Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 97: CH 97

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Chapter 97: Misunderstandings One after Another

Feng Jun thought for a while, then gave a low chuckle, “Maybe he owes Yue Xiansheng money.” 

Song Qingshi suddenly saw the light and felt a lot more at ease.

The Heaven Martial Sect was a sword cultivating sect with a long history. The head of the sect is called Yuwen Yan, and he has cultivated to Nascent Soul. He was known for his dignified appearance and upright, plainspoken manner. He’s always had a reputation as a virtuous and capable person.

During the dark period, the major sects teamed up to destroy the atrocities of the Inextinguishable Peak. The two sides fought for a millennia, and in the end, they were defeated. All the powers above Nascent Soul died, and the rest of the sect members either fell or fled. Many of the low-profile sects seized the opportunity to develop, relying on the Inextinguishable Peak by either becoming a subsidiary or acknowledging allegiance. They gradually grew stronger. The Heaven Martial Sect was one of them.

Although the Inextinguishable Peak established many rules, they were not difficult to follow. It would be fine so long as you got used to it. If someone were to break the rules — committing murder for treasure, committing massacre, engaging in slave trade, oppressing the people, etc. — as long as these matters were brought to the Inextinguishable Peak, the god would send someone to deal with it. 

Gradually, the cultivators who committed evil deeds died, and the cultivators who abided by the rules increased. Since it was difficult to be opportunistic and engage in dishonest practices, hard work and luck became more important…

Nowadays, the emissaries from the god carrying the Phoenix token have descended upon the Heaven Martial Sect. This was equivalent to the god coming himself. They were facing imminent catastrophe. Usually, if someone in the sect has committed a very serious crime, the god’s emissary would bring their soul back to be hung and tortured upon the Inextinguishable Peak.

Yuwen Yan’s heart was beating like a drum. The sect’s two Fen Shen ancestors were both in closed door cultivation, and the elders haven’t gone out. Could it be that some troublesome disciple had broken the rules? Although the entire sect wouldn’t be implicated so long as the humbly apologized and handed over the offender; if this matter spreads out, the Heaven Martial Sect’s thousand-year unblemished reputation would be destroyed in one fell swoop…

Fortunately, shenjun’s messenger had also brought good news, saying that the emissary had traveled incognito and didn’t want to publicize his identity. It would be fine as long as he cooperated.

Yu Wenyan composed himself. He looked at the young-looking Song Qingshi, and the exquisitely beautiful Feng Jun beside him. Even though the both of them were only Foundation Building cultivators, it only made him feel even more disturbed—the god had thousands of incarnations in this world, some would even pose as mortals. A mere Foundation Building cultivators wouldn’t be able to obtain the god’s Phoenix token. Add to that the summons from the divine bird. All these indicated that one of the two must be an incarnations of the god in disguise.

Song Qingshi saw that the middle-aged cultivator’s expression was getting darker and darker. His heart couldn’t bear it, but he also couldn’t help him out and excuse his debt on behalf of Yue Xiansheng. He said comfortingly, “Don’t be afraid. I’m here to look for someone.”

Hearing the expected answer, Yuwen Yan closed his eyes. He took a long, deep breath, and resolutely said, “Speak, I will bring him.”

Before he came to meet with them, he had discussed with the elders. No matter which evil creature had committed the crime, the Heaven Martial Sect would immediately hand them over. They will be given the capital punishment to eliminate abuses and clear the air, and maintain the sect’s reputation. 

Song Qingshi saw that he was very open to discussion and said candidly, “I’m looking for Yuwen Yu.”
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“What?” Yuwen Yan couldn’t believe his ears, and asked for the name again. When he answered affirmatively, he suffered a great blow. He could no longer stand steady on his feet and staggered to a sit on the wooden armchair. He was panting heavily and could not speak for a long time. Yuwen Yu was not only his only son, but also the owner of a rare single thunder-type spiritual root. He was a genius with the sword, had excellent meridians, and a firm Dao heart.

Ktf fcalgf Lfjnfc Zjgalji Vfma tjv ugfja fzqfmajalbcr obg tlw, tbqlcu atja tf kbeiv yfmbwf atflg atlgv Mfc Vtfc jcmfrabg. Zjsyf tf mbeiv ub fnfc oegatfg, yfmbwf j Lfal bg j Jte Hljb meialnjabg. Po tf kjr iemxs, tlr oeaegf wluta yf fnfc yglutafg. Dea cbk…

Vfflcu tlw ilxf atlr, Vbcu Hlcurtl atbeuta tf kjr tjnlcu j tfjga jaajmx jcv yfmjwf j ilaaif oierafgfv. Lf tegglfvis rfjgmtfv obg j Lfjga Ugbafmalbc qlii lc tlr werajgv rffv yju. 

Yuwen Yan managed to catch his breath. Tears started streaming down. “He is a worthless son, but he has received his parents’ instructions since he was young. He has scrupulously abided by the law and he is honest and well-behaved. How could he have possibly done such evil?”

Song Qingshi tried to understand the meaning of his words. “You mean… your son has done something bad and was punished, so he hasn’t had the time to reply to Jincheng?”

The two looked blankly at each other and were silent for a long time. Both of them felt that something was wrong.

Feng Jun couldn’t stand it anymore and knocked on the table. “Yuwen Yu has done nothing wrong, but a friend wants to see him. It seemed easiest to call on the sect master.” 

In recent years, Phoenix tokens have rarely appeared in the immortal realm, causing this big misunderstanding.

Yuwen Yan didn’t understand why they would go to such troubles to see his son but he didn’t dare ask too closely. He stood up from the armchair and with his face a little red, he apologized to everyone. Suddenly he remembered the name that the envoy had just mentioned… Something Jincheng? He was startled, and slowly looked behind the two of them. He discovered that there was still another person standing there, hiding his head and covering his tail, being very evasive, looking like he wanted to shove his head into the ground.

There was only one person who could be this unprincipled.

Yuwen Yan said angrily, “Song Jincheng? You dare to come here?” 

Song Jincheng couldn’t hide no matter how much he wanted to. He shrank back even as he bowed in salute, “Hello, uncle.”

“Who is your uncle?” Yuwen Yan wanted to beat the shameless little brat and have him stay far away from his son. But thinking of how he had followed the god’s envoy here, and seeing that they seemed to have a good relationship, he had to hold down his anger and be amiable. He explained, “Yu’er went to the Yuan Ming secret realm a while ago. He made a mistake, was injured by an evil beast and fell into the river valley. Unexpectedly, he was given a lucky chance. He found Sword Master Mo Yuan’s sword. He also found a magic weapon left by Sword Master Mo Yuan. There is a strange formation on the magic weapon. He has shut himself in his room and has been studying it for more than two months, but he still hasn’t made a breakthrough…”

Song Jincheng immediately understood and said angrily, “What mistake did A’Yu make? He’s injured and you still put him in confinement?”

Yuwen Yan’s expression kept vacillating as he looked at this brat who was skipping and jumping about, looking to be in the peak of health. Taking a deep breath, he said, “A while ago, you wrote to him saying that you had encountered a life and death crisis and that you did not have long to live. You wanted to go with him to Rong Gui Lane to eat meat buns. You asked him to help you. As a result, he ran away while on the way to the secret realm with his elders to gather experience. He wanted to see you in the Medicine King’s Valley. He encountered an evil beast along the way. Fortunately, some good came out of the situation…” 

“Jincheng had been seriously ill?” Song Qingshi was shocked. He had followed Song Jincheng all the way here, but he hadn’t found anything wrong with the other’s body. Could it be that his medical skills have regressed?

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Feng Jun guessed about what was going on. With a displeased expression, “Explain honestly.”

Song Jincheng was terrified, and spilled the beans like a toppled bamboo basket, “My father said that if I failed the exam again, he was going to grab a stick and beat me to death. I studied for half a month but just couldn’t memorize it. I couldn’t do it. I figured that since I couldn’t get past this hurdle, I would definitely be beaten. Rong Gui Lane is in Jinshan City near the Heaven’s Martial Sect. I-I wanted to run away from home and come find him. I was going to wait until my father calmed down before going back… Wait, I explained at the end of the letter. I told him not to run around once he comes out of the Yuan Ming secret realm. I told him to wait at home for my signal.”

Yuwen Yan’s face became even uglier. “I burned half of that letter.” 

Song Jincheng’s letters were never anything good. They either encouraged Yuwen Yu to be lazy and spend his time playing around, or instigated Yuwen Yu to talk back to his elders… He was bringing the future of the Heaven Martial Sect to behave unacceptably. It made him absolutely furious. However, the two of them hid it from their elders and kept up a secret correspondence using pseudonyms. It was hard to guard against every eventuality. He could only burn these letters whenever he got a hold of them.

That day, he saw Yuwen Yu had not been practicing his swordsmanship. He was hiding in a corner sneakily reading a letter. He just knew that it was Song Jincheng’s, and unable to restrain his anger, he snatched it away and burned it. As a result, Yuwen Yu only looked at the upper part. He was a serious person who didn’t know how to joke. He thought that Song Jincheng really had met with an accident. Taking advantage of their outing for experience, he secretly left the team, wanting to meet with his friend for the last time. On the way, he encountered a beast and narrowly escaped with his life. He fell into a river valley, suffering several broken bones and serious internal injuries.

The future of the Heaven Martial Sect almost collapsed.

Yuwen Yan interrogated his son’s reason for leaving the team. Furious, he placed him in confinement, and had him study Sword Master Mo Yuan’s magical weapon while he healed and reflected on his actions. If he couldn’t figure it out, he wasn’t allowed to go out. 

Yuwen Yu kicked up a fuss for a very long time before he stopped.

Yuwen Yan looked at Song Jincheng and clenched his fist around his sword hilt several times, resisting the urge to hack to death the culprit of this entire incident.

Song Jincheng shrank back and hid behind Song Qingshi. After thinking about it, he felt that it was not safe enough, and hid behind the Luminous Dragon, curling up into a ball. Trying to reason things out and reduce the danger, “Uncle, in this matter, we were both wrong so let’s call it even? Qingshi Xiongdi, you be our impartial judge.”

Song Qingshi was very entangled. He was very earnest in handling matters and he couldn’t bear the fact that the Medicine King’s Valley had such an ignorant and incompetent fellow who even tried to lead astray another family’s scholar-tyrant. But the friendship between the two was sincere… He thought for a long time and then proposed a compromise. “Sect master Yuwen, it would be better to let Jincheng see Yuwen Yu and clear up this misunderstanding. Then, I will take him back to the Medicine King’s Valley and hand him over to his elders to be kept under strict control to study hard, turning him into an excellent doctor. .” 

Clumsy birds have to start flying early. Diligence cures clumsiness.

When the time comes, he and Yue Xiansheng will both keep a close eye on Song Jincheng. They’ll make him answer exercise sheets every day. He simply didn’t believe that they wouldn’t be able to raise him into a scholar-tyrant!

Once the both of them have become scholar-tyrants who love studying, then they can be friends.

Feng Jun nodded. “That’s a good proposal.” 

Song Jincheng’s face turned pale. He gritted his teeth and conceded.

Yuwen Yan knew that he too was at fault in this matter. Some of his heart’s grievances quieted down and he took the three of them to see Yuwen Yu.

Yuwen Yu was a bright and handsome young man. He was recovering from his injuries and was also very worried about his friend’s life and death. Now, he’s lost a lot of weight. His face was pale and haggard. He was seated on a soft couch, with a black fox fur robe draped over his shoulders. Face pale, he tossed the magical weapon from hand to hand. This magic weapon was a thick ring of a dark golden color. The material looked like gold or iron. Complex formations and a nearly extinct ancient texts were engraved on its surface. A hand could just pass through the middle, but unlike jewelry, it would emit a clear and melodious sound when shaken.

He was sure that this artifact belonged to Sword Master Mo Yuan. The formation on it was brilliant. However, after studying for a long time and trying various methods such as dripping blood to have it recognize its master, he couldn’t even make out what kind of weapon it was. 

Song Qingshi felt that the ringing sound sounded familiar. He walked in and glanced at Yuwen Yu. He jumped in shock. He grabbed Feng Jun tightly, froze on the spot and rubbed his eyes. He asked quietly, “Can you see something on him?”

Feng Jun carefully looked him up and down for a long while before asking hesitantly, “His complexion isn’t very good?”

After Song Qingshi heard Feng Jun’s words, he felt even worse.

He saw on Yuwen Yu’s body a golden destiny soaring to the sky. Like a luminous bulletin board, it was so bright, it almost blinded him. This thing seemed to be invisible to others. It felt like Professor System was afraid that the stupid student would choose the wrong person and directly marked the word “protagonist” over Yuwen Yu’s head. It resolutely slammed into his sea of ​​consciousness. Even if he wanted to ignore it, he simply couldn’t. 

Song Qingshi aggrievedly recalled his mission.

He was sure that his task was to destroy the most evil villain in the immortal realm, the something something something of the Inextinguishable Peak…

Yuwen Yu has nothing to do with the Inextinguishable Peak, nor was he a villain. He was probably someone else’s mission?

Song Qingshi thought about it for a long time. 

He suddenly remembered that Professor System had exploded and that there was no one to collect homework. Why was he even bothered about the task? As for other people’s tasks, he’ll leave it to others to worry about. He still had a lot of Foul Demons to study. Feng Jun was a super smart learning god, and there was nothing more fun than studying with him. The two of them will join hands and they would definitely be able to solve this interesting puzzle that was the Foul Demons.

As for his mission target on the Inextinguishable Peak, he’ll wait until he has solved the puzzle, and if he gets the chance to run across him, he’ll consider it then.

Song Qingshi thought carefully and made his choice. He then threw all about his mission to the back of his mind and cheered up once again.

Feng Jun carefully observed the changes in his expressions, seeming lost in thought. 

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