Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 96: CH 96

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Chapter 96: Phoenix Token

Song Qingshi left a medical plan and left the follow-up treatment of the wounded to the clinic in town. He then went to the pharmacy to prepare some commonly used medicinal materials. He also bought a new pill furnace, preparing to refine some pills when he had the opportunity. As a doctor, with medicine in hand, he wouldn’t succumb to any panic. 

He had no idea how but Feng Jun found them a magical ship to send everyone to the Heaven Martial Sect.

When they set off, the innkeeper took his wife out to see them off. He waived all their expenses, and prepared various food ingredients. The cultivators and family members of the wounded in town who he’d treated also came. They smiled as they handed Song Qingshi a lot gifts to express their gratitude.

Song Qingshi declined, leaving only a few baskets of eggs to feed Xiao Bai.

Under the spirit beast’s lead, the ship slowly soared into the sky. Song Qingshi stood by the window, looking at the towns and the entire countryside. All around were smoke from kitchen chimneys, mountains and rivers. The scenery remained the same, but it was slightly different from the one in his memory… He thought for a long time, and finally realized that there seemed to be no slaves in this world. 

In his memory, most mortals were slaves to the cultivators. They were treated like pigs and dogs. They didn’t know how to resist, and lived numbly. Nowadays, he saw that many of the shops and restaurants were run by mortals. There were also many mortal artisans in the workshops. There were mortal apprentices in the hospitals and pharmacies. Most of them were energetic and full of hope for life.

Before, if a mortal accidentally touched the corner of a cultivator’s clothing, he might be killed. Now, he often saw cultivators and mortals drinking and chatting together. Everyone was talking and laughing. They seemed to be getting along well.

How did all this change?

“It’s Lady Qing Luan. She developed a lot of inexpensive drugs.” Song Jincheng realized his doubts and once again flaunted his ancestor. “After the use of medicine became widespread, the survival rate of mortals rose. Lady Qing Luan recruited mortals into the Medicine King’s Valley to become doctors, opening clinics and hospitals in all parts of the immortal realm…During that period, it was the dark times, the immortal realm suffered heavy casualties and severely lacked manpower. Everyone saw that the doctors trained by the Medicine King’s Valley were quite good, so they gave a lot of the work to mortals. Craftsmen, doctors, farmers…I can’t name them all. In any case, there were more and more mortals, and everyone got used to it. Some mortals who were smart and had good spiritual roots got the opportunity to become cultivators. They’ve explored ways to deal with meridian defects and many have broken through to Core Formation. The Bai Lu Academy in the Northern Continent is a sect created by mortals. They only accept mortal disciples and they’re quite big.”

Song Qingshi praised, “Lady Qing Luan was truly an amazing woman.”

Song Jincheng was very proud. “Apart from the fact that she wrote too many medical and academic books that torment us half to death, everything else she did was pretty good.”

“Qing Luan isn’t that great, she just sorted out your-… Shizun‘s data and information, and then simplified it.” Feng Jun couldn’t help laughing when he saw Song Qingshi being turned crooked by this bear kid. He couldn’t help but smile. “Shizun left too many thing, many of which were too difficult. Qing Luan herself didn’t learn everything, far from it. She gave up the rare and difficult medical techniques and pill prescriptions, and focused her study on common diseases and common treatment techniques. She then summed them up into a set of teaching materials that everyone could learn, enabling the training of doctors in large numbers.”

Song Qingshi’s talents were outstanding and he was obsessed with medicine. He obtained the Medicine King’s Inheritance and studied for a thousand years. His piles of prescriptions, medical books, and experimental data were as high as mountains. Take for example bone injuries; he had 84 treatment methods for it. Qing Luan only selected eight of the most commonly used. She simplified the prescriptions, and then typed it into textbooks. 

The difference was probably…

Song Qingshi’s technique could heal a hundred people, each of them would recover perfectly without any after effects. But it was expensive and difficult to learn. He was only able to raise one apprentice, Yue Wuhuan.
We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Hlcu Oejc’r rlwqilolfv afmtcldef mbeiv bcis megf 90 qfbqif, jcv atfgf kjr j mtjcmf atfgf kbeiv yf joafg foofmar. Dea rtf mbeiv delmxis agjlc atberjcvr bo vbmabgr jcv mbnfg atf fcalgf kbgiv. Efislcu bc ibk qglmfr, atfs tfjifv tecvgfvr bo atberjcvr, wliilbcr bo atf rjwf xlcv bo qjalfca.

Qtlmt bo atf akb wfatbvr kjr yfaafg mbeiv cba yf vfyjafv. 

However, it was Song Qingshi’s research that served as the cornerstone of all this.

Feng Jun leaned on Song Qingshi’s shoulder and whispered, “I’ve done all that you’ve instructed me to do.”

Whether it was protecting the Medicine King’s Valley, following the will of the Grand Master, helping Qing Luan become a good doctor, promoting her ideas, or even allowing room for tolerance during his revenge, not allowing the world to be destroyed, he had tried his best to do it all…He even took care of that loathsome correct answer…

He listened to his every word. 

Song Qingshi thought he was talking about the ship, and held his hand tightly, “Thank you.”

Feng Jun looked at the white fingertips exposed under the robe, and asked eagerly, “Can I get a reward?”

Song Qingshi said, straight-forward, “I’ll give you a reward. I’ll give you whatever you want.”

Feng Jun licked his lips and said ambiguously, “Tonight, I’ll go to you. Should we…study in bed?” 

Song Qingshi was even happier. “Okay, I’ll stay with you all night. We can study as many books as you want.”


Song Jincheng hid to one side, feeling that Song Qingshi had already been deeply dazzled by Feng Jun. No matter if it was the look in his eyes or the way his voice sounded, it was all full of affection…

A single man and a single “woman” making an appointment to study at night? Although he was a chick, he know how these things went. They’ll read books about planting first, and then when they’ve gotten enough fruit, then they’ll read the books about agriculture, studying about plowing a field in spring, irrigation and sowing seeds… 

Seeing how happy Song Qingshi’s was, he probably didn’t know that he wasn’t going to be the one doing the plowing, rather he was the field waiting to be plowed.

It was so pitiful…

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He could understand Song Qingshi’s feelings. Having a stunning beauty like Feng Jun throwing herself into your arms, was something a man would never be able to endure. However… Feng Jun was not a woman, but the devil king of the Inextinguishable Peak. An existence that was one step away from ascending. How powerful could such a person be? Add to that those terrifying vines. This land that was Song Qingshi, was probably going plowed crippled, right?

Seeing a friend in trouble, but not daring to help, what kind of hero was he? 

Song Jincheng hid in the corner, faced the wall and closed his eyes. He won’t look anymore…

Song Qingshi and Feng Jun discussed the issue of the Foul Demons for a while. They then saw that Song Jincheng was squatting in a corner sullenly drawing circles, mumbling something about the code of brotherhood. Thinking that he was worried about his friend in the Heaven Martial Sect, Song Qingshi walked over to comfort him, “Your friend is fine, don’t worry too much. When we go back, I’ll help you and intercede with Yue Xiansheng to lighten your punishment.”

Song Jincheng turned his head, looked at his sincere and kind eyes, and thought of what was about to happen to him in the future. He felt even sorrier for his friend. He felt guilty and blamed himself. Finally, he steeled his heart and took out a small porcelain box from his mustard bag and stuffed it into Song Qingshi’s hand. He said gravely, “I bought it for you in the pharmacy. Your xiongdi can only help up to here.”

Song Qingshi opened the porcelain box, at a loss. He found that it was a box of some sort of silky cream. It smelled of sweet osmanthus, and had anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicine added to it. It didn’t seem like ordinary wound medicine. He thought carefully and asked, “Where is this medicine used?” 

Song Jincheng patted him on the shoulder and said sadly, “When the time comes give it to Feng Jun, he'll like it.”

Although Song Qingshi had never used this kind of medicine, he had a wealth of medical knowledge and had studied all types of medicines. After thinking about it for a while, he understood. He quietly glanced at the gentle and beautiful Feng Jun. He had a feeling that Song Jincheng thought of himself as some kind of womanizer. But it’s not easy to justify that he wasn’t boorish.

Feng Jun was already his boyfriend, and the two were dating with the intention of someday being Daoist companions. Some things will happen naturally when they were ready.

He has studied medicine for many years and has studied various physiological structures and responses. He wasn’t going to blush talking about s*x. After thinking about it, he generously put the porcelain box away and told Song Jincheng, “You don’t need to buy these for me. When I want to use it, I can just blend some myself.” 

Song Jincheng was dumbfounded.

Feng Jun heard everything.

He thought for a moment, and pretended not to have heard.


In the evening, the magic ship descended near the Heaven Martial Sect.

Song Qingshi looked at Song Jincheng and wanted to ask him how to announce their arrival. As a result, the kid mysteriously led their party around a couple of times, found a hidden corner and after confirming that there was no dog hole hidden behind the underbrush, rolled up his sleeves, and started climbing the wall.

Song Qingshi’s face turned dark. He pulled him to a stop and asked, “What are you doing?”

“A’Yu’s father said before that he was going to beat me as soon as he sets eyes on me.” Song Jincheng said solemnly, “Don’t worry, I have a map of Heaven Martial Sect and know where the disciples’ quarters are. Once I’ve figured my way around, I’ll find a corner to hide in. If I imitate a crow’s call, A’Yu will know that I’m here.” 

Yuwen Yu was a rare once in a century genius sword cultivator. He formed his Golden Core at the age of eighteen. Heaven Martial Sect regarded him as the hope of their sect and they did their best to train him. He lived up to their expectations, abiding by the rules, practicing diligently, and never giving his elders anything to worry about.

However, after letting him recuperate in the Medicine King’s Valley for half a year, Song Jincheng led him astray! Not only did he teach him to jump over the wall to play truant, seduce girls, get into fights, and commit all kind of outrages, he even secretly took him drinking, getting him ridiculously drunk and getting involved in all sorts of embarrassing situations… Finally, Heaven Martial Sect’s Sect Master intervened and the two were both given lashing, fifty each. Yuwen Yu tried to protect Song Jincheng and tried to take the blame for him. In the end, the two received thirty lashings more for talking back to their elders.

Song Qingshi said whole-heartedly and with all sincerity, “I want to hit you too.”

“A’Yu is very pitiful,” Song Jincheng insisted. “His father has put the future of the whole sect entirely on his shoulders. A’Yu had no childhood and he has no close friends. He has been cultivating every day since he was three. Every time he makes a mistakes, he gets a whipping. We’re obviously around the same age, but he talks like an old man. He’s so by the rules that no one wants to approach him. I couldn’t stand his pedantic issues so I tricked him into going out to play. He said he didn’t want to but he ended up having more fun than I did…” 

The scholar-tyrant was led astray by the slacker into not liking to study anymore.

Song Qingshi could understand why Heaven Martial Sect’s Sect Master wouldn’t allow Song Jincheng to approach his son. Song Qingshi had been very steadfast in his studies of his Dao Heart but he was seduced away by Song Jincheng. He spent many days reading numerous novels through the night. If it weren’t for his serious injuries, making it inconvenient, Song Jincheng might have dragged him to go to the flower house to watch the performances…It was said that there was a Lady Gongsun, who was an excellent lute player. One song of yearning would reverberate around the rafters for three days, making the listeners shed tears.

He liked music and wanted to listen, but he was afraid that Feng Jun would be angry, so he didn’t dare to…

Song Qingshi was a little worried. He had no identity and no name card either. It wouldn’t be easy for him to get in. Even if he managed to get through the door, he couldn’t lie. How could he explain to the Sect Master why he wanted to see his son? He was afraid that he’d be beaten as soon as he mentions the words “Song Jincheng”. 

Feng Jun reminded, “I saw a token in your mustard bag. Why don’t you try using that?”

Song Qingshi remembered that this token was used to withdraw money. It should be similar to a bank card, right?

He couldn’t think of any other way so they tried knocking on the door and showed the doorman the Phoenix token. Unexpectedly, the doorman was frightened and ran back to report. A red bird flitted across the sky, and within a moment, the Sect Master of Heaven Martial Sect came to greet them personally. With an extremely deferential attitude, he welcomed them into the main hall. He asked them to take the seat of honor and had the table spread with spirit tea and immortal fruits.

They seemed to be getting the VIP treatment? It’s too grand… 

Song Qingshi was overwhelmed by the gracious treatment and cautiously asked Feng Jun, “Does he owe me money?”

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