Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 66: Don And Silja

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Silja struggled with her hands and feet but the strong body that was holding her didn't let her.

"Don't struggle," suddenly a husky voice sounded near her ears.

The voice was familiar but Silja couldn't put her finger on where she had heard it.

Slowly she stopped struggling and calmed down.

The man loosened his grip on her and Silja turned around to see who he was.

"How dare you touch me?" She took out a knife she had on her and straight pointed it towards his neck.

But her next words were swallowed by her shock looking at the face of a man.

"You…." what in the world Don was doing there? She yelled in her head.

The man was strange and had a habit of popping out of nowhere and startled her.

"What kind of behaviour is this?" Silja asked as she looked at him with anger.

She was a princess for god's sake.

But this man never takes her or her title seriously. Doesn't he have any mannerisms?

Her big eyes widened even more as she glared at him.

Don looked at her and he could see the reflection of his own in them, clear and crisp.

Those eyes were like mirrors, clean and true. He then looked at the knife which she was holding in his hand.

How Brave!

Looking at him who was gawking at her, Silja pushed him away.

"Don't forget your limits, even though you have saved my life once that doesn't means you can behave however you want," Silja raised her hand and pointed the tip of the knife at him as she spoke.

"Haha," In reply Don let out a laugh. In lightning speed he took away the knife she was holding and played it in his hand.

Silja was shocked for a second before her anger amplified.

"Limits? What about your limits then, princess?" He spoke sarcastically. He didn't know why but when he saw her with that and Joshua speaking and laughing he felt odd senses of possessiveness.

He must admit that the woman has definitely aroused his Interest in her.

"What do you mean?" Silja snapped.

"You are here to marry a prince but I see you flying around many other men too," he said.

Hearing what he said Silja narrowed her eyes.

What in the world did he mean flying around?

"What I'm doing and whom I'm speaking has nothing to do with you," she was here for the ceremony but that doesn't mean that she didn't have any right to talk to anyone else.

"Maybe it does have," Don replied as he pushed her against the wall by holding her from shoulder. He inhaled her unique scent and his heartfelt content again...

"Leave me..." Silja struggled.

"Shh...Don't... I won't hurt you," Don slowly murmured as he touched her forehead to hers. He could feel the refreshing scent that lingers around her all the time. And which calmed him down a bit while soothing each and every nerve of his body. If possible he wanted to breathe that scent every day, each second. The more he inhaled and enjoyed her scent, the more his breathing became rapid.

He was tall and within the close proximity where their breathings were mingling with each other Silja's small body was involved in his. The alley they were standing in was dark and small.

"I…." She tried to speak But Don put his hand on her lips to stop her from speaking.

She froze in her place as she felt his finger on her lips.

Soon she heard a few people passing by from the main road.

Her heart started thudding hard in her rib cage.

Why does it feel like she was having a secret affair? A thought crossed her head.

Silja was shocked by her own thinking.

She wanted to speak but as if someone had stolen her voice not a word came out. Her lips trembled against his finger as she tried to breathe.

Don cursed in his head as the softness of her rosy lips was tingling his heart and he was tempted to taste her.

He didn't want to confront her but he did anyway and while he was angry at her first, now his head was filled with many other dirty thoughts.

But he knew that she wouldn't appreciate them.

Not in this condition at least. The woman was different, never falling for his charm and the way she misunderstood his identity he was sure that one of the bolts in her head was loose, balancing the right and smart one.

While the man was entertaining his own thoughts Silja's head was in mess too.

His hot breathing was falling on her face and her whole face lit up with shame and shyness.

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In her life of eighteen years as a princess, no one has ever tried to do something like this to her. People looked at her with respect and even those who wanted to pursue her also maintained a certain kind of distance and respect.

Where did this rogue come from? She couldn't believe she was stuck in a situation like this. And the worse thing was that she wasn't despising it completely and couldn't resist his charm.

She could feel his warm forehead touching hers and suddenly she started to feel that night wasn't cold anymore.

The warmth seeping from his was warming something inside her.

As she looked at his face from the close proximity she realised that man was really carved from the best mould out there. He didn't have any bad angles at all. Perfect from all the sides, plus his roughness was adding more charm to it.

What was this feeling that was making her feel this way? She asked herself.

But she didn't get an answer in return but her heart denied the feeling strongly.

Soon the trance broke as she realised how impure her thoughts were.

"Let me go…" she tried to speak in a strict voice but the words that came out of her mouth sounded shuttered and pleading.

Don took a deep breath before he let her hand go and took a few steps back.

Silence followed and suddenly Silja felt as if her voice was stolen as she couldn't bring out a single word in front of him. He slowly let her go reluctantly.

"How's your competition going?" After some time Don asked slowly.

She struggled for a while to refute why he was asking her but in the end, she decided not to argue.

"Good," she said.


"What happe.." they both spoke at the same time.

"You first," He said.

"What happened to that witch?" Silja asked gingerly.

"Her body is sent for research," he replied.

"Did you find anything?" Silja asked curiously. Hearing it, Don remembered what Juli had said about the witch.

"Nothing important so far apart from the fact that she was sent by the Witch King," he replied and Silja nodded her head.

"Now my turn. What were you doing with that thief?" He lifted his eyebrows.

"I hired him as my guide, why do you have any problems?" Silja snapped.

"As a guide? Don couldn't help but roll his eyes. Didn't she find anyone any better for the job?

"Yes," Silja folded her hands near her chest.

"What about lord Joshua? Don't you know it's against the rules?" He asked another question.

"Whom I'm talking to and what I'm talking about has nothing to do with you," why in the world everyone wants to know and keep tabs on what she is doing?

"Of course it does," he said.

"How?" She asked while glaring at him.

"You will know soon," he said and gave her his best smile.

"We will see. Move away now," Silja pushed him away and started to make her way out of the alley.

But Donovan held her hand and pulled her back.

"I'm not finished yet," he said and again pushed her towards the wall.

"Who the hell are you to treat me like this? I'm a princess," Silja yelled.

She didn't want to flare up and again do something subconsciously with her power that she later regretted. But this man was pushing her limits.

"Calm down princess, I'm not gonna hurt you," Don replied.

Normally every woman who has shared this close proximity with him would have definitely fell for his charm but didn't know what was wrong with this girl.

Do humans eat some dragon resisting potion?

"You are different from others, how?" He asked.

Silja rolled her eyes hearing what he said. She has heard this countless times after coming to the north that she was different.

Was it that obvious? She didn't know what was so different about her, does it have anything to do with her power's?

Don on the other hand saw her rolling her eyes and smiled.


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