Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 11: Chapter 10 – Short Trip

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"Father, what do you plan to do with her?" Isabella asked, her gaze fixated on the woman tied up to a chair in the corner of the lab. Adan was focused on his work at the table, his tools scattered around him as the book occasionally levitated in front of him. He had become skilled at moving individual pages, which greatly assisted him in the brewing process.

Adan was too caught up in his work to respond, dancing around the table as he tried to combine everything he had worked on in a single flask. But as soon as he did, the potion started shifting colors rapidly and the temperature increased. Adan quickly tossed the bottle into another empty corner of the lab, where it broke and started melting through the floor.

"Another, god damn, fail," Adan stomped his foot and slammed his fist into the table, being careful not to break it.

Isabella tried to comfort her father, but she couldn't hide the disappointment on her face. Adan wanted to retort with a cheeky comment, but he noticed that his visitor had woken up. The noise earlier certainly hadn't helped. He took a chair and positioned it right in front of the woman.

"Hello, Miss Saint. I am very honored by your visit," Adan said as he settled comfortably into his chair. Elise didn't say anything and only stared into Adan's eyes. Her hands were tied behind her back, and she tried moving her limbs, but nothing happened. Her expression changed as she realized this. Adan caught onto it and chuckled, "There's no point in trying to use magic. I've fed you enough Stroch essence to keep you from casting spells for a day or two."

"You're certainly a man of many secrets. Defeating demons and casting spells with just potions, fooling my mind magic, which shouldn't even be possible, and having the recipe for Storch essence. Only the highest authorities have access to that," Elise said, trying to keep a strong face without showing much emotion. But Adan's thoughts were already elsewhere.

'Highest authority? The book didn't mention anything about it being too special. But again, the book was outdated for more than 300 years,' Adan thought. He found his family to be more intriguing and mysterious by the day. He had casually asked people if they had ever heard of the name, but nobody had told him anything. He had come to the conclusion that the family must have been pushed to the brink of extinction, and only a few had managed to escape.

"What do you want from me? I won't give you any information, so you can kill me now," Elise's words brought Adan back to reality. It wouldn't help if he pondered too much on the subject; after all, he could only speculate.

Adan turned his face towards Isabella and signaled something to her. Isabella retrieved a small knife from her pocket and walked towards Elise, who closed her eyes, waiting for the blade to end her life.



The rope around Elise fell to the floor as she looked around at Isabella, confused. Isabella only smiled at her and said nothing. Adan suddenly clapped his hands together, "Right, then. You're free to leave now," he said as he slowly got up, grunting as if the bones in his body hurt all over. Elise was dumbfounded.


"Isabella, what would you like to eat?" Adan asked his daughter, a hint of a smile on his face.

"Something sweet!" Isabella exclaimed excitedly as she started following her father, giggling. Adan thought about the deserts he could make, but he didn't find any chocolate around yet. Maybe it was a delicacy only nobles knew of.

As they were about to start climbing, they heard an annoying voice from behind. "What are you doing?" Elise asked, as she got up from her chair.

"What are you still staying here for? Come on, chop-chop," Adan replied, nonchalantly.

"What makes you think I'll not tell the church about you?" Elise asked again, her voice trembling with uncertainty. Adan raised an eyebrow, questioning the woman's intelligence 'Does she want to die? I would've left long ago'.

"Well, you can't," Adan stated with a chuckle as he answered.

"Again, what's stopping me," Elise retorted, thinking that Adan was just toying with her and ready to fight.

"Search deeply inside that mind of yours," Adan said, his smile spreading even wider on his face as he watched the confused Elise.

She took a moment to close her eyes, inspecting for anything that might be amiss inside her head. Suddenly, she opened her eyes, fear written all over her face. She tried to take a step back but stumbled and fell down, her voice small and scared "A... slave contract...How..."

"Hahaha," Adan couldn't keep the laugh, seeing Elise stumbled on the floor, her hands on her face, cold sweat dripping from her face, her eyes wide open. Adan felt a rush of excitement, his heart beating faster, as he watched Elise's expression of pure fear. He certainly didn’t know he could get this excited seeing the suffering of others but he couldn’t deny it now.

"Oooh... Do not worry..." Adan said, approaching Elise slowly. His right eye started to turn red, several vessels in his eye started to break off, even starting to leak blood that trickled down behind his mask and falling down to the ground. The blood itself turned into a thick red fog, seemingly having a mind of its own, enveloping both Adan and Elise. As Elise breathed in some of the fog, she could feel another wave of emotions, fear, dread, horror, terror and despair. Her body trembled as she saw all sorts of monstrosities inside the fog, things that only existed in nightmares.

Elise tried to speak, beg for mercy, but she couldn't even scream. She backed away as much as she could, but eventually hit the wall. She tried to make herself as small as possible and wished she could pass through the wall. Her face a complete mess, tears and snot running down her face.

Adan stayed right before her, a dangerous glint in his eyes and a purely villainous smile on his face. His heart almost beating out of his chest, feeling pure bliss as he stared at the state of the woman that was staying right in front of him. He slowly got to his knees, reaching his hand out towards her face, the woman only closed her eyes and turned her face away. Adan simply pushed a few strands of hair that were on her face behind her ear. "My precious little bug... Oh... I've got such plans for you," he whispered directly in her ear.

"I... I... I...m s...o...o...r...r...r...y," Elise tried to speak, but only a trembled mess came out of her mouth. She was now bowed down, her forehead pressing against Adan's boots.

"Oh... There is nothing to be sorry about... You've made such a big mistake... Oh... But do not worry... I'll make sure you pay dearly for this," Adan was brushing her hair now, talking almost in a whisper and in a deeper voice.

"Father..." Isabella's voice rang behind Adan's back, putting her hand on his shoulder. Her smile was just as big as Adan's, and she was certainly enjoying the show, but it seemed like she deemed it enough.

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'I have crossed a line here,' Adan's mind cleared. He certainly didn't want to play with the woman like this, but he just couldn't hold himself back.

"You've seen something unsightly, my dear daughter. I apologize," Adan apologized towards Isabella. He knew she would not loathe him for this, after all, she had been molded into his perfect assistant using the slave contract that was placed on her. But still, he just felt the need to apologize.

"Elise, dear. You may leave now," Adan urged the woman. He didn't feel like having her in his presence for now. She would come back, anyway. There was no escaping her fate. She quickly scurried off, breaking into a sprint for the back door upstairs that led into a smaller lane that was usually devoid of people.

"Father, your eye," The fog in the basement completely disappeared. His eye turned to a more normal color, but it was still reddish as it was still bleeding. He took a flask from inside his coat. It was round and its contents were red. He unscrewed the cap as he dripped some of the liquid onto his eye and took a sip from the bottle, leaving most of the contents intact as he put the bottle back into his coat.

The bleeding in his eye stopped, but his vision was still a bit fuzzy. The potion would take longer to heal his eye fully.


Skill: Devil and Angel

Description: You can now gain certain bonuses by sacrificing your body's resources.

In Devil form, your right eye will bleed constantly, and your body will get tired faster than normal as long as you are in this form. While in this form, the blood from your eye will transform into a fog that you can control at will, which can obscure the vision of enemies. You can see clearly inside the fog. The fog has hallucinogenic effects and induces fear in enemies if they breathe it. If you breathe it, then your body will become stronger, faster, your mind will become sharper, you can see the weak points on your enemy's body, and you can better predict your opponent's movements. While in this form, if something is about to kill you and you are unprepared or unable to stop it, you will be able to see 3 seconds into the future, during which your body will get massively boosted so you can deal with the danger. After that, your body will be severely exhausted. You’ll go blind in your right and cannot use this form for 12-hours.


‘Such a meaty skill,’ Adan thought as he reminisced about the description of the skill he had just learned. Although there was still an entire half of it to explore, he knew there was no point in going over it now. This was his only trump card at the moment and he was grateful for it.

As he looked towards his daughter, Isabella, he noticed the worry disappear from her face. "I'm all better now," he said to her. "Now that she's gone, tell me what you've found out." Adan had been sending Isabella all over the town in search of interesting information.

"I'm telling you, there's nothing interesting happening in this town," Isabella said with a shrug. "We've been here for months and I haven't even heard of a murder or a thief." Adan knew that this was probably because a Saint was residing in the town, causing criminals to avoid risking it.

But Isabella's face lit up with a smirk. "I've heard something interesting happening in the capital city. Interested?"

Adan's thoughts raced as he considered the possibilities of the capital city - the largest in the kingdom, a mere week's journey by caravan which can be reduced to a few days on a horse at full speed and little breaks. "Please, do tell," he urged.

"The daughter of the lord is sick at the moment and he offers a reward to anyone who can cure her," Isabella reported. Adan weighed the potential benefits of helping this noble, knowing that it could increase his fame and credibility of his other identity, a doctor. Despite his initial reluctance, he decided that it was worth a shot.

"Alright then," Adan said, turning to Isabella who was stomping happily on the floor, excited at the prospect of an adventure with her father. Adan couldn't shake off the feeling that this adventure would be nothing exciting, but it was still better than staying put. "I'll go to the church and have them write a letter so we can get inside the city and the lord's house without many complications."


‘I wasn't able to tell them anything,’ Elise thought as she sat alone in a room inside the church. She couldn't shake the feeling of what had just happened. After leaving Adan's house, she had quickly made her way to the church, putting on a calm facade, but she couldn't bring herself to mention Adan . Instead, she lied and said that they had found a member of the group, but he had destroyed the cave, burying himself and the other guards with him.

‘The slave contract is too strong,’ Elise thought to herself. She couldn't fight it at all, as if she was being controlled and toyed with. The contract was too well-made; she couldn't even write on paper or use any other magic tricks to warn the church. She was completely stuck.

Despite this, nothing seemed to have changed with her, and she was still the same person. ‘What does that man... no... demon want from me?’ Elise couldn't understand Adan's motives. He had just let her leave, and apart from the fear that had almost stopped her heart, he hadn't gotten any information from her or defiled her body. Her train of thoughts was broken by a knock on the door.

"Your excellency," a new guard that Elise hadn't seen before entered the room, he was a lot younger than the other experienced ones. "The doctor, Godfried, wants to speak to you." Elise's heart sank as she heard the name, but her face and voice were completely calm, not revealing a hint of the emotions she was clearly feeling. "Let him in," she said.

Adan quickly entered the room, no guard stayed inside, and he closed the door. As soon as he did, Elise's face revealed her true sentiments. "Long time, no see, Miss Saint," Godfried said.

"What do you need?" Elise tried to scream, to get the attention of the guards, but her body wouldn't follow her orders.

"I've heard that the capital lord's daughter is plagued by a mysterious illness. I would like to treat her. Please, write me a letter in your name," he requested, knowing that a letter bearing the Saintes' seal would make this trip a lot less problematic.

Elise didn't know what to expect, she couldn't understand the man in front of her. One moment he was a terrifying demon, and the next he was playing the role of a good doctor. But then a pleasant thought entered her mind. "This means that you're leaving this town?"

"Momentarily, yes. I expect it will take less than a week, but tell the church I might be gone for two," Adan answered truthfully. He was confident in the contract's quality.

"Certainly!" Elise was pleased with the response. She wanted Adan gone from this town, even if it was only for a week or two. She quickly got to writing, finishing and handing Adan his document. He left after that, spending the rest of the day preparing rations. He wasn't going to use any of his own ingredients, the lord should provide those if he valued his daughter's life.

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