Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 13: Chapter 12 – Isabella

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Shorter chapter today - I had exam at university and I am quite tired. Hope you enjoy!



"Ah, Doctor Godfried, it is good to see you again," the guards at the gate of the lord's mansion greeted him with a smile. Adan's reputation had skyrocketed after successfully saving the lord's daughter.

"The city truly shines at night" Adan replied, reminiscing about his delightful evening with the priest.

The guards nodded respectfully, allowing Adan and Isabella to enter the mansion. The same butler from before promptly greeted them and led them to a private meeting with the lord.

As they walked, Adan couldn't help but notice the contrast between the modest door of their destination and the grandeur of the lord's daughter's chambers. The butler stopped and knocked on the door. From within, they heard the lord's voice, "Come in." The butler stepped back as Adan opened the door. Inside was a small room with couches surrounding a table in the center. On the table were a few bottles of unknown liquids and glasses. The lord was already helping himself a drink.

"Doctor, you are a good man. I apologize for not rewarding you earlier, but I needed to be with my daughter." The lord took a sip from his glass as he spoke to the two and gestured for them to take a seat, which they did, but did not touch their drinks.

"There's no need for personal reward, My Lord. The church sent me here, so I wouldn't have come otherwise," Adan said, flustered. Isabella just smiled and remained silent.

"I will send a gift to the Saintes, but good work should still be acknowledged," the lord said, his face stoic but with a hint of a smiling expression in his eyes.

"I appreciate it, My Lord, but the best reward would be for your daughter to fully recover," Adan replied.

"I am sorry to have you come back every two weeks to administer the medicine," the lord said with a deep, emotionless voice.

"Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do. Your alchemist can't seem to grasp the brewing process, and my brewing is special, so I can't give it away. I hope you understand, My Lord," Adan said, apologetic and nervous.

"It's a shame. Your alchemist is one of the best in the kingdom, yet he can't follow your method," the lord said, not wanting to continue the conversation and cause Adan any discomfort.

"One more thing. How long until my daughter is fully healed?" The lord continued to drink from his glass.

"She should be able to care for herself in a month, but I still need to administer the medicine for two or three more months to ensure full recovery," Adan replied, clearly taking the lord's daughter's health seriously.

"I understand, doctor. You are truly a good man. How about you stay a little longer and share some of your past adventures?" The lord offered, looking like he enjoyed Adan's company. Isabella's eyes lit up at the prospect of hearing some stories.

"I apologize, My Lord, but I must leave early in the morning," Adan said, not wanting to stay any longer than necessary. Isabella looked disappointed.

"I understand that you are busy working with the church. I'll prepare a gift for the Saintes before you leave tomorrow," the lord concluded their business. Adan and Isabella got up and left, with the butler waiting for them down the hallway, ready to send them to their guest room.

The guest room was elegantly decorated with rich fabrics and intricate woodwork. The walls were adorned with paintings and tapestries, adding to the regal atmosphere. A large fireplace was set in one corner of the room, surrounded by comfortable chairs and a plush rug. The beds were dressed in luxurious sheets and comforters, promising a restful night's sleep. A small writing desk and a wardrobe for storing belongings were also provided for the guests' convenience. The room had a warm and inviting feel, reflecting the hospitality of the lord and his household. Again, Adan didn’t joy the style of the room but Isabella was inspecting every nook and cranny of the room. Adan went to sleep before his daughter. They would leave first thing in the morning, a 3-day journey back home, Adan wanted to check the progress on Elise.


First day on the road now, Adan and Isabella were riding their horses at top speed. Adan was carrying a box that was supposed to go to the Saintes. It was bigger than his book so he couldn’t store it inside, My Little Space. They planned to stop soon to get a break and have something to eat, tomorrow they would be back home.

They stopped inside a forest. Adan went to gather some rocks and Isabella collected dried wigs, leaves and some wood that would burn well. After the fire was completed, Adan approached deep inside his coat and got some cans of soup. He still had some leftover cans from when he came to this world. They were about to have a nice and calm dinner.


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*Rustle* *Rustle*

Adan heard people walking, crunching twigs and rustling leaves as they approached. It was a group of bandits, at least 8 of them, as Adan could tell. They surrounded him, with 5 on the ground and 3 in trees.

"Why can't a man just fucking rest?" Adan thought to himself. He was out of energy drink potions, and for some reason, he was sleeping even worse now, only getting 1-2 hours a night, instead of the 4 hours he used to get. He couldn't even use sedatives on himself, as they were blocked by Johnson's special mind protection. All he wanted was a nap.

"Well, well, doctor. I bet whatever Lord gave you is pretty valuable. We barely caught up to you, but it was worth it," a skinny guy, wearing a cape, spoke from behind the group. He rubbed his hands together with a greedy glint in his eyes. Adan thought he might be the leader of the group, "No muscle, so he must be the brain."

Adan sighed, knowing he had to act, but he looked over to Isabella, who was waiting for something with a small smile on her face. Adan understood what she wanted.

"Isabella, dear. There seems to be some filth around us. Could you kindly get rid of it?" Adan laid back down, covering his eyes with his arm.

"What did you say?!?" the leader of the thieves yelled, ready to attack.

"Certainly, father," Isabella chuckled, her smile widening as she got up. Her eyes turned black and her body melted into the ground. By the time the leader and the others realized what was happening, the three bandits in the trees had fallen to the ground, one with their throat slit, one with their neck broken and one with a blade in their back. Isabella jumped back in the middle of the group, next to her father, still smiling but with a few specks of blood on her face.

The fire was crackling and casting shadows over the camp as the others in the group rushed to attack Adan and Isabella. A bulky man, wielding an axe, was the first to reach them. He swung at Isabella, hitting her right in the middle of her head. But then, her body splattered in two. The figures attacked the bulky man, each with their own knife. He was caught off guard and his arms were scratched, but nothing fatal. Before he could attack again, he fell to the ground, unable to move. The girls went on to fight the rest of the group.

As the group approached, one of the Isabellas merged into the ground, appearing behind a tall and thin woman who was wielding a rapier. ‘Quite the fancy weapon for a thief’ Adan took a quick peek and then covered his eyes again. The woman was skilled in using her weapon, but Isabella was able to hold her own.

The other Isabella was fighting off two opponents at once, a man with a shield and a warrior woman with a mace. Isabella calmly and effortlessly dodged their attacks, her expression calm and relaxed, as if she was toying with them.



Suddenly, the sound of the rapier-wielding woman falling to the ground caught the attention of the rest of the group. The Isabella who had been fighting her merged back into the ground. The other Isabella took advantage of the distraction and managed to sneak up behind the slow tank, cutting the back of his neck and causing him to fall to the ground. The warrior woman refocused her attention, but Isabella threw a potion at her, breaking it and splashing a green liquid around her neck and chest. The liquid quickly melted through her armor and a few drops got inside, melting some of her neck and even throat, which quickly filled with blood. The woman struggled to breathe and gurgling noises could be heard as she tried desperately to breath. In the end she fell down died.

As the leader watched his fellow soldiers fall one by one, he became frightened, but he realized he couldn't escape. He decided to try to kill Adan, who was still lying relaxed on the ground. He jumped high in the air, with a small knife in hand. He was quick and agile, but the Isabella who had just killed the warrior couldn't reach him in time.

"Father!" she screamed as she saw the man ready to kill Adan, but then, from the shadow below him, the other Isabella surfaced, caught his legs, and threw him in another direction. She then jumped on him, locking his hands. The other Isabella joined in, locking his feet.

Neither Isabella had a smile on their face anymore. Their expressions were stoic, and their eyes were filled with madness as they stared at the man.

"You dare to attack Father?" the Isabella holding his hands said, her expression unchanging and her voice monotone, devoid of any emotions.

"Unacceptable," the other Isabella said in the same manner. "We must punish him. Yes."

"If you're going to do that, then be quiet. I'm trying to sleep," Adan said, having not moved throughout the whole ordeal, though he was ready to attack or defend at any moment.

"Certainly, Father!" Their expressions returned to their happy ones, and with smiles on their faces, the Isabella holding the man's legs started to envelop her fingers in shadow, sharpening her fingers and nails as she dug into the man's thigh and tore his muscles apart. The man immediately started screaming, but Isabella stuffed the muscles into the man's mouth, using it as a gag to silence him.

The other Isabella took out a healing potion and spread it on the wound, stopping the bleeding. The night had only just begun for the three.

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