Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 158: The Promise

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Girl' beautiful face was glowing in the moonlight as she breathed in and breathed out slowly. 

A small red hair lock has fallen on her face, a large hand reached near her face and tucked those few strands of hair behind so they don't tickle her face and disturb her sleep.

Silja frowned as she felt someone's cold fingers on her warm cheeks. but she was too tired to wake up and see what was going on. 

She just turned on the side and again fell asleep like a lazy cat. 

The figure loomed over her, his huge body covering her petite one. 

But suddenly Silja's eyes fluttered as she found someone's presence around her in her subconscious mind.

Silja's groggily opened her eyes and a devilish face entered her vision.

Her first reaction was to push whoever he was away.

Silja gave a hard push on his chest before she could understand what was going on.

"Ah…" the man was caught off guard and lost his balance before falling to the ground on his but.

Silja gasped and sat up on the bed hurriedly.

Her eyes narrowed down as she looked at the man on the ground.

"Donovan," Silja yelled in surprise, she looked at him.

Donovan on the other was on the ground with his face marred with surprised expressions.

He was silently admiring her face when suddenly she opened her eyes and even before he could understand what was going on she pushed him hard. He was only sitting on the edge of the bed so lost his balance and fell straight on his but.

Silja looked at him and hastily flung the quilt away and climbed down from the bed

"What were you doing?" She asked and tried to help him get up.

"Come on, stand up," Silja extended her hand.

Donovan, who was sitting in the same position with an ashen face, looked at her. When she saw him glare she could help but find the situation a bit funny. 

A smile rose on her face and Donovan narrowed his eyes at her teasing face.

Nevertheless, he extended his hand and held her small palm in his hand.

Silja tried to pull him up but instead of standing up, Donovan pulled her hand towards him.

"Ah…," and Silja fell on his lap. Donovan wrapped his arms around her waist and secured her.

"What are you doing?" She asked in surprise.

"What am I doing? What were you doing?" Donovan asked instead of answering.

"Quite feisty you have become, huh," he pressed his hand more on her waist and Silja squealed at the sensation of pain.

"What did I do wrong? You sneaked into my room like a thief and startled me when I was sleeping. I just pushed you out of instinct, Isn't that a normal reaction," Silja tried to justify her actions. 

"And plus you were so close to me," she looked at him and as she thought about her eyes widened, " Were you trying to take advantage of me?" She asked while her expression became comical.

Donovan's lips twisted hearing her words.

"Well I was just admiring your face without any intention of taking your advantage...but," he took a deliberate pause there.

"But?" Silja asked in confusion, but her next words made her speechless.

Donovan looked at her and his signature evil smirk spread on his lips, "but..now I want to," and before Silja could react he grabbed the back of her head and pulled her in a kiss.

Silja's pupils expanded as the familiar taste entered her mouth.

His skill moves made her lose her senses in just a few minutes.

He only let her go when he found that she was struggling for air.

He pulled back and saw the dreamy look on her face as she panted slowly while the redness had spread all over her face till neck.

Donovan rested his forehead on hers while no one spoke anything for some time. Then he gathered her in his arms and stood up. Donovan put her on the bed gently before sitting beside her.

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He leaned in and Silja thought that he was going to kiss her again so she opened her lips partly as an invitation but instead of his lips on hers, she heard him chuckle slowly.

Silja hurriedly opened her eyes and saw an amusing smile on his face. She turned even red into embarrassment.

"Although I would love to continue what we started, there are some more important matters that I need to discuss with you," Donovan held her face and planted a small peck on his cheek.

There was a hint of reluctance as he pulled back that Silja noticed.

She took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

"What important matters?" She asked and looked at him in curiosity.

"About our marriage," Donovan replied casually as he adjusted himself on the bed.

Silja felt her breath hitched as she heard his words.

"Marriage?" She mumbled the word softly, in a bit of uncertainty. When Donovan saw her reaction he frowned.

"Of course, now that we have announced our relationship don't you dare think about going back," Donovan threatened softly or we can say rather dotingly.

"No... that's not what I mean," Silja shook her head. And looked down at her feet.

"That's good then. We will marry on the last day of the summer festival," Donovan said happily. Silja raised her head, "when is that?" She asked. She knew that the summer festival was going to last for a few days but she didn't know the exact number of days.

"The day after tomorrow," Donovan replied rather casually.

Silja whipped her head in his direction in surprise. 

'The day after tomorrow?' for a second she thought she heard him wrong.

"Yes, is there any problem," Donovan titled his head as if he didn't know what was the problem.

"Yes, of course. That's too soon," they had just announced the marriage today why he wanted to marry so early. She hasn't even convinced her brother yet.

"Since we have already decided to marry, then what is soon and what is later. The earlier the better don't you think?" Donovan knew that Silja would definitely react this way. But he was determined to marry her as soon as possible.

"No Donovan, my brother hasn't agreed to this marriage and what about my parents? They don't even know what is going on here. How could I marry you without their permission," Silja was dumbfounded. Marry him in two days?

That was too early.

"About their permission, didn't they unofficially agree to our marriage when they sent you here?" Donovan asked nonchalantly.

"And Don't worry, we will go to meet them soon after our marriage. I promise you that," Donovan promised sincerely. 

When they heard what he had she wanted to say that they didn't agree but were forced but she restrained herself from saying. Whatever happened has happened, now since things have come to this point the solution was more important than finding the root of the problem.

On the other hand, Donovan could tell that for Silja her family and her people were most important. Otherwise, she wouldn't have dared to come here for the sake of her family and people.

So he has to take responsibility for making her parents satisfied and happy about their relationship.

Although they didn't have any choice once he married Silja, Silja would definitely won't want to make them dissatisfied and unhappy.

And about her brother…Well, that brother of hers looks like w trouble but that was fine so he will find a way to make him agree, by hook or by crook.

"Also don't worry about your brother. I will handle him my way," Donovan smiled mysteriously.

Silja instantly got worried when he saw his sinister smile.

"Don't you dare…" hurt him…' Silja pointed her finger at him but before she could finish her sentence Donovan held her finger in his fist.

"I'm not gonna hurt him. We will just talk like real men do. Okay," he said to her gently. 

"Promise?" Silja asked worriedly.

"Yes, promise," Donovan put his palm on her head.

"What if he flared up?" Silja knew Benjamin very well. The big brother of hers was a bit short-tempered. He could get angry about things without thinking much. But if one convinced him slowly he was also very understanding. 

"Even if he gets angry at me I will restrain myself from hurting him or doing anything that you don't like," Donovan said the words sincerely.

Only then did Silja become a bit relaxed. As long as they don't hurt each other it was fine. Because she was afraid that Benjamin would be the one to get hurt if that time came. Plus now that she was going to marry Donovan she wanted everyone to behave harmoniously like a family. Thinking about that suddenly one another thought surfaced in her head.

"Donovan, I have something to ask you,"

She looked at Donovan.

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