Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 110: Chaos - 2

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The whole time his attention was on her wounds.

He slowly cleaned them and then blew on them gently.

"I can't not stop them alone. I need your help," he lifted his head and looked in her eyes, hopefully. "Please, you can ask anything in return when we go back," he added.

"Huh ask anything? That if only we can go out of here alive," Silja scoffed.

"You will go out alive. Even at the cost of my life. I promise that to you," he uttered each and every word clearly. And Silja was dazed for a second. The look in his eyes was so sincere that she could help but believe deep down in her heart.

But she wasn't the only one who was shocked. Jade, who was standing not far away, was even more shocked. Her eyes were glued to the couple sitting on the ground.

This was the first time she has seen Donovan squatting down in front of someone. And that to take care of them. Unbelievable.

With the gentle look on his face and the undivided attention of his eyes for Silja, jade couldn't believe her eyes.

And when he gently cleaned and blew on her wounds. Jade felt like she had lost part of her soul.

The answer she wanted to avoid till now was in front of her. The small gesture of his screamed many things that she didn't want to hear.

He gave her the answer even without using any words.

A sole tear left her eye while her face held a blank expression. Without any other words, she turned her horse robotically and then disappeared behind the dense trees.

Donovan who felt her leaving gave a fleeting glance in the direction she left and then again looked at Silja. 

Another whistle echoed at that moment followed by the deep cry of a dragon, and Silja shuddered hearing it.

"They are here. If we don't stop them and if they reach our people, no one will be able to get out of here alive. Not me, not you and not your maid," Donovan said in a deep and serious voice. His words hit the right spot on Silja's heart. No matter how angry she was she won't ever let anything happen to any innocent souls. Not to forget Mira's life can also fall in danger if they don't do anything.

"But we two are not capable enough to stop them," Silja's forehead creased in worry. She was thinking that he was joking when he said she would go with him.

There is no way they could stop those dragons, Witches and who knows what other animals of the forest.

Just thinking of it made Silja shudder in fear.

"Trust me we are more than enough. You are more than enough," Don stood up and extended his hand towards Silja. Silja took it hesitantly and then stood up.

"How are you so sure of my capabilities?" She asked

"Just gut feeling," he replied with a smile.

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"They are around," "This is time to show your archery skills milady," Donovan said. He then took out his crossbow sling from his back and helped silja wear it. He has two crossbows with him. One was a spare one that Garrett always put behind the horse.

He took out the arrows from the back of the horse and gave half of them to her it to her.

"All we have is here. Don't waste any," Donovan instructed.

Silja smiled looking at him.

"I didn't manage to get any prey in the last two days and have just wasted all the bowes. Are you sure you want to give me this?" Silja smiled as she asked him.

Donovan was taking out his special knuckle knives which were designed to wear in his palms.

He looked at her and then pulled her towards him by holding the back of her head and then blocking her lips with his.

"You can fool them, not me," he said after releasing her.

Silja scrunched her nose and pushed him away.

"Don't you dare do that again. Just because I'm helping you, doesn't mean that I have forgotten what you did," Silja said haughtily and turned away. Donovan just smiled and didn't say anything.

She then took the bow and inspected it before pulling its string. This one was different. The design was different and so was the bows, she wasn't familiar with this type of crossbow.

There was a small carving on the crossbow. Dragons were breathing fire and every place was enveloped in fire. The maker has considered every small detail while making it. The weight and length of everything were very proportionate.

"Here, you put arrows here. You can shoot two arrows together if you arrange them this way," after Donovan was ready he started to teach her. "Position them at this angel and you can hit two targets with one," Silja nodded her head and then put the bows away.

Once she was ready he lifted her up and put her on the horse in a swift motion. He then climbed and sat behind her.

"I still don't know why you insisted of me to stay by your side? Do you like annoying me so much?" Silja asked taking the rein of the horse in her hand.

"Because I know few things about you, that you, yourself don't know," His one hand wrapped around her waist while the other took the rein of the horse from her hand and with just one slight kick from him the horse bolted with lightning speed in the opposite direction of where Mira and Garrett had left. 

"Hold tight," she heard him say before everything started to blur in front of her eyes because of the unbelievable speed of the horse. Her body swayed but thanks to Donovan who stabilized her in between his arms. It took Silja a few moments before she could focus on the things. 

The horse was making its way in between the tangled and small road of the forest and the trees passed by them one by one.


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