Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 157: Little Maid

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"We just announced my marriage with prince Donovan, we can't go back on our words now," Silja shook her head. She couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with the thought of leaving everything. And she herself didn't realize the change of her own heart. 

"We can, it's not like you are married to him. As long as you don't say your vows anything is possible." Benjamin was hell-bent on taking her from here.

"But brother, Donovan is the only one who knows how I can control and cultivate my powers. If we leave, I will never be able to find out what is going on with me," Silja stopped Benjamin from leaving.

"It's okay if you don't find out. Actually, you don't have to find out anything. No need to cultivate whatever abilities you have. We will leave from here and can start our lives again as it used to be," Benjamin was anxious and a bit angry, angry at himself.

"But brother... I want to…," Silja pulled his sleeves. "I know all these things are looking scary at the moment but I still want to know why I have such powers. I want to find more about myself and explore myself," Silja said firmly. She has always spoken her mind without hesitation like she did today.

"What if nothing good came out of it?" Benjamin couldn't help but ask. 

"So be it," Silja said without any hesitation.

"Whatever is it is all part of me, connected to me. And how can I turn blind eye to all these things after experiencing so much," she was always afraid of her powers but after Donovan talked to her she understood that no matter how much scarry everything looks, in the end, it is still all part of her own. Be it darkness or light it will be hers.

Benjamin found his words stuck in his throat. She was right, why should he forbid her from using her powers, and deprive her of her rights. Now that things have reached this stage how long he could hide the truth from her. 

But he has his own demons to fight, he wanted to give everything to her but what if she left them after finding the truth.

He didn't want to lose her nor their parents. And that's why he wanted to be a little selfish for once.

"Okay, I won't stop you from knowing more about yourself and using these powers," in the end, Benjamin gave in. He patted her head gently before leaving the room, while Silja stood there confused at why her brother was behaving impulsively. And it revealed that he didn't forbid her from doing what she wanted.

She sighed and then left the tower to reach her assigned room. 

As soon as she reached the lounge a figure flashed in her direction like a tornado.

"Milady..." Mira threw her body on Silja and hugged her tightly.

When Silja sent her with Garrett she was very unwilling but she didn't have many choices. Even after waiting for the whole day at the place where they had refugees, there was no news of Silja. And Garrett and lady Jade who had gone to look for them came back empty-handed.

The bad promotion was rising in her heart but she was just a human who didn't know her way around in the strange place.

But still, when Mira reached her limits she sneaked into the cave they were staying in to find Silja. Garrett, who was responsible for her safety, noticed her absence immediately and went behind her. Even before she could go far away Garrett found her and stopped her.

Mira tried everything but how could she win against Garrett. In the end, Garrett knocked her out and took her back when she was unconscious so she wouldn't throw any more tantrums.

And the little maid of Silja almost died by worrying about Silja all this time.

She instantly broke into sobs as she hugged Silja. Silja was speechless for a second before she ran her hand smoothly on the back of Mira.

"It's okay, I'm fine," Silja gently consoled her. But Mira soon get herself together. She pulled back and wiped away her tears. After all, she was one of the royal maids, how could she cry that easily, she mustn't.

"I was worried…. sob..about you…," Mira spoke up between her sobs.

"How are you?" She asked worriedly and checked Silja's whole body.

"Im fine," Silja tried to reassure but until she confirmed by herself that there were no wounds on Silja's body she relaxed a bit but still the tears didn't stop falling.

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"Come with me…." Seeing how haggard she looked, Silja felt her heart being torn apart. She took Mira inside her room and made her sit on the sofa before she poured her some water. Mira instantly stood up as soon as she saw Silja pouring water for her.

"Let me…" she tried to take away the jug but Silja showed her side-eye and made her sit back in her place.

"Drink it," Silja sat beside Mira and gave her the glass. Mira chugged a whole glass of water in one go.


"Slow down," Silja shook her head and then took away the glass before asking, "How are you? Did they bring you here safely?" Silja had sent Mira away and even though she was sure that Donovan's man will keep her safe but she was still worried after all, Mira was alone among other dragons. Even though Donovan was good to her and other humans, the same can't be said for all other dragon people.

"I wanted to look for you but...but that mam of prince Donovan knocked me out and then brought me here," Mira got once again angry as she recalled that. After she came to her senses she tried to look for Garrett who was supposedly the higher rank among all but she couldn't get through him. And soon there was an order from the king to keep her mouth shut. They even sent a few maids to keep an eye on her, she was forbidden to speak with anyone and also to go out.

King Zachary has made all preparations and not a single news leaked about Donovan going missing.

She just wanted to kill that trash for hitting her so hard and bringing it here without her consent.

"He did a good job," Mira, who was mentally cursing Garrett, was dumbfounded when she heard Silja saying those words. She looked at Silja in disbelief.

"Milady, how can you say that?" Mira's face twitched in the grievance.

"Yes, that place was not suitable for you. Even when all the dragons can't do anything, what can you have done more instead of endangering your own life," Silja frowned as she explained? She understands Mira's character very well. Mira wouldn't have thought about her own life for Silja. And in that situation what Garrett had done was justified.

"How can I leave you there when you are in danger," Mira argued.

"Am I not here now, in front of you. Fine and healthy," Silja smiled and wiped away the remaining tears from Mira's face.


"No buts... forget anything happened and go prepare something for me to eat," Silja stood up and ordered. She hadn't eaten much back then as she was worried and after a long journey, she was very hungry. She needed good rest and some warm food to recuperate. Plus it also diverted Mira's attention successfully.

Mira arranged the food very soon. Silja sat at the table and even forced Mira to eat with her. She was sure that girl must have eaten nothing all this time in worry, which was actually true.

After they finished their meal Silja took a long bath before she finally went to bed. As soon as her head hit the pillow she fell into a deep slumber.

The time passed and soon the night fell. Mira came to check on Silja but when she saw her sleeping peacefully she didn't disturb her.

Late at night, suddenly a shadow flashed in Silja's room. With cat steps, someone jumped on the balcony. The tall body hindered the moonlight from entering the room and a long shadow cast down inside the room on Silja's bed.

But the girl was too sleepy to notice anyone's presence.

The figure walked in with quiet footsteps and sat down on Silja bed.

Girl' beautiful face was glowing in the moonlight as she breathed in and breathed out slowly.

A small red hair lock has fallen on her face, a large hand reached near her face and tucked those few strands of hair behind so they don't tickle her face and disturb her sleep.


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