Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 67: The Black Moon Sect Witches

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Was it that obvious? She didn't know what was so different about her, does it have anything to do with her power's? She thought.

Don on the other hand saw her rolling her eyes and smiled.

Would she have behaved the same way if she knew that he is not a common soldier but the prince she was here to marry?

He thought. He breathed a long sigh.

"Stay away from that man, he is not what he shows. I have already warned you once but it looks like you don't understand simple things," Don gave her advice.

"Why do you think I need your advice? And when you warned me about him?" Silja snapped. Who the hell was he to give her any advice? And furthermore, he was the second man who told her to stay away from the Lord Joshua but she couldn't remember when he also said it before. As far as she remembered it was only the prince who told her to stay away from lord Joshua.

"Because you are new to this land and have very little experience of people living here. Given the interaction we had in the past, I'm saying this for your own good," he explained. Silja felt that he was right for a moment.

"I don't need your concern," but she didn't want to give in.

She didn't like the way he behaved and talked to her. How can she be surpassed?

"Trust me you do, if you want to live a better life in this kingdom all you need is my concern and my favour," he said looking straight into her eyes.

"Huh, aren't you talking big? Who are you to take care of me? What is your status?" Silja scoffed.

"Haha, you will find out soon enough," Don replied and leaned in. Seeing him closing the distance Silja tried to move back but her back hit the cold wall without leaving any room to move forward.

The wind was cold since it was a night and it carried a fresh smell of ocean breeze of hers.

The more he smelled that intoxicating scent, the more he felt addicted to her.

The fiery personality of her and those beautiful hazel eyes glaring at him only added fuel to fire.

Making him lose control and do something indecent.

Unintentionally his grip on her tightened.

"You are hurting me," his grip on her hand became so tight that Silja felt that her hand was about to break.

His adam's apple was moving rapidly as he captured her in his eyes while staring at her with those red orbs.

Slowly he let his grip loose.

But he didn't let her go completely. And when Silja thought he was letting her free he leaned over and planted a soft and quick kiss on her chicks. Silja's eyes widened and she froze in her place.

"See you soon, darling," he said before throwing one last glance at her and he left soon after in a big stride.

Silja stood there dumbfounded looking at his leaving back.

Her cheeks became warm and her whole face lit up in a rosy red colour with shame and anger. Her breathing got quicker and she didn't know if she was feeling angry or ashamed anymore.

His strong masculine scent was still lingering in the air.

Only when he walked away out of her sight then she come back to her senses.

What was happening to her? Silja closed her eyes and tried to get back the sanity of her mind before leaving the alley. She lifted her hand and touched the cheek where his lips had just touched and shame enveloped her whole body. She quickly rubbed the cheek as if trying to rub him away.

That night she couldn't sleep properly as only one face kept haunting her dreams.

But she didn't know that it wasn't only her but someone else who had also lost his sleep.

The soft sensation of her lips when he planted a soft kiss was still lingering in Donovan's mind. Only he knows how much resolved it took him to walk away from there.

For Donovan waiting for the woman was a new thing. Because from that start whoever he had laid his eyes on has fallen on his lap without much effort.

But this time the story has changed and he has met the woman who could resist his charm and the power of his status. But the question was how long?

How long will she be able to?

The woman has successfully aroused his attention and now he is determined to get her.

For how long will she keep him interested in her? And what were his true feelings towards her?

No these are the questions which Donovan never associated himself with. For him, the relationship was not much more than bringing the woman to bed. Because no woman has ever been successful to keep his attention after the deed is done.

For him, there were no permanent feelings apart from lust, power, and strength.

He closed his eyes for a moment before putting the thoughts of Silja away and standing up.

There were a few more things to discuss with his father.

Donovan entered his father's room.

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"Good evening father," Don greeted his father.

"Son, you are on time, let's have dinner together," Zachary said excitedly.

"That can wait, but right now I'm here to give this back to you," Donovan said and put down a black wooden box on the table beside his father.

The box was rectangular and had no visible opening on any side.

"Crest?... But why?" Zachary, who was arranging some papers, put them away and looked at his son.

"I don't think it's safe in the castle anymore, we need to find a good secure place for the crest," Don said. They has almost lost the crest when the witch attacked them

"Where do you think it can be more safe other than with the strongest dragon of my kingdom?" Zachary said with a smile.

"That's the problem I think. We are making it too predictable by keeping it on us. We should put it where no one can find out or can locate it," Donovan replied and took a seat beside his father.

"You must have something in mind then," Zachary said. After all, his son never does anything without proper planning or reason.

"I'm not sure, father," Don shook his head.

Zachary pursed his lips hearing that.

"What happened?" Abrielle who just entered the room saw tension on father and son's faces.

She walked ahead and saw the wooden box and she understood what it was about.

"You don't have to worry son, the crest can only be safe with you," Abrielle said.

"But Queen mother…" Donovan wanted to say but Abrielle stopped him mid-sentence.

"Don't doubt yourself," Abrielle put her hand on his shoulder.

"Keep this with you," she said.

Donovan looked up at the woman and he couldn't help but stare at her.

"Aren't you guys trusting my power so much?" Don asked.

He was powerful but not invincible.

"Who said we are trusting your powers? Our trust is in you, in our son, no matter if you are powerful or not," King Zachary replied with a smile.

"Our children are our biggest hope. You are our son and we love you for that," Abrielle replied with a smile.

She put her hand on his and gave a gentle squeeze.

"Alright," Donovan nodded.

"Good," Zachary said.

"One more thing, father," Donovan said.

"Yes, what is it?" Zachary said and Abrielle also took a seat beside them.

"I went to Orphelia's for the results and I found a strange thing. The witch was from the black moon pack," Don replied.

Zachary frowned hearing that.

The black moon pack was one of the powerful sects. All the Witches who belonged to that sect were special and had a very special power. They were one with ancient roots.

But it was rare for people from the black moon sect to join Kruel. All the Witches of this sect never join anyone and stay free. They were powerful enough that no king from any race could force them or hurt them. Not many people know about their whereabouts and it was even hard to find them. They were no less than a myth in some people's minds.

And that is why it was strange that one of the witches from the sect was working with Kruel.

"Do you think he took the whole clan to his side?" Zachary asked worriedly.

If that was the case then the dragons were in grave danger.

"No I don't think so," Don shook his head.

There was no way that that mysterious and independent clan would join kruel.

For centuries they had never chosen to join anyone so there was no way they would join now.


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