Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 190: Kidnapping The Bride

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Her whole attention was outside and thus she failed to notice a small ball rolling near her feet. The ball was producing a light smell-less smoke that was hard to detect.

Soon the crowd was clear and the carriage again was back to its original path. Meera has already returned to the carriage.

With the high speed, they passed the main city and started to move towards the outer part where the Shrine was located.

But the trouble was endless as suddenly the horses started to behave unexpectedly.

They jumped on their hind legs and also neighed as if they were in pain.

There were at least ten riders for security with Silja's carriage. It was very uncommon that all the horses suddenly went on the rampage.

Apart from the horse which Benjamin was riding all the others were raging.

Seeing the commotion they started to run here and there.

Benjamin sensed that something was wrong and he turned his horse immediately in the direction of Silja's carriage but before he could reach there he saw the coachman had already turned the carriage in another direction and he was running away.

Benjamin narrowed his eyes and ran chased behind them.

But he didn't expect that his own horse was tempered.

The horse lifted his legs in protest and neighing loudly and stopped.

No matter what Benjamin did, the horse simply refused to move.

Benjamin cursed and hurriedly jumped off it and ran in the direction of the carriage.

"Go save her," when Benjamin saw that her carriage was disappearing further away he yelled back. 

"Silja…" he yelled but there was no response from the inside.

All the guards have already got the cue and the ones who can change their form were already in their dragon forms to save the princess.

In one go four dragons started to chase the carriage.

But the coachman didn't stop even when he saw that he was going to be caught.

Silja was inside the carriage so there was no way they could use fire to burn down the carriage.

It would have been a different case if some dragon lady was sitting inside. Because most of the dragons are immune to fire but unfortunately Silja was human and if they use fire then she might get burned too.

The carriage was running at high speed in the direction of the forest.

But dragons have already reached the carriage.

One of the dragons flew ahead of the carriage to stop it.

But as soon as the carriage crossed the forest line it disappeared in thin air.


All the dragons and other soldiers stood there in alarm.

In just the blink of an eye, the whole carriage vanished like nothing.

They couldn't believe what they were seeing, in one second the carriage was there and in another, it wasn't.

Benjamin, who was behind them, caught up very soon.

"What happened….." his eyes widened when he found no traces of his sister.


At the wedding location. Donovan was ready in his black coat and white shirt. Which were paired in contrast with Silja's dress.

There was a similar design on his shirt as Silja has on her skirt.

"What happened, brother, you seem to be a little worried," Zivan, who was sitting beside Donovan in the open ground.

The guest has already arrived long ago. Everyone was waiting for a bride to arrive so the ceremony could start.

The sun has already set on the horizon and the whole place has been lit up with colourful lanterns.

There were decorations of different flowers and the aisle on which the bride was going to walk was also carpeted with flower petals.

Dragon's were people of culture and status. It can be seen by looking at the guests who arrived at the wedding.

It wasn't any small event, after all, the guests who were invited were all prominent figures of the North. Donovan has especially avoided inviting local people.

The fewer the people the less the trouble.

Ladies of high class and noble families were donned in their expensive gowns and jewellery, their hands, necks and ears shimmering with expensive accessories.

On the other hand, men weren't any different.

All of them were wearing expensive robs and coats, expensive brooch and pins to decorate their suits. Silk handkerchieves, and expensive jewellery for their necks. 

It was a sight to behold.

Maids were roaming around serving drinks to the guests.

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On the side, musicians were playing wedding songs in a mild melody.

The atmosphere was lively with music, chatters and laughter of people.

Queen Abrielle wore a red embroidered gown, on her head was a crown with the same red ruby.

Her lips arched in a smile constantly as she stood there while people came to meet her one by one.

By her side king, Zachary was also wearing a combination of red and green.

Genie was also the centre of attention as a princess.

The guests were folking around the royal family non-stop.

After all, It was a rare occasion when the whole family was easy to approach and get along with.

This was a time when Abrielle was entertaining them with a smile on her face. It was her son's wedding and she was the happiest mother and for once she wanted to put aside the haughtiness and aloofness of the queen.

She was beaming just like a common mother, and so was Zachary.

After this wedding they didn't have to worry anymore, in just one go they will get a wife for their son and a person who could break down the curse.

Could there be any other day more beautiful than this?

"Is the bride here yet? I'm very eager to see the princess of Atlanea," one of the young women standing not far away from her said excitedly.

"Me too. I have heard that the princess is a rare beauty," the other woman added happily.

It wasn't that everyone was happy with this union but the number was very low. Plus who would dare to show their dissatisfaction on the day of the royal wedding, that too standing between the royal family.

"Of course she is. How could anyone chose by Prince Donovan be not amazing," the chatter continued. Abrielle who was hearing people talking smiled.

"But why isn't she here yet? I'm dying from excitement," the people kept talking one after another.

When those words reached Abrielle's ears she frowned slightly.

It was already time for Silja to appear, so why aren't they here yet?

She excused herself and then walked towards the back where Donovan was waiting.

"Is princess Silja here yet?" She asked as soon as she reached there.

"Not yet," Zivan shook his head.

"Don't worry they will be on the way," Zivan added.

Abrielle felt a bit worried.

"Zivan, send someone to look for them. I think something is not right," Donovan, who was standing beside them, had his eyebrows furrowed tightly.

Abrielle frowned harder as she heard that.

She didn't want to think anything bad but now that Donovan has said that something might be wrong she couldn't help but feel a bad feeling in her heart.

Zivan nodded his head and went away.

"Have you not left enough people for her safety?" Abrielle asked, turning towards Donovan.

Donovan was in charge of all the safety while she and others prepared for the wedding.

"I have. But they are quite late than the original time. I don't know but it feels like something is wrong," Donovan shook his head trying to get rid of the bad feeling.

Abrielle didn't say anything and stood there silently praying for Silja's well being. 

It didn't take long before Zivan returned with a darkened face.

"What's the matter?" Donovan was instantly on his feet as soon he noticed the worry on Zivan's face.

Zivan opened his lips but her throat had dried. He looked at his brother for a second before he peaked out his tongue to wet his lips.

"Princess Silja is missing," Zivan mustered the courage to speak.

Donovan's pupils shrank at once.

"What did you say?" Abrielle standing beside them spoke loudly. Her face filled with horror instantly.

"One of the soldiers who was supposed to bring princess Silja came just now. He informed me that someone kidnapped princess Silja while they were on the way," Zivan added.

"Where is prince Benjamin?" Donovan's head started to work at high speed.

His first thought was that Benjamin must be behind everything.

Donovan already has a bit of doubt when Benjamin has agreed to the marriage in the morning.

"Prince Benjamin is on his way here," Zivan shook his head, removing the doubt of Donovan.


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