Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 188: Melting Ice

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Mira was standing beside Silja without saying a word. While Silja was in her own world of dreams.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door followed by the heavy sound of footsteps entering the main chamber.

Silja turned her head and found her brother standing not far away.

"Brother..," Silja stood up from her bed.

"I want to talk to you," Benjamin walked further in.

Silja looked at him for a moment with complicated expressions on her face before she looked at the maids.

Mira understood and led everyone out.

"Come sit here," Silja walked towards the chair and sat down.

After they talked last time things became a bit awkward between them.

Her heart was feeling heavy but she didn't let that show on her face because she knew that if that happened their relationship would worsen.

Benjamin was feeling guilty about the way he had behaved with her.

And when he saw that even after his rude behaviour she was still not blaming him his guilt doubled.

He took a step forward and sat down beside her.

Silja took the teapot and poured tea into a cup. She handed him one and kept one for herself. Both sat there in silence.

"I'm sorry," that was the first thing that came out of Benjamin's mouth after a long silence.

Silja was taken aback as she looked at him. 

"What for? You have wronged me many times during these few days so make it clear," Silja looked at Benjamin with indifference on her face.

Benjamin looked at her and then looked down before laughing himself depressingly.

"For each and every time," he then slowly spoke up and looked at her.

Silja lifted her eyebrows at him. She didn't know but her brother felt different today. 

"What's wrong, brother?," Silja asked. "Why the sudden change of heart?" 

"You know I'm a very stubborn person. And I was behaving very badly with you because of my stubbornness in the past few days. But when I thought about things I realized how wrong I was," Benji admitted his mistake.

"Can you forgive me?" Benjamin looked at her with a few unsure eyes.

"Are you saying just for the sake of saying or you are truly feeling it?" Silja asked. She didn't want any kind of apology that was forced.

After all, she was used to her brother giving in to her demands. Sometimes just to please her he would agree even though he didn't like those things.

But those times were different since those were small matters but this time it was big and important.

"Yes, I realized that it was wrong for me to stop you from marrying the man you want and even trying to plan to take you away from here without your consent," Benjamin nodded his head.

Silja looked at his dropped head and she felt her heart tighten.

Benjamin was such a proud man and she has never seen him In such a devastating state. She could see small dark circles around his eyes.

He must have not slept the past few nights.

And that was true too. Since Benjamin entered the Northern empire he hasn't gotten any good night sleep.

First of all, he was worried about Silja's safety and then after she returned the worry about her marriage stole his sleep.

So he was looking a bit haggard and worn out.

Plus after Donovan talked to him this morning he realized that he has taken a hastily step. He should have tried to look into things before falling out with Silja.

So he was constantly worrying about how to make things better again between him and his sister.

That's why he decided to come personally and make things smooth.

"I accept your apology. But only with one condition," Silja lifted her head and said.

"What condition?" Benjamin was ready to accept any condition.

"That you will stop acting like a stranger. You will give me a big hug and become that same brother to me as you were in Atlanea," a smile formed on Silja's lips as she said that.

Benjamin was taken aback as he heard that.

He looked at her with a dumbfounded expression.

He thought that she might ask about accepting Donovan and help her convince their parents but what she asked was different from what he had accepted.

He looked at her with a blank expression for a few seconds before a smile formed on his lips and he stood up.

Silja also stood up and both brother and sister hugged each other tightly.

"I'm sorry. ." Benjamin apologized again. He repeated the words again and again.

"It's Okay brother," Silja pulled back and lifted her head to look at him.

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Benjamin's voice has become hoarse from all the emotions building up in his throat.

Silja saw droplets of tears glistening at the corner of his eyes.

She lifted her hand and wiped them away.

"I missed you brother," she confessed.

Yes, she was missing this brother who was so loving and concerned towards her.

She was missing the bond that has broken in the past few days between them.

"I missed you too," Benjamin nodded seriously.

He was being a bast**d towards her for the past few days.

He has forgotten that instead of trying to do what was best for her he has started to believe that what he would do will always be best for her.

And just today he realized how wrong this thinking was.

As the ice between them melted the awkward atmosphere also disappeared.

Both of them sit down again.

"Don't speak like that," Silja shook her head. Benjamin's methods might be harsh but she knew untimely all he wanted was her happiness.

"No. I shouldn't have interfered in your decision to marry Prince Donovan. With your sudden found abilities I think you will be safer with him than at Atlanea," Benjamin explained.

"Does that mean you are not against this marriage anymore?" Silja asked, a bit surprised.

"Yes, although I still believe that you deserve a better man than the Dragon prince. But since you have chosen him and you like him then I believe in your judgment," Benjamin admitted.

"I'm so happy that you agreed. So will you attend the wedding?" Silja felt happy. 

"Yes, after all, it's your wedding, how could I miss such a big event," Benjamin said with a smile.

"And if I don't attend, who will give your hand away?" Benjamin raised his eyebrows.

Silja felt happy hearing that there was still some uncertainty in her heart about this marriage.

Her parents weren't here and her brother was not on good terms with her.

She didn't say anything to anyone but she was feeling alone. 

This was such a big day of her life and her own family wasn't with her, what could be sadder than that?

She prayed that at least something would happen and her brother would come to her and join the ceremony.

And at last her prayers were heard, Benjamin actually came around.

Soon it was time for Silja to get ready in her bridal dress.

Maids walked in and first helped her make her hair.

With their skilful hand that twisted and turned Silja's hair in a fine bun at the back of her head.

Few strands of hair were kept loose in front of her ears.

Those long red locks of her hair were turned in curls which were now slowly caressing Silja's cheeks.

To add to charm they had added hairpins decorated with pure white pearls from the Atlanea. The pearls were of the highest quality and there were only a few of them in the whole world and now all of them were in Silja's hair.

Silja has a very refined and attractive facial feature. There wasn't much makeup but still, she was a bride so maids did some light make up to enhance her features.

After everything was done, now finally it was time for the wedding dress.

Silja has yet to see the dress.

As she waited for maids to bring the dress in she found her heart beating louder and louder.

As the moment passed by slowly the thought of getting married was slowly sinking in her head and heart.

Everything was so overwhelming for her, she could even feel that she might faint with the way the warm blood was rushing through her veins.

She looked up as she saw maids pushing a big table in.

The dress was covered with white clothes.

Beside them, Genie walked in.

"Sister in law, here is the dress that my brother has a special custom made for you," Genie was already dressed in a beautiful pink long gown. Her hair was flowing down till her waist in wavy curls. 

On her neck, she was wearing the same pink diamond matching her earnings.

Her natural pink lips were making her look pure and innocent.

Silja stood up as she saw her future sister in law.

"Thank you," Silja walked towards her and smiled.

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