Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 145: The Announcement

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Zachary also looked at his son with slightly wet eyes.

"Prince Donovan... Where is my sister?" Suddenly Joshua asked. Lady Silja return with Donovan but there was no sign of his sister.

"Ohh she...she might be on her way," Donovan replied and to confirm his sentence suddenly an Olivia who was in dragon form crashed outside the ground.

The loud crash attracted everyone's attention and Joshua hurried in the direction.

While they were on their way they found Olivia who was trying her hardest to reach the capital. She was injured and her flying was unsteady. Donovan has never expected that she will come out alive but he didn't give much thought to it. When Olivia saw him she had expected to help him but Donovan ruthlessly ignored her like he didn't know who she was and flew away on his way.

While Olivia kept trying to tag along.

But her body gave up as soon as she reached here and collapsed.

"Oli…." Lord Joshua patted her chicks and tried to wake her up but Olivia refused to move.

Lord Joshua soon noticed various marks on his body and his eyes widened. She was tortured to a very bad extent.

"Call the healer," he yelled and one of the men ran to find a healer for Olivia. 

"Prince Donovan, what happened to my sister? How did she end up in a situation like this?" Joshua glared at Donovan. From what he could see Donovan and lady Silja both were just fine, so how did his sister was injured this badly.

"Well, it was her stupidity that landed not only her in the problem but also my whole troop," Donovan spoke without any hesitation. 

"What do you mean?" Joshua asked.

"She was the one who entered the forbidden part of the forest and alerted the rouges, resulting in their attack," Donovan looked at the man, "Not only was I injured during the battle but also her foolishness risked the Life of all my soldiers," he added. His words are firm and clear. He didn't even take into consideration Joshua's status as a lord and didn't try to save his face.

"I thought your sister might have a slight intelligence like you do but it looks like I was wrong and she is nothing other than a spoiled princess," Donovan's words have been like a sharp knife that cuts through the reputation of lord Joshua. 

"You might be mistaken, prince Donovan. There must be a reason behind Olivia's actions," lord Joshua tried to defend his sister.

"There better be a good reason as you said otherwise the conciquancis will fall on your house, lord Joshua," Donovan grinned at the end of the sentence.

Joshua pursed his lips and his face twitched. 

How dare he? So what if he's the prince? 

Joshua couldn't help but curse in his heart, Donovan has always been a thorn in his way to reach up and always has picked on Joshua but today he took it to an extreme level and Joshua wasn't going to forget this.

Before he could refute more the healers arrived and took away Olivia and Joshua followed behind.

Kruel who was standing on the platform looking at everything from afar finally made his way towards them.

His aura was dark and strong and instantly attracted everyone's attention, especially Donovan's.

Donovan was occupied with the thoughts of Silja and Joshua before thus he neglected the dark presence that he was feeling but now he felt it and whipped his head in the direction of the source.

His dark red eyes flickered as he saw a familiar face. Donovan's lips twitched and eyes narrowed as he looked at Kruel with surprise.

Not just him but everyone else also looked at the tall man with jet black eyes who was walking over ever so slowly.

Silja who was standing beside Benjamin felt a soft tug on her arms before even she could see the face of a man and Benjamin pulled her behind him.

He had never met Kruel before bit he jas heard a lot about the infamous man. Benjamin didn't even want his one glace on his sister. He protected her behind his tall body and Silja who was standing behind his couldn't help but roll her eyes. Her brother was still the same as before, overprotective and childish.

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But she thought that was until she didn't know who the man was standing in front of them. 

She was curious and tried to peak out her head to look but Benjamin pressed jet to head back and slowly started to wall back with his sister, away from the crowd.

Donovan who was standing ahead didn't notice this sneaky move of Benjamin.

Benjamin pulled Silja away from the crowd to inquire about everything that happened till now.

While Kruel stood in front of Donovan.

"Hello prince Donovan, I was looking forward to meeting you for a long time now," Kruel said with a smile. Donovan looked towards his father and Zivan with a question mark on his face.

"Well, I never expected to see you here king Azazel?" Donovan said. He didn't know what had happened behind that this man managed to enter his kingdom. Just that none of them even stopped him.

"Well, my mother insisted that we should reconcile the old relationship between our families on this auspicious occasion of the summer festival. And you may know that I will never say no to my mother's any wishes, so here we are with the proposal of friendship," Kruel has a calm smile on his lips but when Donovan bore his red eyes in his umber one he could see the storm brewing there.

No matter what the man was speaking there was something else on his mind. Plus Donovan could never believe that Kruel was here with a friendship proposal.

This was like a tiger extending a hand of friendship towards deer. 

That wasn't possible at all.

"Huh, well words like this isn't much believable from your mouth," Donovan replied without even holding back.

"Yes that's right, with the consideration of our relationship in the past few years it's hard to believe but no worries since we are here, we will make sure that you will get enough reason to believe in us," Kruel said. Evillene also walked towards them and stood beside his son with a gentle smile on his face. Donovan has never seen the woman before but from what he had heard till the date he could guess who she was.

"My son is right. But let us not talk about it now. We have lots of time to discuss that, right now it's time to celebrate," Evillene said and looked at Abrielle.

"Sister Abrielle, now that Donovan is here we should proceed further with customs. Im think it's almost time for Donovan to announce the wife that he has chosen," Abrielle urged and Abrielle's lips twitched. She didn't like that woman at all and she couldn't even stand her in her home or kingdom. But right now her hand were tied down and she was in a compromising position. Abrielle was feeling anger bubbling her anger but suddenly an arm wrapped around her shoulders. She looked up and found Donovan standing beside her.

"Abrielle, let us go to stage this is time to announce the results of the competition," Zachary said and lead Abrielle towards the stage, other members of the family followed behind. 

When Abrielle saw the interaction between both husband and wife she couldn't help but grit her teeth. 

Donovan looked behind to look at Silja when he thought about announcing the results but he couldn't find the familiar face in the crowd. He narrowed his eyes and walked towards Zivan. Both brothers whispered something and then Zivan left silently. After instructing him Donovan walked on the stage.

"Have you made your decision already?" Abrielle asked softly as she walked with him.

"Yes," Donovan replied in a soft voice and stood facing the ground.

"Have you considered everything Donovan?" Abrielle couldn't help but ask. 

"Don't worry, queen mother," Donovan said with a reassuring smile and then faced the crowd.

In the last part of the competition, only four ladies were selected. One of them was Olivia who was already out of questions to become the wife of Donovan since she made a blunder. From the other three Jade was the most suitable candidate to marry according to all the people.

Lord Gracia who was looking at everything from the sidelines now walked over to his daughter.

"So that was the reason behind your worries. Why didn't you tell me that Donovan was missing?" Lord Gracia asked.

Hearing his question Jade lowered her head unable to speak anything. Yes, that was one of the reasons, but there was now even more big worry.


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