Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 98: CH 98

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Chapter 98: Studying Hard

Question: How should you react if a friend you thought was seriously ill and dying suddenly appeared before you, ruddy-cheeked with health? 

Yuwen Yu was dumbfounded for a long while. He then asked hesitantly, “Have you gotten fat?”

“I’m not fat,” Song Jincheng resolutely denied. He’d been staying day after day beside the big devil king in a constant state of anxiety. He was worried about his friend’s life and chastity. On top of that, he was also serving the devil snake. He was mentally exhausted. “I’ve been stressed recently. I ate too many sweets, and I’m a little bloated. I’ll be fine soon enough.”

Yuwen Yu thought for a while and agreed, “I saw wrong.”

The two were silent for a long time. 

Song Jincheng was the first to react, apologizing with all he had, swearing to the heavens that it wasn’t intentional. He very nearly kowtowed before his hapless friend. “Please don’t be angry.”

Yuwen Yu was momentarily stunned. He asked in reply, “Isn’t it a good thing that you’re okay? Why should I be angry?”

Who would wish for their friend to have met with some mishap? Finding it was a misunderstanding was naturally a happy event.

Song Jincheng thought about it, and felt that what he said made a lot of sense and couldn’t refute it.

The two of them finally completely resolved the situation. Song Jincheng’s heart was like the sea, never holding onto anything. After confirming that his friend wasn’t angry, and that his friend’s father wasn’t going to hit him out of respect for Song Qingshi, he forgot all about being afraid. He picked up the circular instrument in Yuwen Yu’s hand, shook it and listened to the ringing. He smiled, “I have a feeling I’ve seen this kind of thing somewhere before.”

Song Qingshi finally adapted to the light of destiny on Yuwen Yu’s body. He ignored this thing that had nothing to do with him and then focused his attention on the magic weapon in Song Jincheng’s hand. He said in surprise, “Isn’t this a tiger brace?”

Everyone focused their attention on him.

“This is a bell that travelling doctors use. They carry it with them when collecting herbs. It’s used to frighten beasts and to announce their identity.” Song Qingshi found that Song Jincheng still looked to be at a loss, and he felt a little suffocated with resentment. “When travelling doctors travel through the countryside, they will shake this bell to remind everyone that they can come see the doctor.” 

Song Jincheng suddenly realized what it was. “So that’s how it is.”

Song Qingshi couldn’t believe it. “Although tiger braces have long fallen out of use, you’re a disciple of the Medicine King’s Valley…to some extent, you should know about the history of these medical tools, right? I remember it was written in many medical books. Could it be they’re all gone now?”

“No, there are some.” Feng Jun said with a gentle smile, “He is simply without learning or skills. The fact that he’s harming the Medicine King’s Valley’s reputation makes his master very unhappy. He really shouldn’t. He needs to be taught carefully.”

Song Jincheng shuddered and touched the top of his head, feeling worried for his hair. 
We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Snfgsbcf yfmjwf fnfc wbgf qehhifv. Zb Tejc kjr j rkbgv meialnjabg, rb kts vlv tf erf j alufg ygjmf, j abbi erfv ys j wfvlmji meialnjabg, ab mgfjaf j wjulm kfjqbc? Rbkjvjsr, xliilcu rbwfbcf ab gby atfw bo atflg agfjregf kjr raglmais qgbtlylafv lc atf lwwbgaji gfjiw. Ktf Lfjnfc Zjgalji Vfma vlvc’a tjnf jcs tfrlajalbc lc atf qgfrfcmf bo atf rtfcpec’r fwlrrjgs, rb atfs ufcfgberis tjcvfv bnfg atf alufg ygjmf ab Vbcu Hlcurtl, ifaalcu tlw raevs pera fzjmais ktja la kjr.

In order to study the prescriptions left by the ancient daneng’s, Song Qingshi had a deep knowledge of ancient languages.

He glanced at the script across its surface. He smiled, and explained, “This isn’t some magic weapon for killing. It’s a puzzle left by Sword Master Mo Yuan. He said that he has spent his entire life on this problem. He has exhausted all means until he went crazy. From beginning to end, he had not found a solution. Taking advantage of moments of lucidity, he used this treasured object he kept by his side to create this illusion formation. He has sealed a thread of his spiritual thought in it, hoping that future generations would find the answer for him.”

Sword Master Mo Yuan named this formation “Unsolvable”, indicating that there was no danger in breaking through the formation. Anyone who was at Foundation Building or higher could enter. Even if you fail to solve the problem, you could get a reward. From his spiritual thoughts, you could get a sword move he had designed or possibly a rare prescription. If the problem was solved successfully, you might get his inheritance. 

Feng Jun studied the formation on its surface and confirmed that what Sword Master Mo Yuan had said was true.

The method to open the magic weapon was to use two kinds of Strange Fires to burn it at the same time. The formation would then automatically activate, bringing everyone around into the illusion.

The Heaven Martial Sect was a sect devoted to swordsmanship. All of them loved swordsmanship to the point of fascination. They were all extremely eager to obtain Sword Master Mo Yuan’s swordsmanship. Almost all the disciples wanted to try their luck. Yuwen Yan wanted to send people to find Strange Fires. But Strange Fires were hard to come by. All of them were treasures of the various major sects. For a while, they were afraid this endeavor wouldn’t bear any fruit.

Song Qingshi stretched out his hand to make the Red Lotus Fire and the Underworld Ghost Fire appear on his palm at the same time. Solving problems was his hobby. The harder the question, the more he liked it. Now that he had encountered such an interesting problem, it tempted him terribly. He wanted to solve it. So he relied on his own Strange Fires to propose a cooperation with Heaven Martial Sect. “We’ll all solve the problem together. Anything to do with swordsmanship will belong to you, and the prescriptions would belong to me.” 

He wasn’t a sword cultivator and there was no conflict between their interests.

In any case, Song Qingshi was of the Inextinguishable Peak. They had no fear of him going back on his word. And even if he were to renege on his promise, there was nothing the Heaven Martial Sect could do about it.

Feng Jun also expressed interest in Sword Master Mo Yuan’s puzzle.

Yuwen Yan thought for a moment and agreed to cooperate. 

Song Jincheng kicked up a fuss about joining. He wanted to take a prescription back and offer it to Yue Xiansheng in an effort to reduce his sentence. In the end, except for the Luminous Dragon who wasn’t interested in this matter, and took the initiative to stay on watch, everyone wanted to try their luck and get some benefits from this formation which offered a reward even if you failed.

There was no limit to the number of people who could enter the formation.

The Heaven’s Martial Sect decided to do it as a collective activity. Everyone would try their luck. Maybe someone would be very lucky, or maybe fortune would favor the foolish and they would accidentally solve the puzzle. Even if they failed, getting more sword moves was also a good thing. Yuwen Yan went to have a meeting with the elders. He called together the disciples and had them make their preparations. He then set a time with Song Qingshi when to enter the formation, preparing to collectively solve the problem.

Song Qingshi once again got that feeling of entering an examination venue. It was so beautiful. 


That night, in high spirits, he dragged Feng Jun to study. The two lay on the bed and reviewed the information on Sword Master Mo Yuan. While Song Qingshi was taking down notes with a charcoal pencil, Feng Jun suddenly reached out his hand and lightly rubbed his lower abdomen. He then leaned next his ear and asked, “Will you let me see inside?”

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“Okay,” Song Qing understood instantly. He immediately lay down, relaxed his body, and dispelled his defensive spiritual power. He moved aside the Strange Fires in his body, and opened his dantian and meridians to the other without any reservation. He said generously, “You can look around as you please.”

A cultivator exposing his dantian in this way, represented absolute trust and willingness to hand over his life to the other. 

When Feng Jun had used his Yue Xiansheng incarnation to check Song Qingshi’s body while he was in a coma, he found that his dantian and meridians had many minor injuries. These must have been affected by the self-destruction of his Nascent Soul. He had the mind to investigate further, but he was blocked by the Strange Fires and he didn’t dare force his way through. He decided to wait for Song Qingshi’s body to recuperate before doing this but now, he was going to enter the formation to solve this puzzle… Although the formation didn’t seem to be dangerous, he was still worried. Seeing that his body had mostly recovered and could now endure it, Feng Jun decided to deal with these injuries ahead of schedule.

He used his mental probe to explore into his dantian. He then used his spiritual power to follow each meridian, carefully inspecting them. As expected, he encountered a lot of obstructions.

Having another’s spiritual power circulating in your meridians and having your own spiritual power in your meridians, were two kinds of sensations. It was especially tingling and crisp, like having ants crawling.

Song Qingshi was extremely uncomfortable and he couldn’t help twisting his body. Imploring, he asked, “Are you done?” 

“Bear with it a little. Don’t move around,” Feng Jun looked at his scarred dantian with heartache and worry. Seeing that Song Qingshi was ticklish, his movements became more and more dishonest. When Song Qingshi tried to escape, he directly used the Blood King Vine to tightly wrap around his hands, feet and waist, confining him to the bed, prohibiting him from struggling. He then quickly combed through his meridians and coaxed, “Behave. It won’t hurt.”

He didn’t intend to let him refuse, so he directly took out a whole set of golden needles as well as several medicines that he had prepared long ago.

When Song Qingshi saw the medicines, he felt flustered. The Zifu Pill, the Golden Lotus Mysterious Fire Pill, the Meridian Reconstruction Pill… all were rare top-grade pills. What they all had in common was that they were all used to quickly repair the aantian and the meridians, and also…taking them was painful and uncomfortable… …

Although he knew how to make these medicines, he didn’t have the ingredients. He had originally planned to spend a few years to gradually repair his dantian and meridians. He never thought that Feng Jun would have already prepared the tools and medicines early on. Feng Jun didn’t hesitate to use force in order to succeed. 

Song Qingshi calmed down. Suddenly, he felt a little shy. He had long guessed that Feng Jun’s cultivation base was not at Foundation Building, and that it might be much higher than his own. Now, Feng Jun’s willingness to give him his spiritual power to strengthen his meridians and help him cultivate was a good thing. This method produced quick and excellent results. A doctor needed to have superb skills in order to pull off this technique. On top of that, it would cause harm to Feng Jun’s cultivation. Even if he was his boyfriend, he was still embarrassed to have him do this kind of thing…

However, he knew that Feng Jun was right, and the earlier his dantian and meridians were repaired, the better. He mustn’t be unreasonable.

Feng Jun comforted, “Relax your body. Don’t be afraid, and leave everything to me.”

Song Qingshi nodded firmly. “Okay.” 

He gave up the struggle and let the Blood King Vine take off his clothes, exposing every inch of his skin.

Feng Jun didn’t have any amorous intentions. He used his mental probe to confirm the location of the blockages in his meridians. He then quickly inserted the needles. According to the unique acupuncture technique that Song Qingshi had developed before, he induced a slight local anesthesia to relieve the pain. He had already prepared these things many years ago. He has practiced it many times, and was very proficient at it.

Song Qingshi took a look at his acupuncture technique and he could tell that he was a master. He finally calmed down.

Feng Jun pierced him with eighty-nine gold needles. After thinking about it, he still felt uneasy, so he also had the Blood King Vine restrain him, before letting him take the pill. The first pill was the Zifu Pill, used to restore his dantian. When the medicine dissolves and spreads, it first brings a warm comfort but as time goes on, it gets hotter and hotter. 

The past years, the Inextinguishable Peak has collected countless secret methods and skills. Feng Jun has studied several methods of safely transporting spiritual power. When he saw that Song Qingshi was no longer resisting, that he had even closed his eyes in comfort, he seized the opportunity to transfer a large amount of spiritual power into his dantian, maximizing the effect of the medicine, not only repairing every wound, but also directly expanding the spiritual power in his dantian to the Great Perfection of Foundation Building. After that, it would continue to work, soothing and stabilizing.

Song Qingshi felt a raging fire ignite throughout his entire dantian. He was almost bursting with Feng Jun’s spiritual power. He finally realized that the other didn’t intend to just use a small amount of spiritual power to heal him, but wanted to directly form his Golden Core. He was filled with pain and worry. Struggling, he cried out, “Don’t! It’ll break! Stop! Don’t do this!”

Feng Jun answered him coldly, “Bear with it.”

The immortal realm was full of danger. One’s cultivation base was very important. He could not indulge Song Qingshi in this matter. 

Song Qingshi endured bitterly, tears almost poured out from his eyes. He finally got used to the swelling feeling in his dantian. His mind was a blank. His entire person was unwell. Feng Jun forcibly pried open his teeth and fed the Golden Lotus Mysterious Fire Pill and the Meridian Reconstruction Pill…

Feng Jun used his mouth to transfer to him a mouthful of spirit tea, allowing the medicines to dissolve. He comforted again, “It won’t hurt.”

The anesthesia induced by the golden needles did eliminate the pain, but there was still an extremely terrible itching…

Feng Jun himself tried these medicines several times, and felt that they weren’t too difficult to bear. 

However, Song Qingshi’s body was extremely sensitive; he could bear the pain, but he couldn’t bear the tickling sensation. He was tortured by the medicines until tears came out. He didn’t quite laugh, nor did he quite cry. He could only frantically twist his waist, wanting to reach out to scratch. But no matter how much he struggled, he couldn’t break free from the Blood King Vines. He cried for a long time and finally, he reached his limit. He lost his reason, and kept begging for mercy, “Please, let me go. Let’s do it next time. I can’t do it anymore. I really can’t…”

Feng Jun saw how he was suffering, and felt a little remorseful. But he wanted to pour his spiritual power into him and help him produce a perfect Golden Core. These sufferings would have to be experienced sooner or later. Better to bear brief sharp pains than lasting dull ones… Moreover, once you’ve shot the arrow, there’s no getting it back. The medicine was already taking effect and it couldn’t be stopped. It was better to get it done all at once. He held Song Qingshi as he combed through his meridians with his spiritual power, all while constantly softly apologizing, “I’m sorry, it will all be all right soon. You can beat and scold me afterwards…”

Song Qingshi used his little remaining rationality and whispered, “I won’t.”

Feng Jun kissed his lips and hardened his heart. He once again poured in his spiritual power. 

Song Qingshi cried again.


Song Jincheng and Yuwen Yu were chatting as they strolled through the courtyard.

Yuwen Yu heard a faint cry from the guest room, and asked worriedly, “Could something be the matter?” 

Song Jincheng listened carefully and confirmed that it was Song Qingshi’s voice. He understood that a tragedy was underway. He sighed and forcibly pulled away the Yuwen Yu who only had complete innocence writ across his face. “They’re studying hard. Don’t mind them. Don’t ask, just close your eyes. Let’s just take this as though this never happened…”

He believed that with the help of the medicine, his xiongdi would be able to survive through this.

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