jin Feiren’s approval. He was also stupid and always made mistakes. Apart from his beauty and body, he had nothing that was presentable. Jin Feiren, with such a lofty status, lowered his honor and instead of choosing those outstanding immortal ladies from rich and powerful families, chose a useless man like him to be his Daoist companion. He even removed the Acacia Seal, used various precious beauty-preserving medicines to control his body and preserve his beauty. He should be grateful… 

“Huh?” Kong Muhua raised his head in surprise, took the paintings, and looked at them carefully. He said, incredulous, “You paint very well! It’s very beautiful. I think it’s even better than Master’s Wu’s paintings! I want it! I’ll embroider it well and make a skirt.”
We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Djl Iltjb yiertfv ja tlr qgjlrf. “Gbc’a ajix cbcrfcrf, la klii wjxf qfbqif ijeut. Tbe’nf cfnfg rffc atf Lecvgfv Xtbrar vgjkc ys Zjrafg Qe. Pa’r wjvf klat nlubgber oibeglrtfr jcv qbkfgoei ragbxfr. Pa’r vgjkc ab yf nfgs oglutafclcu. Pa’r fzdelrlaf…”

Bbcu Zetej mjgfoeiis mbiifmafv atf mgjyjqqif agff oibkfg qlmaegfr, jcv rjlv klat j rafgc abcf, “Yo mbegrf P’nf rffc Zjrafg Qe’r qjlcalcur. Ktfs’gf jii utbrar vjcmlcu wfrrlis lc lcx. Pa’r qlamt-vjgx klat yijmx fnfgsktfgf. Ktf “Ufjmbmx Jbcdefglcu atf Gfwbc” atja tf vgfk tjv atf qfjmbmx’r fsfr vgjkc ilxf ygjrr yfiir. Pa’r rb euis! Po la kfgfc’a obg tlw tjnlcu jigfjvs qjrrfv jkjs j ibcu alwf jub, P kbeiv tjnf obecv tlw jcv…Ktf mgjyjqqif oibkfg sbe qjlcafv lr yfjealoei, jcv P kjca ab fwygblvfg la bc j rxlga. P kbeivc’a ufa fcbeut bo la fnfc lo P rjk la fnfgs vjs.”

The ‘Peacock Conquering the Demon’ was the pinnacle of Master Wu’s works. The original was missing but there were many imitations and fakes on the market. 

Bai Zihao felt that Kong Muhua had never studied calligraphy and painting, and did not understand its profound subtleties. He must have seen some bad quality fakes at the calligraphy and painting shops in the city. This was why he thought he painted well. However, Kong Muhua’s sincere and lavish praise still made him very happy. He felt that he painted very neatly, suitable for embroidering. Moreover, he was alone at home and he wanted something to divert his loneliness, so that his imagination wouldn’t go running away. And so, he began to do various paintings in his spare time; all kinds of flowers and birds.

Kong Muhua praised his works even more. He would keep changing it up, until he’s almost used up all the good words on the market. Finally, he looked at the crane drawing and suddenly said, aggrieved, “Zihao Gege, why don’t you paint a peacock? Don’t you like it?”

Bai Zihao explained, “I like peacocks with their tails fanned out. They’re colorful, elegant and poised but they’re very difficult to paint. Without an actual model, I would not dare draw it.”

Kong Muhua suddenly turned shy upon hearing this. His ears went a little red. He acted all shy and coy for a good long while and then said, “So, you like seeing peacocks with their tails fanned out?” 

Bai Zihao said, baffled, “En, I like it.”

Kong Muhua thought for a while. Grinning, he proposed, “There’s Mirror Lake in Nanshan with beautiful scenery. I’ve seen a peacock appear there. You can go there to relax. Maybe you’ll meet a beautiful peacock who’ll spread its tail and dance to you.”

Nanshan was not far away and it was uninhabited by people. Now, the bright mountain flowers were in bloom. He could draw the scenery and also pick up some fruits or mushrooms. Foundation Building cultivators weren’t afraid of the poisonous snakes and wild beasts in the mountain. It wouldn’t take too much time to make the journey.

Kong Muhua kept persuading him. Bai Zihao thought for two days, and was finally moved. He then set off. 

Mirror Lake was a lake in the mountains. Calm, without any waves, it was like a bright mirror and it reflected the blue sky and white clouds on its surface. The vegetation was verdant and thick. Butterflies chased each other to and fro; rabbits poked out their long ears one after another. The breath of spring permeated everywhere.

Bai Zihao looked at such beautiful scenery, and his mood relaxed a lot. He casually sat on the grass and  took out pen and paper. He tried to draw the little egrets and red-crowned cranes drinking water by the lakeside. He was a little hesitant to put pen to paper but thinking that there wouldn’t be anyone to criticize him even if he drew badly, his drawing style became more natural and unconstrained. 

Suddenly, the cranes and egrets all flew away.

A rare golden peacock landed from the sky. It stood by the mirror lake. It faced its reflection and then shook its wings. It then carefully smoothed out its golden feathers with their multi-colored sparkles. Finally, it turned around and faced Bai Zihao, spreading its enormous tail feathers. It slowly turned into the most luxurious round fan. Each stripe was filled with extraordinary splendor, sparkling and glittering under the bright sunshine.  

It shook its fanned tail, and stepped briskly in various dance poses by the lakeside.

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Even in the Golden Phoenix Manor, where rare and exotic animals gathered, there had never been such a beautiful peacock.

Bai Zihao carefully held his breath, lest he frighten away this beautiful creature that was bred by seizing the good fortune of the universe. He quickly painted the image of the dancing peacock. He drew one after another. Fortunately, the golden peacock stayed by the lake for a long time. It waited until he was almost finished painting before it spread its wings and leisurely flew away.

Such an encounter was so beautiful, it was like a dream. 

He returned to the house jumping with joy. He then calmed his heart and concentrated on drawing. What he learned was gongbi, which required a lot of patience. First, he sketched the lines and then rendered them layer by layer with light ink. Each time he finished rendering, he had to let it dry. He repeated this about dozens of times before he obtained a well-organized and coherent peacock in ink. He then used various colors to render it layer by layer. Finally, he used golden thread and black ink to make the finishing touches. 

It took him more than half a year to finally draw a magnificent and resplendent painting of the peacock. Although it was far from the masterpieces of famous artists, it was his painting that he was most satisfied with. During this period, Kong Muhua would often come over to see it. He praised it over and over. His eyes were full of anticipation. After the painting was completed, he was so delighted, he turned around in circles, just like a peacock.

The works of art that you like should be given to those who appreciate it.

Bai Zihao gave this peacock painting to Kong Muhua as an expression of thanks for this period of time. 

Kong Muhua was so happy that he nearly disregarded the suspicion of men and women, and rushed in to hug and kiss him .

Bai Zihao hurriedly stopped the inappropriate move. He then realized that the two of them had been walking too close during this period. Although there seemed to be no gossip within the village, he should prevent the other party from giving birth to any thoughts. It was time to tell him about his marriage long ago, but… he was really ashamed to tell others that he wasn’t the one who took a wife, but rather, he was the one who was married away. As a result, he procrastinated for a long time, and said ambiguously, “I’m actually a cultivator and I have a Daoist companion. I have to remain faithful.”

Kong Muhua looked at him for a long time, and suddenly smiled. “You’re lying. I heard when cultivators bind themselves into being Daoist companions, they will all be branded with their Daoist companion’s mark. I’ll only believe you if you let me see!”

Bai Zihao had no choice but to gently pull down his neckline a little, revealing the dark red three-petaled water caltrop flower mark on his collarbone. He then quickly closed it. 

Kong Muhua glanced at it, and his face turned cold.

There were several kinds of seals fpr Doaist couples in the immortal realm. Normally, Daoist companions would choose an inerasable mind or body imprint.  Only when taking a Daoist companion with a very low status, could they use this imprint. If Jin Feiren were to take on another Daoist companion, and the mark granted to the new companion was of higher rank, it would mean that Bai Zihao will be relegated to being a concubine. 

Bai Zihao knew what the water caltrop flower mark symbolized, but hadn’t dared to request. Jin Feiren said that it had already been difficult enough to get the Fen Shen elders’ approval for him to take Bai Zihao as his Daoist companion. Moreover, he liked submitting to a man’s control, he knew no shame, and would be so unrestrained when touched by a man. Even if he was treated roughly, he would still get a reaction… If Jin Feiren didn’t take him as his Daoist companion, who would be willing to accept a spouse with such a depraved body?

Bai Zihao was too ashamed to speak of these sufferings. He couldn’t tell anyone. 

Kong Muhua, though, understood. He was so livid, his tail almost stood on end. He decided he was going to fly back to the Inextinguishable Peak that very night. He’ll go to the torture room to steal shenjun’s fun and add a little something for the scum. Like an insect basin or maybe ant torture… In addition, he was going to complain to shenjun why he had to play the role of a child? This hampered his ability to use his foxy charms to put a green hat on that scum.

Bai Zihao didn’t want his emotions to affect others. He smiled. “You’re still young and don’t understand this.”

Kong Muhua was seething. “I’m not young anymore.” He was a great peacock who has lived for thousands of years.

Bai Zihao continued to sit down and paint. Although he was still very gentle, there was now a slight estrangement. 

Kong Muhua dallied around by his side for a while but couldn’t find a chance to act spoiled. He was left with no choice but to leave obediently. Afterwards, he disappeared for several days, off doing who knows what. He returned looking quite satisfied and then gave Bai Zihao a golden peacock tail feather.

Bai Zihao was stunned.

Kong Muhua grinned. “It’s something I picked up before and now, I’m giving it to you. As a thank you for giving me the painting.”

Bai Zihao hesitated, not knowing whether to accept it. But just as he showed the slightest intention to reject, tears nearly escaped from the other’s eyes. He had to accept it. 

Kong Muhua mysteriously urged, “It’s very precious. You must keep it safe.”

Bai Zihao smiled and said, “I will cherish it.”

“If you like it, I will give you the entire peacock to hug to sleep. His beautiful tail will be your quilt. It’s very comfortable,” Kong Muhua suddenly leaned in and spoke softly in his ear. His eyes turned mature. His red lips contained bewitching enchantment and his voice had a flirtatious charm. “He can also fan out his tail and dance for you every day…”

His words made Bai Zihao’s ears turn red and his heart was beating fast. He hurriedly drew back. 

Kong Muhua had already sat back down, playing with the red string on his braid. His face was all innocent and romantic, as though he didn’t understand anything.

Bai Zihao rubbed his eyes, feeling that he must have seen wrong.

Had he stayed in the Golden Pheonix Manor for so long that he’s been influenced by those beasts?

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