Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – The book

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One week after the funeral...A young man, tall and skinny, is currently taking some books out of an old-looking bookshelf.

‘So much dust around here’ his exact thoughts after a book drops out of his hand on the floor and a cloud of dust forms around. No one had been living in this house for years after all, and no one around to clean, sadly, but it had a long history showing the impressive advancements of the previous owner.

‘Father said he plans to renovate the place after grandfather’s death’ Indeed, his grandfather, a nation-wide known doctor who started as a poor village man, worked hard, overcame all of his misfortunes with flying success, and this house is proof of that.

“Haaah” A sigh escaped his mouth after he stopped coughing as he was thinking about the history of his grandpa but not his death, as he was not disheartened by this event too much. He grew to become a cold person, maybe even a bit insane, not caring much about other people, even if they were family or friends, let alone strangers. He does not mind being with other people but doesn't enjoy talking. He enjoys reading and is an excellent liar and manipulator. That’s how he managed to find and keep the very few friends he made along the way and convince his parents to keep him home on the promise that he was studying for medical school. A lone wolf, as he likes to think about himself, and frankly, that description fits him quite well. He would never ask anyone for help, nor would he trust them.


But that sigh just now was reality hitting him. See, a few days ago, he failed his medical school exam for the 2nd year in a row, and although that wouldn’t be a problem generally for anyone else, for him, it was. His grandfather, a nation-wide famous doctor; his mother, an emergency doctor and head of department; his father, a military doctor with a high rank and the rest of his grandparents were either nurses, doctors or medical school professors. Even his brother, who was a few years older than him, was about to finish medical school. But him?


‘Can’t lie myself out of this one’ He wasn’t typically very emotional, always hiding behind a fake mask of emotions and actions. But all the belittlement from his family, especially his mother, who lives with him, and everyone judging him constantly could create the smallest fissures even in the stoniest, coldest hearth. He did enjoy reading, but he did not enjoy studying medicine, it just wasn’t his thing, too much wasted time before he could become an official doctor and all of that comes crashing down if you make a mistake and accidentally kill a patient. He tried telling his family that he didn't want to do it, that he would instead do something else that was as good but they wouldn’t listen. `It’s the family’s tradition` they would say, and he could not do anything to change that.


He sits down beside the bookshelf feeling a tear forming in his eye from frustration, but his pride simply won’t allow him to shed it. ‘I have no idea how I’m going to come back from this’ were his thoughts, after all his mother said that she was kicking him out after the funeral was over, and he didn’t want to live with his father either. ‘Maybe if I have tried more’ he thought but brushed it away quickly. He knew he had given his best, and that’s all. Where life will end up taking him is something left out to fate, he doesn’t care anymore. It would be better to just get a job at NcD’s, rent out a small apartment and live a quiet life all by himself away from his family. Which was his plan at the moment and probably the one he was going to stick with.


*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*


Suddenly a portion of the wooden floor he was standing on started to break, and his ass fell a little bit inside the wood.

‘Has the wood started to rot? It feels like there is moisture under it’ But that was the least of his problems as the entire wooden shelf was also going to fall, and it would be a quick death should he remain in the same place. But maybe that’s what he wants?


“Yeah, no shot” He quickly gets up and lets the bookshelf fall. Even though he very much dislikes his life and has thought multiple times about committing suicide, he never went on to do it but not because he was scared of death, but because it would just feel pathetic to him. If he was going to die, he would make sure to fight whatever it was trying to take his life. Such was his pride.


‘There was direct contact with dirt where the floor rotted’ He thought so because it felt moist, and there were traces of wet dirt on the part of the jeans that fell in the hole.


After barely being able to move a corner of the bookshelf that was stuck in the ground, it looked like there was a small place inside the house foundation that was not covered, and the wooden floor stood directly on the wet dirt for many years; therefore, it is now rotten.


‘But why would this place be missing? ... From the looks on the edges of the foundation, it looks like it was broken after it was finished.’ After thinking about it, he takes a metal rod he found in another room and tries to poke around in the dirt, but the rod doesn’t get far at all because it hit something. ‘Have I hit a rock?’.


Throwing the metal rod away, he started brushing the dirt off, and he found something that looked like a metal safe ‘Grandpa had broken the foundation and hid a safe inside it. Could I have stumbled upon a great treasure?’. He was doubtful that was the case. His grandfather had left everything of value to his kids through his will, and he was also very happy to give away everything that he had, so it wouldn’t make sense for him to hide something of value here. ‘Maybe some dark secret?’


The safe wasn’t big, so there’s probably not much hidden in there. He was not someone who usually worked out, and he didn’t have a lot of strength, yet he still managed to pull out the safe all by himself. It felt like there was something inside. It can be opened with a key, but he had nothing of the sort on him, and he never received anything from his grandfather, it might be with the other family members but he wasn’t going to let anyone see what was inside before him.


The bookshelf falling made quite a bit of noise, and the neighbor’s house that his father and brother went to visit was close by, so they might come back sooner to see what the commotion was about, finding the safe in the process. He had to act quickly.

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‘First come ... first served’ A smile on his face as he quickly goes outside. He did not have the key, nor did he know where it was, but why would he need it? The outside of the safe was badly eaten by rust; therefore, a few good smacks with a rock should open it right up.


*Smack* *Smack*


Already two hits in, and he could feel the lock giving in, his curiosity getting the best of him. He couldn’t wait to find out what secret would make his grandfather, the cheerful and open person that he was, go to such lengths to hide something.


*Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack*


Five more hits later, each one with more force than the other, the lock finally gave. He was worried at first that the contents inside might break, but that worry was put to rest because inside the safe was a book. A huge and thick book, it must have thousands of pages by the looks of it. ‘Feels like the locker weighs ¼ less now’ He thought and chuckled to himself.


‘A book, huh?’ Inspecting it closely in his hands, it looked very nice, it had a leather exterior, but there were no words on it. ‘Why would he hide a book, though?’ This thought plagued his mind while inspecting it because it did not make sense. What kind of secrets could this book have to make his grandfather hide it?


He decided to keep from reading the book until he got back home, and he put it into his backpack for now. It had only had a t-shirt and another pair of jeans, so there was plenty of space inside. It would attract some attention if someone were to inspect it closer, but they had no reason for it, and he would find a way to hide it well until he got home.


He also started pushing the safe back inside the hole, covering it with dirt, pushing the bookshelf back over the hole, cleaning the metal rod and putting it back in the room he found it. They had no reason to inspect the hole too much now, and they would need to get more people to move the entire bookshelf and clean up the mess, so he should be able to get away cleanly. When they do inspect it closer at a later date, they won’t be able to prove that he stole anything, and at most, he would damage his relations with his family further, but by then, he would’ve already moved by himself and cut ties with them so it all should be fine.


A couple of minutes later, his father and brother came back. They did not ask about any strange sounds, so he could only assume that they didn’t hear anything.


“Father, it would seem the wooden floor around the bookshelf has rotten” He leaned slightly out of the door, looked towards the main entrance and told them in a somewhat panicked voice. He was already in the persona he played around his family, a timid person.

“What a mess...” His father walked into the room and said, “Did you have to do something about this?”

“There were some books on the very top of the shelf” He started to look away from his father and also started fidgeting with his fingers. “I leaned a bit on it to get the books and I didn’t know the floor was rotten, and everything fell apart. I’m sorry.” Finishing, he said sorry almost in a whisper and also started to look down like he felt that it was all his fault.

‘Still as good as ever’ On the inside, he was pleased. His father started yelling, but he didn’t care about that, of course, and all the attention shifted to him for now, and from a simple look, you could see the rotten floor, so his father decided to inspect it later and yelling at this son seemed more important now.


In the end, his father took a quick look but didn’t give it too much attention for now, deciding to leave the bookshelf like this and return another day to take care of it.

The next day all three went back to their respective homes, which meant back to his mother’s house and even that, only until he found a job and a place to rent, and then he would be out of there.


Back in his room now, after all of that was over and after he had a quick fight with his mother, he was finally ready to read the book. Opening it and reading the title on the first page. “Guide book for the young members of the Johnson family in the Hugle World”

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