Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 198: Donovan's Rage

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"Please let him go.. please.."

Helena cried out again. But Donovan just smiled looking at her. The whole atmosphere has turned chilled under the man's gaze. Donovan was standing there with his hand smeared in blood.

Everyone present in the ground was standing far away from there apart from the king's family. 

Just a look in Donovan's eyes was so frightening that no one dared to make any sound. Even their breathing has turned shallow fear that the man will detect their presence hearing their loud heart beating.

Donovan had torture Duke Mason beyond to the point that it was hard to tell that which part of his body was still intact.

As a man, he didn't harm Helena but he knew how he could make her speak.

Duke Mason was already in a condition where he couldn't even open his mouth to say anything.

Seeing that instead of saying the truth Helena was still pleading for her husband's life Donovan again kicked the man.

"I... don't know where she is," screamed Helena in desperation when she saw how mercilessly Donovan was beating her husband.

"Do you think I'll believe that?" Donovan lowered his head and looked at the woman sitting beside them.

Helana was looking disheveled, her hair that was earlier bound in a beautiful bun were now messy. Her eyes have swollen from all the crying. No one could tell that she was the same proud woman who never let even a single hair from her head go out of place.

"Your highness, please... please tell him to show some mercy," Helena crawled towards Queen Abrielle and held her by legs.

"Lady Helena, please respect yourself and me too. How could you go against the crown and kidnap the Royal bride?" Abrielle was totally disappointed in the woman when she found that it was Helena's family who did such an evil act.

"If you want to lighten your punishment just tell the truth. If we could bring Princess Silja back unharmed, then maybe Donovan would lower the punishment of your and your daughter's," Abrielle advised.

Hearing words lacking even an ounce of sympathy Helena widened her eyes.

She has always maintained a good relationship with queen Abrielle, whenever they visited the capital the queen treated them with respect. But the way all of them were behaving just now was totally opposite.

"Ingrates….you all are ingrates. Throughout the years we made so many contributions to the royal treasury and in return this is how you are treating my family?," Helena has lost it completely. She started to scream hysterically.

Rockshir was a very big port and also one of the big hubs of marine business.

And they also contribute quite a lot in Royal treasury as a tax and in terms of other businesses in comparison to other duchies of the north.

But that doesn't mean that it was a favour from them. What they did was their duty.

Their duchy was under the rule of king Zachary and it was rightful for the King to get tax from his subjects. And in return providing security and many more benefits.

Till date king Zachary has always played the role of their king very well and he has also done beyond his limits.

"What you did was your responsibility not a favour to us," Zivan said with disdain.

"Just because of a girl you guys are ready to go against my family? Then be prepared I will definitely not forget this," Helen stood up and wiped her tears. 

"I will rebel and also unite all the other families of the north against you," she pointed her finger at Donovan and said in anger.

"Huh, how will you do that if I will never let you go out of here," Donovan smiled. It's not that Helena couldn't do what she said but just that Donovan would never leave her out of Northcrest alive. Not unless she tells the truth about Silja's whereabouts.

"Do you think if you kill me no one will be able to do anything? Remember that I'm the daughter of the Harthem family. If you kill me now the whole Grimfront will stand against you in leadership of my father," the woman yelled at top of her lungs.

Whole North empire was made of eight small and big regions known as eight duchies of the North.

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All these different regions were ruled by eight different families. As Rockshir was under Gwen's family.

Icecrain was under the Rochellot family (lord Joshua's family). 

One of them was Northcrest which was not a duchy but capital and the Regalhelm family had Direct control over this land.

And that's how there were five other duchies.

One of them was the duchy of Grimefront. Grimefront was the second largest Duchy in terms of land as well as population.

Lady Helena was daughter of the duke of Grimefront. And that was the reason why the woman was so haughty. 

As a daughter of such a powerful man and after marriage to the duke of Rockshir himself she has enjoyed quite a high profile status and life. 

The way she was being now treated was beyond her limits of endurance.

The power her father and her husband hold in the north was very high and never in the world he has ever imagined that they would face such a humiliation.

Duke Mason was laying there counting his last breath and even though Donovan hadn't touched Helena the way he made her beg was enough for a woman to never walk with her head high in society.

Most of the people have already left but still some families who were actually concerned about the royal family have yet to leave.

And they will make sure that the news about what happened here today will spread across the whole kingdom.

"Are you trying to threaten me?" Donovan who was standing till now walked towards Helena.

Helena saw him walking towards him and started to retreat.

"I'm telling the truth. My father is not present here that's why you dare to become so cocky but let me tell you as soon as he heard what you did to me, he will make sure to take revenge for his daughter." but the woman still hissed between her teeth. Helana wasn't stupid to let Gwen do such things and take such a big step if she wasn't sure about what she was doing. To her no matter what they do to Silja, she was just a Human princess after all and in the world of Dragons, humans hold no other value or use than being slave for work or for physical needs. That was what she has seen till now at her father's house and her husband's house.

So it was beyond her imagination that one day she will face such a humiliation just because of one human girl.

In her eyes it doesn't matter even if Silja was a princess because the human kingdom has always kept themselves away from conflict and thus creating the image of weaklings. Seeing that the woman wasn't still understanding, Donovan decided to try one more time.

"Then let me tell you one more thing. Even if your father found out what I did to you, he won't be able to do anything. By kidnapping the Royal bride you have committed a grave crime. And the punishment of such a treason is death. I have already shown mercy to you by not killing you, yet. But don't test my patience," Donovan squatted down beside her and looked at the woman with his dark red eyes.

"And about your father, I would like to see what he cares about most, his daughter who is a traitor of the Royal family or his own position as duke," Donovan had an evil smile on his lips.

"You…" hearing his words Helena stared at him with her eyes wide.

She didn't know how fearless this man was. If her father decided to rebel, the whole north would turn into chaos. Wasn't this man least afraid of offending those Noble families?

"King Zachary do you also have the same opinion? Are you ready to let go of peace and the relationship you have with my family just for that little human girl?" Helena turned in the direction of King Zachary.

Zachary pursed his lips as he heard that. He already knew that what Donovan was doing would not end smoothly. 

But that was unavoidable as Helena was refusing to tell about the whereabouts of Silja.

Offending two dukes will surely add to their problems but if anything happened to Silja then the loss will be irreplaceable.

Silja was the last hope for all the dragons and he couldn't let her go just because of some feeble threats from ignorant women.

If it means to offend the duke of Grimefront then so be it.

Furthermore, Silja was Donovan's bride and it would be even bigger humiliation for them if anyone kidnapped the royal bride and escaped without punishment.

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