Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 109: Chaos

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"I know now," Jade said with a smile on her lips. The tears on her face had long dried and now what remained was just indifference.

She then slowly stood up from the ground.

"I had given up my twenty best years to you but no more," she said and then turned around and left. 

Just like that with her every grievance and resentment buried deep in her heart.

Donovan smiled looking at her back. But before Jade could go any further she stopped in her trek as an ear-piercing whistle echoed in the forest.

Donovan also became alert after hearing it. 

He quickly stood up and ran towards his horse.

"Gracia…quickly this way," he yelled at Jade. Jade has already taken the reins of her own horse. In the next second she was on her horse riding it behind Donovan.

It was a special signal for danger.

Donovan was quick to ride his horse in the direction from where someone had blown a whistle.

But as they went further they heard another whistle and Donovan halted his horse.

"Did you hear that?" Jade stopped her horse beside his.

"Someone entered the forbidden part," Donovan nodded his head.

"We have to alert everyone," Jade said.

"Go gather everyone. I go check who is there," Donovan declared.

"No. You can't go there alone," Jade shook her head. "If they are more in numbers you won't be able to take them by all yourself," 

"I'm coming with you," Donovan wanted to refute her words but they suddenly heard hooves of horses.

"My lord," Garrett came there with Silja and Mira.

"The rogues," Garrett's face was marred with worries.

"Someone must have entered the forbidden part and alerted them. We can't win in a straight fight," Donovan shook his head. 

This was bad. He has specifically instructed everyone not to cross their limits. Now everyone was in great danger.

Silja, who was behind Garrett, furrowed her eyebrows. This was the thing she was most worried about. She didn't care about anyone else but she was afraid about Mira. Although Mira was also able to defend herself and handle a few weapons, still she wasn't a skilled warrior. Silja didn't want her to get hurt even the slightest.

"Return back to the camp and take everyone you found on the way to a safe place," Donovan gave instructions as soon as he saw Garrett.

"Gracia, go with him," Donovan instructed.

"I'm not leaving you here alone," Jade said stubbornly.

"I'm not alone, lady Silja will go with me," Donovan looked at the woman who was standing at the end with an expressionless face. Silja's facial expressions changed as soon as she heard that.

Jade's eyes moved towards Silja and she furrowed her brows.

"Lady Silja is human. Do you want her to fight with those beasts?" Jade couldn't believe why he made such a bizarre decision.

"Don't worry she is skilled enough," Donovan said.

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"Lady Silja send your maid with Garrett and Jade and follow me," Donovan instructed. Jade wanted to argue but for some reason, she gulped down her words. The look of confidence in his eyes when he looked at Silja, that look told her many things that she has not noticed till now.

"I won't leave Mira alone," Silja refuted. She didn't want to go with him at any cost. Why should she jump in danger with him, it wasn't worth it.

"You don't know the fastest way out of here. Jade knows. You will be the only burden for Garrett. So let jade help him and you come with me," Donovan turned his rain towards the direction with full speed. But Silja didn't follow him.

"Lady Silja you should go…" Jade advised. No matter what she didn't want to go with Donovan.

"I will be his burden there too. I can't fight rogue dragons and Witches," Silja shook her head looking at Jade.

Donovan, who saw her standing there without moving, stopped his horse.

He looked at her and then narrowed her eyes.

"Milady no. I won't go anywhere without you," Mira also shook her head. She will never let her silja go in the mouth of danger voluntarily.

Silja turned her horse in different directions. While Mira also followed behind. Donovan narrowed his eyes. He turned towards Garrett and their eyes met. Donovan nodded his head and Donovan's horse started to chase Silja.

Donovan whistled as Silja was riding the horse fast.

And suddenly with his whistle, Silja's horse stopped suddenly.

With loud neighing, the horse stood on his hind legs. He burst into furry and started jumping around. Even Mira's horse also got infected by fury and started to behave like a scoundrel.

Silja was caught off guard by his sudden anger and she lost her balance. She fell from the horse. Silja found herself losing balance and the next second horse threw her from his back. Silja fell from its back and rolled on the ground and ended up with bruised elbows and palms.

"Milady…" Mira yelled but her horse started to run and took her away in different directions.

Donovan, Garrett and Jade were already there. Garrett went behind Mira's horse while Jade also climbed down her horse.

On the other hand, Donovan halted his horse in front of Silja and dismounted his horse.

He extended his hand looking at her.

Silja lifted her head and looked at him. Her eyes are red with pure furry.

"You did that?" she asked between her gritted teeth.

She vaguely remembered hearing a sharp whistle and just after that, her horse started to behave strangely.

It was surely his doing.

All the horses were specially trained and that's how Donovan was able to stop Silja's horse with just a signal.

A smile spread on Donovan's lips. He slowly squatted down and held her bruised hand in his.

"My mother said When someone doesn't understand the simple language we should try different means," he slowly cleaned her wounds with his handkerchief and then blew gently on it.

Silja's little nose was flaring up in anger.

"We are in the middle of the most dangerous forest you can find in this land. All lives are in danger. If we want everyone to go out safely we have to work together," Donovan explained. Whole-time his attention was on her wounds.


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