Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 14: Chapter 13 – Mission complete

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Adan woke up. As he laid there, he opened his eyes and looked straight up at the sky. It was fully night now, and the sun was just setting as he fell asleep, indicating that a few hours had passed. He rubbed his eyes as he stayed there. He felt just as tired as before.

"Are you awake, father?" Isabella turned her head towards Adan after she heard a noise.

"Yes. How long has it been?" Adan asked, still not moving from the ground.

"About three or four hours," she responded, shifting her gaze back to the fire and putting more sticks on it.

‘Three or four hours and I still feel like this? Fuck’s sake’ Adan grunted and reluctantly got up. He knew he couldn't fall asleep now that he had slept for this long, and there was no point in waiting there for no reason. He turned around and went to get his horse.

‘Holy fucking shit!’ He was still groggy from waking up, but was soon fully awake at the sight of the bandit leader being pinned to a tree by a knife in his throat. He was completely naked and his entire stomach was missing. His intestines were hanging from the branches above the tree and decorated it. Most of his organs were hanging from other tree branches and he had multiple patches of skin, muscles, and bones missing, all scattered around the tree. The dim lighting from the fire made the scene look even more terrifying. Adan took a step back and cleared his throat.

"Isabella, dear," he turned to his daughter, who was now looking at him, and pointed to the tree. "Did you, perhaps...?"

"Yes, father. I made sure he was alive and awake during most of it. Do you like it?" Isabella giggled like a small child excited to show her work and receive praise from her father. She had a genuine happy smile on her face and big eyes looking at Adan as she talked about it. Her face and clothes were drenched in blood, some of it dried and some dripping out of her clothes and face.

"Ah... yes... he...he," Adan let out an awkward laugh, taken aback. ‘I mean, I knew she enjoys killing...but damn, that contract is good." He knew Isabella was messed up, after all, he was the one who made her this way, but this was the first time he had seen Isabella like this. She usually just killed or captured people and watched Adan do the more heinous work.

"Well, I presume we should get going," Adan went to his horse, now wide awake. There was no need to hide the evidence as there was no way others could find the killer, unless they had some sort of skill like his left eye, but he doubted many people had it and he also doubted that people with such power would be interested in the identity of a random group of thieves.

Both of them got on their horses and rode full speed for hours until they needed to take a break again. There was nothing eventful during the journey. Isabella had to find a river and wash herself as she couldn't present herself like this in front of the city guard. Another two days passed like this.


"Sir Godfried, why did you come back so early? Did something happen on the road?" The guard asked as he saw Adan and Isabella approach the gate.

"I cured the Lord's daughter, so there was no point in staying any longer," Adan replied, using a friendly expression and chuckling at his own comment. The guard was surprised and not expecting it to be done so quickly.

"I'll be in my office. I've got to catch up on appointments. Also, the Lord has a gift for the Saintes, so please send a message her way to come and pick it up. I won't have time to visit the church." Adan didn't linger any longer and went inside the city, which was bustling with life just like before. It was a calm and nice city to live in, but Adan had made it his residence. The peaceful days wouldn't last long.

"Father, I'll be in the basement training," Isabella said and rushed towards the house without waiting for Adan's response. He liked taking walks and decided to continue to do so as there was no need for his daughter. He would then check on some people and wait for the Saintes to visit.


"Haah!" Adan sighed as he leaned his head on his desk. He had seen 20 patients in the span of three hours and was bombarded with work as soon as he got home. But his work wasn't over yet, as he heard another knock on his door.

‘Is the whole fucking town dying or something?’ Adan thought to himself, feeling extremely tired. He considered killing the next person who came in so he could get some rest, but decided it would create more trouble than it was worth. With a defeated expression, he lifted his head and rubbed his eye with his left hand, yelling, "Come in!"

"Y... you said you w... wanted to see me, Mister Godfried," a small voice came from the door. Adan could see a familiar face, Elise, with a scared expression on her face. As soon as she closed the door, Adan changed his face back to normal, hidden by his mask, some of his energy coming back to him.

"Elise, dear, I've been wanting to see you. Come in, come in, take a seat," Adan motioned to the seat in front of him. Elise reluctantly followed Adan's instructions and sat down. She didn't say anything, squirming around in her seat and trying to make herself small.

"So, tell me, dear. Have you noticed anything different about yourself these days?" Adan had a wide smile on his face, but Elise's expression didn't change. The color drained from her face and she looked like a ghost, with the fear in her expression becoming even more evident.

"Am I... supposed to f...eel different?" Adan chuckled and leaned forward, getting closer to Elise. She tried to move away, and asked, "What orders did you give me through the slave contract?" Elise was trying to find out more details, but nothing had happened so far and this was not helping her nerves. She was constantly worried about what the man in front of her would do.

"Oh my. I only gave you two orders," Adan said, raising his right hand. "Number one," he lifted his index finger, "you will be unable to do anything that gives away my identity or my plans." Elise already knew this, she tried all week to announce Adan to the church with no success. She tried writing, speaking, magic, showing emotions, but nothing worked, when she tried to talk the truth about Adan, her body simply wouldn’t listen. However, she hadn't given up yet, knowing there was probably nothing she could do.

"Number two," he lifted his middle finger, his eyes becoming more evil and his smile widening. "You will slowly succumb to your hidden desires." Elise took a moment to process Adan's words, but she sighed with relief. She considered herself to be a good person with no hidden desires, at least none that she was aware of. This gave her confidence.

Adan knew that Elise might really be a saint, but he wanted to see her fall and use her desires to control her, instead of the slave contract. If she really had no hidden desires, it would be a disappointment.

Before Adan could continue the conversation, the door was rudely opened, and Isabella strode inside, wearing nothing but her underwear. "Isabella, I keep telling you, you can't walk like this around this level of the house. Look, we even have a guest," Adan said, displeased. This could impact his reputation if patients saw his assistant walking around like this.

"It's only Elise, there's no need to worry," Isabella chuckled and pulled up a chair, sitting at the side of the table, taking a book from the bookshelf and reading. She had learned to read and write before Adan. He simply didn't have time, spending most of his time with patients or in the lab, and in his free time, he was too tired to try to learn.

Adan sighed again, annoyed. "Sorry about that, Elise, dear. Back to the main point, I've got a gift from the Lord of the capital city for you," Adan said, pointing to the big box beside him. The gift contained holy items and jewelry. Adan wanted to give it to her to see if she had a desire for material items.

Elise didn’t respond, she was staring at something, her eyes dazed. "Elise... Elise!" Adan tried calling out to her, but the woman wouldn’t move her gaze, she looked like she was in a trance. Adan was confused, and he followed the direction of Elise's gaze. He saw that she was looking at Isabella, more specifically, at Isabella's bosom. Though Isabella had an ample pair, Adan wasn’t interested in that kind of thing.

Adan’s expression fell, he was taken by surprise, as he shifted his head between Isabella and Elise. Isabella noticed the silence and asked her father, "Is something wrong?"

Adan didn't say anything and wanted to confirm his suspicion. He made a sign for Isabella to come closer so he could whisper something to her. She understood and stood up, bending over the table to reach Adan. But instead of whispering, he observed Elise, who was now looking at Isabella's behind.

"On second thought, could you leave us alone for a moment? Put on some clothes and come back after Elise leaves," Adan gave the order, his face stoic. He watched as Isabella left the room, and Elise followed her with her gaze, her expression warm and a small grin on her face, seemingly forgetting where she was.

After Isabella left, Adan put both his elbows on the table, supporting his chin with his thumbs and covering his mouth with his fingers. "I certainly didn’t expect you to be into women," Adan said, his voice flat.

Elise was finally woken from her trance, blushing and turning to face Adan. Her fear and confusion still hadn't returned, which indicated that she still hadn't realized her actions. "What do you mean by that?" she asked, embarrassed.

"Oh, what do I mean? I wonder... Hmm? What do you have to say about almost drooling while ogling my daughter, hmm?" Adan continued mockingly. He was actually hoping that she wasn't a pure individual with no desires, but it turned out the Saint wasn't as pure as he had thought. The effects of the contract were already evident, though they were supposed to take weeks before showing up.

"I am keeping the lord's gift to myself as payment for the show you just watched, and clearly enjoyed." Elise wanted to comment and defend her actions, but then Adan's right eye turned red and a drop of blood fell to the floor, forming a bit of fog. "Get the hell out now," he threatened, and Elise finally woke up to reality. Fear came back to her as she got up and ran for the door. Adan turned off his skill.

‘Oh, this is so annoying.’ Adan didn't like how this turned out. He wanted to use her desires against her, but how could he do that now? He didn't get to think much about it, as Isabella returned.

"What happened, Father?" Isabella asked and took the seat Elise had just occupied.

"Something unpleasant. From now on, when you leave the house, make sure to spy on Elise if she ever leaves the church and report everything she does to me." Adan wanted to find out if she had any other desires to exploit, or else he would have to use the slave contract's full power to make her into his obedient puppet. He really didn't want to do that, as it would take away the fun.

"Has Elise done something to you?" Isabella asked calmly, but Adan knew that she would run straight to kill the Saintes if she heard something she didn't like.

"You remember the second order I gave her, right? The one with hidden desires?" Isabella nodded and waited for her father to continue.

"Well, when you showed up just now, she was staring intently at your breasts and rear end." Adan said, waiting for Isabella's reaction.

"That's not bad at all. She is kind of hot." Isabella responded, smiling. Adan was once again taken aback, and started laughing heartily at the development of events. "Truly an unexpected turn of events. I hope that deity is also having a laugh at his," Adan thought, not wanting to process what just happened.

"Yeah? Good, very good! We'll see what we do about that. Leave now." Adan continued to laugh as his daughter left the room. He was suddenly eager to do some more work, as he put on Godfried’s face.


"Father!" Isabella stormed into Adan's office. He was slumped over his chair, looking at the ceiling, exhausted from work and lack of sleep.

"Yes, dear?" He responded without moving from his position, feeling comfortable.

"Remember when you told me to spy on Elise?" Isabella asked, seeming excited to tell Adan some news.

"That was over a week ago. I doubt anything interesting happened in that time," Adan said, not interested in thinking about Elise right now. He tried once again to brew various spell potions but could only make basic ones.

"Actually, something big happened," Isabella said as she jumped on the chair in front of Adan. "Do tell," Adan responded, still uninterested.


Elise left the church to take a walk in the city. She still couldn't shake the feelings from her last meeting with Adan over a week ago. The church was mostly composed of men and only selected women were allowed inside. She grew up in the church and had not met many women, which may have been why she never realized she had affection for them.

She had taken more walks recently, knowing that something dangerous was going to happen if she let Adan be. But she couldn't do much about it. At first, she felt a strong urgency to report Adan, but now she didn't feel as much. She still tried, but her feelings were fading. "Maybe I'm just getting used to the idea that I can't do anything," she tried to comfort herself.

As she walked down a deserted alley, she saw a kitten on the side of the road. It was small and appeared to be less than a year old, crying alone. Elise rushed over, crouching down.

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"You poor thing," she said with a sad voice. She saw bite marks on the kitten's upper left leg and assumed it had been bitten by a dog. As she touched its leg, some blood got on her hand, she couldn’t keep her eyes await, staring at it, then smelling it, and finally, she tasted it.

She started to squeeze the kitten's leg, admiring the blood on her hand and on the ground. The kitten tried to run, but Elise caught it and started choking it until it was limp. A sinister smile was on Elise's face, but when she woke up to see the result of her actions, she stumbled and fell to the ground, horrified at the blood on her hands. She got up and ran towards the church.

Isabella was in the shadows, witnessing the entire incident, and following the Saintes until she got inside the church.


"Wait, that's actually big news," Adan said as he tried to adjust his seat and almost fell from his chair.

"Did I do a good job?" Isabella asked, seeking praise.

"A very good job, my dear," Adan said as he got up and patted her head. Isabella was pleased.

"Do you know what this means?" Adan said, squeezing Isabella's cheeks and making a silly face.

"What?" she tried to speak, but the word came out awkwardly, causing Adan to laugh.

"It means we have a lot to prepare. I'll be going to the capital in three days, so we need to hurry. We'll carry out the plan after I return," Adan said as he went outside to lock the doors, changed into normal clothes, and headed towards the basement.

"What plan?" Isabella struggled to keep up with Adan as he moved around.

"Oh, you'll see, my dear. Soon enough," Adan said as he began mixing ingredients and the book floated around him, its pages turning continuously.



"Ah, Doctor, it's a pleasure to see you again," Adan said as he arrived at the lord's mansion. This time, the lord himself came to greet Adan.

"Where is your daughter?" the lord asked, noticing Adan was alone.

"She has some unfinished business, so she had to stay behind to finish it," Adan said as he bowed to the lord.

"That's a pity. I'm sure my daughter would've enjoyed her company while we had a drink," the lord said, with a flat tone and no emotion on his face, but Adan could tell that he was truly disappointed.

"Actually, My Lord, I've already brewed the potion. I'll administer it and leave right away," Adan said, still bowing as the lord had not instructed him to stop.

"Does it have to do with the unfinished business your daughter stayed behind for?" the lord asked, and Adan nodded, still bowing.

"I trust you, Doctor. So, I won't make you repeat the brewing process under my alchemist's eye this time. But keep in mind," the lord placed his hand on Adan's shoulder, "If you try to kill my daughter, I know where to find you." He tightened his grip, causing Adan pain, but then released him. He finally told Adan to stop bowing and left.

Adan went to the lord's daughter's room, where she was lying on her bed. The guards stayed outside. 'The lord trusts me too much,' Adan thought as he changed his face upon entering the room. The daughter was lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Hello, Doctor," she tried to speak, her speech still a little awkward and slurred, but it was improving.

"Hello, My Lady. I can't stay for long and I'm in a hurry, so I'll administer the medicine and leave," Adan said as he got to work, giving the woman the bottle to drink. After she finished the entire bottle, her eyes unfocused and she stared into space. Adan leaned closer to her ear and whispered something, making sure she heard it. He was disappointed he couldn't take his time, but there were more pressing matters at hand.

After he was done, he clapped his hands, waking the lady. She was startled. "We're all done here," Adan said, not waiting for a response, as he quickly left. He visited the lord one more time and he got back on the road, arriving three days later, and telling the guard to send a message to the Saintes to come to his office.


"I heard you were calling for me, D...octor" The Saintes entered Adan's office. She no longer stumbled over her words as much as she used to, it was a nice change to see.

"Yes, in fact, I have a present for you," Adan said, chuckling with a friendly and warm expression on his face.

"A present?" Elise was wary and didn't trust anything that came out of Adan's mouth. She was sure he had something else planned.

"Yes, indeedy," Adan said as he got up from his chair and walked past Elise, heading into the hallway. "Follow me." Elise didn't want to, but her body was compelled to follow Adan's orders. They went to the basement and slowly descended the stairs. A muffled sound could be heard from deep inside the basement, growing louder as they went further in.

Once they reached the basement, they saw that the table in the center was gone, replaced by a chair surrounded by candles, with a man tied to it, struggling to move. The legs of the chair were buried in the ground. "Another one, huh," Adan thought, noticing a pattern. This was the third captured victim tied to a chair. "I'll have to get more creative."

"What is the meaning of this, Adan?!" The Saintes yelled at him, fury evident in her voice, and fear evident in her eyes as she saw the innocent man tied up. He was an older, short man with a hunchbacked posture and some skin hanging from his face. He looked weak.

"This is my present to you, my little bug," Adan said, and ordered her, "Go in front of him, kneel down, and stay there." Her body obeyed his commands perfectly.

Adan approached her with a large knife in his hand and handed it to her. "Take it," he ordered. "What are you planning?" she asked, knowing what was about to happen. She didn't understand why Adan was forcing her to do this. Adan leaned in close to her ear and whispered another order, "Release your desires." Immediately, she raised her hand high, ready to strike the older man, but her other hand stopped the hand holding the knife. Her face looked strange as she was smiling, but tried, at the same time, to force it down. Adan found her expression amusing and started laughing as he watched The Saintes' sanity slowly wither away.

But she prevailed, she appeared to be fighting with herself. Part of her wanted to attack the man while the other part tried to restrain her. Adan decided to give her a helping hand. He untied the rope around the man's right arm, who was too weak to fight back. Adan held his hand above Elise's head and said, "Oh, Isabella, dear, could you?" Isabella appeared from the shadows in the basement, holding a small knife. She approached them.

Elise knew what was about to happen as she looked at Isabella, seemingly pleading for her to stop. But that didn't help, as Isabella opened a wound on the older man's arm and blood flowed down it, pouring directly onto Elise's head. At that moment, both of Elise's hands fell limp around her body as she stared at the hand above her that was bleeding so much, admiring it. She was smiling from ear to ear, and her pupils were starting to dilute, as if she was watching the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

"He...He," a small laugh escaped Elise's mouth as she got to her feet and looked down on the man, a mad expression on her face. She then stabbed the man in his shoulder, blood spurting around and some of it spraying on her face. Her movements were awkward, and it was clear she had never used a knife like this before. But that didn't stop her, as her laugh got louder and she started stabbing the poor old man all over his body. A pool of blood created under them, and the Saintes' clothes started to dye red.

"God damn, she's going at it. Hahaha," Adan watched from the sidelines, he would have enjoyed a nice big bowl of popcorn as he looked at Elise going wild.

"It's truly a beautiful spectacle," Isabella said, looking mesmerized at the scene, appearing to truly enjoy it, but in a different sense from Adan. One was feeling like they were watching a soccer match, while the other looked like they were watching an emotional theater play.

The basement was drowned in the mad laughing of the Saintes and the sound of the knife constantly entering and exiting the old man's corpse. He had been dead for some time, but blood was still coming with every stab wound, and Elise enjoyed every moment of it.

After some time, Elise got exhausted, she stayed there, looking at the corpse and then at the bloodied hands and clothes. She woke up from her madness and had a defeated look on her face.

"How did you enjoy it?" Adan approached the Saintes after the show was over and asked.

"I've never felt this good," Elise replied, staring at the knife in her hand. She knew she couldn't suppress her thirst for blood after the experience.

"Very good! Very good!" Adan was pleased with the outcome and started applauding. He was aware that Elise wouldn't be able to control her bloodlust.

"How about a deal now?" Adan said, twisting his body in a strange manner. Elise, no longer intimidated by him, asked, "What deal?"

"Become my puppet and I'll provide you with people to feed on, making sure no one notices your killing spree," Adan offered with a smile.

Elise looked unsure. Adan had turned her into what she had become, and she wanted to distance herself from him and work on fixing herself, if possible. Adan noticed her hesitation, but he expected her to accept his offer without question. Now, he might have to use the full power of the slave contract to force her to submit to him.

As Adan was contemplating, Isabella approached from behind Elise. Taking the knife from her, she spun Elise around, hugged her, pushed her down onto her back, and locked her legs around her. With one hand, she pushed Elise's head into her bosom.

The Saintes' cheeks turned red as she squirmed, eager to feel more of the woman. Isabella chuckled and started playing with Elise's hair.

"If you become father's pet, we can play together like all good pets do~," Isabella suggested, her eyes shining and her voice seductive.

"*Whiff*, you smell so good and feel so soft," Elise said as she attempted to grab Isabella's breast, but Isabella stopped her. "Ah-ah-ah, what's your answer?"

"I'll do it, I'll become his pet. Please, let me touch you," Elise begged with wide eyes.

"Good girl~," Isabella said and kissed her on the chin.

Adan stood behind, speechless. He tried to say something multiple times, but nothing came to mind. The situation was out of his control, but in the end, he still achieved his goal. He clapped his hands and said, "Right, well, I'm not a good enough parent to stop this. Have a fun night, girls." He then turned and walked up the stairs. By the time he reached the exit of the basement, he could already hear moans coming from below. 'Nope, I'm not dealing with this shit today,' he thought as he shut the door and went to his bedroom. He should be able to meet with his deity now that he completed his mission.

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