Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 10: Chapter 9.5 – The conversation

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Adan stood before the hooded entity, studying it intently. The deity's unpleased demeanor did little to ease the heavy mood that settled over Adan "You know, if I had wanted to harm you in any way, I could have done so a long time ago," the deity said, breaking the silence.

Adan couldn't help but mock the god, a hint of a smile creeping onto his face. "Ah, yes. Therefore, I should trust you, hmm?"

The deity shrugged. "Right, let's leave it at that. Time is of the essence, and I have a special offer, available only today." With that, he extended his hand, fingers stretched. "Five questions, ask and I'll answer, truthfully."

Adan took a moment to consider his options. The thought of receiving such useful skills without any cost was tempting, but he knew there was always a price to pay. "What do you want from me?"

The deity chuckled. "Quite direct, aren't we? I already told you in that description."

“The show is about to begin...” Adan couldn't help but feel frustrated by the deity's vague answer.

"Yes, indeed. The two of us are quite the anomaly in this world. I can only imagine the chaos you are going to bring to this world. I want front-seat row tickets to see it."

This revelation left Adan speechless. He had never considered world domination, or turning the world upside down. But the idea was not without its appeal.

"Four questions left," the deity said, holding up four fingers.

Adan knew each question was precious, and he had to choose his words carefully. "I've heard that one could get more skills from deities. Is it the same case with you?"

"Why, of course! Normally, the others take sacrifices, missions, and some other nonsense. I will only be requesting missions from you. I already have one for you after you finish your questions," came the deity's response. Adan was relieved to hear that the missions would not put his life at risk.

"I've seen slaves in this world. Could you enlighten me on the subject?" The deity's chuckle was all the answer Adan needed. "The goddess of war supports slavery and even offers skills related to it." Adan was shocked to learn that a 'good' deity like the goddess of war would condone such a practice. He had always believed that slavery was something only dealt with by the underground. But now, it was clear that slavery was an accepted practice in this world.

"Quite lacking, if I dare say so," Adan said, not satisfied with the answer.

"I know, I know. There is a contract between a slave and the owner, which is overseen by one of us, deities. The quality of the contract determines the options available to the owner. For example, a contract of the highest quality allows the owner to modify the slave's memories, emotions, and even their intelligence, but only to a lower level. But one thing is certain, the slave can never forget that they are a slave." This information satisfied Adan.

"So, they essentially become puppets for the owner to control as they please," Adan said, finding the concept both interesting and useful.

"It depends on the quality of the contract," the deity reminded Adan. He remembered the child he had seen earlier, who did not seem happy. This led him to conclude that the contract the bar owner had on the child was not of high quality.

"Two questions left," the deity said, holding out its hand with only two fingers remaining. Adan struggled to think of what to ask. He did not want to inquire about the Johnson family, as it would ruin an adventure he had planned. He also didn't want any spoilers. Suddenly, an idea came to him, and a sinister grin formed on his face.

"There was a certain woman from the church who followed me. Can you tell me everything about her?" Adan inquired, gazing intently into the darkness of the deity's cloak.

"Allow me to introduce Elise Ashdown, a novice Saint of the lowest rank. She hails from a northern town, a journey of one month's duration from here," the deity stated. Adan remained silent for a moment, apparently contemplating something.

"I am eager to see the outcome of your plan. Do you have any further inquiries?" the deity asked, raising its index finger.

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"Burn it," Adan said, without lifting his head.

"I beg your pardon?" the deity questioned Adan's statement.

"I have no further questions. And I doubt you will reveal your true identity. Tell me the mission," Adan said in a monotone voice, his mind elsewhere.

The deity appeared to be suppressing a chuckle. "How intriguing. Here is your task. Get yourself two companions for yourself." Adan suddenly looked toward the deity. "I am more of a solitary individual. You should already be aware of this," he said.

"One can accomplish only so much alone, as I have learned from experience. Additionally, you just inquired about slaves, so this should be a simple task for you. You could even utilize the child you just spared," the deity suggested, leaving Adan bewildered.

"That's complete bullshit. That child can't even control its own bladder. By the time she is useful, I will probably be dead," Adan said, rejecting the suggestion.

"In that case, allow me to assist," the deity offered another suggestion.

"In what way?" Adan asked.

"As a deity, we have the ability to bless infants with special talents and abilities. How about this: I will bless the child in your possession. Three days from now, she will mature in a month, as much as she would in 15 years. I will even offer a slave contract for you to mold her to your liking," the deity explained.

"You seem overly invested for a mere observer," Adan commented on the unexpectedly generous being, his trust waning.

"Let's just say it's a gift from me, in return for engaging in conversation for the first time. You will not receive any further benefits from me, except for missions. Perhaps I will offer another slave contract if I approve of the target," the deity said.

Adan still distrusted it, but it seemed he had no choice but to accept the offer. "Can I decline the blessing?" he attempted to gauge the situation.

"No, you cannot. And if you abandon the girl, I will accelerate her growth, implant specific memories, and ensure she becomes a thorn in your side," the deity replied, its tone playful but with a hint of warning.

"What is your plan for now?" The god continued their conversation. Adan knew that he had little choice but to take the child with him.

"Firstly, I will steal any valuables from the house and store them. I will then douse the wood of the house in some kind of combustible and set it ablaze. I will claim that I couldn't save my wife in time and the corpse in my office was a patient. I will pretend to be deeply saddened by my wife's death and decide to leave town. I will purchase provisions and travel to the northern town. I would like to have a chat with this Elise." Adan outlined his next steps, keeping some details to himself.

"How do you plan to conceal the child's growth during your journey?" The deity saw this as a significant challenge for Adan.

"Just as I have before. I will acquire a private cart and make sure no one bothers us. If someone does, I will deal with them accordingly. I will discreetly leave the cart a day before we reach our destination so that when we arrive, any passengers who may remember the child will not see us at the city's entrance," Adan explained the important points, though he did not mention his plans for once they entered the city.

"Very well, it appears you have everything under control. I will release you for now. You will wake up early in the morning, and no one will disturb you. Good luck," the deity said, and with a wave, as a portal opened and another hand appeared, shattering the chair Adan was standing on, a portal large enough to swallow him opened.

Before he could react, Adan found himself waking up. He said to himself, "It's going to be a busy day."

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