Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 21: Chapter 20 – Anatomy class

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"Adan, you son of a bitch, you're back," Elise said as she got up from her standing position.

"What? You didn't think I'd be able to escape?" Adan replied with a grin on his face. The chase had been plenty exciting for him and he'd like to do something like it again in the future.

"Without your strange potion spell, I didn't have much hope," she continued. "Maybe I could've been freed from the slave contract." Adan knew she was lying. After all, she couldn't hide her desires anymore, even without the slave contract. If Adan were captured, there would be no one to help her get victims and women.

"What now?" she asked.

"Well, first of all, we should give you back to the church," Adan said. "I can lie and tell them the commotion outside distracted me, and the treatment was partially successful. In a few more days, you'll have to come back to administer it again." Adan planned to take these few days to restock on potions as much as he could. He quite enjoyed the support role. The feeling of controlling the entire battlefield from the back was good, but so was the feeling of being at the front line, decimating his enemy. He should try to combine the two next time.

"This whole plan turned out really great in the end, huh," Elise said before she took her leave. Adan had a lot to prepare in the next couple of days.


"Has Elise left yet, Father?" Isabella came down into the basement. Adan was back at his table, arranging some ingredients.

"Yes, quite a while ago in fact. Did you need anything from her?" Adan kept his attention on the ingredients and the floating book in front of him.

"I wanted to ask her about how she managed to get captured," Isabella said with a hint of curiosity in her voice as she looked around the basement, admiring the various ingredients and potions scattered about the room.

Adan, who was busily arranging some ingredients at his table and studying a floating book in front of him, replied, "I already asked her and I doubt she could've lied."

"It's still strange," Isabella said, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "What if they managed to curse her?"

Adan let out a sigh and looked up from his work. "There's no problem in that regard. I've already checked. Whatever that cult wanted to do with Elise, we stopped them before they could."

"What do you think about the situation, father?" Isabella asked, turning to Adan with a playful smirk.

"Whatever I think doesn't matter, dear," Adan said, shrugging his shoulders. "We'll find out soon enough when we go back to the royal castle."

"Do you think they'll share that information with us?" Isabella asked, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"I doubt they would hide the information regarding Elise," Adan said, "but they are certain to hide the information regarding the royal family."

"When are we going back?" Isabella asked, looking at Adan with a curious expression.

"I think we'll wait until I administer the last dosage to the lord's daughter," Adan replied, rubbing his temples as he thought of the additional work he had to do. "Or maybe until she leaves. She shouldn't stay for long after that, anyway."

"It looks like your plan with the lord's daughter isn't going well," Isabella said, a hint of concern in her voice.

Adan let out a deep sigh. "It indeed didn't go according to plan," he said, his voice laced with a bit of frustration. "I'll try to fix it during the next visit."

"Do you have anything else to tell me?" Adan asked, trying to focus on the task at hand.

"Actually, there are a few patients sent from the church," Isabella replied, her voice lowering. "They're waiting in your office."

Adan groaned at the news. "I still have a lot more to work on with spell potions," he said, running his hand through his hair. "But now I also have to deal with my duties as a doctor."

Adan's sleep schedule hadn't improved, and the lack of sleep was already starting to affect him. He might as well sacrifice more time for his potions, but the lack of sleep had already made him make a few mistakes in the brewing process.


"How have you been, Miss Emma?" The Lord's daughter made her appearance in Adan's office, it was time to administer her medicine.

"I feel very good, Sir Godfried. Thanks to you," she replied. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary with her.

"There's no need to praise me. I've just done my job. Tell me, have you noticed anything wrong during this time?" He said with a warm expression.

"Nothing at all. In fact, I feel better every day," Adan didn't doubt that, but he was certainly confused. She knows his true identity, and she definitely knows about Adan's reputation at this point, but she didn't say anything and she didn't appear uncomfortable around Adan. He wasn't sure if this was the effect of the potion or something else.

"I see, that makes me glad," he said with a warm smile. "How long will you be staying after today?"

"I shall take my leave in five days from now," she said. ‘Five days, huh? Let's say I leave tomorrow, come back in 24 hours or so. I'll have plenty of time to see her once more,’ Adan thought. He was going to go a little overboard with today's preparations. He wanted to make sure Emma would be ready for her departure.

"I am sure your father will be pleased to see you all healthy again," Adan gestured towards the bed, "Please, lie down."

Adan went to the basement and retrieved the medicine. He returned and started slowly pouring the potion down her throat. Once the contents were empty, her eyes became unfocused. ‘This always works as it should, maybe I'm not giving good enough suggestions,’ he thought. He took his time with this last medicine and spent over an hour, compared to his previous attempts where he only spent a few minutes. He clapped his hands loudly and the Lord's daughter woke up.

She got up and looked a bit dizzy. Maybe he went a bit overboard this time, but he was eager to see her again before she left for the capital. They continued to stay and talk over some tea, discussing various topics. However, she needed to leave as Adan still had more patients to deal with. Tomorrow, they would leave again to see the royal family of the Viridis Kingdom.


Adan and Isabella were waiting in the basement for a certain Staines to arrive. They were sitting on the ground with two pillows, and Isabella was holding up her hand, asking "How many fingers am I holding up?" Adan was covering his right eye and looking at her with his left. He saw a hazy, skin-colored shape with a longer top and guessed, "Three?" but Isabella replied, "Wrong."

Adan took his hand away and saw that she was holding up two fingers, index and ring. The image he saw was so blurry that it looked like she had her middle finger up as well.

"It's still pretty good, I would say," Adan said as he turned on his angel form. His eye turned golden and dark blue tears started flowing out of his eyes.

"It took quite a bit to regenerate it," Isabella commented. "Eyes are the easier ones to recover. They may be complex, but they're small, unlike a whole limb."

The basement door opened and Elise locked it from the inside before coming down the stairs. Adan pointed to a pile of clothes on a chair and said, "You know what to do."

Elise grumbled, "Ugh, why do I have to change here?" and Adan thought he saw a hint of embarrassment on her face.

"What? Are you fucking shy now?" Adan asked, pointing at Isabella. "Is she making you shy? Can't be, after all, you've already fucked several times already." Elise gave Adan a disdainful look, but he only chuckled and pointed at himself. "Or am I the one making you shy? Hmm? How about I order you to roam the streets of Lordslane completely naked to cure your shyness?" Adan enjoyed making fun of and threatening Elise. The presence of Staines really brought the group together, Adan thought ‘That deity really knew what he was talking about’, remembering how the god had basically forced Isabella and another companion on him. Although he wasn't pleased at first, now he felt that the atmosphere was more fun with them.

The teleportation process was completed, and Adan chose a location closer to the capital this time, as he was familiar with the location now. They arrived at the city gate in no time.


The three of them walked up to the guards at the gate. Surprisingly, they were the same guards as last time, and they recognized Adan, who waved at them with an energetic smile. He wanted to go within his coat to retrieve the documents and money, but before he could do so, the guards lowered their backs and bowed to him with a distressed expression on their faces.

"We welcome Sir Adan!" they all shouted, which gathered the attention of the other people trying to enter the city and civilians who were near the gate.

"He...he," Adan let out an awkward smile. He had been taken by surprise, but soon realized it either had to do with the time they saw him guiding the royal family's troops, or they might have received a message from the royal family regarding him, or both.

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"Look who's learned the human language," Elise stepped forward with a smug expression on her face as she looked at the bowed personnel. Their distressed expression grew further and they looked like they were about to apologize, but then, at lightning speed, a blade flew past Elise's neck, missing her skin by a few millimeters. The blade came from Adan, and a part of the costume that covered her neck was cut. Elise touched her neck and looked fearfully at Adan.

"There was a strange insect flying around," he chuckled as he sheathed his sword and turned his attention to the guards. "So... What's with the special treatment?" he asked in an amused tone.

"We've received an order from the royal castle. His Majesty, the 1st prince wants to talk to you if you ever returned," said the skinny guard with the white and purple armor from last time. "I will lead the way if you decide to accept his invitation." Some more people overheard their conversation and changed the way they looked at Adan. Some looked on with fear, and some looked on with glee, seemingly trying to plot something. The elf guard spoke in the human language, so some of the bystanders didn't even understand.

"Well, I couldn't leave the prince waiting now, could I? Lead the way!" Adan said as he patted the elf's shoulder. They got moving quickly after that, with no more taxes, no more documentation.

During the walk, Adan could feel the guard taking quick glances at him. "Is something the matter?" he asked.

"N...othing sir," the guard stumbled on his words. "It's just that I've heard about your past deeds with the royal team."

'Admiration glances? Wait, how does he know about that? It should be classified information,' Adan thought. "Are you perhaps also part of the royal team?" he asked.

"Yes, sir! The royal family always sends out faithful, royal servants to guard the city, unless there is an event that requires all of us," the guard said, a proud expression on his face. "Miss Cecilia and the others talked a lot about you."

"Is that so? What did they say?" Adan asked, scratching his chin.

"About how you saved their lives multiple times during the battle, your impressive control over a large variety of magic, and how you took down the leader," the guard said, with sparks in his eyes.

"The leader was Miss Cecilia's job. I just finished it," Adan chuckled, as he remembered the leader's expression when he realized he was inside sleeping poison gas, and his fury as Adan blocked his path multiple times when he tried to escape.

They continued their discussion and arrived at the royal palace. The guard quickly got them inside.

As Adan and his group were led into the castle, they were immediately struck by the sheer grandeur of the interior. The massive trunk of the tree formed the central column of the castle, with the branches reaching out to create a network of rooms, hallways, and balconies. Light filtered in from the leaves high above, casting dappled patterns on the gleaming wooden floor.

The walls were made of finely carved wooden panels, adorned with intricate patterns and adorned with golden accents. The furnishings were made of rich, polished wood and adorned with intricate designs that showcased the exquisite craftsmanship of the elves, druids, and demi-humans. The rooms were spacious and airy, with high ceilings and large windows that offered breathtaking views of the city below.

As they were led up a spiral staircase, they were surrounded by the sweet fragrance of flowers, which were grown in the gardens and balconies of the castle. The stairs were carved from the trunk of the tree, and the railing was made of woven branches and leaves.

Finally, they reached the upper level and were shown into a luxurious guest room. The room was even more opulent than the rest of the castle, with furnishings that were fit for royalty. A plush bed covered in silken sheets and plump pillows stood in one corner, and a sitting area with comfortable chairs and a fireplace was arranged nearby. A large balcony offered breathtaking views of the city and the surrounding forest. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries and the floor was covered in a thick carpet. Adan and his group were in awe of the splendor of the room and couldn't wait to explore more of the castle.

They waited there. Isabella and Elise were lying on the bed while Adan stood at the table in the middle of the room, tapping the table with his index finger as if he was getting bored. Before his boredom and desire to burn down the castle reached critical levels, two guards entered the room and positioned themselves on either side of the door. Then, the 1st prince made his appearance, looking just as bad as last time. ‘Have the interrogations not gone well?’

"I thank you for accepting to see us once again, Sir Adan," the prince said as he walked closer to the table.

"I couldn't refuse such an invitation, could I?" Adan pointed to a chair. "Please, have a seat." Elise and Isabella were also unaffected by the prince's presence, and this made the guards furious with their attitude, but they kept their silence this time. They must have been instructed beforehand.

"You certainly are not a courteous man," the prince commented, and Adan laughed. "I bow down to no king, prince." Adan got an unexpected response from that - a slight smile from the prince that was gone in no time. He would have missed it if he wasn't always focused on the expressions of others.

"Is that so? Tell me, what do you want for your reward?" The prince stared deeply into Adan's eyes.

"Two simple things. I assume you're already done with your investigation. I want to know what business they had with my property," Adan said as he pointed towards Elise, who gave Adan a scornful glance. "And the other thing... I assume you've left a few of them alive, right?"

"We have indeed respected your request and have left a handful of them alive. You'll be able to get some time alone with them after our discussion," Adan was pleased to hear this. He had something special planned for Elise.

"As for your... property," the prince looked a bit strangely when referring to the woman as property, but he continued. "They felt holy magic coming from her. People with holy magic that are not protected by the church are few, so they decided to take her for some experiments." Elise had a frightened expression now, thinking about the things that could have happened to her if she wasn't rescued in time.

"I see. Well, I've enjoyed our discussion, but there's not much more to discuss. That's all I wanted to know." Adan started to stand up. "How about we see those prisoners," but he was stopped.

"Wait," the prince said in a low voice. "I've got something to ask of you." This got Adan's attention, and he sat back down.

The prince signaled to the guards to leave the room, which they did. Adan figured out what was happening and signaled Isabella, who got out of bed and retrieved a small bottle from her costume. She spread a powder around the table, creating a soundproof and vision-proof barrier to shield them from unwanted eyes.

"You're quite the prepared man," the prince joked, but kept a serious expression. "On the night you plunged Kilop City in the Jik Kingdom into chaos, you called yourself a demon hunter." The prince's expression never changed, but Adan could already see where the discussion was going.

"That is correct," Adan said, tapping the floor with his cane as he got into a more comfortable position. "Are you perhaps knowledgeable in curses?" This was what Adan had been waiting for.

"Yes, I am," Adan said, revealing a shrewd expression instead of a proud one. "I can cure almost any curse or illness."

"I expect you already know about the 2nd prince," the prince said. Adan's lack of surprise confirmed his suspicion. "Do you think you could try and cure him?"

Adan started laughing. Something must have gone wrong with the interrogations, but with the existence of mind magic, it's hard for someone to hide information. ‘What if they used some kind of ancient, powerful curse that no one has a way to reverse it. Or they erased their own memory’ But he doubted the latter, as he didn't think the evil cult that was loyal enough to willingly remove their own memories. After all, they were comprised of thrash.

"Prince, do you think you can strike such a deal by yourself?" Adan asked. The prince raised an eyebrow in response. "What do you mean by that?"

"I simply believe the rest of the family should be present when we negotiate the terms," Adan said, putting his hands on the table and pushing his face closer to the prince's. "I'll take a look at the 2nd prince after I have some time with the prisoners. By that time, you should have the rest of the family ready." Adan knew the prince had no option, and if he actually sought Adan's help, he knew the situation was dire.

The prince closed his eyes to think, and Adan didn't disturb him. When the prince opened his eyes, he said, "I understand." Adan was pleased and stretched out his right hand, which the prince shook. "I will send someone to get you to the prisoners and then someone to retrieve you after some time has passed."


"What is with all that screaming?" The older guard, who had been tasked with escorting Adan and his group to the prisoners and retrieving them, stood outside the interrogation chamber. However, as soon as they entered the room, he heard horrendous screams coming from inside.

Hours later, the screaming persisted and echoed throughout the empty hallway. As their time with the prisoners was coming to an end, the guard decided to send them to the meeting room.

As he opened the door, the guard stumbled and fell to his rear upon seeing the scene. The room was splattered with blood, and disfigured corpses were scattered around the room, with organs, skin, hair, and teeth strewn about. The only surviving prisoner was the cult leader, who was tied to a chair with his skin expertly removed, exposing his muscles, bones, and organs. Despite being in agony, he was still alive.

Adan, Isabella, and Elise were all squatting in front of the man. Adan had a clean appearance, but Isabella and Elise were drenched in blood, with bits and pieces of flesh clinging to their clothes and faces painted with dried blood. Adan grabbed a muscle from the man's leg. "And this is the sartorius muscle. As you can see, it connects the right side of the pelvis to the left side of the knee," Adan explained.

Elise grabbed the muscle and pulled on it. "It's so skinny, does it have an important role?" she asked with curiosity.

"Indeed it does," Adan replied as he took a small knife and cut the muscle. The cult leader started screaming again and tried to move around, causing his right leg to move awkwardly. "See?" Adan said, pointing to the reaction.

"I understand," Elise said captivated.

"Now that I've talked about muscles, let's talk about organs. Here's a good one," Adan said as he navigated his hand through the man's torso, tearing away what was in his way. He grabbed one of the man's kidneys and pulled it out without damaging it, then skillfully cut the attachments.

"This is what makes piss. It detoxifies your body of unwanted and excess chemicals," Adan explained. Isabella and Elise both said "huh" in unison. At that moment, Adan noticed the guard who was lying on the floor.

"Oh, pardon me. Is our time up?" Adan asked, then had an idea, "Or do you want to join our anatomy class?" he said as he threw the kidney to the guard, who caught it unconsciously and then screamed. Adan knew it was time to finish up, but since he hadn't closed the recent wounds, he knew the man would eventually die from his injuries. He signaled to Isabella and Elise to stand up. Elise was especially disappointed, appearing to have enjoyed the lesson.

"Take us somewhere where the girls can clean themselves, and then to the royal family," Adan said, already formulating his plan for the negotiations and becoming excited at the thought of it.

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