Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 146: The Announcement

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"So that was the reason behind your worries. Why didn't you tell me that Donovan was missing?" Lord Gracia asked.

Hearing his question Jade lowered her head, unable to speak anything. Yes, that was one of the reasons, but there was now even more big worry.

When lord Gracia saw her lowered head something clicked on his mind but he didn't get much time to dwell on it as Donovan started to speak.

"From the last few days, I was indeed not present in the castle. But the information was kept under wraps so that people don't panic," Donovan clarified the matter so no one can accuse his family anymore.

"Indeed brother, but now that you are here it's time to announce the results of the bridal ceremony for which the people of North are waiting for so long," Zivan announced and walked towards his brother. He has successfully brought Silja to the celebration. Even though Benjamin was reluctant to part with her sister he was forced by Zivan.

His eyes looked at all the people who were asking the question and trying to surpass the royal family till now.

Huh, how could they think that they can threaten them by using the power of the common people?

As long as his brother was there and they all were together no one could even break a single strand of hair.

"Sure," Donovan replied with a smile.

"Then shall I invite all the potential candidates on the stage?" Zivan asked and without waiting for a reply he looked at all the three ladies. Olivia was already sent to tend her wounds so she wasn't there. And after what Donovan said before it was clear that he was not going to choose a woman who had created such a grave mistake and almost killed the prince himself.

Jade reluctantly walked towards the stage.  Lady Cecelia walked rather excitedly towards the stage. Even though she hasn't seen any special talents during the time of hunt she has shown her archery skill. According to her, if Donovan decides not to choose Lady Jade then she will be the one who he will choose. With Olivia out of the picture and Silja was human so both of them didn't pose a threat to her. For her now only competitor was lady Jade.

But what she didn't know was that the woman she was thinking of as her competitor had already accepted defeat long ago in the hands of Silja.

Silja, who was standing, at last, stood there froze as they called them up on the stage. She knew for the start that Donovan will announce the result today but now that the time was here she felt her heart palpitate. She didn't move from her sport and that pleased Benjamin. When he saw how Donovan had held ber sister in his arms, his blood has started to boil. And what startled him more was that Silja didn't even reject his touch and allowed him to enter her proximity. For Benjamin, his sister was someone who like to keep an appropriate distance between strangers and her. So the seed of doubt sprouted in his heart that maybe this dragon might have enchanted his sister by their charm. Not to forget the handsome face of that handsome prince. But right now he heaved a sigh of relief when Silja remained unmoved and reluctant to leave. On the other hand, when Donovan saw her standing there without any intention of moving, he frowned.

He looked at Zivan and signalled towards Silja with his eyes.

Zivan nodded his head and walked in her direction.

"My lady, please," Zivan bowed his head a bit and extended his hand for Silja to take so that he could lead her on stage. Silja looked up and look at Zivan, then at her brother.

Benjamin has held her hand tightly without any intention of letting go. Silja smiled at him and slowly freed her hand from his grip,  "I got this brother," she slowly murmured. Benjamin frowned when he saw her walking away with Zivan.

Silja's head was filled with many jumbled up thoughts as she walked slowly towards the stage. With each step, she could hear her heartbeat increasing. She could guess whom he was going to choose based on their past interactions. But what about her? Was she ready to choose him?

She remembered the day she left Atlanea, it was clear in her mind that she will never marry the prince. Even after spending so much time her confidence didn't waver until she found out that Donovan - the prince was, Don - the soldier. Her affection turned in anger and she rejected him even firmly. But he was so sly, slowly making his way in her heart. Silja would have still denied her feelings for her kingdom but when she remembered what he said about the unity of both kingdoms and the benefit from it she finally waver.

He was right, there was no gain in working separately, and if what he said can be implemented then there was a chance that she could ensure the safety of her people.

But what about her father and brother? Will they be able to understand what Donovan told her? 

Nonetheless, to be with Donovan or not was her decision and since her brother was here she can just discuss everything with him later and Donovan will also help her to convince her brother and father. But that was a matter of later for now she has to calm her mind down. She tried to clear her mind and looked up and in an instant, her eyes met with dark red ones who were looking at her from the stage. Donovan's face was expressionless but if one could pay a bit more attention they could see the soft smile on the corner of his lips.

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Silja finally walked up the stage and stood beside Jade who has her head lowered. Donovan was standing im front of them facing in their direction.

"Brother over to you," Zivan said and stood on the side.

"I have never thought that I will choose a wife to marry but now that things are progressed to this level it felt strange," Donovan said and his eyes were on the one face. Silja's eyes were lowered and her hand were a bit trembling as she heard her deep cello-like voice reach her ears.

"After considering all the factors and time that I have decided that I, Donovan Regalhelm - Eldest prince of North, am choosing…." Donovan took a pause and everyone on the whole ground held their breath.

Donovan was the eldest prince, the next descendant of the throne. Not just that he was the most powerful amongst all the dragons even surpassing his father and thus he was beloved and well respected amongst the people of Atlanea. Throughout the years he has led many battles and even won them. Not just that he even saved his people and improved the lives of their people by implementing various plans. 

Thus everyone wanted him to take over the throne and marry a suitable lady who can strengthen his position.

But even after reaching the age of marriage, Donovan refused to marry everyone become anxious.  Donovan was the only one who was not affected by the curse and thus all the people hast started to believe that he will be the one who will break the curse of dragons.

Also, Donovan was powerful and thus it was necessary that he could marry and have children who inheritance his power.

But Donovan refused to marry for many years and in the end, Zachary has to force him for this bride choosing ceremony. 

So finally their Eldest prince was going to choose a wife so how could they not be happy.

Most of them has believed that Donovan will choose lady Jade. Even Kruel also believed that lady Jade who was by Donovan's side from childhood will become his wife.

All of them were looking at Jade, even her father's expectant eyes were on her.

"...am choosing Princess Silja Castemont of Atlanea kingdom to be my wife," the next words left his mouth and the whole ground become silent.

And in that one moment, Silja's heart stopped beating. Her eyes lifted slowly and met his, the spark irruption from them and Silja felt like she will burn completely under his burning gaze. His eyes were only on her as if she was the only one in this whole world for him, and nothing mattered apart from him, nor there was anyone else worthy of his attention.

Silja took a sharp breath and her legs started to get weaker and weaker.


His wife? 

The words kept echoing in her head in his smooth and deep voice.

Was this all real? She asked herself.

How could this be real? She never wanted to entangle in any kind of romantic relationship, she had rejected him time and time and believed that she didn't like him.

Then why her heart was pounding faster and faster after hearing what he said? Why?

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