Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 189: Silja - The Bride

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Her natural pink lips were making her look pure and innocent.

Silja stood up as she saw her future sister in law.

"Thank you," Silja walked towards her and smiled.

Genie instantly held her hand and hugged Silja.

"You are already looking so beautiful. I'm sure after wearing the dress you will look like the best bride," Genie was even more excited than anyone.

"Are you excited to see your wedding dress?" Genie teased. Silja's eyes were already on the dress hidden beneath the cloth.

"Yes," she nodded her head.

Genie looked at maids and two maids who were holding the dress revealed the room filled with gasps of maids around.

On Silja's face was a bit of shock and admiration. 

Soon the maids helped Silja wear the dress and again the room filled with moans of maids.

"I was the right sister in law. I have never seen a bride more beautiful than you," Genie said with starry eyes. All the people standing around also nodded their heads.

Silja looked like a pure goddess in the white dress.

Her hazel eyes were shining with the newly found shyness of the bride. 

Silja stood tall in front of the full-length mirror.

The woman standing in there was not like what Silja used to remember herself as.

Silja never prefers some high profile dresses or jewellery but Donovan has very different tastes.

Everything she was wearing today was selected by himself.

Everything is of the best quality and rare, making Silja look very glamorous and eye-catching.

Starting from the small Tiara she was wearing on her head to the small pendant she has donned on her neck. 

Even the bracelets in her hand were made of the finest diamond.

For her footwear, there were crystal shoes. Transparent and shiny.

"Prince Benjamin is here, milady," Silja was admiring herself in the mirror when a maid announced.

It was time to go to the venue where the marriage was going to be held.

The venue that Donovan had decided was near the shrine.

Dragon's don't believe in gods but other creatures do and that's why there were many shrines throughout the north.

King Zachary believed that these shrines and churches are the symbols of hope in the believers. So he never demolished it and even spent quite a lot of money to maintain it over the years.

One such holy shrine was located in the outer part of Northcrest city.

General dragons complete their marriage ceremony in the open but since Silja was brought up as a human, Donovan decided to keep the wedding on the holy ground.

It will make Silja feel at home. In the last few days, Donovan has learned rituals that Humans follow in their wedding and he had made sure that they also include all things in their wedding.

There wasn't much difference and both races followed the same ritual to get married.

But still, Silja was very touched when she found out the efforts he had made for her. 

Soon Benjamin walked in and stood behind Silja.

Silja took a deep breath and turned around to look at her brother.

Benjamin was shocked for a second before a smile broke on his face.

"As expected of my beautiful sister," he walked ahead and slowly kissed her forehead.

"You are looking beautiful," he complimented with teary eyes.

"I missed mother and father," Silja was also feeling emotional all of sudden.

"They must have already found out about the wedding. Do you think they will get angry at me?" Silja's forehead creased. From the morning she was thinking about many things and this one particular matter was making her heart uneasy.

"No. They will understand. And how could a father get angry with his favourite child?" Benjamin cocked his eyebrows.

"Right…," Silja nodded.

"Let's go now. We are running out of time," Benjamin held his hand and led Silja out towards the carriage which was supposed to take them to the wedding location.

Donovan and his family have already left long ago.

Genie was the last one to leave as she had taken the responsibility of delivering the gown on his brother's behalf.

So right now only Silja, Benjamin and the soldiers that Donovan has assigned for their safety have left.

For Silja, a big Royal carriage was prepared.

Benjamin held her seat and then walked ahead on his horse. He was leading them.

At the back, Mira and Arla were accompanying Silja.

With hooves of horses, the carriage set in motion towards its destination.

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There was still a bit of light around. The sun was setting slowly behind the horizon.

The curtains of the carriage were drawn without anyone letting them peek at the bride.

Many people of the city knew the route Silja's carriage was going to take so people had all flock around the road.

There was a large crowd as they passed through the castle gate.

After all, Silja was going to wed Donovan, the eldest prince of the North.

Once king Zachary bestows the title of the crown prince to Donovan Silja will become the crown Princess and then the Queen of the north.

Her status will be no less than the king himself.

So how could people miss such a one time opportunity to see the future queen?

Benjamin was a bit shocked when he saw such a big crowd, he was kind of feeling revealed seeing that.

He was worried that even if Royal family members accept Silja, it was even more necessary that the people of the North also accept her.

Otherwise, she will have a very hard time surviving in this land.

Soon the crowd started to get bigger and bigger than it was even hard to move forward.

"Long live lady Silja…" 

"Long live the future queen…" 

The whole place was filled with the chanting of her name.

Silja who was sitting inside was a bit shocked.

She lifted her hand to lift the curtain a bit so she could have a look outside.

"Milady don't," but before she could do so, Mira stopped her.

Silja looked at her with lifted eyebrows.

Mira was still feeling guilty about what she had done and lowered her head.

"There seem to be so many people out there, if you show your face now they will go crazier and it will be hard to control them," Mira explained.

Silja thought about what she said and nodded her head.

"But they are here for me, I can't be that arrogant to not even show them my face, can I?" Silja said and then lifted the curtain of the carriage window.

As soon as she did the same as Mira said, the people went crazier.

Silja saw people waving at her with happiness in their eyes.

There was a wave of happiness seeing that their future queen had made an appearance.

A smile rose on her face as she saw that. Mira wanted to say something but she closed her mouth and kept it to herself.

Benjamin, who was sitting outside on his horse, frowned seeing the uncontrollable crowd.

He couldn't help but feel that something was off.

But he couldn't pinpoint what it was. He wanted to go back and near Silja's carriage but suddenly few people walked and blocked his way making him unable to move forward or backwards.

"Ahh…" a carriage ahead of Silja's carriage, which was moving forward at a very slow speed, suddenly broke down.

Donovan has prepared three similar-looking carriages for safety purposes so no one can find out in which Silja was actually sitting.

But Silja lifted her curtains and revealed herself.

Because of the sudden breakdown of the carriage, the whole caravan stopped.

"What happened?," Silja creased her eyebrows as she asked.

"Let me go out and look," Mira was also worried. She stood up and went out at lightning speed and closed the door behind her.

She didn't say it out loud but she was feeling very uneasy since morning.

As if something very bad was going to happen.

She took a deep breath and then asked the bodyguard standing nearby.

"What's the matter? Why did you stop? We are getting late for the ceremony," Mira complained.

"The carriage ahead has broken down suddenly. It will take time to clear this many people and make away," The man replied.

"Hurry up. We can't be late for the ceremony," Mira said and walked ahead toward Benjamin.

She wanted to ask him for a few more soldiers around Silja's carriage.

Since everyone had already found out which one was Silja's carriage, it wasn't safe anymore.

Silja was still sitting waiting to know what was going on.

From inside she could hear people yelling her name while her bodyguard made way through them so that they could move forward.

Her whole attention was outside and thus she failed to notice a small ball rolling near her feet. The ball was producing a light smell-less smoke that was hard to detect.

Soon the crowd was clear and the carriage again was back to its original speed.

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