Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 197: Silja's Power

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But just in a matter of seconds how could the girl turn into such a fearsome creature.

Not just that they could feel the dark energy lurking in the room.

And that was not something that could go ignored.

"Wh What ..are you?" Gwen took a few steps away from Silja in fear. But Silja was no longer able to hear what was being said. Her whole being was enveloped in her dark powers.

Gwen didn't know how a meek girl could change into something like that.

Gwen took a few steps back in fear and then when she saw Silja was still standing there unmoved she ran and hid behind the two Witches.

"Save me.." Gwen cried out.

"Didn't they say that she is human?" One of the men spoke up.

"She is... She is human.." Gwen has her eyes locked on Silja as she spoke up hastily.

"Go catch her..kill her..kill her now.." Gwen urged them.

Two Witches looked at each other and then moved towards Silja cautiously.

Silja was still standing in the same position with her chest heaving up and down heavily in anger.

As the two-man walked forward Silja's eyes moved subtly in their direction.

One of the witches raised his hand and started to chant some spells.

Silja who detect their movements narrowed her eyes and her lips arched in a smile.

He moved towards her and tried to use his power on Silja.

In response, she just lifted her hand and the man who was chanting felt as if someone is choking him.

"Arghhh…" the invisible force made him suffocate and soon with a swing of Silja's hand he was thrown away.

Without a loud crash, his body hit the wall nearby.


His back hit a wall and then fell down on the floor with a loud bang.

"What in the world…" the other witcher was shocked when he saw the condition of his partner.

The one who was attacked by Silja was laying on the floor with blood flowing out of his nose and ears.

His eyes opened and his tongue out.


After seeing what was happening they didn't dare to neglect Silja's powers.

The other witcher looked at the girl and then at his friend who was laying on the floor unmoving.

And it didn't take him long to understand that it was time for him to ran away.

Gwen who has already huddled in the corner saw him running out of the door and her fear increased.

She also stood up and tried to run out behind him. But before they could Move out the door closed itself, trapping them inside.

The witcher tried to use his powers to open the door but the stubborn door didn't budge a bit.

Silja opened her eyes and looked at them.

"Where do you think you are going?" She asked in her usual mellow voice. But there was something very dark about how that word sounded from her mouth.

Silja's eyes were still dark black but she was not looking lost as before.

Silja didn't know how her powers works but even though she woke up and found herself in this weird hut she was rather calm.

Because she knew that she might not be able to use her powers at her will but they will surely come out if someone tried to hurt her.

That has happened when she was in the dragon creek forest.

Even though she has lost her memories of what happened there Donovan has told her some details.

And also told her that her powers were mostly connected to her emotional state.

For now, that was the only trigger that they knew about.

"So whenever you felt losing control of yourself make sure that you tried to keep yourself in control. That way you will be able to learn more about your powers," he had said.

"But I don't know how to do that," Silja has argued.

"There is no specific formula of doing so. You have to learn from your experience and follow it. Other people can guide you but it's you who has to find your unique ways to understand and use your powers," he explained and Silja nodded her head.

"So next time when you experience your power don't be afraid, try to keep your sanity and understand. Accept the changes in you. Remember, it's all in you, darkness or light all is here," Donovan lifted his index finger and put it on Silja heart.

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Silja nodded and from that day onwards she was looking forward to the day when she could feel that burst of power again.

The last time when she lost control she was with Mira so she was a bit afraid that she might hurt her and that's why she controlled herself but now she has no such fear.

These people deserve to be punished, and she will serve that punishment herself.

Silja walked towards the man and cornered him at one side.

Actually, Silja's has not used her powers yet that much but the way she killed the man with just one swift motion it was clear that she was Powerful beyond imagination.

And that witch has detected it that's why he started to retreat.

"Let me go...it wasn't my intention to hurt you. I was doing this for money," the man tried to plead with his eyes widened in fear.

He was cursing Gwen in his head for making him fall into such a situation.

But how could Silja let him go?

Her eyes that were turned dark were flickering between hazel and dark colours.

Silja was still not in full control, she found herself drifting in and out of her rationality.

She walked towards the man and lifted him by grabbing his neck. As soon as her fingers touched him the man started to feel as if he was being burned by the fire.

"No... argh," 

How could she let any of them go who has harmed her people?

Silja increased pressure on his neck and just in front of their eyes the man started to choke as Silja's hand-dug deeper in his neck. And with just that in a few seconds, the man died without getting a chance to run away.

Gwen yelled as she saw him dying in front of her eyes.

After finishing him Silja turned in the direction of Gwen.

Gwen turned pale as she saw the woman moving in her direction.



On the other hand, Donovan has already caught Gwen's parents.

He was in such a hurry that instead of taking them back to the castle, he started to use his methods of torture on the spot.

And within just a few minutes Duke Mason ended up with all his limbs breaking from two to three places.

The man was a dragon those broken limbs did not kill him but the way Donovan has broken him was very painful.

The whole venue that was supposed to fill with the wedding music was now echoing with the pain full cries from the duke Mason and sobs of lady Helena who was forced to stand there and watched her husband being handicapped by Donovan.

The woman who was being ignorant earlier with a smug face has now turned pale from the grave fear.


They had made the biggest mistakes of their life by offending the eldest prince.

It was now that Helena found how hard it was to fool the prince.

She has thought that as long as they will successfully kidnap and kill Silja there will be no other worries and their daughter will become queen.

But only now do they realise how big of a fool they were.

Let alone never finding out it didn't take Donovan even a few hours to find out about them.

"Kachakk.." Donovan snapped Duke Mason's hand again from above his elbow.

"Agh…" and the man cried out in pain. But still didn't open his mouth

Duke Mason maybe look a bit easily afraid but when he saw that prince Donovan has already caught their lies he knew that it was the end of their family.

By telling or not telling the truth he was going to end up in prison so he decided that he should sacrifice himself to save their daughter.

He only has one daughter and no matter how stupid Gwen as she was still ultimately his child. And what he could do now was at least save his daughter.

All he wished was that Gwen use her brain little this time and run away for her dear life.

Duke Mason was laying on the floor with his whole body bleeding. His eyes has turned bloodshot, while he was spouting blood from his mouth nonstop.

"Please let him go.. please.."Helena cried out again. But Donovan just smiled looking at her.

As a man, he hasn't harmed her but he knew how he could make her speak.


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