Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – Preparations

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‘A ... fantasy book?’ Such questions were going on in his mind, truly a mystery as to why his grandfather would hide a mere fantasy book

‘Well, since it has our family name, then maybe it was his attempt at writing a book, and he was so embarrassed that he hid it under his house’ He couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at this thought, imagining someone like his grandfather so embarrassed that he would destroy his house foundation to hide his embarrassment. Why not burn it instead?


He couldn’t hold back his curiosity anymore and started flipping through pages. He was first greeted by the table of contents which read as follows



Hugle world information....5-10

Medicinal techniques, potions and spells....11-146

Spell potions....147-1707

Demons, curses and rituals...1708-5381


He flipped more pages and it does have more information, like the spell/demon's names with lengthy details and explanations but he didn’t care to read through all that. For now, at least.

‘This looks very interesting for a fantasy book, especially the sheer amount of information. Seems like grandpa had quite the imagination.’ He thought as he quickly flipped pages ‘ I wonder why he would hide it. This is excellent stuff’

After having a quick look through the book, he went back to the first page and starts reading the first ten pages


After passing the age of 16, every member of the Johnson family will receive a copy of this book which contains information on how to travel between realms, information about the world until the year 1300 of the imperial calendar and additional information about medicine, demons, spells, rituals and curses.

The Johnson family is a very well-known, powerful and influential family in the Hugle world and is most known for its medical practices. We also have the ability to deal with demons and remove curses which is knowledge restricted to the church and some of the most powerful and influential families, like the royal family.

The Hugle world has multiple kingdoms, and most of the planet is populated by humans, but there are other sentient species that, at the time of writing, do not have any major conflicts with each other. Our family is located in the biggest kingdom at the time of writing, called The Jik Kingdom.

This mystical world also has magic, real deities and something called the system. Through the system, you can have a class, align with a deity and have a special bloodline, each of the three will provide skills. The system itself does not give a significant advantage over others; for example, a person that does not have the Mage class will still be able to learn magic, but they will have a longer cast time, a harder time learning new magic spells, and a harder control over spells. This means that the system only gives an advantage that can still be overcome by others with more training.

We, the Johnson family, aren’t initially from this world therefore we cannot have a class and no associated skills that come from a class so this book won't go into any more detail about them for now. However, the other deities do not seem to care about where we came from, and we can choose to align with Them. The process of selecting a deity will be explained better after coming over to the other world. We recommend the God of Knowledge, but we also encourage you, the owner of this book, to read about the other deities and their respective bonus skills during the ritual and make your own choice.

Finally, bloodline bonus skills are inherited once you first teleport to the Hugle World. There is no need to explain their use here, as you can read about your skills using the system once you manage to transverse the realms. To read the system, you will simply need to search within your mind as the information will automatically be transmitted there; please note that it might be difficult at first for some, as we've observed over many generations, to search for the information, but you are going to get accustomed to this after some time. All relationships with people of the Hugle World are prohibited as we cannot procreate with them.

Magic unrelated to deity and bloodline skills is also not available for us to use. However, we can craft certain potions that let us invoke the powers of the world, which gives us the ability to cast magic and participate in rituals. This is the result of a bloodline skill that our ancestors have managed to get and pass it over to us, their descendants. Information on how they managed to do that is restricted at the moment. However, you can be rewarded with this knowledge if you are faithful to and have made high contributions to the family over dozens of years.

To travel between realms, you need to go to the 9th page, where you will find the teleport ritual drawing. All you need to do is place your hand on it and keep it there. Beware that the pain will be there just on your first travel. Only we, the members of the Johnson family, can utilize this ritual, and nobody else should be able to use it. After teleportation, you will be transported to the main house of the Johnson family.



‘Quite the lore dump, I must say’ Of course, the information has been summarized from the eight big pages, but he kept note of what remained as it seemed easier to remember, and it also seemed the most important for the development of the story.

On the 9th and 10th page, two different symbols were drawn on each page, both having some kind of strange design with what appeared like runes or some other `ancient language`. The first drawing had the text `Hugle World Teleport` under it in tiny handwriting, and the other one had `Earth Teleport`.

He placed his hand over the first drawing and thought to himself ‘I never knew he had such talent for drawi...’ but he could not finish his thought as a sharp pain suddenly entered his right hand and he tried to lift it up but the book held on as if glued. After a few more seconds, the book started to have a dark purple glow to it, and his long free hair began to rise up in the air as if a small gust of wind was gently blowing it upwards.

In a panic, he grabbed the book with his other hand and forcefully pulled it apart. The glow started to slowly fade away, and there was no more air to push his hair around.



“Wh... Wha....Jus...” A few words quietly escaped his mouth, and he now just stayed on his bed, staring into the void, trying to make sense of what just happened. He was not scared, just confused. After all, he was not expecting anything to happen and at most, he thought he would just get to add another nice book to his collection.

He checked out his hand, but there was nothing unusual about it “It hurt just a moment ago” a smile started to form on his face as he quickly began to process everything “Could it actually?” He quickly jumped out of bed to pick up the book off the floor. It looked normal from what he could see. Immediately placing his right hand once more on the first drawing, the sharp pain shot up again up the hand, and it also started releasing that purple glow.


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“Ha..ha” He let a small chuckle and stopped the process again. He started inspecting the book more closely, but again it looked like any other ordinary book, if not a little fancy, but that’s all.

“Grandpa, you son of a bitch. How could you hold such a secret” He was still unsure about there being another world but he couldn’t deny that there was something magical about the book, and if the text inside the book was actually real, then...

“Oh, what a gift, What...a...gift” He said out loud at first, then spoke each word individually and gradually in a whisper, sounding a bit creepy, all while having a big smile plastered on his face.



He was always bored, after all, and he did not experience a lot of emotions in this world. All he enjoyed were books which could give him some relief but also frustration and jealousy of the characters in those books because he always wished to have such lives, filled with adventure, entertainment, excitement and danger that could take his life at any moment and so forth.

How could he ever pass such an opportunity? Medieval timeline, magic, other races, literal gods that bestow skills upon others and, more importantly ... a new life, the chance to start again anew, somewhere where nobody would know him. He could let himself be free without the constraints that modern times brought along, and he could get so powerful that bards would tell legends about his deeds, good or bad.

Now, this could all become a reality as he held onto this precious gift from his grandfather, which was not intended for him, but who cares? After all, he certainly didn’t.


“Preparations...” If the book can actually transport him to another world, then he needs to make some preparations. Food and water were of the essence, but some riches wouldn’t do him any bad.

Luckily for him, Mother left for work after they had their little fight earlier, and he quickly got dressed and rushed to the supermarket. His goal ... canned food; since it has an indefinite shelf life, it should do for a while, a few bottles of water and some other necessities. He was only going to get his backpack with him; therefore, he does not have a lot of space, and there is no need to carry bigger storage around; he should be teleported somewhere near the Johnson family house in the new world, according to the book’s contents, and although he does not plan to actually stay there and let his presence be known, he will still be inside a city, and even if that’s not the case, then the book offered a two-way ride allowing him to quickly get more supplies from Earth and then get back.


Thirty minutes later, and a big line at the store, he got back home, and before going back to his room, he passed by his mother’s room. She is not home, and he knows where she keeps her jewelry. If he is going to flee to another world, he might as well have something valuable around with him, and he’s sure there’s no way that his money will have any kind of value there. So, he proceeded to take off his backpack and add some of the gold and silver jewelry owned by his mother. He, of course, knew which were her favorite pieces, and he added them first. Also, a few small bottles of perfume. He’s sure that there are some noble ladies out there that would kill for this stuff; even if there was magic and alchemy, the stuff here should rival the best of the best they have there.


After taking a quick shower and going back to his room, he started looking through his wardrobe for something nice to wear. He was not planning to take extra clothes apart from something that didn't take up a lot of space, like underwear and socks, because his backpack was already quite full. The book could barely fit in his backpack if it were empty. Hence, he decided that he was going to hold onto it using his left hand, he was confident that anyone trying to steal it would have to rip it out of his cold, dead hands, and it only looked like an ordinary book. Who would go so far for a book they knew nothing about?


He decided to go with a pair of black boots, black jeans, a white shirt and a dark wool overcoat. His long dark hair was caught in a ponytail. Standard attire for him as he normally only has formal clothing in his wardrobe, but it does not bother him in the slightest, and he quite enjoys it.

“Feels a little lacking though” he said to himself, and it was indeed true. He was going to another world, after all. He was going to need to leave some kind of impression.


“Actually...” While thinking about what to wear, he thinks of something. A few years ago, he went on a trip to Italy with his Mother; there, he bought himself two masks, one being a beautiful white and golden full-face carnival mask with a small smile on its face. He could not find that one now that he was looking for it, strange as he always kept it in his room. The other one was a simple black mask that was almost full face, but it had the mouth area free so the person wearing it could display their emotions better, and it also gave him the ability to eat without taking it off, something the other mask was lacking.


After rummaging through his stuff a bit more, he found himself a cane, a very expensive one, mind you, made of a very good quality dark wood, and its handle was made out of a very heavy and durable metal that had a silver layer on top that has a simple grape vein design on it. He also found a pair of cotton gloves, the kind magicians or servers at expensive restaurants use to wear.



After putting together his look, he went over to a mirror. “Pffft” he felt the need to laugh at himself and he couldn’t stop it either. He looked like some sort of charlatan, someone that would look extremely untrustworthy, but it also gave off somewhat of a mysterious look. “Perfect” he said and clasped his hands. It was indeed what he was looking for, and even though it might attract some attention, he was okay with that.


Now with everything ready, he goes out of the house and searches for a more desolate space. Why?

If he ever needs to come back to this world, then he would probably be teleported back to where he left. He planned to stay in there for a couple of days or weeks based on the amount of food and valuables he had, and if he ever needed to come back, he would rather not be in the house where he stole from his mother. He was also unsure if his mother cared enough about his well-being to call the police about his disappearance. But he knew for sure that she was going to report the stealing.

Luckily, they live close to the periphery of the city, and there is a nice, big forest. He walks for about half an hour before settling down a tree. He placed the book on his thighs and held it with his left hand. Putting the cane under his armpit, he places his hand over the symbol and starts the teleporting process.


The pain quickly started to shoot up his right hand, and after a bit of time, the purple glow and the air started to appear around him. About 10 minutes passed, and nothing really happened up until “Now, now, you old fuck, you better not sca...Gah” he indeed wasn’t going to get scammed as the book suddenly started to glow a lot brighter, and it felt like there was an airplane blowing air in his face but that wasn’t the problem as the pain from his right hand suddenly started to rush to his head as he could feel immense pain in both of his ears, face and throat. This continued for some time, he managed to keep his voice down because he did not want to attract any attention, but he could not remember how long it had been now, and he eventually lost conscience at one point.


Opening his eyes, he found himself sitting in the same position and nothing about that changed. What changed was his location, as he was no longer in the same forest he was in before. In fact, he was not even in a forest anymore. He was on some plain.

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