Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 20: Chapter 19 – Chase

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"Sleeping gas?" Cecilia eyed Adan suspiciously. 'How would he be able to stay awake if that's the case?'

Adan ignored Cecilia's gaze and changed the subject. "You don't seem to have a way to transport all these people. You should send a few men back to get some carts."

"What will you do now?" Cecilia asked as Adan strode past her, heading towards the big tent in the center.

"I'll search for my stolen property," Adan replied, turning to look at Cecilia. "Then, I'll leave for now. But I'll come back in a few days. After you're done with the cultists, make sure to keep a few alive for me. I have a few uses for them." Isabella was by Adan's side at this point and they said their goodbyes for now.

The tent was spacious, with only basic necessities, nothing fancy. In a corner of the room, there was a table, and on that table was an unconscious Elise, tied up.

Adan used his "Doctor's Eye" skill and found that there was nothing wrong with Elise, just unconscious. He went to retrieve a potion from inside his coat to wake her up, but his entire stash of potions was gone, leaving only valuables, food, and water.

"Hold her for a bit, dear," Adan said, handing Elise's unconscious body to Isabella, who held her from the back facing Adan.

Adan activated his right eye again, this time at full power. He took a step forward and with all his might, he slapped Elise with the momentum carried in his hand, causing a few teeth to fly out of her mouth.

"What the fuck!" Elise screamed, falling to the floor. Isabella was on the floor, too, holding her stomach as she laughed too hard. Adan was also holding his stomach, unable to contain his laughter after seeing Elise's expression combined with her missing teeth. She was also still tied and she looked like a caterpillar squirming around on the ground.

Elise continued to hurl insults and threats, but that only made Adan laugh even more. Eventually, he grew bored. “How did you even get yourself kidnapped?” Adan asked.

“I haven't the foggiest fucking idea,” Elise replied as she attempted to punch Adan after he freed her.

“Could they have detected some holy magic coming from you?” Adan asked, to which Elise nodded in agreement. “It's possible, but we can only speculate for now.”

“Right, well, we're about an hour late. The church lads might try to break through our door at any moment,” Adan said, noticing Elise's confusion. “Don't you worry about that? You seem too calm.”

“I'm pretty sure I can bullshit my way out of it,” Adan replied, and they left the tent through the back, departing the forest. They needed to put some distance between them and the royal team because Adan didn't want to reveal his teleport skill to the royal family. After another hour on the road, they found a secluded spot between the trees. Adan didn't have any more potions to ensure that no one followed them.

The teleportation process was completed without interruption, and they arrived outside the city of Lordslane. "Wait, why aren't we in the basement?" Elise asked as soon as she realized they were not in the correct location.

"Because, dear Saintes, I cannot teleport there. I also cannot teleport inside the city because it would be too noticeable," Adan told her in a calm voice.

"So how are we supposed to get inside the city, the house, and the basement without being seen by the guards? Your house is surrounded by church guardians," Elise said, sounding distressed.

"Calm down. I have a few tricks up my... sleeve," Adan said as he reached into his coat, searching for some potions. But then he remembered, he had used everything. ‘Fuck. I forgot to leave some potions for our escape.’ Adan had been too caught up in the fight earlier. It was so entertaining that he used all of his arsenal, including the potions that he was supposed to use to sneak back home.

As Isabella and Elise looked on, the smile on Adan's face faded as he realized he had no resources left. " Oh, come on. Don’t tell me something’s wrong?" Elise asked, trying to understand the situation.

"Isabella, dear," Adan began, turning to his daughter with a serious expression. "If I were to create a distraction in the city, do you think you could sneak Elise inside?"

Elise looked at Adan in disbelief. " What? How are you even going to do that?" she asked.

Adan's mischievous grin returned. "I'm one of the most wanted criminals in the kingdom. I can think of a way or two," he replied confidently.

"You think just sneaking me inside the city is enough?" Elise pressed.

"Alright, here's the plan," Adan explained. "Isabella will sneak you into our room through a secret entrance and you'll stay there. If she hears the guards outside, she'll go downstairs and tell them that the treatment isn't over yet and that they should leave us alone in the basement and chase me. They'll probably leave a few guards behind, but most of them will go after me. And since they have a somewhat good impression of Godfried, they shouldn't check the basement." Adan finished his explanation, still unsure of how he would shake off the guards, but he would have to figure it out.

“You are out of potions, are you sure you’ll be alright, father?” Isabella asked with big, worried, puppy eyes. It made Adan glad to see his daughter be so concerned for his safety. Even though he may have created her this way, there was still something special about it.

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“I'd be more worried about the rest of the city,” Adan said as he turned towards Elise. Her comment had ruined the moment.

“Tell me, does your mouth feel colder with less teeth in it? Should we remove some more to find out?” Elise touched her cheek after hearing the comment and didn't speak further.

“Make sure to send me a signal once Elise is hidden,” Adan gave Isabella the final order and they separated.


There were a lot of travelers and merchants constantly coming in and out of Landslord. One man, cloaked, walked to the front of the line, despite the angry shouts of the others waiting. Second from the front of the line was a lone man, with his horse and carrying little baggage. The cloaked man stopped beside this lone man. He was older and gave the impression of an experience person. The cloaked man grabbed the man by his feet and forcibly dragged him off his horse, throwing him to the ground. This caused a commotion and attracted the attention of the guards. But before they could act, the cloaked man unsheathed his sword and plunged it deep into the fallen man's heart, killing him instantly.

The guards rushed towards the two, but the cloaked man jumped onto the horse and revealed his face. It was Adan, the wanted criminal. The guards took a step back in reflex upon seeing this.

"Neigh, motherfuckers!" Adan yelled and laughed as he forced his way through the guards and into the city, hacking with his sword at random civilians, horses, and carts in his way. The yells of the civilians could be heard, and the guards quickly sounded the alarm in response to the commotion.

Adan galloped through the narrow streets of Landlord, dodging carts, horses, and surprised citizens. He had taken advantage of the confusion caused by his sudden attack on the guards at the city gate to make a daring escape into the heart of the city. Now, he was being hotly pursued by a growing group of guards and church guardians, who had been tasked with bringing him to justice for his crimes.

Adan urged his horse on, ducking down low as he passed under low-hanging awnings and dodging around tight corners. Behind him, the clatter of hooves and the shouting of the pursuers echoed through the city, as they struggled to keep up with the elusive criminal.

Suddenly, Adan felt a blast of heat and light behind him, as a church guardian unleashed a powerful spell. The horse reared up in terror, but Adan managed to cling to its back and regain control. He spurred the horse on even faster, dodging through the crowds as the guardians continued to cast spells, sending bolts of lightning and balls of fire raining down on the streets. ‘Have they gone fucking mad? They’re destroying the city’ Adan thought about his pursuers actions, ‘Am I this important?’, he chuckled at the though.

Adan was a skilled horseman, and he knew the streets of Landlord well. He zigzagged through the city, taking unexpected turns and jumping over obstacles, as the guardians struggled to keep up. Despite their best efforts, however, Adan continued to stay ahead of them, his horse running faster and more determined with every passing moment.

As the chase continued, more and more people of Landlord started to take notice. Some ran in terror, others gathered to watch the spectacle unfold. Children shouted and cheered, while vendors and merchants closed their stalls, wary of the destruction that was surely to come.

The guards and guardians, meanwhile, continued their pursuit, their anger and determination only growing with each passing moment. Adan was becoming a more and more formidable target, as he continued to outmaneuver them, always staying just out of reach.

Finally, as the chase approached the heart of the city, Adan turned down a narrow alleyway, disappearing from sight. The guards and guardians followed, only to find themselves facing a dead end. They stopped, panting and sweating, as they searched the alleyway for any sign of Adan. He was nowhere to be found, but they found his trace again.

The chase continued on, through the winding streets and dark alleyways of Landlord, as Adan used his knowledge of the city and his skills as a horseman to keep one step ahead of his pursuers. The people of the city watched in awe as the chase continued on, never losing intensity, never coming to an end.

Suddenly, Adan felt a familiar sensation in his mind. He received a message from the slave contract, which indicated that everything at home was ready for his return. Laughing loudly, Adan's right eye turned red, and he allowed more blood to flow down than usual, it looked like someone left the faucet on. The result was a thicker fog that spread out over a considerable distance. The same monstrous illusions began attacking the guards and guardians, causing some of them to fall off their horses, but others continued to follow Adan.

The guards were confused as they saw the fog morph and instead of creatures coming at them, they saw multiple illusions of Adan. By using illusions of himself along with the monsters, Adan managed to confuse the guards and make them slip up. The illusions took several paths through narrow alleys, forcing the guards to split and follow them. Eventually, there were only a small group of three guardians and one guard pursuing Adan.

Adan dismounted his horse and drew his sword, his book hovering protectively beside him. The three guardians and the guard closed in on him, their swords drawn and magic at the ready. Adan parried a strike from the first guardian, and with a flick of his wrist, sent the book flying towards the second. The book collided with a blast of magic, blocking it and giving Adan an opening to strike. He lunged forward, his sword clashing against the guardian's blade.

The other two guardians circled around him, their magic casting spell after spell, each one blocked by Adan's book. Despite the barrage, Adan held his ground, his sword dancing and weaving through the air as he parried and dodged. The guard rushed forward, his sword flashing in the light, but Adan was ready. He spun on his heel, his sword deflecting the guard's attack and leaving him open for a counter.

The first guardian joined the fight, his magic merging with the second's, creating a massive spell that threatened to overwhelm Adan. But he was not deterred. With a flick of his wrist, the book shifted, intercepting the spell and breaking it apart. Adan seized the opportunity and launched himself at the two guardians, his sword a blur as he fought on two fronts.

Back and forth the battle raged, spells flying and swords clashing in a dance of death. Adan's skill was unmatched, and he moved with a grace and precision that was a sight to behold. The guardians were struggling to keep up, their magic faltering and their blades growing sluggish. Adan pushed them back, his sword moving with lightning-fast strikes that left the guardians reeling.

Breathing heavily, Adan stood victorious, exhausted from overexciting and from using his devil form for too long at this point, his sword at the ready in case the guardians decided to renew the fight. But they were defeated, their magic spent and their blades broken. Adan sheathed his sword and retrieved his book, a small smile on his lips as he mounted his horse and rode away, the chase through the city of Landlord finally over. As he made sure no one was around him, killed the horse, changed his clothes and face to a random civilian he’s killed long before and he strode through the streets, dodging guards and acting to the best of his abilities when they did meet.

Back at his home, his assumptions were correct. Most of the guardians had left, and he was able to navigate around the house and enter it through a secret passage on the upper level of the house that he had created some time ago. Isabella was waiting in their room, pacing back and forth. He put on his Godfried clothes and face and, without speaking much, he went back to the basement where Elise was waiting. Everything had gone according to plan.

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