Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 147: Meeting Witch King

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His wife? 

The words kept echoing in her head in his smooth and deep voice.

Was this all real? She asked herself.

How could this be real? She never wanted to get involved in any kind of romantic relationship, she had rejected him time and time and believed that she didn't like him.

Then why was her heart pounding faster and faster after hearing what he said? Why?

When Donovan saw how flustered she had become, the corner of his eyes creased and a beautiful smile formed on his lips.

He walked ahead and bent down in front of Silja and extended his hand, " Milady," he asked for her hand.

Silja looked at him for a second before she put her small hand in his larger one. Donovan smiled even brightly and then slowly planted a butterfly kiss at the back of her palm. 

Only then did the whole crowd come to their senses. 

First, everyone thought that they heard it wrong but when Donovan stood in front of Silja everything became crystal clear.

Lord Gracia's lips that had a smile carved on them, fell instantly when he heard someone else's name instead of his daughter.

His eyes narrowed and he whipped his head in the direction of his daughter. Jade her head lowered while Cecilia's eyes were also filled with shock as she looked at Silja and Donovan.

Some murmurs started to spread and everyone started to show their shock and displeasure.

Zachary and Abrielle heaved sighs of relief on their faces, Zivan was smiling brightly while Samuel was expressionless as ever.

On the other hand, the most furious was Benjamin. He sensed the bad news the moment Silja walked away. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw that dreamy look in her eyes while she looked at Donovan. Apart from their father and him, Silja has never looked at anyone with eyes full of admiration. Not just the admiration but Benjamin could clearly see hearts forming in her eyes. What was this affection about?

What the hell was wrong with his little sister. While everyone was still stupified by the unexpected results Kruel walked forward to congratulate the couple.

Donovan has pulled Silja forward and made her stand beside him as they faced the crowd.

Donovan was very tall while Silja hardly reached his shoulders, plus her physics was also smaller than his making her look fragile in comparison to strong and sturdy Don.

"Congratulations Prince Donovan for having such a beautiful woman as your fiance," Kruel looked at the couple with a smile. Donovan, who looked at Kruel's fake smile, narrowed his eyes.

He has already predicted that the situation will be messier in the north because of their absence. He had also expected the rage of ministers and the public, but the only thing which was absent in his calculation was Kruel.

Never in his dreams had he thought that Kruel would take such a step.

'Reconcile their previous relationship my foot' Donovan scoffed in his mind. There was definitely some ulterior motive behind his move. Now thinking about these, Kruel has yet to take revenge for the witch that they had captured before. So he could be here for that revenge.

But will he have to go to such a length for a witch and risk his mother's life for coming here to the north?

There must be a greater benefit involved if he has decided to come here. There has to be something. Thousands of possibilities ran through Donovan's mind as he looked at the man in front of him.

"Thank you, King Azazel," Donovan smiled at him. 

Kruel then shifted his eyes to the woman standing in front of him. He was taller than Donovan by an inch making him look even taller than Silja. 

So when he turned in her direction he lowered his head to look at her while Silja raised her head. Their eyes met. They just stare at each other without saying anything for a while. Just now Donovan addressed him as Azazel, Silja recognised the man. There was only one king Azazel on the four continents and that was the king of Witches. Infamously known as Kruel. There was a slight shock in Silja's eyes as she looked at the man.

Witch King in the land of dragons?

What scenario was this?

Kruel, who was looking at Silja without blinking, felt a bit of discomfort in his heart when he looked at her hazel eyes.

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The girl was probably just nineteen to twenty years old and even she seemed to be very weak at first glance. 

After all, it was normal for a human to be weaker than all other creatures who roam on the land. Plus Kruel couldn't detect any special powers from her which means she was just a normal human as his people informed her. But still, there was something in her aura which was making Kruel a bit uncomfortable.

She must have found out by now who he was but still, there was no slightest shock of fear while looking at one of the most dangerous men among all the races.

Can it be that she might still have no idea about who he was?

After all, humans can be more than ignorant in fewer things than they should be and the girl in front of him was practically a child from a human land.

"Hello princess Silja, I'm Azazel, king of the Southern land. It's a pleasant surprise to meet you here," the man said with a smile and bowed slightly for courtesy in front of Silja. 

Well, he was King and there was no need for him to show respect to Silja but even though Silja was a princess and woman at that. So it was basic manners to greet her that way.

"The pleasure is mine, your highness. I have heard many things about you but never got any chance to meet before," Silja also replied with the same politeness.

She has heard so many things about the man from her father and many other people in Atlanea. And all of them were about how fearful the man was. All the stories have attached more and more fear to his name making him seem like a monster. Someone even said that the man looked very hideous and was an incarnation of Satan himself.

Not that she has believed those rumors even the slightest doubt she has in her mind washed away today.

She had thought that he might be very fearful to look at but now when he was standing Silja didn't even feel the slightest fear about him at all.

Well, the man wasn't the monster they portrayed him to be but he looked rather….handsome? Silja thought in her head. But his beauty was lacking something that Donovan has on his face. It was maybe his eyes that made him look detached from everything, even though with such a beautiful smile on his face.

Kruel's eyes narrowed down further when he saw that Silja's expressions didn't change even after finding out his identity.

On the other hand, the girl was looking at him with even more curious eyes like she was assessing him and maybe comparing him.

"You look like an interesting little lady, what a shame that we never met before," Kruel shook his head regretfully.

"Now we have," Silja replied with a smile.

But when she smiled at Kruel she felt Donovan's grip on her hand tighten. It was very subtle but she noticed it nonetheless.

Was the man jealous? Or was he trying to signal something?

And to confirm her doubt Donovan tugged her hand and pulled her in his arms.

"I'm sorry King Azazel but we have some costumes to fulfil," he spat the words and pulled Silja with him as he walked away.

Azazel narrowed his eyes looking at the back of the woman. There was something about her that was different but Kruel couldn't point out what it was.

Donovan pulled Silja away and walked towards his parents and brothers.

But before that, someone else stopped him on his way.

"What kind of joke is this, Prince Donovan?" Lord Gracia stood in front of them with anger raining from his eyes.

"I didn't get what you mean, lord Gracia," he asked with rather displeasure because of being stopped on his way.

"You already know what I mean?" Lord Gracia gritted his teeth.

"How can I know when you never told me," Donovan smiled kindly at the old man.

Donovan had already predicted this outcome and he was more than happy to play along.

Seeing what her father was doing jade hastily walked towards them to stop him.


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